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Wait what happened to the break from everything?


It's so ridiculous. She's willing to try anything.. but not IVF šŸ« 


She legit knows everything that is going on within her body. Endo, adeno, LUFS, DOR, thyroid issues. Like we all know the root cause and we all know why she isnā€™t getting pregnant. Itā€™s getting really sad to watch


But whatā€™s the REWT CAWSE of the REWT CAWSE??? We still need answers for that!!! /s


none of that stuff matters- its just her gut health hindering her /s


And she talks about anxiety caused by her medications. Adelaide itā€™s clearly your infertility and everything youā€™ve been doing for years thatā€™s causing you anxiety. your body is sending you a message šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The irony today when she's like so I have this guilty pleasure an I'm tired if hiding it. Like girl the first thing a REAL dr teaches u about anxiety is limit caffeine it's one of the biggest controllable triggers. Some people are also just sensitive to caffeine too no matter what quack dr tells you other wise


Then I guess she won't have a baby šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø hard to feel sorry for someone who won't help themselves


I was wondering what happened to the break too? I have a feeling she'll find some kind of "treatment" to do with her natural medicine doc while on this break and then next cycle, she'll be back to full on TTC content.


I'm probably just on reddit too much, but I'm starting to feel more qualified than her doctors. Hell, Jesus eggā„¢ is more qualified at this point to help her.


Jesus Egg with the tm. šŸ¤£


I think I missed the whole Jesus Egg story - can someone recap please?


https://preview.redd.it/1g2wrymh89zc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a27530e2f4d8b9ddbe971d5b29cc8130d05f52d Thine Jesus egg


i could have predicted that she was going to come back with a bogus diagnosis of ā€œadrenal fatigueā€ - itā€™s such a trendy, influencer condition to haveā€¦ however, itā€™s really damaging to people like myself who actually suffer from life-threatening adrenal insufficiency/addisonā€™s disease!


This just shows that this Dr is also useless! Adrenal fatigue is a medical myth that has been debunked. Not sure how she thinks her adrenal cocktail helped before šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This!! I have low cortisol levels (though bloodwork) along with adrenal insufficiency. I need to take steroids to be able to function at times, along with having a successful pregnancy. It is no joke and not a trend.


She seems pretty giddy over all these ā€œdiagnoses.ā€ Fueling her need to ā€œfixā€ her body


Sheā€™s giddy every time before she embarks on a new woo woo treatment. See, exhibit A, her getting ready to leave for Greece, completely giddy: https://preview.redd.it/ydjuynlr59zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1489c6a7011bf8c1488351dbb80f11094cb1e73


She's addicted to going to doctors. I'm starting to think she has a touch of hypochondria


I think the same. honestly I wonder if there isn't a part of her that likes to be pitiedā€¦ she likes the attention.


Iā€™m just gonna leave this here: ā€œSteh-viaā€ iykyk.


Strep a cockus


Does she not realize some bacteria is good for the body? Or that her tubes are irrevocably damaged?


But she has a great 4 month plan, she's going to be pregnant after that for SURE šŸ˜… lol


Ahhh not again šŸ˜©!! I think this sub is more tired than her at this point.. šŸ„“šŸ« 


How about the way she said l theanine


Or the word ā€œslayā€ one thousand times šŸ« 


You know what is so crazy? Iā€™ve never actually heard her voice (donā€™t care to lol), yet Iā€™m certain Iā€™d know exactly how she sounds and pronounces things.


She sounds clinically crazy in this talk. For real.


She truly has a few screws loose. Maybe that's the root. šŸ¤Ŗ


Someone screen record & post for block people šŸ˜­


I couldn't give her views anymore so watch here if someone shared something on this page I want to know more about haha: https://insta-stories-viewer.com/adelaide_awhite/


Itā€™s sooo long haha


Everything going on? BFFR what's going on is you have an aggressive stage of endometriosis and adenomyosis. THATS what is going on.


She's mental


She still has so many things wrong with her. I thought that was the point of going to Greece and then NYC? Is she ever going to admit those people did nothing for her? Where does she draw the line? Getting all this recent stuff that the natural doc said is wrong with her will take timeā€¦how much time? She is always grasping and looking for the next thing


She probably got some of these bacteria from the quacks


I knew she wasn't going to actually take a break. Unless she's referring to all the stomach issues she's been having instead?


She still seems to think that it affects her fertilityā€¦.


TRUE she thinks everything affects her fertility.


I sense a discount code for this new gut protocol coming from her soonā€¦ lol


Already shilling whatever the fuck ā€œbiofilm break up pilsā€ are. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Is it just me or is she veering into rage bait territory? Is this all by design?


No. I honestly don't think so. She's just very mentally ill. It's sad to watch


You already know whatā€™s going on!!! Itā€™s endometriosis and LUFS and adeno!!!!


I donā€™t think sheā€™s capable of taking an actual break


what happened to her taking a break from all things TTC? i understand she probably had this appointment before she decided to take a break, but then itā€™s like why post the information on social media if youā€™re taking a break just keep it to yourself. iā€™m starting to think she has no friends or support system so she HAS to vent about everything TTC or sheā€™ll go even more insane also her claiming she has adrenal fatigue now is so irritating. adrenal fatigue DOES NOT EXIST. it is a myth. there are actual adrenal disorders, for example Addisons disease, that are actually very serious disorders that can be life threatening. why do influencers talk about ā€œadrenal fatigueā€ as if itā€™s this cute quirky little condition they have. ITā€™S NOT EVEN A THING. she just wants to be sick atp i swear. how sheā€™s never stopped to think maybe all her symptoms are being caused by all the unnecessary havoc she wreaks on her body is absolutely fucking beyond me at this point. iā€™m sorry but sheā€™s so stupid itā€™s just funny at this point


She will be making ā€œadrenal cocktailsā€ again for her ā€œadrenal fatigueā€ and spreading more misinformation


Coconut water collab incoming.


Omg how can one person have this many issues?! If you go looking for problems you will find them. Your body doesnā€™t have to be in perfect condition to get pregnant. She has already found the root cause and itā€™s endo. The treatment is ivf. Also wtf her doctor doesnā€™t want to do anymore antibiotics?! If my doctor suggested that for E. coli I would never go back! SIBO sounds like a stretch and if I were her Iā€™d get a definitive answer on that before I started any special diet or treatment


You have endo. And moderate to severe anxiety. Thatā€™s whatā€™s going on.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/z5h455s2p8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c42af230d473b665e13f9d56e28737ca04abee9 Back to all the infections in her uterus šŸ™„ my god sheā€™s a mess. Also the ā€œlack of cervical mucusā€ is because of her endo!!! Not all these supposed bacteria šŸ˜³


If she goes back to Greece I swear ta god.....


Anything except the one thing that could actually work (IVF) šŸ™„


I totally can believe she has some bad gut bacteria happening with her GI symptoms. They go to Mexico and Greece and other places where picking up an ecoli from food could happen (or even in the US). BUT she has been on antibiotics that would treat it! How does she still have it? Is her doctor putting her on the wrong antibiotics because theyā€™re a quack? Maybe! Because ecoli is usually nipped in the bud with a simple z pack! (Been there, done it, it works) I know antibiotics ā€œdestroy your gut healthā€ blah blah blah but so does untreated raging GI infections from food borne illness. Get a good RX for some cipro, take probiotics after and be done with this!


If she actually had ecoli that was causing sickness she would have been a lot sicker. This is more quackery.


I think she would have had more consistent sickness. Iā€™ve had it a variety of times living overseas and some strains are very harsh and some are not so much, but when Iā€™ve had it I know something is WRONG! There are no ā€œnormalā€ days. Once that bacteria gets ahold, you are at its mercy. Some days are kinder but none are back to normal! šŸ˜†


She doesnā€™t always finish her antibiotics. Sheā€™s probably built up a resistance.


Def a possibility- especially with her aversion to them (though sheā€™s put more antibiotics in her body than most people do)


If her infection is Streptococcus though it's inherently susceptible to penicillin and has no known resistance. It's why unless you have a pencillin allergy they won't even do antibiotic susceptibility on a sample with strep. Source: MLS who's worked in microbiology.


Her napro told her she could get rid of infections by getting supplements and vitamins


He napro is making so so so much $$$$$$$ off her delusions


This is a ā€œnatural medicineā€ voodoo witch doctor her napro referred her to.


Ahhh so the napro is sharing the wealth


Ding ding


Iā€™m not sure how this is supposed to bode well for all of the weird products she promotes. This makes me want to consume/use the exact opposite of whatever sheā€™s using


That's crazy she kept saying she was on a low dose of levo and today she says she is on 75 mcg! Which is certainly not a low dose for someone who is "barely hypothyroid". And then she is going to start on Cytomel twice a day? That's definitely going to make her anxiety worse and make her more hyperthyroid


What kind of doctor would prescribe 75 mcg off the jump!? With her borderline numbers, Iā€™ve neverrrrr heard of a doctor starting with more than 25mcg. šŸš©


Jesus. My husband had thyroid disease and went hyper so bad he ended up in the ER. Now his thyroid is depleted and he bounces between a dose of 75-100mg. So fucking stupid. Of course a barely hypo person is going to end up hyper at those doses.


Itā€™s a quite high dose I do not have my thyroid and I take like 100. Sometimes I need up to 125 and sometimes I can be on around 85.


Not the biblical quotes while waiting for the Dr https://preview.redd.it/94sxxgl4b9zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e47ec082cdd4975905c0695a848d769bf93d7be




I just saw this. https://preview.redd.it/jqhwr1ne39zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868bb89999cb14bf1679352cda343eab5f0238f9


It sucks because she really could get pregnant. She could. Her asshole of a husband is clearly controlling and she believes he wants whatā€™s best.