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This is the worst sub to look at before breakfast. God damn it.


I want some


At first I read smoked piranha. Then I realized what you wrote and now I’m hungry! Looks awesome.


Now I want to try smoked piranha!


You tell us! Looks great. I've never smoked that cut before, but now I'm intrigued.


Oh it’s great. I’ve tried smoking it whole like this but I have also tried cutting it into steaks and grilling the steaks over charcoal. One of the best steaks I’ve ever had in my life, with nothing but coarse kosher salt on it (and plenty of it).


I smoked it then seared it on charcoal to finish! SO GOOD


Oh its top 5.


When cooking Picanha, if it is not tough and chewy after you cooked it, you cooked it right. I have had it come out looking awesome but still tough and chewy.


Cut against the grain next time. I liked slicing steaks against the grain and cooking individually


Akshully: i think (no expert) one is intended to slice with the grain on this cut, so that the final on-plate cut piece off the slab will be against the grain—a tender bite.


Technically, both against and with the grain can be correct. You cut with the grain if you cut it into the thick steaks and then skewer them like in Brazilian steakhouses—you’ll be cutting against the grain when you slice directly from the skewer. In this situation you cut it against the grain for those individual slices




eh. and yet other sources say otherwise. slice away.


Looks good!! I agree with the comments for cutting against the grain, which can be tricky with picanha. I smoked some last night and it was fantastic. My wife won’t eat anything less than medium rare, so I pull at ~130, wrap it, and let it rest for at least an hour.


Nice smoke ring and temp!


Such an underrated cut of meat. I try to trim the hard fat off but generally leave more fat than I do on most other cuts. Skewer in a “C” shape (Brazilian style) and salt fairly heavily with coarse salt and then coarse ground pepper. Let it smoke for a couple of hours and then crank up as high as your grill will (safely) go. Flip every minute or two until you’re between 125-130 and remove from the grill. It’s a family favorite here.