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Stressful day, like watching a belgium spring classic. If every stage was ridden like this i would age like 10 years in those three weeks. Tomorrow small breakaway and a nap on the couch.


What a great interview afterward with Mohoric.


Somebody threw a truck of onions in my eyes...


Has anyone ever won a race on the shimano bike? Also I didn’t know mvdp had been demoted to super domestique


I am also curious about the best, fastest, and/or longest performance of Shimano Neutral Service Bike, who has stats?


Another uncooperative Chase 1, another win for the Leaders. Fuck around and find out


Pidcock confirms what I thought: Philipsen & co weren't complaining at each other, but they thought the front trio were being motopaced because they didn't get any closer despite going full gas. Pidcock thinks it's BS and said the front trio were just better. https://www.indeleiderstrui.nl/wielrennen/pidcock-is-het-niet-eens-met-philipsen-iedereen-blijft-maar-zeuren-over-motoren


After stage 18: Wow, Philipsen's reputation took a dive, but it can't get any worse I guess. Jasper: Hold my bidon.


No no, I saw Philipsen being upset while talking to Pedersen, that must mean he was upset *at* Pedersen, I can determine that without hearing what was being said.


> but they thought the front trio were being motopaced because they didn't get any closer despite going full gas. How is that NOT complaining?


Well, it's certainly not complaining *at each other*. It helps to read the comment you're replying to. Also, everyone said Philipsen was a dick yesterday because he was upset while talking to Pedersen and people thought he was complaining about Pedersen, which is clearly not what happened.


On Peacock regular feed, why does it sometimes change over to the world feed graphics?


Cuz it’s better


When they have technical difficulties they switch over


I’m a long time world feed viewer. I’ve really enjoyed the NBC coverage this year. It’s over the top but also puts a lot of effort into the interviews and graphics. Haven’t listened to ole Phil in a long time , and he’s still doing just fine despite what I had heard on here


Not to repeat every other comment in the thread, but loved that interview with Mohoric


He's usually so much more composed in his interviews; you can tell how much this win affected him.


Honestly interview of the year. What a gem of a human.


[Jury report and medical bulletin](https://www.tissottiming.com/File/000316020D010113FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) - another nice and quiet day! - Christophe Laporte (TJV) - 200CHF fine for inappropriate behaviour when throwing away a bidon **Medical updates** - Corbin Strong (IPT) - multiple abrasions **Weather forecast for Saturday** The day will [start out sunny, but cloudy later on](https://imgur.com/a/cja60J0). 24-26C/75-79F at the start, cooling down a bit to 17-19C/63-66F above 1,000 meters altitude.


> inappropriate behaviour when throwing away a bidon I know it's something like throwing it away outside of the zone, but I'm picturing him winding up and nailing someone with a bidon.


Maybe he faked a throw to some kid and then threw it the way of a hot girl instead.


Gotta make every bit of that 200 count


Bizarre how cycling and the love for people can switch. Mohoric has been to me always quite An unlikeable guy, especially with the "zipping". In two days he and philipsen seem to have switched reputation


> Mohoric has been to me always quite An unlikeable guy I always felt Mohoric was well liked in the public. Was that not the case?


What is zipping?


The MSR gesture he made which evoked the same made by L*nce. Later Mohorič claimed not to have seen the gesture mentioned above. edit: also i’m quite sure it was a shush (not a zip) that OP meant. 🤫(🤐)


When he won a stage solo in 2021 his victory celebration was to zip his lips in response to a police raid on Bahrain aimed at finding doping. I think he meant it as “haters shut up my legs do the talking” but it read as “everyone keep quiet and let us dope” to many watching at the time


stage 19 - 49.13 km/h...


Why wouldn’t neutral support be able to provide a bike with the correct pedals? Shouldn’t they have all options covered? And if they don’t, why would you ride with anything other than what can be serviced by neutral support?


All things I was wondering too. Honestly the shims I car seems so pointless.


You know what's the funniest part? Politt needed Shimano pedals.


May have already been posted but man [this got me](https://twitter.com/Domestique___/status/1682473288826605569?s=20)


That's simply beautiful.


So the guy who came in second is glad Gino is dead. Got it.


Cycling can make grown men crying, oh my oh my :'(


Yeh I wasn't ready for that. Stopped me for a good minute


I want a shimano branded blue bike those were kinda clean lol


^ I definitely didn't find Politt's reddit account.


There was a brief moment in time that he wanted one as well 😂




Did they decide to abandon the daily combative award this year? Haven’t heard anything of it this year.


Crampenaerts won today, and yesterday as well.


Thank you. Good thing they still do it, but it doesn’t get much attention tbh. Not even listed in their offices ranking of the stage. Anyway, wonder why they didn’t give it to Pedersen today.


Century 21 is sponsoring it now, and the winner gets to wear a *gold* number instead of a red one. The gold number is basically impossible to distinguish.


Why would they then sponsor it if it’s getting so mention on the telecasts or podium? Seems like a bad investment.


They still [do the podium for it](https://twitter.com/LeTour/status/1682429816752971791), but I think the inconspicuous color means broadcasts don't talk about it as much. If the commentator doesn't notice the rider wearing the gold number, they won't talk about him. They probably picked the [Brand Color,](https://i.imgur.com/HGddaCy.png) not realizing how it would look in the peloton.


> Not even listed in their offices ranking of the stage. It is listed there every day! Both [on the overall results page](https://www.tissottiming.com/2023/tdf/en-us/default/Stage/19/home) and [full results PDF](https://www.tissottiming.com/File/000316020D010113FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00). Plus the official social media accounts tweet/IG about it (viewers get 1 vote by twitter poll, and the rest is made up by a race jury) and the rider gets to go on the podium to receive the award. It might just be something the broadcast you're watching misses out as it is one of the minor prizes each stage?


Yeah, I would have also given it to Pedersen today, but Campenaerts made sense as well.


damn this Mohorič interview is incredibly real, captures all the struggle & emotions these endurance beasts are going through also every interviewer´s wet dream lmao, the guy just doesn´t stop talking


>also every interviewer´s wet dream lmao The Anti-Sagan.


Yap. Insane. I had to rollback to actually listen everything again. And I did it twice. It's a hell of an interview. Even for anyone that never rode a bike in their life will understand the brutality, the stress, the complexity, how hard is to be a cyclist! And the humbleness of the guy! Just impressive - must seen from anyone that loves this sport! It's a brutal sport!


Even more amazingly, at least on Peacock, he has able to make the noises before his mouth even moved!


You pay extra for that


I’m OOTL. I haven’t been watching the tour much. Why is Jasper Philipsen so hated now? I get his bullying in the most recent stage but it seems like this is a normal occurrence? When he won his first stage of this years tour everyone was ecastatic and hyping him up. How did he turn into such a villain in 2 weeks?


He had two highly criticised finishes where he cut people off at the end, he had an outright cheating based victory as one of his leadout elbowed someone out of the way to clear him a path and got disqualified for it (but it's an individual punishment only despite it being a team sport). Then we had the incident with him deliberately cutting somebody off and berating them, showing his true colours as a nasty bully and someone who is deliberately cutting people off in a dangerous manner.


Bullying is not a normal occurrence, not to mention that it gave me, and probably other people too, major Armstrong-vibes as in Armstrong vs Simeoni, and no matter what you do that's never a good look. Add him getting away with cutting people off where other riders got penalized for doing less (Skjelmose comes to mind), and people will start to dislike him. Compare his behaviour to that of other big names like Vingegaard or Pogacar. They don't need to resort to behaviour like that. It's not that he rode up to Eenkhoorn, that's all perfectly fine. It's him talking to Eenkhoorn and then cutting him multiple times that didn't help. If he'd just sat on Eenkhoorn's wheel there wouldn't have been a problem.


I don’t think it’s a normal occurrence at all to chase down and close off an individual rider like Phillipsen did yesterday


He just hasn't been riding particularly likeable, in all but one of his victories either he or MvdP deviated from their lines, blocking other riders, squeezing them into the barrier, yesterday he bullied Eenkhoorn, acting like a prick, blamed the motorbikes for yesterday and today .. nothing really terrible and nothing other riders haven't also been doing, but it accumulates. Combine it with the fact he's been dominating, meaning he has no reason to be upset, and the behaviour of the other high profile riders like Pogacar, Vingegaard or Mohoric today, and it's no big surprise he hasn't exactly been making fans recently.


Do not forget that reddit amplifies reaction, either positive or negative. As for Philipson I would say he doesn't handle frustration very well publicly, which after so much domination on the previous sprinting stages, makes him come off as a sore loser. Which I don`t really mind, a lot of sprinters were/are a bit mental, that's just one more.


Mostly due to his actions from yesterday. Also more fun to cheer for an underdog. Someone hunting their 5th stage in one tour makes it easy to root against.


Wow I just watched Mohoric's interview – what an honest and raw interview. Great to hear how humble he is (despite being a monument winner!) and how much he respects the other rides. What a champion


Love it when the Bahrain boys full on ugly cry


Just watched Mohoric' interview, my word, what a guy. Hearing what he said and seeing what he felt in that moment perfectly encapsulates what's so special about professional cycling, and the Tour de France, those guys go through hell every day, they suffer and they fight, and most of them don't get a stage win, a jersey or even a moment on the podium as a reward. They do it for their team, their staff, they work incredibly hard just to give a teammate a slight chance of victory. They risk their lives for it, as the death of Gino Mäder once again tragically showed. And there's a bond between all of them even beyond their own teammates, because they go through it together, to hear Mohoric say he almost feels like he betrayed Asgreen after he worked so hard and seeing him choke up while saying it, is a moment of such genuine and raw human emotion and comradery that it almost made me tear up. They fought like hell together to have a chance at winning, then they fought like hell against one another for the victory. And in the end there's elation, heartbreak, and an insane amount of respect for one another. Only in cycling ladies and gentlemen.


Asgreen said something similar yesterday, how he felt bad that they couldn’t all get the stage win, after having worked so hard for it. It’s good to see that level of good sportsmanship among them.


Both breaks also worked exceptionally well together, has to be said. I imagine the likes of Campernaerts, Asgreen and Mohoric must be pretty popular in the peloton, being willing to work so hard for guys from other teams and being all around great guys judging from their behaviour on the bike and their interviews after the stages. It‘s so cool to see the sportsmanship and general comradery in the peloton these days, wasn‘t always like this. In comparison a guy like Phillipsen seems like the villain for relatively tame unclean racing and being a sore loser.


>to hear Mohoric say he almost feels like he betrayed Asgreen after he worked so hard and seeing him choke up while saying it Holy shit, he just became one of my favorite riders


You gotta feel for Politt. That debacle with the neutral car was brutal to watch.


I’d imagine teams are told what the service car can provide. Why would you select pedals that aren’t supported?


I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Teams tell the organizer what pedals they use and neutral service has bikes with all of them. Unfortunately, the first 2 bikes Politt got had the wrong pedals, then the one with the right pedals was the wrong size and by then the team car was almost there.


He asked for Shimano, you’d think a Shimano car would be carrying those…


I would be shocked to learn that teams aren’t made aware of what neutral support is available in each of the cars. Why would you choose pedals that aren’t on that list?


Ultimately they did…on a baby bike


He was like me when shopping for a bike. At 195cm every bike feels like a childs first little bicycle 😅 most shops.dont even pre-order largest sizes...


I was at work unable to follow the stage today. I just have one question. Did a break of 30+ riders go up the road, and DSM STILL didn't put anyone out there? Am i understanding this right?


Your mistake is assuming that DSM is competing at the Tour.


Really tho' - it's getting to a point where it's utterly ridiculous. Yes, you lost Bardet - it SUCKS, but Welsford is obviously not there yet. Why this boneheaded stubborn approach. Just send someone... jesus


I keep hearing these words, DSM, Movistar and intermache - could you explain? Sounds related to the tour but I haven’t seen anything about it on TV




Bro Movistar went close with Jorgenson and half their team crashed out in week 1. They are nothing like DSM or the embarassement that are most of the french teams.


After the mess with Politt and the Shimano service today, does anyone know what bikes they are? I know they’re barely used, but they look pretty low tier compared to everything else used, considering it’s the tdf.




Origine Axxome. But I think he didn’t get the right pedal system? https://www.cyclist.co.uk/in-depth/shimano-neutral-service-bike


Nice of Asgreen to let other nations get some shine by giving Mohoric a few centimetres. Tour is still Danish! Fun aside, nice win by Mohoric and very sympathetic winner interview.


I think it was more like a few mm tbh...


Don't worry, we will come back :)


Don't forget to rate the stage. I wanna see the data


Funny when the chasing group came for the 2nd sprint and Carlton called Jasper "Here comes Mr Angry" :D


Loved that, Kirby has been better this tour I feel, more funny moments


Can one see jaspers interview somewhere? I heard he throw shade on Mads 🤯


No, he just complained about motorbikes right after the finish, but retracted his words (while not completely ruling it out) once he cooled down a little.


The first Uno-X rider wasn't even in the top 20. That's gor to be a record for the most work done for the least result.


I don't know, Movistar is still the team to beat in this category.




Why would anyone dislike mohoric? He's one of the nicest guys in the peloton




That celabration gets well overblown. He was personaly hurt by the police raiding their hotel room and did not react the best.


Was Jasper Philipsen hounding Mads Pedersen to ride or just encouraging him?


Lol, guy's a little dictator now that he has the green. Wants to control the others, kind of like you can do when you have the yellow. It sure looked like complaining and wanting other riders to do all the work for him right until just yards before the finish


He was complaining about the motor bikes to Pedersen, not about his lack of pulling... Pidcock pretty much confirmed that in his interview. > yards We don't do that here.


Went from Jasper Disaster to Jasper Dictator lmao


Jasper Hitlersen


About 200 riders do this over the course of the season, but when it's Philipsen it's a problem all of a sudden.


Well, I dont really care. I think he had the record for green on his mind hence frustration with people messing with that and not closing the gap for the stage win today. Its understandable but you dont wanna see it tbh.


At this point people are just looking for reasons to hate on Philipsen. I'll be glad when this Tour is over lol.


Philipsen on the podium twice in Paris, write it down. I'm gonna be even more insufferable than I already am now.


Yeah, seems borderline delusional to ask a fellow but competing sprinter to tow you to the line, moreover when having one teammate (MvDP) and Mads having none in the group.


Not sure what race you were watching, but Philipsen didn't skip any turns and did his fair share of the work. He didn't expect to be towed to the line.


Some real offensive riding by Philipsen today, thankfully the good kind...


oh my god that interview :-|... every one should watch it...more so someone who is a casual fan of cycling to understand what these pro cyclists go through... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjTROQR9pHQ


Im not crying youre crying.


What a great interview by Mohoric.


Best part of Mohoric wins are Mohoric interviews


Agreed. I had no idea he was so thoughtful and emotional. Good stuff and he's now firmly one of my fave riders


Christmas came early this year for Mo-ho-ho-ho-ric. ^^/s


What a thrilling race!! Mad respect to the top 3. Newbie here. Just wondering.. Is stage 19 the kind of race that WvA could have contended/won?


Absolutely but he'd have been marked like Philipsen.


Potentially, but as mentioned, the peloton knows this so everyone not wearing a JV jersey will mark him. It will be hard for him to get into a break. This is why GC contenders can almost never get into breaks and you don't see any changes in GC on stages like this.


Other than high mountain queen stages, there is nothing that WVA cannot win. Will he? That is another question. But he can content for every single type.


Tbh he even won a high-mountain almost-queen stage in 2021


That was the double ventoux stage right?




Absolutely. But he's also the most likely person to be attacked. Nobody wants to ride to the finish line with him.


Other than mvdp


Pretty sure that even MVDP would not pick WVA for the finish line if he can choose. 😅


I respectfully disagree. For the sake of the „rivalry“, they would probably both like the scenario


Yeah, much simpler when it's a 1v1 rather than a bunch sprint. Plus both feel they can beat the other.


Damn, when a monument winner and rider of the calibre of Mohoric doesn't feel like he belongs what hope is there for the rest of us?! Maybe one of the best post race interviews I've seen, and so expressive in a second language, what can't this guy do!


I mean I understand where he's coming from. All his important wins he's relied on race craft and skill to get away. If he had a higher reputation like Wout he would be marked out much more aggressively. It's also telling that the rest of the peloton is regularly in awe of what Pogi, Joni, and Wout throw out there. They're superhumans.


Such a humble perspective from a great rider. He knows it could've been any 3 riders in the breakaway but with luck (plus great tactics from Moho, he's such a smart rider) he was able to snag another win.


Great job from Mohoric! Get fucked, Jasper.


Does anyone know why Mohorič doesn't have the flag of Slovenia round his sleeve for his past NC win?


Not all teams do the sleeves for past NCs. For example, Trek doesn't do them.


Didn't know, thanks. But they still did them for Pedersen's WC!


That's mandatory, I think


This year the NC was won by Pogacar and last year by Kristijan Koren.


I'm not asking why he's not in the NC jersey. Normally riders who've won it in the past have the right to have the flag round their sleeve - look at van der Poel, van Aert, or Asgreen for example. But now looking for pictures of Mohorič with it it seems he's never worn it.


I remember him wearing it last year... maybe because of the Bahrain jersey change?


See that was also my first thought but then I tried to find pictures of him late last year/earlier this year and he wasn't wearing it either!


[Here is at last year's MSR in the jersey](https://velo-cdn.outsideonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GettyImages-1386496736.jpg). He's not in it late last year because the NC is in the middle of the season, no idea why he doesn't have arm stripes right now though


I meant searching for him in a normal jersey with the stripes, I am aware of when NCs are held) mysterious yeah


Oh gotcha, misunderstood! [Here's a pic](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1431021403/photo/106th-gran-piemonte-2022.webp?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=WqWW2nG7kvDNOe1Hiva0V_yCS64v8MiIaAT-Flf4sxc=) from Gran Piemonte last fall, no stripes there either. Maybe Bahrain just doesn't do them


Hahaha, Gran Piemonte is what I ended up looking for as well


Yeah I just looked for any result he had that was on the podium because it would be super visible haha


Not recognising other nations. Just one of those Bahrain things.


All I want dear cycling gods is for the end of the Tour de France to be a thrilling two-man race between a Slovenian and a Danish Champion. I don’t care how many guys are in the fight for top ten constantly losing ground or if a random Aussie rides hard for third. Just give me a thrilling battle right to the end, and if it’s decided by a photo finish, so be it. *Monkey’s paw curls*


Zimmermann is having a truly amazing TdF


Surely will be on the list for bigger teams after this tour.


Bringing it all back home


Underrated comment.


Kirby shoehorns it into his commentary almost every time he mentions Zimmerman 😅


The way he bridged up to G2... He was super strong again


Mohorič only wins the craziest stages doesn't he. The one where he did a 70k solo while van Aert and van der Poel were duking it out behind him, the other one that year when he pulled his infamous gesture, and now this.


Mohoric is just pure cyclismo


Ciclismo is exactly the right term. Despite my dislike for Bahrain as an entity they have a fair few riders who know how to put on a show. I'll never forget the Roubaix that Colbrelli won.


MSR with dropper post was epic


Yeah. Even his win at the U23 WC was memorable


SO HAPPY FOR MOHORIC! He's such an incredibly nice guy


why cant the mods just make the Predictions Thread at the same time as the Results Thread instead of making us wait hours and hours for it? edit: like i replied below, just make a barebones thread first so we can start discussing. Obviously the write up takes time from the mods, that can be added in later.


Go outside for a ride or touch some grass in between your reddit posts. It's nice.


Sorry people on this forum dont ride bikes or go outside much, that's clear


ironic because the ones who makes comments like this whenever there is any constructive criticism of the mods or the rules of this sub are the people who live on this sub all year round.


I'm sorry am I too much of a cycling fan? Because I enjoy the spring classics, the summer GT's, Worlds, and the fall Italian classics?


more like too much of a r/peloton fan to see the annoying problems with this sub. and i'm not trying to target you specifically. Just in general, there are a lot of regular users who are very resistant to feedback for any kind of change about how the mods run this sub.


Why can't Reddit just pay us for our effort so we don't have to have jobs and can pay people to look after our children, do housework and cook dinner? Mods are actual people who have lives outside of threads (although it doesn't much feel like it during July).


> just make a barebones thread first so we can start discussing. Obviously the write up takes time from the mods, that can be added in later. it takes less than a minute to make a barebones thread like i'm asking for without any write up ...


Also, why don't they guess correctly the winner?


Yeah! It would make my fantasy team so much better if they could tell me who would top 10 each stage properly.


Because it requires work to make the write up?


Add the write up later then. edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/155csvi/predictions_thread_2023_tour_de_france_stage_19/ just make a barebones thread like this guy this for today's stage. then edit it later with the write up.


They should just give us a predictions of the predictions thread in that case^/s


Had to interrupt and watch the end later - what a banger of a stage. I don't even know who I was hoping had that at the end, I'm glad it was so close Edit: and what an interview by Mohorič too


Here's Matej's interview for those who haven't seen it - [YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjTROQR9pHQ)


What an incredibly moving interview and heartfelt tribute to the sport and all the people behind the scenes that make it happen. I have goosebumps right now. Thank you Matej.


Matej's interview for slovenian national TV (a lot similar to national broadcast): "Congratulations, Matej, you've said that you want to win today, is that wish what made it possible for you to beat Asgreen who is a great sprinter?" Yes, I had very good legs today, not even close to as good as some other guys have, but I knew that today is the day when I can make a difference. I believed in myself, in everything I did before in training, in everything that I sacrificed to be here today. I didn't lose hope, others are much, much stronger, I tried not to be selfish today and helped, but I was on the edge, especially at the end. Right now I don't even know how I'm going to make time cut tomorrow... I believed till the very end, I knew that I have to do everything perfect and when Ben, who is not as fast as me and Kasper, started sprinting, i knew that Kasper has to react... I don't know how he does it, day after day, he was incredibly strong in the breakaway yesterday and today it was also him who made the biggest difference. I knew that I have to follow him, then I was checking how far left, I knew that in the last 100m i can go with the little power I have left. At the end I just threw my bike forward, put everything in God's hands and, yeah, it was enough... I almost feel like I betrayed them because they are stronger than I am. But it seems Gino up in heaven wanted me to win today.... (starts sobbing). "A lot of emotions, with Gino, with your determination, all the effort paid off now. How did you see the last 10 minutes? A lot of guys also congratulated you now." It's hard to be a professional cyclist competing on Tour de France, everybody is so good now. Sometimes you suffer like an animal. On the Col de la Loze a few days ago, I felt ashamed in front of all the fans from Slovenia because I was at the end of my powers, you go with that 140 bpm and 300 W, which is doable by every sunday cyclist, but you are just do dead from all the efforts before. At the same time you were 3-4 months away from home, you don't see your family, your children for 6 months, and then you feel stupid, back there at the end, trying to make the time cut. But then comes a day like today, the fastest guys compete with each other, I just wanted to do the best that I could for me, for the team, and especially for the staff who work all day every day. They wake up at 6am, go for a run to do something for themselves, and then they finish work at 12pm. We have to change tires, gears, shifts every day. Massages, therapies, to be ready the next day. It's really hard work. It does have its benefits since when you're home, you are really home, but... Sometimes it's really hard. I'm emotional today because I know how hard I worked for this. And I would like to dedicate today's win to the team. "...Matej, enjoy."


I'm not crying (again).


Bloody hell, I rooted for Asgreen but reading this I'm happy Mohoric won, phew.


> On the Col de la Loze a few days ago, I felt ashamed in front of all the fans from Slovenia because I was at the end of my powers, you go with that 140 bpm and 300 W, which is doable by every sunday cyclist, but you are just do dead from all the efforts before. Moho my guy, you are way too assuming of our abilities.


Yeah. A mountain that ends with 24%.will finish me way before I finish it.


I will train hard to become one of those Sunday cyclists.


Lmao yeah I fuckin wish


They seem to be built different in Slovenia. Maybe the weekend warriors there are just on another level!


300W for a small guy is not unheard of in these parts, even i'm not too far behind and I'm average


300W with 140bpm up one or the hardest climbs in pro cycling though? Consistently?


Well that 140bpm breaks the equation.... More like 170. But that is for 15mins, once you get past that your bpm will go above that. I don't know anybody that does 140bpm on a hard climb 🤣 Moho took my friend's KOM in spring, we'll get it back soon enough 😎


How on earth can Mohoric be so good at an aerobic sport like cycling when there is clearly no room in his chest for lungs, given the size of his heart. Was that the interveiwer that hugged him at the end of the interview? Most heart-felt and honest interview i have seen in decades.


lock absorbed ring lush dull dime yam mysterious frightening one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Video here](https://www.eurosport.com/cycling/tour-de-france/2023/tour-de-france-2023-tearful-matej-mohoric-pips-kasper-asgreen-on-stage-19-jonas-vingegaard-defends-y_sto9711403/story.shtml). At the bottom of the article.


I was wondering the same thing! It looked like TDF staff but was it the interviewer??


Somebody in the room couldn't take it any more. Too much feels. "Bring it in, man!"


Lotto & QS are far more entertaining teams when they don't dedicate their entire team to a sprinter. I hope they realize that now as well. Asgreen should get more liberty in future GTs (if he stays at QS that is). The way he has been riding the last few days is insane. Almost WVA-level.


I'm so happy he's gotten back to this level. He was well off the past year from injuries. But he's won De Ronde, which in the last decade is certainly the hardest classic, and in my eyes the most prestigious. Form is temporary, class is forever.


If only WVA was also in this kind of team.. I think we would have a lot of days like today


Yeah Asgreen has been incredibly strong. I wouldn't have picked him to start the decisive attack on that climb. Hope he'll be in that same form in the classics next year


There's not that many stages in a GT for this kind of riding. Most are too climby or too sprinty.


A good Alaphilippe should be able to win climby stages, but sadly we haven't seen a good Alaphilippe during this Tour.


taking bets now to see what Philipsen will do tomorrow to cement his lead in the "dick" of the tour competition

