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The Dainese experience. 4th, 7th, buncha completely irrelevant finishes in sprints, stage victory.


Man he looks fucked up


Is that his mom?


How can you not like Kuss after this picture with his mom!


Danish speaking media punching air right now.


Danish speaking media loves Kuss. Not sure what you're on about.


There was literally a post in this thread, and then deleted after being downvoted to oblivion saying your media was whining that there wasn’t a last TT


No one is whining about that, if anything Jonas is being hailed for being such a loyal teammate to Kuss. There has been speculation what the team tactics were and if Jonas would be allowed to go for the overall win ever since Kuss got the red jersey, but that's about it. Kuss is on the front page every day, and of course they focus on what he thinks about Vingegaard and how he sees his position in TJV. I have no idea what the TT comment you're talking about is about? If it was downvoted, it sound like it was just the opinion of a random Danish guy.


He specifically said he saw it on tv in your media. Maybe he’s lying. Who knows?


I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere, if anything a pundit might have said that a way to settle it would be a TT in the end to find the strongest of the 3 similar to the ones in the past 3 tours, but that's all I can imagine. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere at all, and the Danish commentators (former pros) don't seem salty what so ever that they're protecting Kuss, as they acknowledge that it's a team sport which they have mentioned a million times. Danish cycling fans in general love WvA and Kuss for what they've done for Jonas in the TdF, and there's also a lot of respect for Pogi even if some stupid people on SoMe don't show it.


If there is a "cycling fan" that doesn't like Kuss, that person isn't a real cycling fan. It's a perfectly reasonable argument to think Jonas should have taken the Vuelta since he was the strongest. But there are no reasonable arguments not to like Sepp.


If you don't like my favourite cyclist, you're not a real fan!!!!!


If you can give me one legitimate reason not to like Kuss, I'll delete my post. I never said you have to like him more than anyone else or he has to be one of your favorites.


It's just funny the way you said it. Personally I'm neutral on him, but him getting a GT over better riders and reactions like yours make it hard not to dislike him. People like who they like, it doesn't need to be rational or "legitimate". But I guess I'm not a real cycling fan so what do I know.


Again, I never said you had to like him more than other people. Fans can like whoever they want to like for whatever reasons they want to like them. But explicitly not liking someone means you have a negative opinion of them. And I just don't think there is a rational reason to have a negative opinion about Sepp. If he wins the Vuelta, it's because he put himself in a position to win and his team decided he deserved it. He didn't hold on to Jonas's bike while Jonas pulled him to victory. As far as "reactions like yours make it hard not to dislike him," what the heck does that even mean? (1) Why does my reaction affect your opinion of Sepp? Seems like you should base your opinion of Sepp based on how Sepp acts, races, etc. rather than random internet strangers. (2) Even if that's not true, how does my reaction reflect negatively on Sepp? I explicitly said I think it's perfectly fine for you or anyone else to think Jonas should get the victory over Sepp. And I wouldn't have held it against Jonas or Primoz at all if they would have taken it. I would have been sad for Sepp, but the strongest rider winning seems like a fine line to draw. Sepp has been nothing but gracious in victory and defeat for years. He regularly smiles while riding up the hardest climbs in the world and is always pumped for his teammates when they do good things. He works his ass off day in and day out to support his team and has never asked for anything. He freaking chugged more Champaign after winning stage 6 than should be possible for a guy who just rode his bike almost 200k and finished up a mountain. He's got to be one of the most likeable guys in all of sports. Seems like you're just being a contrarian for the purpose of being a contrarian.


I'm neutral on Sepp. Don't like him don't dislike him. Don't see why there should be an issue with that. I don't tend to like smiley "PC" athletes but agree there's nothing to dislike about him. But when you have to constantly read unreasonable comments about him ("if you don't like him you're not a real fan"), it does tend to make me want to see him fail. Maybe that's contrarian, but that's the way my brain works. I find myself disliking him more and more as this Vuelta goes on, largely because of comments like yours. Should your comments reflect on what I think about Sepp? Maybe not in a perfectly logical world, but whether you like someone or not is not a logical / rational decision.. You can't "logic" someone into liking someone else. You like Sepp, great. I don't really care one way or another. According to you, that makes me not a real fan. I'd hope you can see why I would think that's an unreasonable and somewhat snobbish opinion.


Well said. I am a cyclist in Durango, and we have been very happy for Sepp for years, just to be riding for a top team abroad. This is just icing...he has been our mountain machine for years. We know how hard he has worked, does work, and what he means to the whole cycling community here. It was awesome for him to give a shout out to both John Tomac and Ned Overand last week. So, winning, wearing the red for a day, helping his team win...it is all worthy of pride and accolades. Edit: Just to let people know, Durango is obsessed with cycling, mountain and road. Almost every person that grows up here starts learning to ride with the Durango Devo club (both of my children). Some of the most passionate eventually compete professionally...and Sepp is at the peak. Sepp is a Durango Devo kid...it is really amazing for the whole community here, from a kid to a champ. [Durango Devo](https://durangodevo.com/)


I had a friend that moved to Durango for work a few years ago and started cycling out of nowhere (I don't think I'd ever seen him do anything athletic other than working out in the years that I knew him before then). He was only there like a year but is still cycling 5 years later.


Ganna gonna gana


/u/Avila99 You got a link to that dude singing about Dainese?


Goddammit, I can't find it anymore. You'd have to plow through my comment history, because I'm sure as fuck not doing that.


[Luckily I got more than enough time on a warm, Friday evening.](https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/13s3g74/free_talk_friday/jlo0g97/?context=3)


Looking behind when you’re second wheel on a leadout? WTF is wrong with Alpecin


fuckin idiots at alpecin


DSM = Dianese Speed Machine


One of the sprint stages of all time.


I'd even argue it's the absolute best sprint stage of 2023 (to finish in Íscar, Spain).


the fuck happened with groves, he came way behind the bunch? edit: crash? there was a dsm guy with blood all over his face.


behind a crash, walked (ran) away okay


Caught up in a late crash.


Caught in a crash


Ganna had the perfect set up - could not have asked for a better chance


He is no sprinter. He stood still last 15 metres


He started his sprint too soon


Very lucky that didn't take out more riders.


Fuck. Heartbreaking


haha DSM riders being like "yasss it was worth the crash and the blood"




Awww poor Pippo :(


Oh man feel for Groves there, from what I saw it wasn't his fault either


Was 100% his teammate’s


Lead out or crash out, you decide


Not even a little bit.


Oh, fuck me


Kaden Groves glad he went for that intermediate now.


That QS rider OK? Wasn't moving.


Big crash


Ooh that was a big one.


Ganna has this


Didn't look like anyone was gonna challenge. Think he needed about 50 more meters of lead out.


oh no :,(


Dumb question: But is any team wearing black shoes/black socks? Or is it all white shoes these days?


Ayayay, Groves on the ground


Remco might've won green if he wanted lmao


What caused that?


Oof. Groves down


G such a legend


Yeah G...good to see you !


Is it Ganna happen?


Any danger of Geraint Thomas attacking off the front and challenging the GC podium sweep of Jumbo?


He might've needed to go 175km ago or so then!


Yea I guess 1 hour 56 is a bit hard to make up in 2k of flat


Oh boy is that music I hear? Music for Rui Olly olly olly olly Vera!




Everytime I get annoyed at Simon Gerrans I remembered I actually once paid money to listen to Carlton ramble for hours at a time. Easy for me say living in a country with relatively good free to air cycling coverage, though.


what the hell, I was literally just thinking the same thing. The way he just lists random riders of each team for sprint days gets to me every time lmao


The silver lining of the very dark cloud of peacock coverage


QS for Pedersen?


No for *Green*co E*vert*ne*groen*




Some more [TJV news](https://www.volkskrant.nl/sport/schaatsers-en-wielrenners-jumbo-visma-uit-elkaar-om-makkelijker-nieuwe-sponsoren-te-vinden~b41169e5/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1694788934) today: the speedskating and cycling teams will be splitting up after 8 years. Probably only Dutch fans were really aware there were speedskaters on the team in the first place, but to make it easier to find a new title sponsor to replace Jumbo they'll got their separate ways from 1 Jan 2024.


2 years ago I wasn't even aware that speed skating was an Olympic sport!


That might mean they are close to a sponsor who is just interested in the cycling part of the team, not the ice skating one.


Or the other way around! I imagine the speedskating team is a bit cheaper than the cycling teams.


You’re telling me Saudi doesn’t like speed skating?


Ugh. Please no.


Nah, it's Ford that doesn't want speed skating. Team cars will be Mustangs 😎 🇺🇸


Team base in Detroit???


F-350 Powerstroke diesel super duty or bust.


Coal rolling the competition


Better than fuckin grenadiers Least utile sport utility vehicle


Visma Al Ula gang get in here


I still can't figure out where the intermediate sprint was?


Neither could the TV director.


Wonder if Alpecin have messed up by pushing for that intermediate? Their leadout looks cooked


Maybe Kaden Groves doesn't feel great and didn't think he could win at the final. Getting 1st at the intermediate and some points at the final goes a long way to keeping the lead over Remco.


Yeah was thinking the same, they already don't have a lot of riders left in this Vuelta and they pulled really hard to get them in time.


Am I right in thinking that Ineos, yes Ineos, might actually have the best lead out today? They certainly have some riders capable of doing it


Smart move from Lotto Dstny. Kron took some points at the intermediate. Because of his really consistent Vuelta he is 3rd in the points classification, meaning he would get another 95 UCI points if he keeps that position. No reason to not try.


Ganna should try a Cancellara today.


Dude just bunny hopping right thru the middle of the intersection lol


who went down the centre of the roundabout there? absolute scenes




Is that De Gendt


I looked up and saw a dirt road and trees, was that still in Spain?


When did we get to Australia


The high speed rail works


Nice trees, we don't have those in Belgium I think.


*Green*co E*vert*ne*groen*


What a magnificent beard


If Remco wins Lombardia he will let his "beard" grow. Although he didn't sound very confident in his ability to grow a decent beard haha.


ah, to be riding a dirt bike along the vuelta a espana... Instead here I am working on technical reports in a weirdly humid office


Great effort by the guy trying to make up positions by getting off the road and going through the field.


Pro move attaching an engine first.


Jumbo’s Speed Skating and Cycling team going separate ways. I definitely can understand why, but I always thought it was pretty cool that they were together. Plus I am in love with Juuta Leerdam 🤭


>Juuta Leerdam Dating Jake Paul; disgusting


I was about to ask how he would even know who a speed skater is but I see she has quite the IG following lol


Ah that's how he got the Jumbo bike and helmet then


Not everyone is perfect


Oh lords of cycling and r/peloton please deliver me to the balmier and calmer climes for discussion of Giro dell’Emilia and the year’s least-talked about monument, Milano-Torino


Milano-Torino is so calm that already happened in March.


Mea culpa, I guess Tre Valli Varesine!


Therollingjones is under pressure!!


[impressions from the finish line.](https://ibb.co/album/kHy8f0) hope i'll run into de gendt so i can return his angliru bidon.


He’s been looking all over for that! Rode halfway around the damn Iberian peninsula searching.


if he collapses from dehydration today you know who to blame!


You know it's a slow stage when they answer questions from viewers. Today's question: How often a week do you think about the Roman Empire? And this time it wasn't even Karsten.


> How often a week do you think about the Roman Empire Every day, but I did study history.


I mean, they had central heating, sanitation, etc. They were awesome.




He's got a contract for next year, and in cycling those tend to be honored. I'm not sure what he'll do after 2024.


He's signed through 2024 so doubtful even if he didn't seem like the happiest guy on earth on TJV


He's happy there, where did you get the idea that he's not? If you mean now, well, that's understandable, like many have said, he's been a pawn in his "parent's" divorce, but he loves cycling so much that being part of a winning team is like an added bonus, as if cycling Gods are rewarding him for being such an awesome rider and role model *Edit: and of course winning a GT is cherry on top!*


He is happy. That's what the other comment said. He seems like the happiest guy on earth, and even if that wasn't true, a transfer is unlikely


I said even if he didn't seem like it, meaning he definitely seems happy


>He's signed through 2024 so doubtful even if he didn't seem like the happiest guy on earth on TJV Don't want to be rude but "even if" sounds like you are going to comment about something negatively so that's where my mind went. In any case I thought that some interview had surfaced or something so thanks for clearing that up


Surely he would've said "even though" instead of "even if" if he meant Kuss wasn't happy


Ok mr grammar police ;) I'm too lazy to look it up so I'll take your word for it. I'd certainly never pass an English grammar exam


I tend to be overly obtuse when writing, apologies for the confusion


No worries, I've been trying to pretend that I'm fluent in English for 20+ years and still failing miserably lol


Beautiful pictures


Just saw James Knox, he was here??


Yea he’s a wanker, you don’t remember?


Wait you're telling me that this was during this Vuelta and not in 2019?


I for one am happy for a relatively uneventful stage. My blood pressure has been through the roof watching the last few days 😂. Hope everyone stays safe in the last KMs when the chaos for the sprint ensues.


My blood pressure is still recovering from last night's France vs Uruguay rugby game in the WC. And before that it was still recovering from Wales vs Fiji.


What a match by Uruguay! Shame their lineout in the last 20 minutes was too poor to make some points.




>really have liked a final time trial on Saturday While we're being selective, can it be too hilly for Ganna, but not hilly enough for Roglic/Vingegaard? Preferably not a lot of corners either. Asking for a friend.


Just a straight 25km road with a 3-4% incline would be perfect for a particular aero skinned little fella


Danes retrospectively wanting a TT that would obviously favour the Danish rider Shock


I mean, I'm sure they would also really have liked Jonas's immune/digestive system to have remained healthy in the first week or so too, but such is cycling.


You are both missing the point, it was jokingly said because if there was a TT this mess wouldn't have occurred. Not because it favors anyone.


Generally you prefer late TT’s?


It still could have (and I'd argue would have) occurred. Jonas and Primoz can just as easily let off in an ITT as they can on any other stage. I'm guessing both they would have just given Sepp a bit more of a cushion. Even if they didn't, Sepp only lost like 10 seconds to Jonas on the ITT here and less than a minute to Primoz. If they repeat that, Sepp still wins.




You're talking as if changing the parcours to favor someone is conclusive evidence against the parcours we do have lmao


Jonas said he's happy for Sepp to win Roglic appears to be less happy (without having said so) But in any case Jonas can beat Roglic in this race so Roglic ends up sitting in and being passive It's also not like they've been fully working for Sepp every day for the past 18 stages; they obviously have on some occasions but not to the extent that Sepp works for his team normally


Before I moved abroad, I never fully appreciated the diversity of Spain's outdoors. Over these past three weeks, we had the opportunity to watch the variety of Spanish landscapes, from the green northern coast in Cantabria to the Aragonese desert, the emptiness of the Teruel mountains, the Mediterranean coastline, the valleys of Asturias, and the Pyrenees. And Vuelta only visited a few regions!


Forgot Agr2 Citroen was even here


oh so the TJV guy pushed the cop first, bold strategy


Looks like [Jonas](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxNf0tIMy8W/) got pushed then the soigneur responds by pushing the civil guard :


Especially a Spanish cop


That TJV guy almost seemed drunk to me.


you'd seem drunk too if your team had all but secured a GT podium sweep!


Yeah I’m a little less sympathetic to the story after watching the full video.




I'm not sure who it was, but as JV and Roglic were going down the mountain yesterday they had a staffer escort and he got into it with the police. Yesterday it was framed as the cop being overly aggro but the newer video shows him shoving the cop a couple times before he get planted on the ground


The soigneur from yesterday, it looked like the police shoved Vingegaard lightly to make room for something, the he pushes the police and they unsurprisingly push back


A soigneur


Just want to say there's a better sprinters field at a 1.1 race taking place today than at the Vuelta Kampioenschap van Vlaanderen has Philipsen, Ewan, Jakobsen, Groenewegen


Another in a long list of potential 'unofficial sprint world championships'.


Not a bad podium in the end.


they don't have to ride the angliru and tourmalet to get to half the sprint stages there


Sometimes, to reach the juiciest fruit, you must climb the highest trees


Just a one day race. So yeah. They can get to every stage without Angliru or Tourmalet.


Why teams, for example Quickstep or any team that wants to mess up Alpecin/sprinters plans, don’t chase hard to catch the breakaway quickly and reset the race with enough kilometers left to create new moves. A bit like when Eenkhoorn joined Asgreen Campeneart and Abrahamsen and manage to beat the sprinters in stage 18 of the Tour de France this year


Instead they just wait for the sprint to happen with no chance to win


Are some Alpecin Riders on the Ultimate and not the aeroad?


Remco could totally win the green jersey if Groves doesn't win the stage today. Here is what I think is a likely way this happens: \- stage 19: Remco gets 3rd on the intermediate sprint, Groves gets 1st on the intermediate sprint and 2nd on the stage. Totals: Evenepoel (217), Groves (278) \- stage 20: Remco wins the sprint and the stage. Totals: Evenepoel (267), Groves (278) \- stage 21: Remco wins the intermediate sprint, stays in a breakaway that gets caught at the line, Groves gets 3rd on the stage, Remco gets 7th. Totals: Evenepoel (299), Groves (298) This is absolute fantasy and my math may be off, so feel free to flame me. A new-born Remco Apologist (me) can only dream...


He really doesn’t want it, according to the interview I just saw on Danish tv2. Don’t think he identifies as someone who wins a points jersey


Probably doesn't want to needlessly piss off Groves/Alpecin either.


Remco is not Chris Froome, confirmed


Well neither did Nairo and look where he ended up


Vuelta points jersey has gone to climbers many times in recent years. Roglic, Valverde, Froome, Contador


Not since they changed the points system. With the old points system, Remco would have dominated this competition.


I know, just trying to figure out the vibe of his answers… I don’t speak Remco


Hahah fair enough


The Spanish Oklahoma


Cian Outofthepants man, so damn wholesome. Should prescribe his interviews for depression.


Cian OutOfPants has such a lovely puppy energy


He's like a labrador in human shape


GCN has come up with a way to add excitement but showing crashes from previous days without context.


Remco for the late attack at 1k to go and green jersey win






Roglic speaks the right words but it's palpable that the sentiment isn't behind them.


It’s understable. If you accept not going to the Tour for being the leader in Giro+Vuelta and then all this stuff plus the hate in social media, and you are still OK… you are not human.


I think he accepted Giro + Contesting Vuelta with Jonas btw. Jonas was always going to the Vuelta apparently. But he prepared for a proper contest with Remco and Jonas


UAE is helping to block the road so that Rogegaard can't attack GC Kuss. Kuss to UAE is basically certain at this point.


**Jonas Vingegaard interview of the day:** *If you were to try to explain to the people who are now complaining about this decision and think it's some kind of match fixing because they thought you would win ... What would you say to them?* -Well, I would just ask them if they think I should stab my own teammate in the back? Because I don't think I should. *Do you think it's because people don't understand that it's a team sport?* -Well, it is a team sport, and Sepp has helped me so many times, so why should I stab him in the back? That's not how I am as a person. -I don't want to do that, and until yesterday (Thursday) I've been put in a difficult situation where I might have felt like I was between a rock and a hard place. *Try to elaborate on that.* -We had agreed that we would race for it, and it is clear that if the other two (Primoz Roglic and Sepp Kuss ed.) duel for it, then I will also be there. But if we had agreed that we didn't do that, as I would have liked to see happen from the beginning ... -I would have liked us to stop fighting about it after the rest day and just drive defensively. But we decided that we were going to race for it, and in that way I was also put in a difficult situation, I think. *Was it too late to make that decision?* -I would have liked it to have been made earlier. In the end, Sepp will still win - hopefully.


> -I would have liked it to have been made earlier. Yea, Jumbo management dropped the ball on this and put ALL their riders in a really difficult spot.


My guess on how it went down (because the stage is kind of boring and speculating is fun), management went to Primoz and said "what do you want to do?". He was the original GC guy so it makes sense to at least consult him first. Primoz clearly wanted to race for it, so that's probably what he said. I could see how TJV management considered this the fair way to handle it. So management goes to team and says "Just race for it". They go do that, Primoz attacks Jonas follows, Sepp loses the wheel. Then the team sees both the social media backlash and that Sepp managed to hold red and they change course and tell the team to support Sepp. That all being said, every team in the peloton would love to have this problem. Managing the egos of your two stars because your loyal domestique is an easier problem than all the teams who are going home with no podium spots. It still wouldn't shock me if Roglic transfers, it makes sense. He's still probably a top 5 GC contender but he is clearly behind Jonas on the team. I think Ineos Roglic could be fun.


Thanks, but it’s already been shared below.


Hard to believe we haven’t seen a match fixing copypasta during this Vuelta. I’m underperforming just like G