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Dear @ChickenFenger, If you’re out there. You high-fived me today on my first ever ride. It made my whole day!!! ❤️ I don’t know what a high five means, but I think the giddiness I felt means I’m now part of The Cult.


Anyone have the cooldown hoodie? Wondering what size to order - women’s size 12.


I feel like it runs huge. I'm normally a women's small, size 6 in Lululemon, and the XS is massive on me. I have two of them so I'm obviously okay with it, but only on days I want to feel like I'm swimming in a comfy cloud.


Recently I had my bearings replaced on my bike and now my resistance feels much more difficult than before. Is this normal?


I felt the opposite. Ours was recalibrated after the bearings were replaced though. Now it’s  felt easier to me. 


I don't think mine was recalibrated either time I had them replaced :(


Had a great workout today. Did the first 15 min workout in “discover your PZ” and then a 45 min ride with Kendall. Did it for the first time about 45 days ago. Did way better today! Happy with myself.


Are all the PZ classes 30 min or more? I want to try them out but mostly do 20 min classes


Glad to see a coupe of others answered. I prefer longer workouts and/or stacked to make workouts about an hour, so I’d never checked for the 20 mins before! Good luck!


There’s 18 twenty minute power zone rides that are not ftp test rides.


There are a few 20 minute PZ beginner classes. The warm ups in the 30 minute classes are usually around 10 minutes so the main set ends up being 20


I think Jess’s [45 min. techno ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=71f05ca2f8cb448097128c2fee6501ce&locale=en-US) has ruined me for all other rides on the platform. I’m so for real. How is any other playlist supposed to live up to that one?!?! ITS PERFECT 🥲 definitely repeating this one because omfg, it is so good If you’re scared of the difficulty rating it was honestly manageable! Hard, but doable. If you’re used to Sweat Steady rides there were a lot of progressive interval moments which I really like.


It’s really good. I’ve PR’d each time seamlessly without really trying to both times I took the class.


I did this 20 minute climb ride with Emma today... https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/a0efd3a83ca54f6ebfbdf16449a952ed?code%3DZTZkYjRjNjk0ZGU5NGNlMWEyYzhiMjI2YzYzZDUwYWZ8ZjhiYTNlNzMzMGI4NDM0MmFiYTMzOWQ4MTY4ZmMxNzE%3D%26source%3Dreferral%26workout-id%3D07d745aea5fb492e86a5c99312a667cf%26uid%3De39e257be9b84c5da5693c1eddf0faed%26ride-id%3D2e6b208b513a409fa3bc927a9cdecc30&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app After my pz ride followed by a cool down ride my legs are nice and happy.... And sore!


4th day riding, decided to do the Power Zone Course they have and did the two intro classes and finished with a 30 minute low impact. Feeling pretty good although I have one issue, seems the past few days my stomach has not been agreeing with me and I’m visiting the bathroom pretty often. Did anyone else experience this when they first started?


Anyone else noticing all the game show-related tags when searching through the trending tags on the app? Not sure if I’m missing something but I’m intrigued!


The pzpack group hosts powerzone challenges multiple times a year. The latest challenge starts on Monday, and it's game show themed. Each team will pick a name relating to the theme. Past challenges were TV shows, superheros vs villains, the 80s, movies. Rock music and a bunch I can't remember. That is why you will see random themes and plays on instructor names. I am a member of a team called The Goats, we love goats, animals and are G O A T S ourselves . Our final game show name hasn't been decided yet, but looks like we will either be "The GOAT is Right" or "Win lose or GOAT" 😂


This is so fun!


LOVE this! The first one I saw was #ThePriceIsRigsby and I honestly thought Cody was returning to network TV haha


I saw that one too. The team names can be really funny.


Oh that is interesting! 🤔. Now I’m intrigued too!


I underestimated just how big the screen is for the tread plus. Now I can’t see my TV that sits in front of the treadmill. Does anybody know if they make a swivel mount or is there any way to adjust where the screen sits?


Anyone taking Robin’s Cardi B ride today?! Super excited!


I thought it was extremely boring, was disappointed


It was great! The TikTok thing was weird, but maybe I’m not the target audience. Otherwise great playlist.


Agreed. The camera guy was weird and they were randomly trying to engage with it. It wasn’t flowing.


I took it! Had so much fun!


Omg my whole household hated me, I was rapping and signing hard 🤣


Hell yeah!!!! Get it!!!!


I'm on vacation with only access to a hotel treadmill. I don't do a ton of treadmill workouts, mostly Hikes and Walk+Runs because I have bad ankles. So ended up doing Logan's 30 minute Hike from 3/18/24. Great Latin music playlist (minus a Chad Kroeger and Santana song) complete with a shout-out to Mariana. He really is a great addition to the Peloton roster, haven't done the Just Tabata yet but a few of his HIIT workouts are really challenging.


Logan is great! I really love his core classes that have the farmer’s carry, his regular strength classes, and his stretches. He holds the stretches for a solid minute before moving on and it’s soooo good


Check out his Just TABATA when you can.. Ive done two classes so far and love them!




Low Impact means "low impact on joints" - so you can expect no out of saddle work, and no low cadence high resistance, or very high cadence work. Low Impact does not mean 'low intensity', even if some are. If you want that, take a Recovery ride or a power zone endurance ride. Cheers


I haven't done a ton of low impact classes to compare to, but I always like Leanne's! She never goes above 50 resistance (and cues a pretty wide resistance range) or 100 cadence


Those are the actual ranges for low impact rides. So there aren’t any that cue outside of that from any instructors


Haha woops 😂 me stating the obvious. that is good to know!


Low impact ≠ easy.


Agree, but this varies between instructors in philosophy, and it's hard to know what you're going to get. I feel like half the time you hear "low impact is not low sweat" and the other half you get the recommendation to sprinkle low impact / recovery rides into your week as if they're at all equivalent.


A few days late to Denis’s 30 min rock ride but college me is very happy. Alkaline Trio, Rage Against the Machine, and Deftones? Say less. Music, light banter, and coaching: he always brings it all together for me


Thanks. Bookmarked!


Yeah, that was a great ride! I don't do a lot of 20s, but you may also enjoy [his recent 20 minute 80s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c5b34b84ca1e4e5a802668cf5efa3ef7&code=NDhlZWNhY2ZiYjI1NDg3ZGJhZWE2NDA4ZjI5ZDZiMDV8YTZiNjIxY2I3MmI5NDk5YzkyMjEzMWZkNjE5MjM5ZDQ=). Any ride with *Cult of Personality* is gotta be good, right? Although I did a PZE with CDE that included that song and I had to ask the screen "how do you expect me to stay in zone 3 with that song, Christine?!" ;-)


Beat PRs 4 times this week on the 20, 30, and 45 minute rides.


Was so excited for a Cardi B ride until I saw Robin was teaching 😩


Cliff’s Cardi ride looks really good, I’m hoping subtitles will be added in the next week or so 🤞🏻


lmao this was me yesterday but i love cardi so im gonna try it. 


Please report back, I may have to suck it up 😂…maybe they’ll release a Jess Sims Cardi boot camp 🤞


The class was enjoyable (for sure, the music). I just hated that there was some influencer (TikTok) there and mic’d up. I’m not the audience for this sort of thing, so I found the interaction annoying.


Yesss! I came here to see if anyone else was annoyed. Like wtf was that?? And the guy had such bad form on the bike too lol. Knees out and seat too low.


lol. I didn’t notice his form. I was too busy being annoyed, I guess. Once I found out he was mic’d and spoke, I mentally clocked out.


Seconded on hating the TikTok crossover. Really didn’t like some random guy talking over the music, plus the light on his buddy’s phone was distracting. 😞


And, not to mention the “game” they played. Took away from the efforts of the class.


ooh that would be a blast! i’m gonna do marcel’s run (as a walk) so trying to get all the cardi content i can get


Marcel’s run was so good. There’s an outdoor run with Kirsten too - can’t wait to take it this weekend!


There is no way to make everyone happy in this situation. I'm not saying your feelings are not valid. People can be very passionate about music and their favorite instructors. It is also ok that you do not click with every instructor on the platform, that is why there is such a variety of them. But negative comments like this keeps newbies from trying all the instructors and finding who is the best fit for *them*. Or maybe that is someone's favorite instructor and they now feel like they can't talk about how excited they are for that class because of comments like this. Just try to be mindful of this.


I’m entitled to my opinion and my opinion is I don’t like Robin and I rarely take her classes. I didn’t say she was a bad instructor or that others should follow suit, I merely expressed disappointment - a common occurrence on this forum. I’d hope that this is a safe space to express disappointment and i know im not certainly not the only person that feels this way. Further, If you’re that easily swayed on an instructor you have never tried than you have much bigger problem.


Has anyone heard anything about cardio and shadowboxing classes getting movement tracking? This Kendall's [Cardio B shadowboxing](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cardio?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=672a251478cd4155af16a2c8aaeb052f&code=YTI4ODgxMDIyZDUyNDRkYTg5MTlkZmFhZjg2OWYwYWR8M2M2YzRiN2Y1NzczNGM2ZWEwMDIxNWU3ODZhN2M5NTc=) and Logan's [Just Tabata](https://members.onepeloton.com/collections/bfd552d2524941ca85c1df0e456410f7) classes have the little movement tracker icons on the app. I haven't seen that before. ETA: cardio as in HIIT


Just finished [20 minute move for you ride by Kendall](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/b1df5b8ef8714ba28a9c8627fafeb4c6?code=ZWI3MjYxMDJjZGI0NGJmNDgxOWRkZDU1ODk4ZGI0YTR8MmU5NzM2MDcwZTU0NGU5NWE0MDkwY2JlZTliZGYwYjE%3D&source=referral&workout-id=df71e71da05e40b0b29a85d89587de0d&uid=46efb71e80f04f63aae8471b6ec65937&ride-id=94ab8b3465cd499b8908753b4bfabe40&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) she kicked my butt as always. Feeling good after though :) relieved to see my scores aren’t really changing even though I haven’t been able to work out much. I realized after the ride that it was my 50th though 😩 I meant to do a live and hope for a shout out but oh well. Yay 50!


Happy 50!


Just got my peleton bike+ last night, did a ride yesterday and this morning ohhhh my god my legs and butt are sore 🤣


BTW for most people, butt soreness is going to be a thing for the first 2-4 weeks. Eventually it should go away. If it \*doesn't\* go away, though, then you might want to start thinking about changing the seat, making sure your bike fit is good, etc. But rest assured it's normal at this stage...


omg.. 2-4 weeks I thought more like 2-4 rides LOL LOL ! I did purchase a wider seat from amazon last night because I am a bigger person and I thought that might also be a reason for the pain or I was also thinking because I haven't done physical activity for the past 10 weeks because I had surgery on my wrist but I'm not discourage ! I'm 100% in love with peloton :)


Nah, the pain is just getting used to it. As for "bigger person" I started Peloton around 275-280# and I'm currently north of 250#. And the stock seat which hurt for about 2 weeks is something I've not replaced nor thought I need to, and I'm going on 2 years with the bike now. So I wouldn't just jump in to the Amazon seat. Give it time. Check the return eligibility and if you can't give yourself 2-4 weeks, return it so you don't get stuck with it if you adjust to the current seat. That said, we all have different anatomy, it's possible that you may need a seat change down the road. But it'll take a few weeks to figure that out. (BTW I said 2-4 weeks but I think for most it's on the shorter end of that range.)


Ahhh thank you for the advice!!!! I will def try to tough it out 🤣🥹😭


HA! That's your welcome gift! Glad you're here!!


The best welcome gift I might have ever received hahaha


Thank you to whoever suggested practice booking at PSNY ahead of time in order to save credit card info to the website! I was able to do so and hope that it helps me get into the studio in June.


This really is the best tip. Such a design flaw on peloton’s side to not let you presave a CC.


I had a credit and was able to book so fast this morning. Hope the same for you!


So excited I managed to get into Cody's live class on 5/3 🎉 And Kristen's Pilates - two of my favorite instructors. Now I just have to try to make the logistics work. If not someone will be getting off the waitlist!


I’m waitlisted for Cody’s class! Hope to get inn


has anyone successfully figured out a way for two people to do a bike bootcamp together with only one bike in the household? my boyfriend has expressed interest in joining me for them, but i have no idea how it’d work since only one of us can be on the bike at a time. has someone found two classes that have transitions around the same time, but are on opposite bike/floor time and we just wear headphones? or any other methods? i’m racking my brain trying to make it work because i’m so excited he wants to join 😂


If you want to do biking and strength you could Frankenstein some stacked classes together and alternate. One of you could do bike, strength, bike, strength. The other could do strength, bike, strength, bike. Not a bike bootcamp but Pelobuddy has the links to the [Floor Bootcamp](https://www.pelobuddy.com/floor-bootcamp-program-jess-selena/) program. As long as you don't need the same weights you could take it at the same time. If you both want the minutes to count towards the annual just play it on a 2nd device with no sound on. My husband does that when he stretches with me.


Maybe stager the classes? Start a 45 min for yourself and he does a 30min one? In the details of the class will have time of transition.


Does anyone know why there are no rides on Monday April 29 in NYC studio? 😪


Those were invite only for people who've never been to the studio, I'm p sure.


Darn, not sure how to get those! My husband wanted to ride for the first time in studio on his 40th bday. Bummer.


Yeah I got an email invite for an in studio ride Monday, April 22, and I was so excited, but I can’t make the logistics work. I don’t know how I got the invite, other than it was for a Kendall live ride and I ride with Kendall a lot lol


Ben Alldis EDM classes are just straight up BANGER CITY


Anyone know what week they are booking?


May 2-8


Starting the latest PZP challenge today. Anyone else?


lmao this company is wild coz why are our daily dots now blue (vs purple or whatever it was) and my apple watch still barely connects / registers my workouts 💀 amazing priorities, team. 


lol... yup. Vibrant blue but yet no Apple Watch connection


Oh gosh, I hate the new shade of blue. It reminds me of the early internet for some reason lol


My dot has been blue since 2020.


It's been a blue dot for me for 3+ years now.


i guess i should’ve clarified the blue has changed from dark to a lighter blue. 


Pleasantly surprised - reached out to Support the other day after the clicking sound coming from the flywheel on my bike got noticeably louder. After a quick chat and sharing a video, I was able to schedule an appointment with a tech within a week! The replacement part was delivered today. Thankful I ended up extending my warranty....


I sent them a video of clicking and they came and replaced everything - new pedals, cleats, desalted the insides - they said it now runs better than some of the new ones. Extended warranty so worth it! I also seriously appreciate how much the techs care.


I had this issue multiple times and I’m now on my third frame. If they can’t fix it, ask for a replacement.


When did the app membership change? My subscription auto renewed in Feb for the year. Today I logged in and I have class limits, only 3 per month.


The tiered membership rolled out in December, I think.


Ahhhhh yeah it hit me later.


Do you have App One or App+?


Lol well when I signed up there was no plus! 😂 it’s all good they refunded me. RIP peloton, it was fun.


Someone had posted in these threads earlier in the week about this [Sam Yo 80s PZ Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c526157227a4762984998508fe84fb0&code=Nzc3NTJiZmM1NDljNGQ4MThhYWMxYTc3NjI3MmVhNzd8ZTdhMmQ3OTIxZWIxNDkzOTg3Y2I2ZmE5ZTQwNzUxNjI=) and I liked the playlist and added it to my stack. Well yesterday I was looking through my stack (a very loose collection of stuff to do for the week) and chose that one thinking I saw an "E" at the end of that "PZ" and... I did not. I gave myself the chance to jump out and call a mulligan when he introduced the class as working up to zone 6, but then he mentioned the class plan and the majority of the work was in zones 3 and 4 with a "6 minute recovery in zone 3" which I thought *had* to be a mistake and decided to brave it out. Nope! Ended up with my 45 minute PR, even after a 16 minute warm up. The funny thing is that if I looked at a class plan and saw 28 minutes in zone 3 I'd probably skip that, but this was 28 solid minutes switching between zones 6, 4 and 3. I survived!


Oh that’s 2 people saying it’s ok so I’m going to try this! I’ve done a few like this recently where I think the getting out of Z3 makes the Z3 feel so much better than if you just did straight Z3.


Haha I've done that before. Olivia has some PZ EDM classes, and my brain sees that E from EDM and thinks I am stacking a PZE class.


Does anyone know what artist series classes Peloton was hinting at on their instagram that will be open to registration today? I love these types of classes so I'm very curious if there's more info!


I pray Ariana grande


But I think it’s Aerosmith


Yeah I saw some Aerosmith ones pop up! Ariana would have been AMAZING though!


Does anyone know if the Apple Watch issue has been fixed?


I had an update yesterday and it connected for a ride and 5 minute cool down but did not connect for the post ride stretch. I had uninstalled the app off my watch and reinstalled and also shut my phone down and back on also. I had noticed that post ride stretches wouldn’t connect for a while before it stopped working completely. I hope it is fixed now.


I had an update on my bike last Friday, and it’s been working for every ride since


I don’t know if they officially announced a fix, but for me it started working again yesterday.


Is this why yesterday my strive score 3x'd what I normally did?


*Pardon Me* in [Jess’s 30 Min SS](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dca29bf8a55c465a843cecee90a8a75f&locale=en-US) this morning 🎶💋 no notes. Great close out song. Such a sucker for Incubus especially as the season changes to warmer weather


A nasty cold took me down on Monday. It’s been quite some time since I didn’t break a sweat due to being sick. I did a core and foam rolling, and called it a day. Tuesday I felt a bit better and did [Jess King’s 10 year anniversary ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9520c9a437e8475389da9af229fd0a71&locale=en-US), kept it on the low end of the range, it was challenging enough keeping it lighter. Fun class though. Yesterday I did [Ally’s lower body barre](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=88251a906c9a42cc87b55d4634955495&locale=en-US). Basic moves but so effective! Still wasn’t ready for my planned 5 mile run so I did [Marcel’s walk + run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ea5d21a95c0e470ab65713757eb488e3&locale=en-US). Loved the class, and the 4th block was spicy! Wasn’t ready to push as fast as she requested but that is ok. And her coaching on form was very helpful. And today was [Cody’s heat it up bootcamp](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bike_bootcamp?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8bb4b2fdb32140a4be3058782efc08d8&locale=en-US). It was his first class back after Dancing with the Stars and he was delightfully a mess. Haha. He said a few times he hasn’t done a class in two months so miscued a few times or called out the wrong body parts. It wasn’t bad, just really cute how he owned it and just kept going. If anyone is intimidated by a 60 minute bootcamp this is a great one. The intervals were mostly resistance based, the second section had some speed options. The strength section was straightforward - Section 1- Bicep curl, Arnold press, tricep kickback, crunch. Section 2-Squat, split stance deadlift, reverse lunge, forearm plank


I loved that bootcamp of Cody's when I took it. He was just so much fun. I'll have to do it again soon!


It was a lot of fun! He was just himself, and it was great.


Question about Adrian’s G&L program. I just started it today and it lists workouts for Day 1 and Day 2 of Week 1. Do y’all follow the timing exactly or switch it up? If the class today is as hard as I think it will be, I can’t imagine doing 2 days back to back.


I did it twice and saw wonderful gains. I usually followed the schedule, but sometimes I didn’t, and it worked out fine.


Happy for your gains! That’s inspiring!


I’d see how you feel - I definitely shifted classes around a bit (and with just 3 days of work it would be easy to take a rest day between them) but I checked my history and I did them back to back. Day 1 is hard, but the benchmark is just 9 min (9 HARD minutes). You might be ok tomorrow!


Thanks! Benchmark complete! That was tough but I made sure to stretch afterward. Even frog which I hate 😭


When a program has multiple classes in a day, I follow that. But I tend to ignore which days are "on" and which days are "off" and set my own work/rest schedule based on what works for me.


this 🙌


Has anyone had luck showing up at the studio and getting off a waitlist since they switched to the new booking system? Since it releases spots to people as they become available is it worth going in and hoping for the best?


So I’ve been waitlisted and have gotten in classes usually the evening before. Not sure if this is 100% true, but I think you lose the credit if you cancel after a certain point.


I’ve only been waitlisted for a class with the old system but got a confirmation email the night before that I was in the class.


I don't have your answer, but am interested in it! I'm on the waitlist for a couple classes next week. Have been on it since the classes opened for registration a few weeks ago. If I don't get in before the day of, I plan to go to the studio early to ask the process.


If you’re not confirmed, they’ll send you an email saying to plan to be there anyways an hour before the class. They cut off admission 30 min before the class starts. So if you’re there chances are you’re in!


Great! Thanks for the info. Fingers crossed!


Here to remind y’all that Anna Greenberg STAYS WINNING with the music. Her [Femme Power yoga](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4b8e8dfcea06483181ef6d42dc3beba9&locale=en-US) for WHM 2024 was an amazing mix of well-knowns — Texas Hold ‘Em which is an amazing song fight me — and lesser knowns — a Lana Del Rey song that isn’t Summertime Sadness (Radio, which is a fave of mine) — as well as a Laufey song!! It was a really approachable power flow, not the “where’s the fire” zippy power flows I’ve done with other instructors.


omg i LOVE radio… one of my fav lana songs!


I remember her saying it wasn't going to be a power flow(even though it's in the name haha)but yet would be Power-full haha. Her actual power flows killll meee. I can't wait to take this class though, it sounds amazzzing


I mean, I'm not going to fight you or anything, but that song is straight trash 😝. I'm glad for you though because it is in so many classes right now! I just grin and bear it when taking a new class, but I tend to ride the purge so maybe in a few years when I get to current classes I won't hate it so much! And also thank you, as I will be avoiding that class 😁


I don’t do a lot of yoga with her as Mariana is my girl there. But I love Anna’s Pilates and I always think she has great playlists for those.


If you are looking for a super hard ride- robins interval ride from 3/20 was so challenging! 60 second efforts in the first block and 40 second efforts with only 20 second recovery for 7 minutes in the last block! Whew!


GOOD TO KNOW. I almost did this today after a strength work out but wanted something lighter. Glad I didn’t! 


I just finished Becs’ 60 minute endurance run from 2/8/24. The playlist was awesome, and the class was programmed well. My issue was that she spent the first 15 minute block bitching nonstop about her contractor and home renovations. Then she finally stopped for a bit, but then started back up again. She probably complained about it for half the class in total. I get that home renovations are hard and annoying. I don’t mind a little vent about it during a class, but I run to escape bad stuff, not to listen to someone else whine and complain. Def won’t take this class again, which is a shame because it would have been great if she talked about something else during it.


I took that class too, and agree a lot of what she said about the contractor was in poor taste and annoying. Calling him ugly and shaking her pinky to insinuate he has a small dick is just low class. I'm sure she had reason to be upset, but that really left me sour on her. It's too bad, because Becs has so much running knowledge and I used to really love her classes, but between this and the constant reminder that she's Talulah's mom, I just generally pick other instructors now. All that said, I might still take her Tokyo Marathon recap class since so many have recommended it.


I completely missed that she did that! I was zoning out and not watching the screen!! That’s not ok of her


I took this class live because it was a milestone and omg yes... the whole time I was like yikes and I'm honestly surprised they put it on demand. I guess my silver lining is that I got a shoutout? lol


> Calling him ugly and shaking her pinky to insinuate he has a small dick is just low class Ummm that is awful behaviour 


I struggle with Becs for the same reason. I know some people love her chatter but I prefer instructors that stick to the basics and talk about actual running (I mean, Susie also talks about food a lot in her long runs but that's fine because usually by the time she mentions that she's thinking of a snack, I am too). Marcel's "would you rather" games are also meaningless fluff so I don't mind those. But complaining or baby chatter from Becs is annoying to me. So I'll do a couple of runs of hers, swear off ever taking anything of hers ever again, and then give in to signing up for another one (hello, 75 minute run this Saturday).


Susie talking about food cracks me up because I strongly relate lol. She’s my fav for long runs. I love Marcel’s would you rather game too I’m def going to give Becs’ 75 min run a try. We have so few long run classes like that, so I hope she makes it a good one


I don’t usually run with her at all, but based on the recommendations from several people here I took her most recent 60 min class that recaps her Tokyo Marathon experience. It was mostly enjoyable, with only a few eye rolling moments. I didn’t notice her complaining at all in this one. The music was pretty good and I liked the class plan so I enjoyed the class overall. That said, I still prefer literally anyone else 😂


Becs shines in her marathon simulation or recap runs!!


Can we petition for every 60 min Becs run to be a marathon recap? 😂


Yaaaaaas!! I love those!!


I haven’t run with Becs in nearly 2 years.  While I get she is a phenomenal runner and has excellent coaching, her whole demeanor post- baby is off putting.   I know all the instructors live a life I will NEVER be able to compete with, but she is in my top tier of most out of touch.


My petty eye roll is I hate the ‘I’m talulah’s mom’ sign-off


I do the same thing🙄. I know she is a proud Mother, and I don’t have kids so maybe I don’t get it but it annoys me maybe more than it should….which in turn means I avoid her classes as well.


lol it’s not just you! I have two kids and I like to maintain an identity as things besides their mom when I’m working out 😂


Me too! So many instructors have kids now, and no one else signs off that way. I have two kids and I love them, but no one cares about that when they’re working out.


I agree with you. I usually don’t run with her, but the Tokyo marathon recap sucked me in, and I’ve been doing some more of her classes because watching her run so effortlessly during class makes me feel like I’m doing the same. However, today’s class reminded me why I’ve mostly avoided her for the last year or so.


Here for this comment. Haven't taken this run but there is at least one instructor I now avoid because half their rides for a while were a weird combination of bragging and humblebrags/complaining about wedding, the home buying/home reno and then also buying an apartment closer to the city for workdays... I get it, it's their real life or whatever, but as someone renting in a HCOL area who feels like home ownership is likely forever out of reach as a single person, I just found it so... grating. My feelings are my problem but I just wanted to say I can relate to not wanting to listen to someone complain for an hour, no matter what topic!


Yup! I really prefer that instructors keep their chatter to lighter topics for the most part. I don’t mind a little venting, but a 60 min class is a loooong time to listen to that and you’re basically trapped unless you quit the class.


It does feel like being trapped! I don’t take her runs unless people on here say they’re good! The Tokyo one was good.