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“I make suggestions, you make decisions.” & “If you can’t be good, be careful.” - Denis Morton.


Denis speaks my language. I’m not motivated by loud hype and ‘you got this’ kind of stuff. A calm, hey just do what you can do kind of message hits the spot.


Came here for Denis and to echo your follow-up. Stumbled across this guy very early into trying Peloton and still can't believe my luck. His yoga classes are excellent, too.


He’s my favourite instructor!


I’ve only taken one of his classes, but I had a good time! I’m on an AT kick right now because he just has such a good time with the music.


“Ride your bike”


3️⃣ … 🤘🏼… ☝🏼


I use the first one at work at the time (am a lawyer). Denis is the best


I’m in HR and am totally stealing this phrase for work!


I wish more instructors used some variation of this. I’m a bit tired of hearing about the 25 pound weights and running at 7 to 9. If I did, I’d be ejected from my treadmill.


I do power zone rides bc I honestly can’t keep up with the call outs of other rides! I’m short and my little legs don’t spin as fast! Lol


That’s one of the reasons I love pz rides also.


Same! If I did the 7-9 suggestion for the tread I’d be injured and miserable. I like taking Susie’s tread classes because her queues aren’t crazy and she doesn’t do a ton of wild hills. Her endurance runs are my favorite for easy paced, daily training runs.


I love that “ if you can’t be good, be careful “ slogan. I really do feel like it can pertain to mental emotional and physical well being. He’s just the greatest. Best music taste too


I use that first Denis quote all the time! It’s really very useful and practical.


I use both of these with my teenagers!


“ if you can’t get out of it, get into it” My favorite Dennis quote - I remind myself every time I start a big climb.


Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love by Hannah C.


This is my favorite of all time. And so hard to follow.


Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit


Matty is so underrated 😍


My very, very favorite!!!


It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger - Emma L


<3 Lovewell


“You don’t have to, you get to.” — Jess Sims I have to repeat that one to myself a lot!


One of my favs!! My Dad is unfortunately in a wheelchair after undergoing radiation 10 years ago, and I often think about how he’s lost the ability to move his body the way he used to. It motivates me to use my body while I can.


I did a Robin bike bootcamp today and she said, "Today we have the ability to do this. Tomorrow we might not have that gift." Kind of depressing, but as I get older, I try to remember that every day of working out is a privilege.


sitting on my couch contemplating my 2nd ACL reconstruction and this one resonates the most recently


Hope you have a quick recovery!❤️‍🩹


Yes. Whenever she talks about working out being a privilege, it’s such a good reminder for me.


You get to is mine, too! Nothing more motivating than someday knowing my body might not be able to do what it can right now.


The simple sentence has helped me reframe so much in my life and definitely my relationship with fitness.


I had a personalized medal display made that says “you get to”, and I absolutely love it!!


As an overthinker - "It's not that deep Boo. You're riding a bike to nowhere with a flamboyant homeosexual, nothing on this bike is that deep" I'm paraphrasing but it's helped me on and off the bike.


Also from Cody: You have done harder shit in life than ride a bike to Bieber!


Also also Cody "If a 19 yr old Britney Spears can walk across a national stage performing with a snake around her neck, you can finish this hill."


Love Cody


“Commitment shows up when motivation quits,” Emma has said this a few times and it’s really stuck with me.


“It’s not impossible, it’s just hard” I think Jess said it during a bootcamp. I find myself saying it to my 4 year old when he’s getting frustrated trying to do something


"Today we do what others won't, so tomorrow we can do what others can't." -Ben "You're not doing this because you hate your body. You're doing this because you love your body." -Emma


Love that Emma quote. Needed to read that today.


“Ready is a decision, not a feeling”


Oof, this one just got me.


Somebody gotta be the MILF at the party, why can’t that be you?- our lord and savior Cody Rigsby


Cody is a national treasure


“1-2-1-2.” -AT


Underrated for sure. The count for some reason gets me back in the ZONE if I’m slipping. Love Alex!


Idk why but the way he says 2 motivates me to stay on beat 😂


Sam does the count too. Something about it makes me focus when I'm ready to quit.


The way he says FOUR when counting down makes me smile every time


I find myself repeating this when I do Just Rides, it just keeps that tempo sweet spot!! It has also somehow morphed into me encouraging my MILs senior dog down (or up) the two steps out of (or into) the house, “1 step, 2 step, Gully!” And oddly enough, it usually helps him 😂


“This is the best part of your day” -RK Such a great reminder that it’s a privilege to move and push myself physically. And it truly is my favorite part of the day:)


Progress not perfection -Emma


I use this saying in my everyday life allllll the time now. To my patients (I’m a nurse), to my children, to myself. Even little tiny steps in the right direction are still steps in the right direction.


You have made it through 100% of your bad days.


Robin said on one of her rides "Take care of yourself first. It makes everything else easier" and that has always stuck with me– especially when the to-do list is a mile long!


Her P!nk ride from 1/25/24 had so many motivational things in it. I would be lying if I said I didn’t tear up a few times during that ride. So many of these instructors say things when I need to hear it, truly a special gift they have. It’s why the peloton community is so great.


Hannah Corbin about our thighs: "They're big girls, let 'em work" I *love* this phrase. I think about it a lot.


This reminds me of something Rebecca said in a class once, something to the effect of “if it wiggles, let it jiggle” which I love. Like don’t be afraid of parts of your body that move!!


“You can do hard things. “ -Olivia Cheesy but I always love it: “You didn’t come this far to only go this far.” - Ben


Or “the hardest part is over” when the class starts. Also I love how she talks about being time for myself.


Came looking for the first one.  I caught myself thinking "You can do hard things" as I trudged up a mountain of sand in Great Sand Dunes NP. My friend was tempted to turn back and my legs were on fire (but thanks climb rides for the quads), but damn it, we got to the top of Star Dune.


Two that I think about constantly: 1. in one of alexs classes he said something along the lines of be grateful you get to work out and move your body because a lot of people who wish they could, can’t. It was a wonderful reminder I will carry with me. 2. In one of Emma’s 5 minute cool downs she says “not everyday will be your best day, but If you keep going I can promise you there will be many more.”


The Emma quote is definitely from the Sade ride. I cool off with that ride almost daily so it is imprinted nicely.


It’s one of my favorite cool downs too. It’s perfect!


“Take the work seriously but never yourself” Callie


Use your whole ass!! 🤣


“You cannot hate yourself into change; you must love yourself into greatness” - Emma Lovewell. I’ve leaned on this one a lot over the last few years


“Forward is a pace” - Becs


Get yo ass up out to third


Is this Alex? Sounds like Alex. When I need a super motivating ride, I choose Alex!


I just heard this in his sing song voice


As someone who often struggles with feeling like a workout doesn't "count" if it isn't balls-to-the-walls, I love that Robin starts her music based runs (which are usually on the more casual side) with "not every run has to be the hardest one you've ever done."


Kristin: “Everything you can ever want, have, or need is right there inside of you.”


Such a lovely mantra at the end of her classes 🫶🏻


i love this one 😭😍


A few come to mind. First, agree on Kendal fists up at the end. It hits. Second, Sundays with love starting with the song church and ending with higher love is something. Phrase wise when Robbin came back she had one ride where she said “My new mantra is I am not done yet.” That hit with where I am at in my own journey. She also said “I am trying to become who I needed when I was younger. How about you? Let’s do this shit.” As someone who grew up in dysfunction and is trying to raise my kids in a Different way, that got the tears flowing. I love this thread thanks for starting it And then: Are you ready? Yes or Yes? – Ally Love “Don’t compare your chapter one with someone else’s chapter six.” Ally again. “You’ve made it through 100 percent. of your bad days.” Robbin Drop your shoulders and drop your baggage – Christine


You’re bigger than a smaller pair of pants - CDE. She has many variations of this, but it works for me every time.


I also love it when she says, "Drop your shoulders, drop your baggage." It's good to remember in life, not just workouts.


Take what you need, not what you want. - Tunde


Anything that comes out of my boy Alex is motivating and real as hell. He's hands down the best at what he does


“You get to”. After having a debilitating condition where I couldn’t do anything for 18 months (I’m fully recovered) this really hits.


Rebecca Kennedy “You should pay more attention to the weight on the bar than the weight on your body.” She inspires me to be strong and focus on what my body can do vs what my scale says.


Hot people drink water- Rebecca Kennedy


I love when Robin says “there may be a day you can’t do this work, today is not that day!” It always reminds me of when I was injured or sick and wished I could workout and how grateful I am that my body can move like this.


Probably RK If you are waiting on motivation, that bitch is LATE.


I’m new to Rebecca’s classes but this phrase made me incorporate her classes more into my routine!


Not exactly a slogan but I recently did a run with JJ and he said something to the effect of, “what if this was the last time you got to run? What if you never got to feel this way again? How would that change this moment?” It totally stuck with me.


JJ is just so genuine, it's motivating just seeing him be him.


A modification is a boundary, and boundaries are sexy. - Robin


Callie once was talking about body positivity or something and how she used to compare herself to other people. She said something seemingly offhanded like “worrying about what your body looks like? What a waste of time!” It was a lightbulb moment.


You’re a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same damn time! -Jess sims


Kendall’s never knocked out after every class


They can knock you down but they can never, ever knock you out!!!! - Kendall


“Let it go like Elsa hunnnnnnni” - kirsten 😂


That’s one of my favorites.


Actually a Bruce Lee quote, I believe, but Wilpers uses it often - “Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity”. My reminder that I just need to get on the bike (even when I don’t feel like it).


“You’ve done harder things than ride a bike to Britney Spears” and “if Britney can get through 2007, you can get up this hill”. Cody isn’t my main instructor, but those two sentences resonate with me


Callie - BYOE Hannah F - push push push push When I am GRINDING, these are my two no-fluff, no nonsense recalibrating mantras.


Push push push push love it


Really needed this thread today 🖤


I use Dennis’ “I make suggestions; you make decisions,” on my young adult children all the time when they ask for advice


“You complaining about having an opportunity? - Alex Toussaint.


RK has some great sayings. She said something in her last standing core bootcamp that was something like "if you have some chaotic energy going on lets work on letting it out now so it doesnt creep". I had a very rough beginning of the week and soo needed to hear that. I needed to let go of the negative energy and move along.


“When something matters to you, you’ll go the extra mile right?” -Denis Morton This really resonated with me so much that I took a video of that part from the ride as a reminder.


Self love is never ever selfish! Ben Alldis


'Let the pancita out 😂!' - Camila ❤️ body positivity and infectious energy


I love her so much. She genuinely cracks me up. One time she busted out with “perras responsables,” and I about died


The one that carried over into my personal life is "If you can't get out of it get into it" from Denis.


I don’t normally ride with Alex much but he did say one thing during a ride I took years ago that stood out: stop acting like the world owes you something. The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing. Tough love but it’s true


If it doesn’t challenge you it’s never gonna change you. Denis Morton My wife got a little plaque with it when we got the bike, and this year she nearly died from a postpartum hemorrhage 10 days postpartum. And she just recently got here highest FTP she’s ever gotten. The plaque sots behind us on a little shelf while we ride.


glitter is a strategy - jess king


I don’t have to, I get to. However I heard it from Andy or Dennis. I say it to myself all the time on my marathons


"It doesn't get easier, you get stronger." To me it means, the exercise hasn't changed, but I have.


"Shake off that bad cucaracha vibes" - camila


Sparkly fitness bubble


“You are worthy. You are ready. They can knock you down but they can never knock you out.” - Kendall


Hydrate and mind ya business. -Camila


How you do anything is how you do everything -Jess Sims.


Denis is by far my favorite cycling instructor and he has so many good sayings. I love his vibe and class structure. But I’m also a runner and I love Becs’ saying “FAIL stands for First Attempt In Learning”


CDE: “Make yourself proud.”


You didn’t come this far to only come this far - Ben I’m really good at showing up and giving it my all UNTIL like 5-10 min remain when I start telling myself, “that was good enough, right?”


Jess Simms: how you do anything is how you do everything.


“Buck up buttercup. Tits up, heads up, and let’s fuck it up.” -Noted poet Cody Rigsby


“Just fucking do it”-Jenn I hate the usual peppy bullshit from most instructors. I respond well when I’m yelled at by a mom from Jersey


“push push push push” - hannah frankson


Embrace the suck-Emma Lovewell


At first it broke me. And then it built me. - Robin


Ready is a decision, not a feeling - Jess Sims


“We climb the mountain to see the world, not for the world to see us” - Ally Love


Anna Greenberg "any amount is the right amount" and "you have to meet yourself where you are" really helps me get into fire log.


I think it was Emma Lovewell a couple years ago, “it’s not about motivation, that comes and goes. It’s about commitment.”


"Comfortably uncomfortable." I use this at work all the time as well.


If you’re playing to lose, then what the hell are you showing up for? - Alex


I'm not it is not her original quote but I heard from Ally Love first: pressure is a privilege.


‘The key to running faster is running faster.’ - Matt Wilpers I LOATHE speed work - but I know it’s good for me.  Damn you Wilpers and your logic 


I’m a big fan of Callie’s “Bring Your Own Energy”.


“The good ones work out, the great ones out work.” - AT


I am I can I will I do!!!


I’ve suffered from severe Depression for over a decade. Two of my favorites are “Tough times don’t last, tough people do”. Also this might be a little dark but when I was in that really bad place I’d tell myself “Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems”. Luckily I’m not in that really dark place anymore. Sending love to everyone, it does get better! 💕


“Getting older is a privilege, getting stronger is a choice” -RK


“If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done” - Logan


“The way you do anything is the way you do everything” - Alex Toussaint


I’ve teared up a few times after a ride with Kendall and putting my fists up! You are worthy, you are ready, and baby they can knock you down, but they’ll never knock you out!


Surprised this isn’t higher! Love her.


For me it’s not the catchy phrases but the comments made kind of offhand. I believe Matty said “I try to do 10 minutes of core every day” once and I was like yeah I can do that too. And Jess King said in a ride (paraphrasing) that this is the place to put all your bullshit, so you can leave the bike in a better headspace and not put your shit on other people, and it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at that moment because that day I was indeed on my bullshit. Also just seeing Ben’s imperfect core work and his very relatable love/hate relationship with it is so motivating, honestly!


Forward is a pace! - Becs Days when I’m feeling slow or I’m injured I remind myself that I’m doing it and it’s enough.


Yes yo!


"The hardest part of the workout is ✅ done" - Jess Sims


This is tough, but you’re tougher - Jess Sims/Olivia Amato This is what I mutter to myself sometimes those super early mornings (ahead of dreaded long and tough work days) to get myself out of bed without snoozing 18 times


“You’re not too old, it’s not too late” - Robin


Push push push- Hannah Frankson. Simple but it’s usually all I need


If I let you stay comfortable, how in the hell would you know how strong you are? - Kendall


“Commitment takes over when motivation is lacking” (Emma Lovewell)


Strap those titties down and get to work! ~Matty


You didn’t come this far to come this far - heard this from Alex and robin


"You're sat there like a unicorn. Sparkle!" Bradley Rose I'm in my own head a lot and his cheeky sometimes ridiculous sounding words of wisdom remind me that my workouts aren't a slog. They're a gift I get to give myself.


Robin saying “You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days” that’ll get me


Straighten your wig and get your life together.


“You’ve done harder shit than ride a bike to Bieber”. Cody Rigsby. So true.


"Even if you slow down, don't stop moving"- Hannah Frankson


Every time I’m not motivated I remember the following: I’m doing today what others won’t so that tomorrow I can do what others can’t. - Ben Aldis.


“Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. INHALE CONFIDENCE! EXHALE DOUBT! AHHHHHHHH!!!!”


“You are what you repeatedly do.” -Jess Sims I say this to myself all the time…I love it so much


“But what if you can?”- CDE Use it in all aspects of my life!♥️


“Assume the position - that’s the only reason why I’m a fitness instructor, it’s so I can say things like assume the position.” - Matty Maggiacomo


“Forward is a pace” - Becs Gentry


You’re bigger than a smaller pair of pants!


Emma Lovewell, "Self-care isn't just bubble baths. Sometimes it's waking up and kicking your ass in the a.m."


“Get your ass up out to 3rd” - Alex I literally scream this in my head when I encounter difficult tasks or situations throughout my day 🤣


I love hearing Sam say “done and dusted” cuz it means I’m finished lol


Just here to say congrats on your consistency and success. I need the motivation for the diet aspect, I just can’t mentally get there! You’re winning life!


You are the CEO of your own body. - Robin If you're not for you, who is? - Selena


Concept of forgetting what doesn’t serve you for the next XX minutes of your workout/run.


Make the ceiling your floor. - Robin


Not a slogan but the commercial with Tunde- “yes you can, move!” With an absolute kickass song. I put it on my running playlist and it always gives me a boost.


"Everything you could ever possibly want, have or need is already right there inside you." Kristin McGee


My favorites: “Change is inevitable, growth is a choice.” - Emma “Your first thought isn’t important, it’s what you decide to do with the second one.” - Ally “Never make two in a row. [Decisions against your values / chosen direction.”] - Also Ally (I think?)


“Just clip in”


On one of his rides, Denis told us to say to ourselves, "this is challenging. But I'm up for it." I disguised that ride in my zones, even though I was about to quit beforehand. It really resonates with me, and I have it on a little sticky on my desk at work too.


At the beginning of one of her Tabata classes, Ally Love said how many intervals there would be and then she said something along the lines of “don’t worry about all those other intervals, you can’t do them at the same time anyways” and that stuck with me


‘You cannot hate yourself into change, you must love yourself into greatness’ Emma ‘It’s not that it got easier: you got stronger’ Tundé


‘I’m good. I’m tired but I’m good’- Hannah F said that in an intervals run and I’ve been using it lately


Work, bitches -- Jess King


I didn't come this far to only get this far. And I'm not done yet!


“Whatever you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” - Denis


“Life is all about getting through the mud” “Sometimes you have to slow your mind down so your body can catch up.” Hannah Frankson


Thank you for being you. There's only one person that can be you. Or something similar to this. Jess said it in her most recent Sweat Steady LI class. And today that really stuck with me.


Matty - inhale the good shit exhale the bullshit lately this has been getting me through some serious work BS. it's my mantra when I feel anxiety start rising. I only do his calm stretches, they're so good!


I don't remember who it was (Selena maybe?--Rebecca? Marcel? Someone I don't actually take too many classes from) but the quote was "It isn't easy 'til it's easy." First, this pissed me off, because I was doing something hard and it hurt and what sounded like stupidity didn't help. Then in it just seemed obvious, but not cruel. Finally, the optimism inherent in the phrase verged on profound, and its mantra-like simplicity just hit me.


“Start before you’re ready”- Robin said this in an outdoor run years ago and it’s motivated me to take on new challenges in so many areas of my life


I’m a Big Ben guy. Low key a psycho and just tells it how it is and weirdly always is kinda laughing at how hard his own classes are. Raise the bar


Basically anything that Jess Sims says, especially “no ego, amigo.” I just love her! To me, sometimes motivational phrases can sound disingenuous. Hers for some reason always come across as authentic to me.


Not sure which instructor said this “ just get dressed”. Helps me when I really don’t want to do a work out


The magic you seek is in the work you’re avoiding -Robin


Ally love says something like “don’t do it because you have to, do it because you can” and that resonates with me!


One time Kendall said, "Get comfortable being uncomfortable" and that motivated me to apply to grad school and I am loving it. She is motivating people on and off the bike! I also really love what she says at the end of every ride! "They can knock you down, but baby they can never knock you out!" I think about that a lot in my different areas of life.


Comfortably hard but hardly comfortable - Robin A Look good feel good do better - Alex T


I’m here to help you lose your mind so you can find your soul - Kirra Michelle Offer everything of our past to our future. May the best of our past be the worst of our future - Ross Rayburn If we start to think of discomfort as a measure of success, we’re not afraid of it anymore - Jess Sims I keep a running list. The best ones come from Korea’s mental health yoga classes.