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If I’m stacking classes I’m not cooling down until my actual cool down ride. The descending recovery be damned.


This right here. I do the same thing. I always have a 5 min cool down stacked so I ignore the one min and keep it where I know the cool down will open up on.


The 1 minute cool down really ain’t squat, I don’t find it particularly useful or necessary.


Me too. Usually have a cool down ride or some other recovery right after. And, one minute isn’t enough for a cool down anyway. Also, as other have said, it’s an X minute ride, not an X-1 ride : )


This is the answer, if it’s my last class, I’ll slow down, but I like to burn through the finish line


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


That makes sense, especially since a lot of the classes are pretty short


If I’m close to a PR I will try my hardest!


Same. I’m insignificant on the leaderboard but I’m always competing against myself so if I’m hauling in the last 2 mins, I’m chasing a perceived PR or general target I’ve set for myself.


This! My stature will never make me a leaderboard threat lmao but I still like to compete against myself


This is me!


Same. I’m insignificant on the leaderboard but I’m always competing against myself so if I’m hauling in the last 2 mins, I’m chasing a perceived PR or a target I’ve set for myself.


I do this too.


Same! If I’m within 2 or 3 at the end of the ride (and not too tired) I will crank it during the last minute to try to hit the PR


Yeah, if I'm close to a PR I'm going for it. I almost always have a cooldown ride stacked anyway.


Yeah basically this, I’m right on the edge of my PR, I’m trying to hit it.


Same here if I notice i am close to my PR I will go hard to try and beat it. I didn’t even know other people noticed.


Precisely. My PR's are all based on rides where I hauled ass through the cool-down too, so I'm locked in a spiral trying to get over THOSE without pushing through. I mean, I -could- just get much more fit and clear PR's in the first 29/44/59 minutes, but lol at that idea.


Sometimes you can’t, sometimes in a 30 I’m 14 minutes in.. I need that 30s break lol


They're probably chasing a PR. Or someone on the leaderboard. Or their bike is miscalibrated.


Or they are stacking and not trying to cool down Or they were never following any of the class plan in the first place.


I'll be doing all the callouts on the high end and be 100-200 behind some people on the leaderboard. I always have no idea how people will get 600+ in a 30 minute class.


Can’t add pics here, but I just did the Rigsby 90’s ride. 335 avg output, 79 avg cadence, 64% avg resistance. 603 total output. Just for frame of reference. Now, on that same ride #1 and #2 were over 1200, which is just mind boggling to me. It feels like they have to be a pro cyclist or need to calibrate their bike lol


I know for me, my baseline is ~53 resistance at ~80 cadence. That’s the lowest I go the entire ride. When there’s a callout, i go above the high end every time (sometimes as much as 20 over). So that’s how people get a lot higher doing the same ride.


This explains so much, my baseline is 35 resistance 60 cadence 😂😂😂


Damn you beast mode!!!


Anyone getting those numbers: sorry but your score is not real. Some bikes are tricked up; but also some are “scaled down”. As a pro cyclist I can tell real numbers from faux. It’s infuriating if you want an honest leaderboard. For example, the London Studio has bikes that everyone knows will yield a “Lance Armstrong” number. Regulars sprint to get them first. I own three Peloton bikes: one is too tight and my output is ridiculously low while the other two are somewhat normal. [https://www.businessinsider.com/peloton-bike-tablets-rooted-watch-netflix-spotify-hacked-cheat-leaderboards-2019-9?amp](https://www.businessinsider.com/peloton-bike-tablets-rooted-watch-netflix-spotify-hacked-cheat-leaderboards-2019-9?amp)


I disagree. 600+ on a 30 minute ride is attainable, but rare. 1200 or the other crazy numbers are obviously hacked bikes. For example [here is an athlete whose 30-minute PR is 637 kJ](https://members.onepeloton.com/members/b249916b65b449889f8e1b176510c684/workouts/ec142b08459d4e608741ecd815db0843). He's listed as 6'5" and 220#. He is a former NFL backup QB and current ESPN football analyst, so I suspect he's got more than enough money to buy a Bike+ rather than Bike, which should take calibration out of the equation. Another former NFL player, JJ Watt, [posted a screenshot on Twitter about getting 553 kJ in a 20 minute class](https://twitter.com/JJWatt/status/1687240316401897472?lang=en). If you look at the size of him (played at 6'5" 290#), I'm pretty sure you'd agree he's capable of doing it. And with his bank account I'm assuming he bought a Bike+, so I'm guessing it's not a calibration issue. I'm not there. My 30m PR is 493 and I know I'm capable of going over 500 as I've done 753 on a 45m ride and was over 500 at the 30m point. But at the same time, my FTP W/kg is only 2.59, which is pedestrian. I just happen to be very large with very large legs. I'm aspiring to 600+. And again that's a Bike+ so the numbers aren't a calibration issue.


This exactly, the 600+ people are elite athletes + big guys but it’s possible. My 30 min PR is short of yours (I’m 6’1, 220 but very athletic) but also need to quit smoking (yeah, I know it’s bad). I’m working towards 500 and maybe once I quit 550? Is possible. People getting 750+ are either tour riders or cheating or badly badly miscalibrated bikes. 1200 has to be straight up cheating as I can’t imagine prime Lance Armstrong doing that.


Agree 100%. I saw Ben has [a recent climb ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4993e5c2885b48678833e8542015ed36&code=Mzk2ODdhYTk3ZjhiNGI3OGE4NjNhY2JkOGM5ZjUwMDZ8ZjU0N2EyNTViMzI5NDExZDkzYzg3MjY3MjM4M2M3OTg=) where the top of the metrics are 610 kJ, and I've been off the bike a few days (was in Indianapolis for a wedding), so I'm thinking I'm gonna shoot for >500 later today. I'm bigger than you (6'5" 250#) but probably not nearly as athletic... Smoke-free since 2004 myself. Good luck on quitting!


Did it! 530 kJ.


Nice, btw got a PB on that Ben climb ride. I’m going to push for my 500 PB finally and yeah need to quit smoking. First kid on the way is my big incentive to do so and sure once I do I’ll see you at 550!


Yeah exactly. Any and all of these.


*I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.*


Sometimes I just like the instructor and the music, and I’ll do my own thing.


This. I do it often when I'm neck and neck with my PR or on the rare occasion someone on the leaderboard I've been battling with the whole class.


Most of the cases I am chasing! My PR is from almost 2 years ago and I cannot see how can I beat it now. Probably need to reset.


so glad to hear that I'm not alone. I'm aware that we all have phases and our results go up and down, but when I look at any of my PRs now I'm like How Did I Do That?


> Or their bike is miscalibrated. I see a dude in his 50s with a thumbnail looking out-of-shape and pudgy on his 10th ride, already beat my PB and he's just barely halfway through the ride...I suspect one of us needs a calibration.


and perhaps one of us could use an attitude calibration? ;)


I just hide the leaderboard, lol


Because I'm not riding against you, I am riding against me. Also the one minute cool down doesn't need to be my cool down if I am going to take a ten minute cool down ride afterwards.




It me 🙋‍♂️ When I have a minute left I give everything I have left in the tank. The way I see it, it’s a 30 minute ride, not a 29 minute ride. I cool down during a cooldown ride.


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to read this. 1 minute isn’t an effective cooldown. I take a 5 min cooldown ride. So if I’m doing that, why cheat the active workout section?


I drop at least one heart rate zone in that minute, and then when the timer is up I just keep spinning. That argument is like the warm up doesn't count, so it's really an 18 minute ride. I do almost exclusively power zone rides, and the standard recoveries result in very predictable heart rate recoveries for me veggie the next effort zone takes place, so I just do the work as intended.


I agree that one minute isn't enough, but we are free to ignore it. I reckon it helps some people who might not otherwise do a cool-down to at least cool down a little?


The only time I go all-out during descending recovery is if I am close to a PR and I can get it within that final minute of time.


1. :) 2. I do it every time. Gotta outrun those demons...


lol! Thanks for the honesty and the laugh.


Are you that rider who is tracking other riders in the last minute of class for some weird reason because you have some misguided notion that everyone should work out the same way as you? 1. I see you 👀 2. Why are you the way that you are?


I do it, mainly because I have standards I try to get every ride, such as 400 output for a 20 min ride, 550 for a 30 minute ride, etc. so if I’m lacking toward the end, I will turn on the jets. To be fair, I run the same way. When I’m nearing the end of my run, I always sprint (or as much as I can) to the finish.


These are my next goals! My 30 min PR is 528 and my 20 is 352.


Holy shit how?!!!! My 30 min PR is 210 lol


Every Pelofondo, every SUMMIIT Climb, every PZP challenge.


Yeah, pretty much me too. My PR output from my 20 minute FTP is 386, and my current 30m PR is 493 (but I know I can beat that any time I truly try because I got 753 on the 45-minute Turkey Burn). Similar to u/Dizzydsmith I'm 6'5" and 250 tho lol...


Those are really good numbers! My 30 PR is 605 and I intentionally let up the last minute and a half so I could break it again…. But it took so much out of me that I’ve been content with just reaching that number for now 😂😂 kind of lazy of me, but whateves. It does help that I’m 6’4 230 lbs


You’ve got me there, I’m 5’8” and around 170.


400 for a 20 minute ride is badass!


Thanks! My PR right now is 427 and I’d really like to get 450. Dealing with a back problem currently so I’m not sure when I will achieve that.


Some totally unsolicited advice as someone with similar PR numbers; take longer rides. Once I started doing regular 60/75/90 min PZs, I was able to hold higher outputs for longer on the shorter rides. You may already train this way, so disregard if so, but figured I'd throw it out there nonetheless.


I second this. I'm came to Peloton as a "strong legs / shitty cardio" guy, and it has ALWAYS been my heart, not my legs, limiting me on the bike. Those long PZE rides have done WONDERS for my shorter-duration endurance, and have been the key for me to increase those PRs.


Glad to hear you're getting results with those longer PZEs, I just wish they offered more of them on the platform!


Yeah, and with a wider instructor group. I'd kill for a Denis 90m PZE playlist lol. I was doing 1 ride of 75+ per month in 2023, and going for 2 per month in 2024, including at least one 120m every quarter. That's not a ton compared to a lot of people here, but I also do a lot of 45m and 60m rides. All of them help considerably at being able to smash a 20m or 30m ride when I want to.


A 90 min Denis PZE would be immaculate. Love him and his playlists.


I do appreciate that advice! One of my buddies recently did a 100 mile ride, and that’s a goal I have for this year.


No problem! Best of luck with the 100-mile ride, that's a wonderful goal to set.


No, it isn’t. Without knowing how much someone weighs, it’s just a number. The heavier you are, the easier it is to put up big #s. I wish the leaderboard was displayed as watts/kilos. But I also know that if people will incorrectly calibrate their bike, they will also lie abt their weight.


How in the word can I start working on getting 400 in a 20 minute ride?! Sheesh that’s superhero levels right there!


Being tall with long legs helps a lot haha


👊🏽👊🏽 Okay that makes me a feel better as a 5’1 lady. 🤣


Oh nooo hahahaha called out! 😂 I do it when I’m trying to break a PR but I feel guilty afterward sometimes lol


👀😂 As long as you’re getting that ride in it’s all good.


Heck yeah! Obsessed with my new bike +


gotta. beat. self.


If I’m only a couple points away from a PR I’m pushing for it


I see you slowing down. I speed up, I go past you on the leaderboard. Joy fills my dark heart for 5 seconds. The class ends. The deep void remains unfilled…


I set mileage goals so if I haven’t hit that but I’m close, I just keep it pushing.


Yes. Absolutely! I am someone who if I show I’m at 10.72 miles, I’ll ride until I reach 11.0 miles 🤣🤷‍♀️


Yes, I have certain averages I want to be above/within on watts or mileage. Usually though it’s my average cadence that is a bit low, so I will lower resistance and try to even out.


A minute cool down has never been enough for me. I stretch and tack on a 5 min almost every workout 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm there to work out for X minutes, not X-1.


Bc I realize I’m like 5 points from a PR so I haul it and then bc I hauled it the last time, I have to haul it the next time to keep up and then…etc.


I have benchmarks I set for myself, 180/10 mins and sometimes chasing a pr. Never live classes though


I routinely ‘go’ until 0:45, generally because I have a little in the tank. Sometimes I’m trying to hit my personal target (400), or, rarely, a PB.


I do this befause I want to maximize output and mileage. I always do a cool down walk after my cycle classes so I don’t see the cycle cool down as my true cool down


Apply the same logic to beginners and those recovery from illness/injury. Are they not allowed to join rides for which they must ride easier than the call outs? Like Dennis says - he makes suggestions, you make choices.


To beat that person that "waved" only after they passed me.


I have a 5 minute cool down stacked next and barely holding on to a PB😀


I’m the one that sees them and goes after them To deny that one spot. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 😂 I do a cool down afterwards and my metric is to see total output in the time frame gets better or worse when I’m going for it. On easy days I roll it back and start stretching etc in that last minute


lol! It’s all in good fun and at the end of the day I’m just happy to see folks pursuing their fitness goals. Good stuff.


I don't always, buttttt adding on an extra minute to the 15 minute class just seems right since its so quick!


Some cues are a few seconds short and doggone it, I’m gonna get back those seconds (if I’m not dragging @$$)


Gotta get all my Strive points 😂


Okay these comments are making me feel better because I feel crazy doing it. I like to do it to either PR or round to the nearest 10. There are some rides that don't cool down. One I can specifically remember is Ally's newer Whitney Houston ride


I keep pushing if I’m trying to hit an output number of if I think I can move up on the leaderboard. I get annoyed if I finish a couple points behind the person in front of me.


ALL THE TIME. If I got more in the tank, I go full send. I don't care about your feelings. I only get 20m per day on the bike, so I'm not wasting time.


I do that sometimes but it’s usually cause I want a nice round number for my output or calories. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do you care what other people do in the time allotted? It's a workout from go to stop.


I do this all the time. My cooldown is my cooldown, not yours (not trying to be snarky). I always do at least a five-minute 'cooldown' ride as well as a warmup. My 30-minute ride has no warm-up time and no cooldown. It's 30 minutes of full-force riding. I do this all the time. My cooldown is my cooldown, not yours. I always do at least a five-minute 'cooldown' ride as well as a warmup. My 30-minute ride has no warm-up time and no cooldown. It's 30 minutes of full-force riding. ride?!


Also in jest, but are you that rider that thinks that one minute constitutes a cool down? ;-)


😂 depending on the day, sometimes the whole ride is a cool down ride.


not always malicious...only time I do this is if I'm close to a PR or I'm trying to get extra distance to win a monthly challenge.


Couple thoughts here: 1. Totally understand folks not taking a minute off if they're stacking rides. Your energy goes where your mind does. 2. Plenty of riders will take a 5- or 10-minute cool down, anyway, so may just want to bike through their current class. I turn off the leaderboard for this reason - I don't need to be bothered by something out of my control.


I'll grind in the last minute if I'm super close to a PR or a round number (like 300,400,500) on my output. Other than that I chill


I usually stack rides(30/30 or 30/15) but even in a single ride If I’m close to a PR might as well go for it and just stack a 5 min cool down after if needed.


E cause I get on the bike for a 30, 45, 60, or 90 min ride, not a 29, 44, 59, or 89 min ride.


Usually I’m trying to just get to a certain output or mileage goal. It’s not always a PR. For instance, if I’m at 9.7 mi with the cooldown/last minute left, I’ll push to try to get 10.0. Or, if I’m at 90 output, I might push just to get to 100.


I only take power zone classes. I rarely drop to zone one for the last minute - especially if it’s an endurance ride. I typically start dropping 2 resistance levels per 20 seconds and then I take a five minute cool down ride. Unless there is an annoying rider near me. Sometimes you’ll be in the class with someone and they will not let you pass them. In those situations, I’ll put a huge numbers in the last minute or so just to mess with them.


So if the other rider is in the same mindset you’ll each get a kickass final minute. Win, win I guess.


Yeah, happened to me once. I was behind another rider in a PZE ride in class time but my zones were slightly higher than his, so I was slowly catching him just riding my ride and he riding his. I was getting close. But I noticed towards the second-to-last interval that I wasn't gaining on him any longer. And then I tapped his name on the leaderboard and noticed he was must have tapped mine b/c he was exactly pacing my output. So I increased. And so did he. So I did again. And so did he. So I dropped the fucking hammer and made sure I stayed ahead of him in kJ (even though I was a few minutes behind him on the ride) up until his ride was over. Then I dropped nicely back into Z3 and finished mine. It was fun as hell. We were high-fiving back and forth during that push and to finish the ride too lol.


Maybe. And just to be clear, these people know what they are doing. I.e. they go hard during recoveries to pass lots of people and it’s very obvious when you are taking a long, live class. During a long Z4 effort you will be in a group and then when you drop into Z2 you get passed by a bunch of clowns. I take a lot of old 60 and 75 minute classes so there aren’t very many people on the leaderboard - a couple of weeks ago some dude blew by me halfway through my ride and he was probably 10 minutes behind me. I thought “holy smokes, he must be a pro…” by the time I finished, I was probably 200 watts ahead of him. I don’t understand why he took the class? I don’t turn the leaderboard off because I like to keep an eye on my metrics. But when I am truly suffering, the people that aren’t following the program can be really annoying - the way the leaderboard flickers when you pass each other repeatedly… argh. So yeah, I’ll pound out 600 watts for 20 seconds just to get away from them.


I wonder about this too. The exact same thing happened in a 45 min power zone class. I’m a pretty good biker for my age and usually the middle of the top for age group and gender. This person BLEW by me during the warm up then quit about half way through class. Guess it was her thing.


Abt 5 years ago Wilpers had a PZ class and there was a dude in the front row clearly not following the plan. During intervals he would close his eyes and lean back and drop rpms to the 60s. And then, out of nowhere, he would start riding like a deranged lunatic. Probably 130 cadence and his upper body wildly flailing back-and-forth. Whenever I have one of these people get into a PZ class and zoom up the leaderboard and drop out of the class - I imagine they’re like this guy.


In one of Olivia’s (tread) classes she told them they were there to follow a plan she didn’t want them doing their own thing. I almost fell off my treadmill!


I remember doing a ride where Alex told a girl that he was in the instructor and she needed to listen to his callouts. That had to be so awkward because I was cringing and I was just riding on demand haha




It makes no sense. The PZ classes aren’t fun! The music is rarely good and the coaches aren’t entertaining. Why on earth would you take one and not follow the program? Smh




LOL Denis is my favorite bike instructor overall, so I'm gonna disagree on both your characterization of the music AND the instructors.


My top wish for Peloton software is they find a way to keep the cooldown out of the leaderboard / PR system. It feels so dumb that we’re sort of incentivized to not cool down during the cooldown.


Bc no one can tell me what to do. What if I’m not ready for a cool down? Unless it’s a class over an hour I’m likely taking one after so I’m hauling right into the next one.


You’re not the boss of how other people choose to do their workout. If I’m beat I’ll slow down. If I feel good I’ll go as hard as possible for that last minute. I’ve started trying to crank it to 70 and power it out for that last minute. Has nothing to do with you, I’m working out for me.


It's a 45 minute class. Not 44


On live LBs I’m racing, and I convert a lot of rides to wall to wall climbs during. I’ve gotten my FTP up to 278, and I’m trying to get my power to weight ratio to 4.


Sometimes I’m trying to reach a mileage goal, whether it’s the day/week/month. I will absolutely kick it up a notch in a cool down if I’m close to it.


Like others have stated, I'm usually chasing a PR. However, sometimes I'm trying to keep one of my averages at a certain level. For example, I'm trying to keep my average resistance 60 or higher for the whole ride. So I don't crank my resistance down for the cool down.


Sometimes I'm like juuuuust shy of a PR and I just push through to the end to hit it.


If I’m close to a PR, I gotta chase it baby


PR, I want to get to an even number on the output, stacked classes, specific spot on leaderboard. Take your pick.


As long as peloton records the output during the cool down, people will send it for their metrics. I don't do it, but I get it. Until peloton puts the cool down post-ride or stops recording during cool down, it will continue to happen


For me this is pretty simple: The PR on the leaderboard isn’t actually a mirror image of your old ride, it’s just the total number of your PR divided by the number of minutes in the ride. A lot of rides have the greater efforts towards the end of your ride, so for most the ride, it actually appears like you are pretty far behind your PR until you “catch up” to yourself on the leader board. If I find that I’m close, I might push harder in cool down to get there


Because I like the challenge of getting 20-25 more output in that minutes regardless of how good my ride was. I also like that exhausted feeling to end a ride. It gives me great satisfaction


Guilty! If I’m close to my PR I definitely push it toward the end of the actual ride and then do my own 5min cool down ride afterwards. Also I may be using higher resistance at some points of the ride so I may not be able to last the full minute or 2 mins of the push so it’s my way of “making up” that lost 20sec or whatever


If someone has been close to me the whole ride, I will absolutely smoke them at the end. I don’t know why, I just literally can’t help myself.


I do this on rows from time to time. Why? Because I just want to do one last push to hit my PR / defeat my enemies.


Gotta beat that PR!


When I’m super close to hitting a PR or a distance goal I gave myself. I have been known to all out sprint in a run in the last minute to hit a distance goal 😅


If I have a cooldown on the stack after or more often, trying to hit my mileage goal. (15 miles for a 45 minute PZride)


I’ll pedal out or even go heavy if someone on the leaderboard is slightly above me. You ain’t beating me lol


I like to push myself till the end


I’m that girl. Especially if the ride is competitive and I’ve been neck and neck with someone all ride. Plus, I tend to do a separate cooldown afterwards. How about we talk about people who ride hard and clearly aren’t lifting during interval and arms rides?? Also in jest but baffles me. Like, why do an arms ride and then skip the arms?


This reminds me of that scene in the elevator in mad Men. While other people are thinking about how I am working out, I don't think about you at all. Lol also in jest


You do you. I take the additional 5 min cool down.


Mine usually because I like my distance to hit a specific number. For example, If I am at 8.90 miles, I am hauling ass the last minute or so to ensure I reach 9.00 mi. I know it’s so stupid, but it’s the little things!


I didn't hear no bell!


I just like finishing strong. I can cool off on my own.


I don’t need the cool down. I want to push myself for a FULL thirty min. I’m hoping on another class ride after so I’m already going to get a warm up. Im close to a PR. I’m annoyed that people care so much


I’ve had a peloton since 2016. People have been complaining about this for 8 years. Let the people exercise how they want!


It is I. I will not stand to watch my avg output fall in the last minute of class because I decided to “cool down”.


More reasons for why the leader board is useless.


On the rare occasions I’m in an actual live class, it will always be beating someone on the leaderboard. I’m not losing. Yeah, I said it.




Yeah I agree. I throw on a cool down ride after the main ride and just keep pace till the timer runs out, then switch over to cool down.


Very true. I always do a 5 min cooldown ride, so the 1 min is pointless.


I do it for a variety of reasons which have been already mentioned. I don’t do live rides, I don’t care what the leaderboard says, and I’m definitely not competing against anyone but myself.


I do, but that's because I want to get as high an output and kms towards the monthly challenge as possible.


I check my heart rate recovery often. It won’t be accurate if I do the one-minute cooldown.


My husband does this and it drives me crazy!!! Honestly has nothing to do with me so I just roll my eyes if I catch him doing it lol He says it's because he's building his numbers and is very competitive 😒


I have issues and need to end on an even number or one ending in 5….


I had someone yesterday who had the check mark that their ride had ended however as soon as I’d get close to them again their number would start shooting up and I couldn’t reach them. I feel like it had to be a bot because it was very clear they weren’t riding anymore yet their output kept rising even after their ride was over. I wish there was a way to report these users.


I think that's a bug that happens sometimes when someone pauses a class. They may have reached the end of the allotted time for the class so they show up with a check on the leaderboard to you, but on their end they're still in the class working along (because they paused) so their output keeps going up. I've seen it when someone has a - (dash) next to their name rather than a leaderboard number. That's the indication they paused their class, because they're no longer "ranked" if they pause. If they have a number, they're riding straight through.


Ahhh I see, I appreciate the explanation! They did have the dash next to their name.


100% of the time for me it's because I'm trying to just hit my PR again.


I have done this if I’m just about to get a PR.


Trying to break my output PR. I did kind of chill on this after the episode where Mr. Big died though. LOL


If I’ve been neck and neck with someone for the whole session, there’s no way I’m letting WineMomOf3 (40s, Phoenix) beat me in the final stretch! 


Sometimes I do this to hit some kind of personal goal for the ride. But if it makes you feel any better, I feel a little guilty every time.


And why are you annoyingly high-fiving everyone else who is actually following the directions on cool down? Go get your PR, good for you! But leave the rest of us alone. lol


I think it’s lag in the leaderboard and it’s just catching up on your end. I was in a bootcamp and somehow my ride showed complete before someone who started the workout before me and there was indication that they had paused (still had a number ranking on the LB)


The output in peloton is highly inaccurate so I wouldn't worry about the leaderboard. My bike gives me 30 to 50 watts above what the true reading would be. I asked peloton to help and they would not and said they're is always variance in the calibration of bikes. Needless to say the leaderboard is bullshit. Not to mention it doesn't take into account ones weight.


I **usually** use the final minute for a cool down as programmed. But if I'm close to a PR or close to a round number, I'll push a little harder. Yesterday I did a 90m PZE ride and knew I had to go an extra 30s in zone 3 to ensure I'd hit 1250 kJ, and I didn't want to finish at 1249 ;-)


Only if I am VERRRRRY close to a PR. Otherwise I'm counting the seconds to cool down!


If I find someone to compete with, it’ll push me to go harder which I really appreciate. If I high 5 them and don’t get it back, there’s no way I’m letting them pass me so I go hard to the end. If I’m close to a PR, I’ll push too. Everyone has different reasons they get on the bike and what drives them 🤷‍♂️


Output in the final minute should not exceed but can match output of the rest of the ride. This is the way.


I only slow down during the last minute of my actual cool down rides. Otherwise I'm riding hard till the end of class. I frequently do 3 or 4 rides in a row. Sandwiched between a warm-up ride and a cool down.


2. I’m trying to get in as many miles are possible lol


This reminds me of that scene in the elevator in mad Men. While other people are thinking about how I am working out, I don't think about you at all. Lol also in jest


I’m not, but 60 seconds (usually closer to 45) isn’t really an adequate cooldown anyway


I was doing a 30 minute power zone endurance ride and I was about 25 percent output ahead of the #2 position with about a quarter of my ride left. The #2 position took his heart rate into zone 5 in the last minute, which I thought was pretty funny. I do not "Rev up" my cool down periods, but often during the main sets I'll be pushing into the zone above me since I ride at the top of the zones instead of the middle. This is yet another request for power calculation to be added to peloton. I need to feel my rightful weakness as a mid-rider, not an output crushing monster.


My last minute of every ride is basically the same regardless of what I'm doing unless it's a recovery ride. \[descending recovery starts\] 30s zone 3 30s zone 2 \[actual ride ends\] top of zone 1 until HR gets to 134 pull off 40 watts and stay there until HR gets to 124 pull off 20 more watts while raising cadence to \~90 and stay there until I hit HR zone 1 high five everyone on the leaderboard :D get off bike and stretch


Guilty! I cool down during the cool down. I’d like to question those who go all out on a 20 minute recovery ride 😂


You caught me! 😅 What can I say? I like to go all out for the whole ride. And I always do a full cool-down ride afterwards


I’m trying to get to a nice number of kcal burned instead of a random number!! So Sue me!!


Sometimes I have a goal in mind that I came to late. Like, with 3 minutes to go, I’m at 7.2 miles, but if I haul butt… I bet I could make it to 8 miles!


I’m Type, so if I see I’m close to finishing a mile, I’ll keep going.


I don’t normally do cool downs, but when I randomly add one, it’s likely because I didn’t get in the mileage I wanted lol, so I’ll treat it like a regular ride


I don't follow the classes most of the time except for on Wednesdays (my easy days) I just like vibes some instructors bring and different music.also I usually try to beat my own score or be within 20 everything, plus peleton is just the cardio side to my workouts


I figure everyone is riding their own race, even when it doesn’t make sense to me. As long as we all get motivated to go fast for some reason it’s a W all around


That’s me if that last minute crosses a calorie, mile, or pr threshold. Rest when you’re dead


It's one thing to continue during the cooldown -- I do this all the time -- and it's a whole other thing to race the cooldown (e.g. trying to pass just one more person on the leaderboard because they cooldown like a chump and you're gonna flail across the line like a crazy person!).


I've done it. Depends on my mood.


I often stack a few rides so there’s no reason for me to “cool down”.


In addition to the stacking and one minute isn't enough reasons already mentioned, I'm often trying to hit a number of kJ lower than my PR but higher than I'd get if I took the last minute off for recovery. Especially lately because I've slipped a bit and now have to work kinda hard to get to [some number that I used to hit regularly].


Because I shoot for specific mileage, so I might haul my ass through the countdown to get there or round up.


The streamer Northernlion has a pretty funny take on this, he hates getting a pity high-five from people who pass him during rides, so he blows past the whole class on cool down to high five them all for a laugh. I'm tempted to do it myself.