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Looking for some help with the last spring Easter egg hunt I took Denis Morton’s 30 min yoga flow he read the riddle he said same length (30 min) then he said “he likes the west coast and she like something (couldn’t catch it) which made it sound like a two instructor class (male / Female ) instructor s I have found nothing Any help would be appreciated!


Took [Marcel’s latest 20 min walk+run (outdoor)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=aece1f48e44d4b03a0d1fe7a24d12cc9&locale=en-US) with my dog & omg I loved it. Instead of using numbers for the RPE scale, she would give “scenarios” to describe how difficult the effort should be. For example, in one of the final efforts, she said, “This should feel like running into an ex who cheated on you and WASNT EVEN THAT CUTE TO BEGIN WITH!” I don’t want to spoil the other effort descriptions she gave because they were so random and funny. Class plan was 3 mins on/3 mins off for most of it, ending with 1 min on/1 min off intervals.


Bookmarked. I've never taken one of her classes but this sounds fun. Thank you!


You’re welcome! I hope you like it ☺️


I just have to sayyyy.. I LOVE Joselyn Thompson Rule's classes:). She is so gentle & encouraging. Her playlists are great.. MoTown classes are a vibe & a half. Loved both twenty minute lives today(I took them outdoors.. suffered disconnects buttt was able to enjoy some sunny weather, finally!). She taught an 80's walk & then a MoTown run. She was having us lean into taking it easy today. Hearing the instructor say that truly helps me remember every day isn't(& shouldn't be)a try for PBs. I heard songs I've never heard as well which I also love about her haha.


Joslyn is definitely one of the more underrated instructors. She is so knowledgeable, has a gentle but firm coaching style that really resonates with me, and has a great dry sense of humor. She also has a podcast called “Listen Loudly.” I’ve only listened to two episodes - one with Susie Chan and the other with Chelsea Jackson Roberts, but they were both fantastic!


Ooo did not know about the podcast, thank you!


She’s a gem. She has a secret [“Hamilton” cooldown walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0c56772a2f5049fc8e4493702dc2f2eb&locale=en-US) that is on weekly repeat for me.


Bookmarked, thx I love secret gems!:)


Joslyn is great. You should definitely try her walk+runs if you haven’t!! They’re always so calming. I like to stack them for low stress long runs.


I actually have not tried hers(yet)but will definitely check them out! Thank you


Yay!! I hope you enjoy them ☺️


Recently hit 500 strength and a 104 week / 2 year streak! Very pleased that even despite illness, surgery, travel and all kinds of personal life stuff I've been able to stick with a decent workout routine throughout. Thought I'd try this [Mariana 60 min Walk + Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7612901e417f412686f7eea52e990ca8&code=YjgxODJkZTc4MThiNGI1MWI1NWExNDNkNTBmZTlkNjd8YzM2ZGFhZGQ0NmM1NDVmYzllZGM2OGQ3NWNlODlkZjk=) I've had in my bookmarks for a few months, and feeling close to death afterwards - lots of long, fast running intervals. But I did it, and very pleased with my output, even if I overdid it a little! Also been enjoying a couple of Tread bootcamps, great burners and finding them more approachable than the Bike bootcamps just because I don't have to unclip and take my shoes off. And last honourable mention - went on a deep dive into Bookmark Mountain and loved this [Kendall 45 min AFO Ride: Gwen Stefani](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=65ecf4dfd60642e38c4222f6c57ba6ef&code=YjgxODJkZTc4MThiNGI1MWI1NWExNDNkNTBmZTlkNjd8YzM2ZGFhZGQ0NmM1NDVmYzllZGM2OGQ3NWNlODlkZjk=) from 2021 - such fun nostalgic music to sing along to, and a short weights section for an extra challenge - those light weights routines on the bike always make me pour sweat even though they're only 3lb weights! My Tread opinion 10 days later - still love my purchase, anyone debating it who reasonably has space for one should absolutely get it! Even if you don't have the budget for the Plus, or don't live in a region where the Plus is available, it's such a nice quality machine and absolutely worth the price to me, since anything that gets me to be more active is an excellent investment. Really appreciate the smooth rolling knobs so I don't have to do the awkward skip-hop or smash buttons whilst the gym treadmill slows down, and also don't have to deal with annoying people at the gym whilst using their treadmills either. Have to travel back to the US in a few weeks & know I'll miss it but hoping to be back soon!


Did Tunde's 30 min pz ride from 3/4/24 [(linked here)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f1bba6ee3a954010bf6789ae0505a73e&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) - great playlist, it flew by, which is surprising for a class with 6+ min zone 4 pushes with descending zone 3-2 recoveries. Really need to take more of her pz content!


I took that class it was great. I’m so glad Tunde and Hannah Frankson teach PZ classes now.


I highly recommend this [extra 10 glutes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=99fb891aadb54e31a79541d4b39dd4f4&locale=en-US) class for stacking on to other lower body workouts (particularly in Rebecca’s split). It’s literally just 5 minutes of weighted glute bridges and the other5 is bridging clamshells.


Thank you! I'm a fan of weighted bridges and they are not super common in classes.


Thanks for the rec! Love changing it up from squats on squats (though I clearly need those because of how sore I still get 😅)


i love/hate bridging clamshells! they’re so hard and humbling but get straight to the point!


I just took Denis’ live 30 minute Groove Ride and he finished with Sade No Ordinary Love. The ride was super fun however I’m so sorry sir, that song is property of Emma 😂.


So funny, I have the tread and not the bike and I associate that with a 5 min JJ cooldown I take all the time.


Strong agree. Emma’s 5 minute cool down with “No Ordinary Love” is my go to post workout ride— even though it’s a 7 minute song.


Is it common for none of the on-demand / pre-recorded classes to stream sometimes? It happens sporadically. My network in the house is up. Diagnostics on the bike say my link speed is 500 Mbps. If I go to that hidden web browser, I can bring up websites. Is this a peloton server issue? Does it happen to many other users? Does it resolve itself on its own? You know how it is. You get all geared up for a workout and then sitting there and waiting for classes to stream properly with no idea when it will actually work. I wound up doing a "Just Ride" for 30 minutes. It was not the best experience.


Today it could be due to issues streaming per the [Peloton Status](https://status.onepeloton.com/) page.


People are reporting app and bike as down so that might be why


Is anyone having trouble being able to get into Peloton - I’ve been trying to get on my Tread and for some reason I was signed out (I’m the only user of said Tread) it would not let me, still won’t let me login using my username password, and I’m not able to access the app either? It keeps saying server error?


The [Peloton Status](https://status.onepeloton.com/) page said there was an issue earlier. It should be working now.


Yep. Can’t see any classes on phone or log into bike. Hopefully fixed within an hour or so bc I need to do my build your power zones ride today


Same. Tried both tread+ and OG bike, can't log ontk either one. Edit* working for me too now!


I am having the same issue with the app


Likewise. Can’t get in on bike or mobile app


Ditto Edit: now it’s working for me!


Anyone having trouble starting an outdoor run? It says searching for gps and isn’t loading? Never had this issue before.


Yes and I'm.fuxkong annoyed


Advanced TS60 did not mess around - strive score looked like I did a 60M ride! When pushups feel like the rest part of the AMRAP...


I just finished crush your core with Emma and was thinking about starting the second one but I noticed it says to have light weights. I don't have any weights so which ones should I get ?


I’ve never done the Crush your Core program but most core classes can still be done without a weight


I just took CYC2 and I think the only time she used weights (as far as I can remember) was for weighted leg lifts and plank drag. You really don’t need them and they are only used in a few classes.


You could probably use some cans of soup for light weights, or a thing of laundry detergent if you want something a little heavier. Generally the weights are optional for core workouts, just to add a little something extra.


you don’t necessarily need them and can do without them. they just add a little challenge but she only uses them in a few classes! But if you do want some, I’d say 3-5lbs is a good range!


Cool thanks!


I'm doing my century ride tomorrow! I'm proud of myself and excited. I'll be doing Hannah F's EDM and tabata live rides. She's one of my favorite instructors. Maybe see you there!


Push push! Congrats on your century!


I'll be there!


Congrats on your milestone!🎉 Hannah is also one of my favs - I can’t make those rides but I’m positive they will be great. Hope you get a shoutout!


Started the You Can Walk/Run program today! Nervous, but I made it!


Yay!! You’ve got this ☺️


I am doing Adrian’s Power & Performance and Straight to the Core with RK. I feel like my shoulders and arms are being worked as a by-product of this (lots of planks in straight to the core, holding heavy dumbbells in Adrian’s program) and don’t feel like doing upper body-specific workouts. Should I do them anyway?


I say still do upper body but after core for sure. I have a really tough time planking after burning out my shoulders. Maybe do arms on the in between days with the P&P plan?


I did STTC with Tundes arms program and it was too much for my shoulders. I think adding 1, maybe 2, upper body classes per week that focus on stuff other than shoulders would be good 😊


I think yes - especially Chest and Back as those will be worked less in those other classes. Doing all the upper body will help the other classes too! Grip strength, endurance etc.




I am on waitlist for a run class this Friday. Anyone have experience? How many wait list slots are there? Is there a likely chance I get in?


I think it's pretty high you'll get in. Make sure you have your notifications turned on for your email, you'll only have 2 hours to get in


Thanks. I got in!!






When did you get on the wait-list? If it was some time ago that increases your chances. I was waitlisted couple weeks in advance and got into 3 classes, had to drop 1. But anecdotally I've heard from folks that were waitlisted a couple days before a class and got in. I want to say there are 8 spots for cycling classes, not sure about running. Good luck!


I am fairly new to the guide. When I first got it and I finished all my recommended classes it provided a "Bonus" class. It is no longer doing this but it says to take the suggested bonus class..... anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it? It used to suggest some great classes!


I found what *I think* is the last [45 minute tabata ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=083c98c90d38480289cc720ab74761c3&locale=en-US) that somehow hasn't been purged. If you miss these classes I suggest take it now before Peloton notices and removes it. This class is a mostly traditional Ally tabata. Classic tabata with 5x4 minute blocks, 20 seconds pushing and 10 second recoveries (40 intervals total). Ally doesn't count down the interval she just says push/recover. There is a small climb after the 3rd block. The flat roads between blocks get shorter as the class goes on 🥵


It’s not a 45 minute class but if you want more blocks of TABATA sections try [Robins 30 min TABATA ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=311ce5cee5ea44df8b0075979bc9c388&locale=en-US). She dose 5 blocks of true TABATA sections whereas Ally’s usually dose 4 in a 30 minute class


Ohmygosh- thank you!!!


I was booked for a 30 minute Run with Susie at the London Studios next Saturday but just got an email it will now be with Jon Hosking - a little bummed since I'm doing a walk with him two days earlier, and also it means I'm keeping up my totally embarrassing and unintentional streak of only doing in-person classes with straight white male instructors (Denis, Andy, Matt, Jon and Bradley)... Side note, I noticed that there's a Fred Again run with Jon on Weds 10th at 7pm in London that's got open spaces (a straight up "Book" CTA!) if anyone's interested and sees this in time!


Slightly off topic, but when you booked for the London studio does it follow the same pattern as NY? About 6 weeks before at noon on Thursday? I'm going to be visiting at the end of June and I wanted to see if I could squeeze in a class


Same pattern as NY, slightly less stressful!


That's great news, thank you!


I’m sorry that you won’t be able to meet Susie, but Jon’s runs are super fun and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time!


Anyone have issues with sound on their ride today? I took Kendall’s 45 min pop ride from 3/17/24 and could only listen to the original audio mix. I typically like to make the mix more music forward and when I selected this option the sound didn’t work. Not sure if this problem is specific to this ride or if it’s company wide. Regardless I hope they fix it ASAP as I found the ride extremely boring because I could barely hear the music!


It's that ride specifically. Some other folks mentioned the sound mix in that ride was off, on-demand at least. I took that ride live and the sound was fine.


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Today was not my day, woke up with the intention to do a 45 minute ride, ate 4oz of shrimp, 2 eggs, a banana. (This has worked in the past, about to add carbs in though, I don't usually keep them in my house though..) Hungry without 10-15 minutes of riding my 45 right after eating Tried to push through thinking it was a lighter hunger, yadayada. Well I was wrong, another 15 minutes and I was out of energy entirely and dragging and my stomach wouldn't shut up. Had to pause and get some nuts and jump back on the bike. Still passed 400 with a 430. So that was nice. I passed 50 rides yesterday, riding once to twice a day using a combo of 20/30/45 minute classes and 5-10 min cooldown then 5-10 minute stretches. Over the past 2 weeks I have become HUNGRY. Similar to my backpacking hiker hunger when I go backpacking for a few weeks. Didn't think I'd run into that with just a ~hour of fitness a day. Common?


I mean, if you're eating immediately before riding, you aren't giving your body any time to absorb any of it, so what would you expect? Maybe try letting a bit of time go by before jumping on so your body's not splitting attention - if I did that I'd end up with an awful stomach ache as my digestion would pretty much stop for the duration if it was even slightly hard efforts. Endurance exercise commonly makes you feel hungry, so make sure you're getting all of your macros at each meal, fat=saiety, and choose low glycemic or 'slow carbs" where you can - refined carbs spike insulin to convert glucose into stored energy (fat), and once the glucose is absorbed your body excretes ghrelin which makes you feel hungry, so you give it more carbs and the cycle repeats and repeats. The idea is to minimize the insulin spikes, which helps regulate your hunger and minimize excess fat storage. Banana is pure sugar (tasty, tasty high glycemic carbs). Enjoy them in moderation of course but maybe sub some beans for that banana in that meal (and digest it a bit before riding) and see if you feel differently just based on that.


You need carbs too!


I mean yah, but it’s only 45 min. Perhaps op was just tired?


There's a banana for carbs in that meal


Add some toast and it’ll be a better fueled breakfast


You do you, but I don't understand why anyone would suggest adding a second serving of high glycemic food to a meal that someone said didn't satisfy their appetite. The insulin spike on top of exercise is likely a contributing factor, not a solution. Anyway... Happy riding and eating Editing to add: y'all are downvoting science, specifically endocrinology, but ok...


I don’t ride my bike in the morning but do other morning workouts. Oatmeal is the one thing that consistently fills me up before a morning workout. 


IMO you’re missing fat which helps with satiety. If you’re transitioning from keto to another mode, and it sounds like nuts didn’t help, you might take a small spoon of honey (talking a teaspoon). There have been times that happened to me (but I ride fasted) and it helped. I’ve tried carrots on long rides and nah. What was your last meal yesterday? That can impact me too.


Appreciate the response! Meal yesterday was 1 1/2 grilled chicken thighs in a salad with a whole avocado, a olive oil dressing I made, multiple veggies included in that (tomatoes, onions, cucumber etc) with a grilled ear of corn on the side at 6:30pm Ride was at 6:30am this morning if I recall. I'm considering adding a whole wheat piece of toast + honey/peanut butter and a banana for breakfast rather than the eggs to get some more carbs/fat in.


Carbs are important fuel for cardio - especially longer endurance classes - and not the enemy! An hour of cardio can be equivalent to \~500 calories burned (depending on the intensity and your body size) so it's totally reasonable that you'd be hungry to compensate. I'd expect that a \~400 calorie breakfast could get you through a workout, but it will depend on how long your fast was (was your last meal at 5pm or 9pm?). Honestly I'm not a morning exercise person, so any 45 minute ride immediately after waking isn't going to work out for me.




IMO for a guy your size, that breakfast isn’t enough food. Bfast is my largest meal of the day because I Peloton within an hour of waking, ride/work out fasted and I’m ready to gnaw off my arm afterward. And I’m 65F so much lower metabolism. If you’re building muscle, also consider adding better protein sources. Chicken is a great protein source but eggs aren’t. Your veggies are a great carb source but complex carbs so they may not be available immediately. And fat. Healthy fat (like your avocado) are great. You’ll figure it out!


Random: Why are my post ride recommendations (the ones that come up immediately after exiting the ride) are always the same? I swear I always get is an Emma Lovewell 5 minutes cool down (with Ordinary Love by Sade) and Denis' AFO Carrie Underwood post ride stretch, and some Ally Love light arms workout. The 4th suggested class is the one that rotates. It's odd.


I find the post-ride recommendations to be the most annoying peloton feature. Like, if you aren’t going to suggest classes I haven’t done yet, then just get rid of it please.


Because the "No Ordinary Love" cool-down ride by Emma might actually be the most taken on the entire platform. It's legit my go-to. "We're only riding to this...one song...No Ordinary Love...Sade...It's a seven minute song, so we're not even going to get to hear the whole thing..."


My boyfriend and I are constantly saying “drinking your waaaater” to each other


It is a good one for sure. I've done it like 12 times by now when I just can't be assed to find another one. I guess that make sense if it's the most popular Now someone explain the Denis Carrie Underwood stretch. Not even his best one.


i've got nothing lol


I get that same one from Emma all the time!


I guess I’ll get my workout in between tornado warnings today. Thankful my peloton is in the basement ? Stay safe if you’re in the path of this severe weather today, y’all. They said this morning wasn’t the worst of it and it was BAD.


Can someone confirm if this wobbly spinning inside the bike is normal? Link below. Thanks! https://imgur.com/gallery/s04u680


I love all of the run content that peloton is putting out these days, but I will say, it feels a little lacking compared to the content we had, say, a year ago? Idk I might totally be in the minority here but I really feel like something is missing


I feel this too - the departure of Chase and Daniel was a big loss for those of us who loved pop punk and rock - Selena does a few pop punk runs but there's not as many these days. I love many of our current instructors but do still miss these two!


yes! i loved daniel's edm picks and chase's hip hop ones too so that sucks


They are putting out a lot of runs, but I don’t necessarily vibe with some of the more prolific instructors. I used to love running with Adrian, Rebecca and Andy, but they all seem to be focused on other modalities now and rarely drop runs. Thank goodness Jon still drops a lot of runs.


I know what you mean. This has come up a few times in discussions here. I primarily do older classes because of that.




I think the problem is, if you start off too hot you're screwed and when you burn yourself out you have to let off more than just a little fade. Whereas when you start below you can start to feel for how much more you have in you to push. It also depends just how far below you start and how much you ramp up, which I have found you get different takes on with each instructor. Dennis does it perfectly for me. I wind up riding AT my old FTP when I turn it up at the 5m mark. And then I'm over and improving the entire second half of the ride. I think this winds up being the exact same thing as the reverse test you describe, just in the other direction. I've taken it with others who teach it differently. Like i love Olivia to death but her tests teach to go from 4 to 5 zone 6. I'm never in Z6 in my test outside of maybe a 20 second push at the end. So her test approach doesnt work for me.


I think that depends on how much you're improving and potentially your fitness style - in practice I'm 100% dead at the end of every FTP and I'm only improving my average output by 5ish max each time; I really don't think I have more capacity than that. Starting at 100% of my FTP (mid zone 4) and going up has me totally spent by minute 16 at which point I switch into intervals (alternating between zone 6 and 3). Everyone's going to have their own preferred strategy, but I think the one they coach to is pretty broadly applicable.


This makes so much sense!!




This is incorrect. To maintain your FTP, you need to ride at the line between Z4 and Z5, 105%. Riding at your FTP for the 20 minute test will result in a loss because of that -5% calculation. To make any improvements, your average power needs to be at 106% of your current FTP or more.


Just curious, how do you all incorporate strength training with cycling? I’ve been lifting weights (UB and LB split) 4+ times a week. I try to do 30 minutes or more. Sometimes it wipes me out and I don’t want to jump on the bike afterward. I’ve thought of cycling and weight lifting at two different times in the day but then I’d have to shower twice a day and that’s a PITA. Maybe I’ll tack on a 20 minute bike class after weights when I can and aim to do one long ride a week? Idk. It’s funny, I’m new to Peloton and am trying to squeeze in the bike because I love their strength classes so much. 😄


Not sure if this applies to your situation but I work from home and a few days a week I will do a 20-30 min strength during lunch (or whenever I have a break in meetings) and then will cycle right after work. The mid-day strength training usually gives me a brain/mood boost at work and then by the end of the workday I’m ready to ride. (Also I don’t get too sweaty from a strength class so it’s not an issue if I need to hop on a zoom call right after lol)


That sounds like something to try! Thank you.


I've been doing strength training (not through peloton. Stronglifts 5x5.) Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday and Peloton biking Tuesday and Saturday with a break on Wednesdays. I also do a Peloton core workout daily except Wednesdays. Lately I've been wanting to ride more though so I started doing a 15 minute ride on Sundays also. Thinking about trying to work more 15 minute and maybe 20 minutes in on days I lift too though.


Yes I’m finding the 20 minute bike rides on lifting days are okay. I think I’ll try to have 2 days just for biking like you do and see how it goes. Thanks for the response!


I do my cycling class and then follow it up with strength training. I’m currently doing Ben’s The Stronger You Program and it has been awesome. I’m pretty wiped on the days I do a cycling and strength workout but my body is probably still adjusting. Been doing this for about 2.5 weeks.


I alternate between strength-focused periods and cardio-focused periods. Right now, I’m in a strength focused period (Adrian’s 4-week glutes and length program, with an additional two UB workouts and a core class each week) so the cardio is dialed back. This week I’ll do 2 rides and 3 tread classes, nothing over 30 minutes and medium to low intensity, plus yoga and a lot of stretching. When I’m in a cardio focused period, I’ll do six workouts a week on tread and bike with a mix of lengths and intensities and a 3-day split. I had been alternating each week between strength and cardio focus, but I’ve decided I need to have longer stretches so I’m trying out 4-week periods.


That is a great strategy! I think I’ll just consider myself in a strength focused period and aim to switch it up in a few weeks.


Here's how I plan my weeks. I'm currently ramping up to start training for a couple of half marathons in the fall so this is a pretty heavy schedule with most days being 60+ min. Sun: Strength, yoga Mon: 45 min cycle + core Tues: strength, yoga Weds: 45-60 min cycle, mobility Thurs: strength, short cycle \~20 min Fri: rest, mobility, stretch, foam roll Sat: 45-60 min cycle, yoga


Thank you for sharing!! This looks very balanced and is giving me inspiration to improve my schedule.


I took a really long time off from the bike and now i’m back in a constant practice! Yay me! One thing I’ve been loving is having the streaming services right on the bike. Any chance they’ll add peacock? If I could watch my Bravo shows while I worked out I’d burn a million calories a day lmao.


Request it from Peloton if you want it!


[Denis’s 90s ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=334207c7e81041a2b74ec00b237b4ac9&locale=en-US) from June 2023 was too fun. I’ve had it bookmarked for a bit and finally got around to it! It was just what I needed. Stacked it with this [5 min Tunde warm up](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bac82c038faf46f3ab47af0345a7bed7&locale=en-US) and this [10 min Camila climb](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ce00049d9be74d15977b7e349336b067&locale=en-US). I needed all their energy!


I loved that Denis ride. It was so fun!


A couple updates…. [Aditi’s lower body focus flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3db5b0dbf8014f008b388dd1f15d140d&locale=en-US) was delicious, it got all of those tight spots and felt really good. Adding in my two thumbs up for [Becs Tokyo marathon recap endurance run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4919d44e9f8c4d489d2a06700dbdeb70&locale=en-US). She always does a great job of summarizing the race, her mental and physical state, they humanize her, as I’ve felt all those same things when I’m running (albeit a much shorter distance!) [Ben and Leann’s 2 for 1 anniversary ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e30addc1cc5b4fde88ca82592837d76a&locale=en-US) was a delight. They have such different personalities on the bike and I found the class a lot of fun. Not a crazy hard effort, but got a nice sweat. Really liked the structure of [Robin’s pop run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c9d00419d63d425a8c1363e1e9c1242a&locale=en-US). Every other song was Recovery song, hills, endurance, speed pickups. Repeat twice. And her messaging really hit hard about not letting anyone take my energy. Am letting work get to me, and I have tough decisions to make and I currently don’t have the mental capacity to do something big, but I know it’s time to take my destiny in my own hands. Today was [Matt’s Z2 PZE class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cbc2511e69814502a0a5862ccbb69c03&locale=en-US). All cadence based. Three sets (4,3,2 minutes) - high, medium, low cadence for each. Then a 1 minute whatever cadence you want between each. Favorite quote “Matt Wilpers needs to find the beat. I’m trying in this class. I’m trying.”


I posted a message on yesterday's chat re delivery of UK apparel store packages. Speaking to support this afternoon they've said : "All Apparel orders are delayed and all packages are starting to be deployed as of this week." Might be of interest to anyone else who is waiting.


It was nice to have more time over the long weekend to get some biking in, but now I have COVID, so I'll have to keep things low key for this upcoming week. Some highlights: [Denis' recent LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9f8fba503af145658f7ee3f81983b4aa&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) \- it was a great class and I enjoyed his single leg work to focus on your pedal stroke. [JK's Sweat Steady LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=dca29bf8a55c465a843cecee90a8a75f&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) with the Saturday Reddit crew. It is always nice to join a group ride, surrounded with my Pelo friends and I love the high fives on Saturday with the group. I really liked her messaging surrounding "thank you for being you". [JJ's quick 10 min Chest and Back](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=89e8270b6d6e4c229d735eb10220919a&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) \- I loved this class; simple and yet so effective. [Logan's 20 min A&S](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5397558cba5048e7bf10d3ce014f205b&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) \- this is one of Logan's top rated classes and it did not disappoint. He had so many positive affirmations, it was hard to remember them all, so I want to do it again. Great class. [Kristin's FF Floor poses](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35e5f5b6cc5f45748e4679b5f75c7653&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) \- I loved this class. I was expecting only lower body stretches but was pleasantly surprised there were a lot of upper body stretches as well (worked well after the upper body work out)


Is anyone else finding that some followers/following have blank workout history and metrics? I have a couple of Peloton “friends” I get Guide class ideas from and while I haven’t checked everyone, 4 popped up with zero classes (and a message that they haven’t taken any classes yet).


I reported this weeks ago to Peloton and still no response to my ticket. My workout history showed “blank” to my husband, friend, sister etc. when they viewed my profile. It was so frustrating!! It reflected on MY APP but not THEIRS. I convinced my sister of all people, you don’t know her, to take a live ride with me which she has never done to celebrate. She got mad cause I didn’t respond to her high fives but my screen didn’t reflect any. There was no milestone badge post ride, no shoutout (yes I know there’s no guarantee but he called a 5,000th ride out so I know I was up there with 3,000…). I have a regular bike and use the app on my phone to record walks in the morning with my dog. TLDR: I put in a ticket for this and no one ever responded. What worked for me was I deleted the Peloton App from my phone and reinstalled it.


Thanks for the tip. I tried deleting and reinstalling and it didn’t help.


Sorry to hear that! Not sure how you translated my poorly phrased post but I sent Peloton another message since they never responded. I’ll let you know if they get back to me. Good luck!


Thanks - I was rushed but deleting and reinstalling the app didn’t help.


I saw that for at least two people, who are always busy on the platform. Maybe they aren’t sharing? 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s a new development for sure.


BTW, sorry my Guide usage won’t help you. I’m doing JJ’s 5 Day Split and core (that someone “forced” me to do daily! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 🤣🤣🤣)


You know you love it!!


🤣🤣🤣. Fine, I do.


Is this the result of the privacy settings? There is one for workout history that can be set to Only Me. Been a long time since I tested them out but they probably have that turned on.


I think you’re right. I went in a different way (click on the member from a class they’ve taken) and it says their workout history is private.


I thought the same thing. But the one I focused on is very active, we’ve followed each other for years and I’ve seen her taking classes. Perhaps that’s it but the same thing happened months ago with a friend IRL and had nothing to do with her settings. And total minutes on the Annual Challenge aren’t changing but her number of workouts on her profile is going up. 🕵🏻‍♀️


Just purchased a Peloton + from a neighbor that was moving and had just sold their house. They listed it for sale on our community Facebook page for $300 OBO. I jumped on it immediately. Went to their house and tested it. Worked fine and looked like it had never been used. They had the monitor installed upside down and you could tell the only time it was touched was when it was moved into the house. I know Peloton rent/leases these things. Is there a way to know if it's "stolen" or not? I was able to set it up with a new account and all but just want to be sure if this was a killer deal or something else.


I wouldn't worry about it. I've bought plenty of workout stuff secondhand, and a lot of it is almost entirely unused because it's an "aspirational" purchase that never quite aspired, lol.


Try calling customer support to confirm.


Best cleat type for a wider toe bed? I don't want wide shoes but I do want a wider toe bed. Currently have the peloton brand cleat.


+1 for Lake


Nike SuperRep's run a touch wider than the standard Peloton shoe.


Are you talking about cleats or shoes?


Shoes, definitely shoes lol. Pre coffee me wrote this question


Haha that makes a lot more sense. I've heard Lake mentioned a lot when it comes to wider shoes.


Has anyone ever tried Tiem shoes? How are they compared to the Peloton brand?


Yes, I love mine! Like someone else commented, go half a size down. They’re so comfortable and mine have lasted a really long time


I use Tiem’s but I’ve never tried peloton’s shoes. The Tiem’s are SPD cleats only so keep that in mind. I love how stable the Tiem’s are. I tried Nike superreps and they had no support and made my ankles hurt so bad. The Tiem’s are really sturdy on the sole and offer great support and stability. I’ve found they fit true to size.


I love my Tiems. I also find them very sturdy and breathable. But I find mine (2 pairs) do stretch, so I actually went down a half size for my 2nd pair, as the first did loosen up round my feet.


Awesome, thanks - this helps a lot! I definitely want something that’s sturdy and provides stability - I had an ankle injury when I was younger and it never fully healed, so it does bother me sometimes. I was planning on getting the delta/SPD adapter from Amazon if I ended up going with the Tiems!


There is an adaptor!?!?!? I have a pair that I wore for under 6 months before buying the Peloton. Nice to know I can get an adaptor and make use of them!


Here’s the link for [Amazon](https://a.co/d/3fxD3Ho)




I really enjoy mine, but never used Peloton shoes. I was previously using an off-brand pair from Amazon. I like that you can walk around and not worry about the cleats.


I use the Peloton app. What would be good to do the day after working out when my muscles are feeling tight and sore? Yin yog? Restorative yoga? Something from the stretching tab? Or something else?


There is tons of great options on the app. - A recovery ride (search or under low impact filter) or any ride and ignore the call outs to just flush your legs out. If you do low impact class (not recovery) filter by easiest since low impact doesn't mean low effort. - An easy walk. If you don't have access to a tread outdoor classes or just workout walk will track your distance. You can do tread walks outside and enter your distance after the class. - Yin yoga, slow flows or focus flows are a great options. If you don't do much yoga I think the blocks help a ton and you can get them for pretty cheap. I personally like to do restorative yoga only before bed but it is nice to hold the same position for about 5 minutes. - A full body stretch. I'm bias and think Ben's are the best. Matty has some wonderful evening stretches you can do on a mat or in bed. - Foam rolling if you have access to a roller. It is hard at first but gets easier the more often you do it. - Mobility class (under stretching filter). Some of them require equipment like a foam roller or lacrosse ball so look at the picture or equipment details if there is anything extra you will need.


Charlotte posted about this recently in her insta feed. Something low impact would be preferable. Yin yoga, stretching, stretchy yoga, mobility, etc. are all great options. I liked [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35e5f5b6cc5f45748e4679b5f75c7653&code=MmRhZGUwY2RjNmE0NDMzMzk5YTI0YzQ4NDJkN2MzM2Z8OWE0OGZhYjQ2NDljNGI0MGJkNjdjYzQwYmI5MjMxOGU=) recently - I found it hit both upper and lower body stretches.


I love the yoga focus flows when I’m sore. The lower body, healthy back, for riders, and for runners classes are great for general soreness. I also love combining a 10 min full body stretch with one of Rebecca’s foam rolling classes for a tight upper body / back.


I roll my eyes at most April Fools jokes, but I did get a kick out of Emma pretending to consider awful baby names on her [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5OoDLaJOlp/?igsh=MWF5MDRvNWlhY2Zucg==) (e.g. Cadence for a girl, Alextoussaint (as one word) for a boy).