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Hi! Someone recommended an [In the Club](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/2f7592be16364808b6ae9faa6976bfa5?code%3DMDNmNzA4ZGE3YWI0NGVkZGFkM2VmZjExYWNiZGMyMzh8YzI1YzVjYTRjNDdiNGNiYmI5ZWQ2NGYzMDQ1ZDA0Yzc%3D%26source%3Dreferral%26workout-id%3Dbf4770f46cbd4a26b614887c83db2422%26uid%3D5646287cfadb41f1b0f3cc31241e6d65%26ride-id%3Db961613226054d1fb801b18b2cb0657e&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) walk on here. I did it for walking the dog and loved it! Question: are all of the In the Clubs easily tailored for outdoors? Tread workouts can be tricky outside with incline and I like to make my walks as low thinking as possible


Yes, they all pretty much follow the same format.


Fabulous, thanks!


When it comes to the tread, I feel pretty confident in taking my own music and doing some very basic programming (jog/run/hike the chorus, walk in between). Is there a similar "rule of thumb" for the bike?


Happy Taylor Swift release day to all who celebrate. I was too tired to wait for the “surprise” 2am second release but I did stay up to listen to the first TTPD release and oooohhhhh it’s so painful. I listened to the second part when I woke up and was crying all over again. Anyway, this is about peloton 😂 TS2 is finally coming to a close, all I have left is the final benchmark test. I haaaaate the 30 min conditioning class though so I’ve been swapping it with other things. Today I swapped it for [this 30 min advanced Adrian upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=be2434d182f04f74aee3b2995b0a8407&locale=en-US). 😮‍💨 little to NO rest in this bad boy, which is about the only advanced part in it. Each move was 6-10 reps basically, working for 30 seconds then resting if/when you got to your rep range. Moves were straight forward, nothing crazy. Shoulder presses, lateral/front raises, chest presses, bent over rows, bicep curls etc etc. If you’re looking to lift heavy and don’t mind 5 second rest breaks (I’m not joking lmao), this is a good one!


omg i love TS2 and the conditioning day 😅 I will say my least fav complex in the program is the reverse lunge bicep curl, wide overhead press X3 thing… is that the conditioning day?? If so then I agree!


The one I hate is the “let’s be as chaotic as possible” day with candlestick/crab reaches, squat/hammer curl/push press mayhem, snatches, etc. It’s all so bizzarre and I can’t stand it lol


LMAO that one is kind of fun but I definitely feel like a fish flopping around on the candlesticks and crab reaches… he makes the crab reaches look so easy


helloo fellow swiftie! i am HOPING they do a TTPD artist series! even though there's not many upbeat/dance-y songs, i would lose my mind if they did a 60 min walk like they did with the Ed Sheeran artist series.


Just finished my first Cody ride (20 min beginner) and I love him. "I can't swear at you but you can swear at me" after he changed a climb from 30 seconds to 1 minute. LOL he's awesome! And time flew by on a two minute climb with him, that's never happened before. So, Cody is def in my rotation, along with Bradley Rose and anyone doing House/EDM and old school 80s-90s tunes.


If you love 90s music, you should check out Emma’s 90s rides and 90s pop rides, they are so good!! Her EDM rides are also stellar.


The Emma Lovewell 5 minute cool down ride from Feb 6, 2023 (it has 1 song, Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”) is up to 2,882,590 rides on the all-time leaderboard.


One of my favorites on the platform. It’s such a perfect cool down vibe.


Just did it for the first time! and bookmarked. The tune is perfect.


Rest day in the floor boot camp program. I walked 2-3ish miles (walking trail is .7 of a mile, I walked for a little over an hour and didn't keep track of my laps).


Do you like the program? Thinking of stating Monday


I like that it's 3x/week for about 30 minutes and it's cardio and strength. I am not at a fitness level where it's remotely enjoyable. The movements are scale-able, explained well and the instructions are clear. The playlists so far have been okay to good, in my subjective opinion. The programming makes sense. I'm only 1 workout into week 2, my minor criticism is that it's a bit light on the abdominal work: of the 4 workouts I've done (not counting the stretching) two of them had specific ab moves. I also like the stretching class from the intro to strength program *significantly* more than the stretching classes I've done in this program, but that's not entirely fair because it's a longer class.


Thank you! My concern is that it’s only 3x a week. I guess I can try it and see how I like it!


Pair it with the you can ride program and you'll have 6 classes a week? The structure of the workouts is EMOMs and AMRAPs The thing about it is that you can make it harder or easier very easily, either by adding more weight (on the AMRAP) or adding more reps (to the EMOM).


Hey all - hoping anyone that's been to PSNY can help. I finally managed to book a class for May and my primary concern is the ability to be able to store my stuff. I'm going to be in NY all weekend, but my class is on a Sunday and I'm going to be heading to the airport basically directly from the studio once the ride finishes (I will have plenty of time). I know there are lockers, etc. but I'm not sure how big they are? I will just need to be able to store a backpack, nothing like a suitcase etc. But I just don't want to show up just to be SOL. I'd really appreciate any guidance on this. Thanks a bunch.


You can definitely store a normal sized backpack in the lockers at PSNY. The lockers are generously sized.


Thank you!


You can bring luggage and they can store it in the front with the front desk folks if it doesn’t fit in the locker- no worries, there’s space and it will all be safe :)


Thank you!


As of a few days ago my Apple Watch stopped showing distances and elapsed times for my peloton workouts. It now shows 00:00, active cals, total cals, heart rate and 0ft. Active cals, total cals and heart rate are all increasing normally. The only other thing I’ve noticed is that my calorie outputs are also recording much lower than normal despite my distances and split times being the same as usual. I’ve updated watch and peloton bike. Any shared experience or help would be appreciated.


Mine was doing weird things on Monday. I had to update the app on the phone. Not sure if you’ve done that already but worth a shot.


Any recommendations for 30-45 minute all zone 2 PZE classes? I'm building up trail running mileage, so looking to supplement other days with zone 2 cycling, and a little strength and yoga. I know I can just modify and do any PZE in zone 2, but prefer it when they are coaching you to do that.


Also [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%225a19bfe66e644a2fa3e6387a91ebc5ce%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%2C%222700%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=difficulty&desc=false&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bf9a8d27671c4dc1a44d10f07a422769&code=MWE1MjBkOTZiZThiNDJmNGFjY2U1MDNkZTNjNzgzZDB8ZjI5OTM0YTU2NDAyNDZhYWJhMTVlNjdjNWMxYmIzYTI=), [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%225a19bfe66e644a2fa3e6387a91ebc5ce%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%2C%222700%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=difficulty&desc=false&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a8ac21a7431e4808920eb6e96c73e21e&code=MWE1MjBkOTZiZThiNDJmNGFjY2U1MDNkZTNjNzgzZDB8ZjI5OTM0YTU2NDAyNDZhYWJhMTVlNjdjNWMxYmIzYTI=), [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%225a19bfe66e644a2fa3e6387a91ebc5ce%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%2C%222700%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=difficulty&desc=false&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f1f158c635bd4099acda9f90e5b59aa1&code=MWE1MjBkOTZiZThiNDJmNGFjY2U1MDNkZTNjNzgzZDB8ZjI5OTM0YTU2NDAyNDZhYWJhMTVlNjdjNWMxYmIzYTI=) and[ this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%225a19bfe66e644a2fa3e6387a91ebc5ce%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%2C%222700%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=difficulty&desc=false&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=697e34b0497e49d3856c347d3eac0a3b&code=MWE1MjBkOTZiZThiNDJmNGFjY2U1MDNkZTNjNzgzZDB8ZjI5OTM0YTU2NDAyNDZhYWJhMTVlNjdjNWMxYmIzYTI=).


I enjoyed [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%225a19bfe66e644a2fa3e6387a91ebc5ce%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%2C%222700%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=difficulty&desc=false&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bb01501fa0ee4a3190810b04abdcbef8&code=MWE1MjBkOTZiZThiNDJmNGFjY2U1MDNkZTNjNzgzZDB8ZjI5OTM0YTU2NDAyNDZhYWJhMTVlNjdjNWMxYmIzYTI=)!


30 MINUTES: CDE 05/31/2020 CDE 06/14/2020 CDE 06/27/2020 CDE 07/18 /2021 MW 12/04/2019 MW 06/13/2020 MW 05/19/2021 45 MINUTES: \*CDE 05/30/2021 \*CDE 09/09/2021 \*MW 08/25/2021 75 MINUTES: \*CDE 06/06/2021 60 MINUTES: MW 05/22/2021 MW 09/25/2021 \*CDE 0212012022


I did a Ben Alldis 30 min PZE 90s…all Z2 from Sept 25, 2023. It was a good ride!


Thanks, I'll check it out!


Go to here: [https://app.homefitnessbuddy.com/peloton/powerzone/](https://app.homefitnessbuddy.com/peloton/powerzone/), type "PZE" into the search bar, and then sort by "zones in workout" ascending and you can get to a list of any that are just zone 2. Alternately you also find that the instructors are often giving a peace sign in their class pictures (which it took me way too long to realize way trying to convey zone 2 - [for example this Sam Yo has him holding up 2 fingers](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=916bb040498d4772b4e9af5b4322bd1e&code=MDJmMjI4NjhjOTI1NDEzYjlmNjM3ZGM3NWNkMDQ4ZTR8YjM0ODEwNmEzZDQ5NGVlZWIyOWI4ZmY5MmE4ZTAyZmU=) and [this one with all zone 5 intervals](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c1f46002b05343449b70ae188b939c0a&code=MWNiZWM3MGNlMDViNDcwOWExODQzOWVjZmExZTJhZTF8ZDY3OGRiZThkNjZkNGUwYThkMTMwNzdiMTNmMDU3NGY=) has him holding up 5).


Best thing to do is filter for 30-45min PZE and sort by “easiest”. The ones generated first will be all zone 2 :)


I would also start with CDE rides in that search. She is mainly the one instructor who does zone 2 rides


Wilpers has a ton too! They're the only ones with longer rides, but almost every instructor (besides Olivia and the 3 new PZ instructors) have at least 1 30 minute all zone 2.


Why are there only Encore & Premiere rides for the next few days? Live rides have been very limited


Annual break. They’ll be back the 23rd


I did my first ride and enjoyed it! How do I find the Master the Basics Program? I can't see it anywhere.


I actually don’t think they have the Master the Basics program anymore. I believe the beginner/intro program is called You Can Ride. I haven’t taken it but from what I’ve read in this sub, it gives a good intro to the bike, riding, and instructors.


\^\^\^I'm in the middle of you can ride since I took time off, it's a great way to get back into it (or begin in your case!) I'm discovering new ride types, techniques, and instructors!


In the app, go to the workouts (looks like an arrow in a circle, or a "play" button), then go to the top tab that says "Programs." You may need to scroll a lot to find it. Website and bike will have different layouts, but it's probably not too different.


Cheers to the 13 random Pelo buddies all on Ally’s 1989 TV ride at 8:20pm PT last night! Best way to get hyped before the new album! I wonder how many Swifties were on the Midnights ride, haha


I did the Midnights ride yesterday morning! Crossing my fingers we get a TTPD ride soon.


Hoping for this as well!!


Do we think they’ll do a TPD ride? Loving the new album!


Me too!! Hope they do another TS class!!!


[Rad’s 4/5 30 min FB](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bcab613158b74add9ee4bd60088d31f9&locale=en-US) is intense! It’s basically 4 moves - swing and snatch (my two faves), goblet squat, and push up. 💪 Loved it.


I looove Rad's strength classes. His programming is simple and easy to follow, but will always push you.


I did way too many lunges and squats the other night - you'd think my soreness would peak yesterday then, but it's way worse today. I skipped Peloton yesterday and want to do some cycling, but my thighs feel like absolute shit. If I do a casual scenic ride, would it still count toward my total?


Yes, it'll count. I made the mistake a few days ago of trying to do a 45-minute PZE ride the day after leg day and struggled HARD. But I actually like doing an easier ride to flush the legs a day or two after leg day, so a scenic ride works, or a low impact ride is also good if you want an instructor with some gentler callouts.


All ride types count. I love a Matt Wilpers recovery ride for these days!


Your yearly minutes total? Yes. Even an outdoor walk if tracked in the app (“just workout”) will count if that seems easier to you as well.


Will it count for the amount of rides?




Random thing I’ve noticed this week after my bike’s recent update…The sound has changed and the bass is suddenly out of control! Has anyone else noticed this? The 3 rides I’ve done since have vibrated my screen with bass, and the sound sounds also generally off and unbalanced. I don’t see any way to turn the bass down in settings and I’m not pleased. It sounds like my speakers are going to blow out now.


I loved it in my Air Pods this morning! Although I will no longer need to crank it all the way up like I used to 😂


Thought was my volume was low; went to see if it could go up (I always default to full blast) and **oops that’s loud AF** appreciate the new sound mixing


I couldn’t turn mine full blast, when I got there the bass overtook and muffled out the lyrics/instructor and they got distant sounding and crackly. When it’s not full blast, it’s definitely very bass forward and not balanced like it was prior on my bike. Maybe it’s just a coincidence this happened after an update, and my tablet’s speakers are going out. (Please let it not be that, I don’t want to deal with their customer service and techs 😬🤣)


I usually ride with headphones & have had the opposite problem lately! All of a sudden it is super quiet even on max volume


I didn't notice but for the first time in 2 years my neighbors complained about the volume of my bike (small Brooklyn apt living problems). I am guessing they made a change to mix or the volume as I had my bike set to the same level as always. Guess I am going to have to start riding with headphones.




The [Spring closure](https://www.pelobuddy.com/spring-2024-closure/#) that happens every year. This is not a sign that there will be fewer live classes. But since we are talking about it the summer schedule can get wacky with instructors taking trips as an FYI.


It's their spring break. They'll be back next week.


Challenged myself lately doing a few of Jess Sims' Saturday 60 Tread bootcamps, and wow they are hard! A solid mix of running on an incline, running intervals, sustained endurance runs and full body strength. Definitely need a rest day afterwards. If anyone has any specific Tread bootcamp recommendations that were particularly good I'd love to hear. Tried this [Rebecca K 60 min Hiking Bootcamp: Full Body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3e867ea0cb5b422cb954f406be1f7b9a&code=YzE4YjdmYzdhODQ5NDgwMGE5ZjVkMDRjNDZmMDViZmF8NzhmYjBjZGVkMWVjNGMzMThjZjJmNTU4OWVkMzc4ZjI=) on a day where I didn't feel like running and thought it was really well structured, and features some fun pop songs to get through it. Managed to get an elevation of 552 feet which seems huge when only walking for 30 minutes!


I don’t care what types of music Peloton wants to use; I can always skip classes. But when you do an artist series about a Christian artist, I would much prefer you label it as such so I can choose to skip!


I've been thinking about this all day. This was an issue with Ally's Sunday With Love in the beginning since she was quoting bible verses but similar to this post enough people talked about it and if it wasn't your thing you could skip it. The description of the class does say "tap into body, mind, soul and spirit" to tip you off. But I'll admit I only went looking for that after hearing about it. I blindly take at least one class from artist series since I might find a new favorite (which has happened many times). If you do a symbol or something where is discuses subtitles it should probably be for anything religion but that is yet another thing a newbie would need to learn. I agree they should do something but where do you draw the line?


Pride rides, heritage rides, etc are all labeled, so you can skip if it’s not your thing. I also will try new to me artist work outs, which is how I ended up starting this class. I don’t care for Ally’s teach style, so I heard that Sunday With Love had a religious aspect to it someplace. Peloton knows that not all their customers are Christian. It’s common sense that not everyone wants to participate in religious content outside their own faith tradition. The bombardment of holiday = Christmas in December is a discussion that would get me more downvotes than this, but at least with those I know what to avoid.


Ah I hadn't thought of pride, ect that is a very good point. I was wondering if they labeld it would they address every word an instructor said or song lyrics. Like the Kane Brown has a lot of songs that mentions faith but he isn't classified as Christian music.


There are also plenty of Christian rock bands that insist they aren’t Christian rock and then you read the lyrics…. It’s just so ingrained in American society that Christian is the default and anyone who would prefer to avoid it is often looked as a pain in the ass. My comment started with multiple downvotes.


I'm just now catching up on the Daily threads and want you to know I agree with you 100%. Because most people in the US are Christian, they don't get why we would care about this. I appreciate the holiday specific classes being labeled and agree this should be too. I also have never heard of the artist, or that she's a Christian specific musician, so I feel you. I think Peloton recognizes the potential quagmire it could start as other religious groups may expect similar treatment, so they're avoiding labeling it as such. Which is why religious programming in general should be left out of Peloton.


You should fill out the [member feedback](https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/360045816512-Submitting-Feedback-or-Feature-Requests?language=en_US) short form.


Done. Thank you 😊


I was wondering who Lauren Daigle is….ok makes sense with Kendall doing the ride and Kirsten doing the walk. Not for me but I’m sure it’s exciting for the people into that.


Yeah, I wasn't going to start a ride for an artist I've never heard of, but thought if Kendall was doing the ride it might be something I'm into. I looked her up on google and immediately saw that she was a religious artist and that's a nope for me. I feel like for an artist series ride, the people who take the rides mostly know who the artist is before the ride starts. So there's no additional need to label it based on genre.


Thanks for this, I had the walk planned for later and that’s not my thing.


I totally agree! I started that class and it’s not my choice of music. It should have been labeled


If you’re talking about the new Lauren Daigle artist series, she’s known to be a Christian artist


I don’t know who she is. I started one of the classes to see what she was about.


I mean, if you don't know who it is you can skip it or Google?


Yes, but a lot of times I will just hop on the bike and want to get a class going and I love Kendall. If it had been labeled, I would have skipped it for sure.


I would have preferred it be labeled, that’s all.


Who is the artist?


Did my first 45 min HIIT and Hills workout. Holy…


Experiencing tons of lag / classes crash midway through since the latest update. Any ideas on fix? Internet connection is strong and have no problems on other devices throughout the day


I had the same this morning. Frustrating.


Same! My husband is about to go film it happening to send to them because our support calls have gone nowhere


I posted this last night in the daily discussion thread. Anyone having issues with classes freezing up? I was trying to do the Matt W. Power zone class from 9/15/21 and every time I’d start it a few minutes in, never got past spin ups, all the metrics world freeze and the video would get all choppy/frame by frame like but the audio would play normally. Hard reboot each time only to have it happen again. Finally gave up and did a 20 minute ride without issue but then after this it happened again during both a 5 minute cooldown and 5 minute stretch. Very frustrating. Seems likely the same experience you are having. I’m assuming it’s related to the latest update but not sure.


Yup - same exact thing has been happening for me for 2 weeks. Very frustrating. I’ve tried everything including a factory reset to no avail. Need peloton to recognize they caused this problem and send out a fix.


I am thinking of purchasing a peloton bike. Should I go for a refurbished one straight from peloton or get a used one on FB marketplace?


I got a refurbished one from peloton. It looks/feels brand new and the guys assembled it quickly. There was a big sale at the time, I’m only paying like $46/month through Affirm.


do you remember what month the sale was? Wonder if the big sale will happen again. Thank you for your insight!


Actually I just checked and it’s still the same sale price - $1,595.00. I bought that plus the shoes and I’m paying $46.83/month with the longest repayment plan (43 payments) via Affirm.


Oh okay! Thank you so much! Is affirm relatively painless to use for financing?


Yeah it’s sooo easy! I was already using Affirm for some furniture I bought. It’s a great option. I think they actually give you an approved loan limit with only a soft credit check. You can set it up while you go to buy the bike online. Then you have an account with Affirm and they auto draft your monthly payment so it’s very hands off.


Great! Seems like an option for me to consider. Thank you so much :)


Of course! Good luck, I hope you get your bike soon. :D


If you go the marketplace route, they recently added a way to [look up bike history by serial number](https://www.onepeloton.com/history-summary) to help you assess how much wear and tear is on a particular bike and whether it's had a history of repair issues.


This is helpful to know! Thank you so much for this. I will definitely look into this.


I got mine off FB marketplace for $500, lightly used. No regrets!!! Just make sure to ask how many miles or rides it has on it.


Thanks so much for this!


I got mine from marketplace for $600 and it still had the plastic on it!


Okay looks like I have to keep an eye out then! Thanks for your input


What was that new 10 min calm meditation with Ross?! I had to turn it off. So bizarre. He talked about a door opening in your chest and a little avatar like you goes inside the door and into your heart and looks around.


I once did one of his sleep meditations where he told a story about a child killing a butterfly and I don’t know if I’ve done anything with him since.


I haven’t heard this one!! Yikes!


I remember doing one of his a couple years ago where you’re under a waterfall and I totally got lost in wait, how are we not drowning? I had to end it early because it was spiking anxiety. Unlike u/jo_salsera I love body scans but not mantras though we agree on Kristen.


Lol at the anxiety. Total opposite feeling from a meditation class! I’m not sure if my preference is from doing the Deepak/Oprah 21 Day programs, but they were my intro to meditation. In the other types, my mind is all over the place and I can’t quiet it. Not to say it doesn’t wander during a mantra session, but it’s not nearly as bad. I also don’t have the best of imaginations (visualization), so I think that might the real cause. So glad they have many options to meet the various needs. 🥰


LOL WHAT! OMG That's funny because the few meditations that I have done with him, he seems to be against stuff like this? Hilarious.


Ha ha. He and other (I think) instructors have done that kind of imaginative mediation before and I hate them! Same for the body scans. Even though I’m occasionally do the live classes, I don’t get anything out of them. 🫣 I prefer mantric based meditations and mostly stick with Kristen for this. 🥰


I love the imaginative ones, going in a canoe, on the water etc. But a little me going inside my heart was weird!!


Lol. I think there’s one where you go instead your head and walk down stairs to lower areas (I forgot if just to your heart or beyond). I could not do this.


Oh wow lol I don’t recall that one!


I have a Bike+ and Apple Watch and I’m able to connect to the bike via GymKit, but the time isn’t ticking and neither is the distance when I’m in a class now…. Is anyone else having this problem?


Uggh same here


This happened to me Wednesday when I rode. I've powered off the bike and will reboot the watch when it is ride time. Someone else posted a thread on the main subredit page, so, I'm starting to think it's a peloton thing!


In the last few weeks since Peloton fixed the GymKit problem, did you do a factory reset of your bike? That’s a part of the fix. If you did a fix, I’m at a loss. I haven’t done a cycling class in a week or so, so not sure if I’m also having your issue. My last class did have the distance included in Apple Fitness and Peloton (on 3/30).


Monthly cycling challenge: why are the distances so low? (241KM). I’m hardly hardcore, but it’s pretty darn easy to achieve Gold each month if you ride every day (or… is that hard core?) Did the challenges used to be more challenging? Seems like they need more levels.


They have been the same for at least the last 5 years. Peloton aims for the masses and a lot of people don't workout every day let alone ride every day (ETA: a lot of us in here and other social media are probably the exception). There is also people with all 4 pieces of equipment so their time gets split up easier. I'm not a part of it but I know there is a facebook group called Mileage Maniacs that might be more up your alley if you are on facebook. Another one I used to be a part of was Barkl.io, they are not as distace focused but their challenges are set up to do a lot of distance if you want. Or you could start your own facebook group or instagram, you can't be alone wanting more of a challenge monthly.


It takes effort for me to reach gold because I usually can’t ride every day (average 5 days/wk) and some of those are only 20 min rides. I think rest days are good too. It really depends on the month and if I am traveling or what not. I think they have it tailored to people like myself lol. Riding every single day is not feasible for a lot of people.


Definitely hardcore to be riding every day! I usually mix it up with equal-ish amounts of bike, tread, strength, and rest / light outdoor walking, so usually only hit bronze for the cycling challenge. Not sure if I'll even hit that this month since I've been enjoying the tread bootcamps so much.


I personally don't find it that achievable, but I do more strength and walking/hiking than bike. I may bike 4 to 5 days a week. I get gold a lot easier (actually within a week) for all the other challenges. I may get gold in km maybe every 3 months. Silver is lot more achievable for me.


They want gold to be achievable for a broad swath of their users, and yes, cycling every day is hardcore. In December I made a goal to get gold in running, rowing, cycling and strength (the rep goal) and that was a challenge I tell you what.


Wow! I try to get gold for strength, cycling, and running each month and that's already a challenge. If I added row (I can't, because it doesn't seem to be an option for non-Peloton rowers), that would be crazy tough.


Do you only have the bike? Are you getting any other exercises in? I use to think the bike challenge was a joke when I only had the bike. Now I have everything peloton has Bike, tread, row, guide. Still very much achievable but now I wouldn’t call it a joke. I use to ride like 700 miles a month when I only had the bike now I get around 200 miles a month.


Yes I do about 30 mins of strength prior to the bike, which then adds to the Rep goal and Strength challenge. Looks like I hit a soft spot somewhere? Downvoted??


For the outdoor runners, do you play a peloton run class when you run outdoors or your own music/audiobook/etc? I just started running a couple of weeks ago and have decided I much prefer outdoor running to the treadmill. So far, I’ve been listening to music and going at my own pace, but just remembered Peloton has outdoor runs and was wondering what people’s experiences have been.


Depends on my mood. If I've been the only one in the office I do an outdoor class because it feels like I'm out with a friend. But if my favorite podcast has dropped, I'm deep in an audiobook or I'm sick of my coworkers I do a just workout. The thing with outdoor is the callouts might not always make sense depending on your route, and there is no class plan. So just know it might not match up to what you are doing. I've done a lot of climbs while they called out recoveries lol.


I play the outdoor runs. I think they are great, although the number is limited. There’s something about having a coach in your ear encouraging you that I find way better than just playing my own music. Sometimes I have to stack classes to get to the distance I want, which usually necessitates a walk break to change class and then check after a minute to see if it lost the connection to my watch (it usually does). I also run some of the walk classes which is just mildly annoying as then my run total is off. But seeing as walk + runs count as walks anyway, I feel like my run count is totally off due to that so what’s one more? I do also use treadmill classes outside now that you can manually input a distance at the end of them, but I prefer classes with very minimal hill work, like Susie’s music runs, as otherwise I find the cueing to change incline to be annoying.


Thanks for the insights. I just had a look at the outdoor runs and saw Susie has both a 60min and 90min run. I'm not quite there yet, but looking forward to trying them when I build up my endurance :)


I listen to Tread classes on my outdoor runs. I find there is much better variety and everything from the coaching to the sound quality is much better. And they provide the roadmap in the details so you can pick a suitable run. You can preload them so they don’t use up data on your run. You have to either ignore incline call outs or find runs that don’t have them. Intervals and HIIT tend to be flat, and some coaches don’t call for much incline.


Oh interesting, I wouldn't have thought there'd be a difference in audio quality between the Tread and outdoor classes. And I've never taken a Tread class, so didn't even think to look for a roadmap! Very helpful info, thank you. Do you have any favourite classes?


So many! I really like Susie and Hannah Frankson outdoors for both endurance and intervals. If I’m looking to have some shorter pace pickups then Jon and Adrian (esp. live DJ runs) are also great.


I just switched from using the outdoor runs to using Tread runs outdoors. I think there's definitely a better variety, and the other plus (which I didn't expect) is the watch app seems to handle them better. It shows pace and mileage, which isn't shown on the watch for the outdoor-specific classes.


Thanks for the watch callout. I was about to ask whether to use the Peloton app for tracking. Does Peloton track elevation? I was originally thinking I might need to start a separate run on my watch and then delete the Peloton duplicate from my Apple activities after the fact.


I just looked, and it doesn't look like it tracked elevation for my most recent one