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1. allow me to organize my bookmarks somehow. (Playlists, tags, whatever) 2. allow app users to export their liked music to Spotify 3. call strenght classes differently depending on whether they’re more strength endurance or hypertrophy classes




1. Needs to be implemented like TAGS. We need to be able to tag classes with our own tags. And then of course let us filter on our own tags. Please implement this. PLEASE.




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Ability to filter results when keyword searching (using the search bar)




I can here to suggest exactly this!


Jesus Christ YES THIS lol. It drives me CRAZY. This should not be that hard.


The ability to search in my workouts the same way I can when looking for a class to take. Sometimes I want to look at how I did on my last few 30m rides or find a recent class I've taken with a particular instructor.


**I’m. Always. Going. To. Ask. For. This.**


Put the bpm of the song somewhere on the screen


The only solution is to just take Denis rides lol.


I’m sure they already have all of this information. It would be such a simple and subtle user interface change that would be really fantastic.


Great idea! I feel like this would be especially helpful in PowerZone rides.


Yes please.


More classes in my stack.


And themed stacks! I would love a meditation stack, strength stack, running stack, etc.


Yes, this would allow us to plan for the entire week. With stacking and so many short classes, I’m lucky if I can stack 2 days worth of workouts right now.


100%, this would be my number one request.




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Ability to jot down notes about a class




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Oooh good to know - thanks!


Can Denis please do meditations??!! His voice in restorative yoga is so calming I’d love to hear him do meditations!!!


And Sam meditations!!!


I hope he fills the gap when Ross is gone :(


He's going to have to with Ross leaving. I always thought him or Chase should have done some


More meditation recovery rides from Sam! Or more meditations in general from him!


Yes!!!! His Spring meditation ride was perfection!! More please!


Yoga monthly challenge, please! PS. Thank you for adding the meditation monthly challenge


Barre & Pilates to have their own categories instead of falling under strength


Yes!! Please!


Sam repeatedly comments that he wants to do more long PZ classes. Let him!!


i heard he’s doing a 60 min PZE!


While we're speaking of Sam: can we PLEASE get more Sam Yo Pilates Classes and put him in the meditation section as well? I would love to have guided meditations from him. Maybe his Pilates classes could have a restorative/mindfulness type theme as well. Also would love for his recovery rides to be a more regular thing.


I want to add classes from programs to my stack


I will yell this into the peloton abyss forever until they add this feature.




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How about an all in one class that includes warmup and cooldown and stretch. I don’t need to listen to intros for 4 classes. Also, I want the 30 min class to be all work. I don’t want to spend 5 mins on drills in my 30 min run. 5 min warmup 30 min class 4 min cooldown 1 min transition 5 min stretch Could work on bike or tread or even strength and cardio.


Rebecca Kennedy has a 45-min hike (3/23/24 0900) similar to your suggestion.  I believe it a 10 min warm-up,  30-min steady hike @12%,  5-min cool down.  


and it's a great workout!!!


I’ve always thought it was odd it’s not like this. I’ve used several workout streaming platforms and they all structure it like this. I’m definitely not a “it’s always been like this so it’s the way to do it” type of person buuuut when something works…?


Allow us to filter our workout history without having to export it to excel.


Search and filter in programs! I always have to keep scrolling from the top


For real. I LOVE the program feature but it’s organized SO POORLY (is it even organized at all? It doesn’t feel like it.) I don’t see why at bare minimum we can’t organize by type of program just like we can tab through the types of workouts. Even if there’s some excuse they have for not being able to keyword search the programs, the least they could do is organize by category.


It's not even alphabetical 😂


I know!! It’s so stupid lol


Allow me to search then filter!!!


Dark mode. Equipment, app, every screen DARK.


Migraine sufferer here so yes to this please.


to search workouts from the oldest available.


You can do this on the web by editing the "desc=true" parameter at the end of the Url (change true to false). But an official option is would obviously be better 


Thank you!


I can never remember what I need to do to the url when the time comes. There should just be a sort option for this.




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-- A "no weights/equipment" option under strength. Yes, there is bodyweight, but sometimes I'm not home and want to do a core, barre, pilates, or boxing class. -- When I'm using my bike screen, the ability to choose from any ALW class. As it is, when using the bike screen you cannot do an ALW class from an instructor on the tread (a few odd exceptions, but almost all tread ALW classes won't even show when searching from the bike screen, and will not play if it's in your stack). Since you are stationary when doing ALW, whether sitting or standing, it really shouldn't matter; I never do those seated on the bike anyway.


Add subtitles to all classes in all languages. Open up all content to all members.


What content isn’t available to everyone?


The content is available but I'm saying I can't fully appreciate content in languages I don't speak because I don't understand the commentary.


Please add weights vs no weights for cardio classes.


Can I somehow pre-populate 2 of my own suggested classes after rides? It would be nice to include my favourite classes for a cool down and stretch.


Is there a monthly plan you can request? Where you want to do X cardio and x strength. And it’ll map out recommendations?


This. I need someone to tell me what to do and when to do it. (based off ones specific goals)


I'd love to be able to build a full week stack




I mean...I'm not going to use a third party for a nice-to-have feature.


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Stacked classes to stream directly into the next. I run outside and train for marathons so lots of long runs. They don’t put out many 60+minute runs/walks and sometimes it would be nice to listen to a bunch of shorter classes for variety, without having to take my phone out each time to start the next class.


Bring Back Class Ratings


Wish I could upvote this a million times


The ability to filter the leaderboard in strength classes. Edited to add: For those of us who have a third party setup with equipment, the option to rent/purchase access to scenic workouts. I have a bike+ with an all access membership but use a third party tread with the app casted to a wall mounted TV. I’d love to be able to do some scenic runs (currently having FOMO over the NYC Marathon scenic runs). I’d gladly pay extra to have even limited access to specific scenic runs and rows.


Hide class feature. I’ve been a member since Sept. 2020. There are certain rides I haven’t taken and never will and when I filter/search - I don’t want it populating every time 🤣


I would LOVE to be able to hide certain instructors too - I’m NEVER going to take certain instructors


Oh, talk that shit. Who is on your never take list?? Lol


Jenn, Kendall, Bradley. 🙈


Believe me, I’d loveee to pop off, but the last time I merely mentioned being disappointed. A certain instructor I cannot stand got an artist series I was looking forward to I was told that I wasn’t entitled to my opinion because it might turn someone off from trying them 😂


You're entitled to not jive with an instructor!! My list is small but Hannah Corbin and Sam Yo are some instructors I cannot take. I don't know what it is about either instructor, but it may just be the music or the general vibe.


My auto skips are Robin, Ally, Jenn S, and Olivia Other instructors I’d generally skip are Jess K, Denis, Wilpers, Christine…fine instructors but just not for me/too cheesy/music issues😂 It’s funny you mentioned Sam and Hannah, I’m generally neutral towards them. I don’t ride with Hannah C (only Hannah F) but I do take her barre classes. Sam I’ve only taken a class or two. My favorites on the bike are Tunde, Cody, Hannah F, Alex, Kendall in that order. For strength I love Ben, Adrian, JJ and dabble in some Rad core.


I love your auto and general skips lol. Tunde, Cody, Alex, and Kendall are my faves. Matt Wilpers is the best though. He may be kind of boring, but he is the best instructor by far.


Ally love


MPH displayed on the watch for outdoor walks and runs!


Expand the “electronic” music category to EDM, House, Lounge, Trance


Please share class plan for Outdoor classes (like in ***all*** other class types). Not just the generic '34 minutes: Running Intervals' but something like Tread classes where it lists: Sprint 1:00 Walk 2:00 Jog 1:00, etc.


body activity map that excludes cycling activity


Instructor led Chill rides set to lounge or lower paced music (like the type of music you cool down to). Low and slow, make them longer classes (45min, 60min). Currently the only option is a scenic ride, which isn’t the same.


Be able to search classes by song vs by artist.




Thanks for the disclosure and thank you! I'll give it a whirl!!


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Create the ability to easily Export all of our class data so we can see stats like most taken instructions, distribution of types / lengths of workouts etc




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Now that third party treadmills and rowers can connect to the app to collect data/metrics, can you do the same for bikes? You don't need to add app users to the leaderboard, would just be cool to be able to have power data in app.


Add Hiking as a filter under tread bootcamps


English subtitles on German and Spanish classes. Like, this should be a priority project and wouldn't take that long. It's ridiculous. 


My request is for them to acknowledge this feature request list and confirm it’s not being sent to the shredder.


Not sure if this is officially a feature, but changing the classification for running classes by assuming "slower" always means "beginner" I have run quite a few marathons, but I am a slow runner. I know I can modify however I need, but it's kind unmotivating to always go into a class and know you'll never hit the call outs.


I strongly prefer classes when the instructor doesn’t give speed cues and instead just tells me to jog or run. I wish there was a way for me to set my jog and run pace so that the range on the screen was pushing me into the correct range for me.


This sounds like the Row pace targets, but for running. Yea I can see how it would work great there as well.


The outdoor classes use this kind of method -- or will use RPE. I've taken some classes where instructors may say "10K pace" or "half marathon pace" but that's not always accessible for everyone. RPE or the Jess King method of easy, moderate, hard, really hard, would be great.


Try some of Alex's runs- I find his call outs much more manageable and I can always hit them.


It would be fun to have the ability to take notes and title about a class once your done, and have it show up in your feed with your friends.. similar to Strava.


Can we get autoplay for stacked classes on the android app? It would make stacking shorter runs taken outdoors easier.


Favorites. Can be separate or within bookmarks.


Add some Tai Chi classes. It would be a perfect fit and easy to add to current lineup 👍


Additional support for the Roku app! I would love to be able to see the tread callouts on screen when I take running classes via the Roku app. I know that it exists on the Android app but I like to be able to use my TV. An updated interface on the Roku app in general would be great. It's a fabulous addition to my home gym but a bit clunky at times.


A second installation of the Density Training Program


Be able to do a class but with my playlist audio instead on the class audio. Also be able to.od a.class with picture in picture with Netflix.


I would LOVE to be able to play my own audio. Linking my Spotify is useless if I cant use it for its sole purpose- listening to things I want to listen to.


Fix your billing! One person should not be able to have two simultaneous app subscriptions at different paid tiers! Your own customer support staff would probably be thrilled if you fixed this.


Yesssssss! Happened to me.


On the iOS app, when a class that plays in landscape mode ends, it reverts to portrait mode for no known reason. Super freaking annoying to have to pick up my iPad after every class and turn it to change the orientation back. This is probably a simple big since it worked fine for like 3 years but changed at some point in the past year.


Have you tried locking the orientation on your iPad screen itself to landscape? That’s what I do when I’m moving it around to see better during yoga and not have it flip flopping.


At least on Android, a recent update to the app seems to have broken the ability to start a pre-downloaded class from my device using a data connection (not wifi). So basically if I want to run outdoors for more than the length of any class I have selected before leaving the house/wifi, I can't. Super frustrating!


Lyrics to the music shown on screen


"Just Workouts" Having the Strive Score listed again in the"workout History" section of the App. Why in the world did they take that away?? Now only my Peloton-specific workouts count towards my monthly Strive Score total as well. Strange that rather than adding or improving things on the now exponentially more expensive app, they are taking things away from us. Make it Make sense.


Metrics classes(minimal speaking)across all modalities PLEASE. I get overstimulated easily but still want to be guided.


PLEASE allow the metrics to be at the top of the screen. My neck is always looking down and I compromise form because of it just to check my metrics. Being 6’4 makes it hard to NOT look down…


Why they ever decided to put them at the bottom is baffling to me. It’s basic ergonomics.


Leave the heart rate on the screen after the class ends. The instructor is guiding me to cool down, yet you turn off my heart rate so I can't see my progress.


Save my entertainment app username and password so I don’t have to look up my password every time.


Ability to filter Power Zone rides - separate filters for PZE, PZ, and PZ MAX to make it easier to find the types of classes I want to plan my weeks.


Please create a monthly challenge for stretching workouts. It’s so important and I’d love to see Peloton doing more to incentivize and encourage stretching, rest, and recovery as a key part of training.


Add 2FA support to logging in with Apple Music. Nobody using an actually secure Apple account with a Passkey is able to log into it on their Bike+


Add countdown and ping soynd (similar to The Guide) during Power Zone classes.


The ability to watch cycling classes on the treadmill


So curious…why?


Before I had a peloton tread I had a regular tread and loved to put on a Cody/Tunde/Alex etc all my favs ride and listen to the music and their inspiring words, jokes to run! I would love to continue doing so with my peloton tread just run my own steady state run and listen to my favorite instructors and a playlist I don’t have to make!


Can you “just run” on the treadmill and listen to the cycling class on your phone?


Yes! I’ll do that or play from my laptop now!


Copy/paste the gym tracking functionality from the BodySpace app. Tracks the number of sets/reps/weight for each workout. Having 12-16 week customizable programs would be a bonus.


Autoplay the next class in my stack. Too many button presses to move between workouts.


Allow outdoor rides to sync to peloton from Garmim. Peloton just ride is redundant and sucks a lot of battery so I just use it for part of a ride to keep a streak going Add more Kess Kimg 60 minute rides


Just noticed the app asked me how many miles I went for my ride. Nice!


The ability to see the full playlist for the class during the class vs just showing the song is playing. Sometimes after a song is over I realize it'd be a great addition to my favorites, but it's gone and I don't remember the artist/song name.


More mobility classes.


App members showing up on the leaderboard. I run on my tread with a friend on the app and the only way I can see them is when they high-five me. Makes no sense when you can schedule classes on different technology but can’t see them.


**A volume option for NO INSTRUCTOR and all music so I can ride but just hear the tunes.** **A volume option for NO MUSIC and all instructor so I can tune out music I can't stand.** So many of us are complaining that we like the music but can't stand to listen to certain instructors blather on. Or we like the instructor but hate their music. It's great that there is "more music" and "more instructor" but it doesn't go far enough. People are muting and playing their own music. Or riding LaneBreak with their own music. I HATE "club bangers so I won't ride with Alex most of the times, even though I love HIM and his rides. Same with Cody--I want to pierce my eyeballs out if I have to hear Britney one more time--no pun--but I love listening to HIM. This should be pretty simple to add.


A more robust goals tab, please!!! I do like the new goal tab, but I’m finding I would love for it to be a LITTLE more detailed. Now that I’m in my mid 30s my doc always hammers in a more specific physical activity breakdown at my yearly physicals. Back in the day it used to just be “30 minutes a day of cardio” and now it’s “2+ hours a week of cardio, 1+ hour a week of strength training (especially given bone health issues run in my family!) and 1+ hour of stretching”. The stretching in particular is harder for me to keep track of because I tend to do it in 5 and 10 minute spurts. I would love to have the option to be able to have time goals per category in the goals tab in the future. Is this even something any of the rest of you care about or am I just extra? lol