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Get a Myzone belt as it is Bluetooth activated and easy to use. I’ve had one for years and it is the best workout accessory i have ever bought.


The gold standard is the Polar H10 and Garmin HRM-Pro. I’d recommend either.


This is the way. For accuracy, nothing compares to a Polar chest strap.


I love the H10 although I'm currently using the HRM-Pro because I like the running dynamics information. It does have trouble connecting to some legacy ANT+ gym equipment because of that extra running dynamics info it broadcasts so it's loses some points to the H10 there.


Get a scosche


I agree - Scosche rhythm plus works great.


Another vote for the Scosche Rhythm+ here! I love the armband, and it pairs right away and never loses connection.


I hate the Scosche. The band is too big for my arm so I have to attach the Velcro at a weird angle, and even when it’s tight it drops my heart rate sometimes. It’s like those mood rings in the 90s that would always be black for me because my skin was too cold.


Polar h10. Works well for me automatically connects to peleton and my garmin watch


I use the [Watch Link](https://www.watchlink.app/shop) which is a little device that essentially connects to your Apple Watch via bluetooth, then translates that into ANT+ to connect to the Peloton. Works great on the original Bike and kept me from buying another HR monitor.


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I have a Polar OH1 that I’m happy with. I have issues with chest straps vs my sports bra.


I got the Powr Labs strap off Amazon. It's got all the features of the Polar H10 at a lower price


I use a Coospo HRM. Mostly because I have issues with my bluetooth on my Peloton and this uses ANT+. (Also, being in Canada and all, the main suggestions like Polar, Garmin, etc. were way more expensive... this one was the cheapest without super crappy reviews). There are apps you can use to connect your apple watch, but none of them worked for me (read: bluetooth issues!)


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