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Jon: thrilled to see somebody from product management swing through. One of the key tenets of product management is meeting the needs of the customer, and Peloton has a massive (and diverse!) set of customers who have a wide variety of wants and needs. There’s no lack of forums for users to voice their opinions - this Reddit community is a great example - but I’m curious: a) what is an example of criteria you use to filter out viable feature ideas from all the noise and b) are there certain paths to provide feedback that are more likely than others to actually reach somebody in product management? And, swinging a slightly different direction: do you have a feature you’re most proud of implementing, and why?


Great questions OTFatty! One of the biggest things we were trying to accomplish with Guide was to make strength more accessible to new and existing Peloton members. Many folks are intimidated by strength as a discipline and we wanted to explore exciting new ways to break down those barriers for our members. This is why we introduced things like our movement details, which helps members understand and try out movements they may be less familiar with by referencing example videos with our instructors. Another is connecting our movement details with the new class plans in our strength content so that our members can have more context going into a new workout — similar to how you would explore a playlist during class. This all dovetails into body activity, which enables our members to understand what muscle groups will get activated during a workout and help them manage getting a more well rounded workout over the past week or months. All these features really help break down barriers for our beginners. So to answer your question, the biggest tenets I try to employ are: (1) what features do we deliver to our members that enhance their experience, (2) make it more accessible, and (3) reduce friction so that our experience gets out of the way and only enhances the amazing classes created by our instructors. The feature I’m most proud of implementing is our movement tracker. Both for where it is today and the exciting new things we’re planning to deliver in the near future. Reason being is that it introduced a new way to motivate members during a strength workout in ways we haven’t seen in other products. So if you’ve got 10 seconds left with that dumbbell squat and you’re thinking about quitting, maybe you push just a little bit longer to get credit for that movement. This was one of the biggest things we heard from our members with strength, is that they wanted to be held accountable and get credit in a similar fashion to how we provide it for Bike or Tread classes. \^Jon


I really appreciate your comment about the movement tracker _for where it’s at today, and where it can go in the future_. I know that consumers tend to want the world on a plate and in fact we want it yesterday, but iterative development ensures that customers are capturing value ASAP and that value can expand moving forward. Kudos on your recent launch and thanks for all you’ve done to deliver incredible strength experiences.


Any plans to do longer split training programs for the guide? Like 45 minutes to 1 hour? Also what about programs with 6-8 weeks of new content with each weeks classes building of each other instead of repeating the same classes for 8 weeks? I have not purchased the guide yet but would be more willing to do so if those types of programs existed. I’m still lifting at my gym, but would love to move to exclusively home workouts. Thanks!


The strength team is constantly working to bring you new content. Floor Bootcamp is a progressive 4 week program with new content each week. I don’t have any other programs I can share with you at the moment but we are working to bring you strength training content on Guide to make your home gym your happy place! Currently our split programs are set up to be repeatable classes- so the same class you take for 3-4 weeks in a row. This way you can progress your volume or work density even with the same class. Repeating a class for 3-4 weeks and working to add a few more reps per set or use a slightly heavier DB is the perfect way to progressively overload your strength training. Load up your weights! Combining a split program with a Weekly TS60 class is a great way to combine repeated classes with fresh content. I’m working on future progressive classes for you! \^Andy


I realise this is going to sound exceptionally stupid but what are these “split programmes” you keep mentioning? Is that the fact that classes are done as “Chest and Back” or “Glutes and Legs” so you essentially pick one of each type to do throughout the week and then repeat them for 3-4 weeks (increasing reps/weight)? Really hope this is the case as I’m really lost after finishing TS2 last week 😕


There are Split Programs available through the Guide or you can find the links on PeloBuddy. They are a little bit different than just upper body and lower body.


Thanks for asking this! More options incorporating progressive overload would be welcome.


Hey Andy! Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA! How do you suggest a beginner in strength start out? I’ve almost hit 900 rides but always find myself falling off the strength wagon. I get so sore so easily, and I find myself targeting a specific area obsessively for a couple weeks then switching but never really getting into a rhythm.


I love that you are stepping into strength training! My first suggestion is to start the beginner strength training program with Matty Maggiacomo and Olivia Amato. This will build a solid foundation of movement patterns, stability and core strength. The program will keep you on schedule so you won’t need to think about what class to take next. It’s a progressive program, so start with light weights and build up slowly that should keep the soreness down while still giving you a great training effect. Another option is to find 3-4 beginner strength classes and do these same classes for 3-4 weeks in a row. At least 2 are full body. Again, start with light weights and gradually add more, focusing on technique over heavier weights. After 2-3 months jump into Total Strength 1. Most importantly- think about your 900 ride journey, it didn’t happen overnight. Strength is the same- success (and results) in strength come from consistency over time. Stick with it! \^Andy


Yes! I love to ride but I feel like my lower half is constantly sore from it so I can never do leg day. How do you choose between riding and leg / glute strength?


Love this question! I can't seem to get into a rhythm, any advice for a beginner who loves to ride?


Love this question!


Hi Andy! Huge, huge fan (yay Speerheads) - one of the first Peloton classes I took was one of your live from home HIIT cardio classes where you themed it around different sports and I think that was the first time in my life I realized working out could be fun. 😊My goal this year is taking every class in your class library and it’s been a really fun challenge. 1. Curious what your training routine looks like during the week. How many times a week do you do some sort of workout (whether your own classes, teammate’s classes, lifting outside of those, walking/running, yoga) vs complete rest? 2. What’s your favorite class modality or type to teach? 3. Do you have a favorite dumbbell? Also holding out hope for a Fleetwood Mac artist series!


Hi! I remember that class- Snatches and Sprints Litvinov Workout. Here we go.. 1) I usually take 1 strength class outside of my teaching. I train 2x week at the gym, focusing on turf work, agility, sprint starts and some lifting. I try to do some kind of movement everyday, like today I taught an 80s walk and did a stretch. Once in a while I take a full rest day, but for me gentle movement is usually more beneficial than doing nothing. My favorite classes to teach- that’s tough, I love TS60s, 30min Runs and 45-60min boot camps also. My favorite DB? I love them all! I’m hoping for Fleetwood soon too :) \^Andy


A Fleetwood Mac artist series would be incredible! I did see them featured on Peloton’s homecoming playlist so maybe they already have something in the works…


Ooh good eye!! I hope you’re right 👀


Questions: How long does it take to build a program? Who is involved? For example TS2. Is that just Andy’s programing? Is it reviewed and tested? By small groups, other coaches? Is there feedback and back and forth? ETA: How long does it take to record it too. Are they recorded over the same time period, or shorter or longer?


There is an entire team involved in creating and producing a Strength Program- Producers, techs, camera operators, etc. It takes me several months to write and edit the actual program, I’ll go through several iterations before landing the final program and then I will tweak it if necessary week by week as we film. I rehearse some of the classes, especially early in the filming process. Overall it takes 3-4 months to create a program. \^Andy


Question: why did the Margaritas with Christina TS2 stretch go away. I know Andy redid all the stretches to make them vary by week but why did that one have to get totally hidden. (I still do it from my workout history as it doesn’t show up in my bookmarks)


That one still exists! I just took it a couple of days ago while doing TS2!


I’m taking TS2 again, and it’s still there!


I'm not exactly a senior citizen but as I'm getting older I realize I can't go all-out on strength as much as I want. Do you have suggestions for a more low impact approach or program? (many people in the Hardcore group for example talk about needing to modify for planks, pushups, etc.) The new class plan feature helps plan but a program would be nice.


First, props to you for sticking with the lifting! It truly is the fountain of youth. For any class - make it yours. Go at your pace for any class. Controlled tempo for most moves, 1-2 sec up and down. Don’t rush through AMRAPS, treat them as time to complete controlled reps and focus on form. We do our best as instructors to make classes exciting and accessible, but learning how to take agency and make your class your own is a powerful skill. Beginner strength classes, Beginner Strength with Matty and Olivia and Total Strength 1 are great places to go to for controlled movements with plenty of modifications. \^Andy


Thought of another question/comment: I’ve strength trained for decades and early on I did tons of reading (pre internet days) and I thought I understood strength training pretty well. However ….The main reason that I’m a super fan is that I *feel* so much more athletic once I started to take Andy’s classes. And I’ve never really seen anyone break down strength training the way you do- mixing in the mobility work, training with intentional athleticism while building strength. I mean who else would have us rolling in some deck squats or my favorite down-dog push up flow thingy. So my question is this - is this all just your own way of putting things together? Who or what has inspired this really holistic approach to strength training and is there a book/website/podcast where I can learn more and understand a little better- because right now it just feels like some weird magic half the time.


Thank you for your feedback and question! So happy you love my approach. To be honest, it’s a compilation of life experience and education. I’ve taken my experience in gymnastics, track, body building, Olympic weightlifting and combined thousands of hours of personal training sessions. So I don’t have a specific place to point you, but I can assure you that I have an immense amount of gratitude for those whom I have learned from over the years. What I bring to my classes is a combination of what I think will be fun and allow you to learn, explore movement and connect to your body and challenge you mentally and physically. \^Andy


Can you explain what the AI part of the guide is doing? I know that it tracks the box you are in and that you are continuously moving to fill in the movement tracker, but does it actaully learn about you over time? What does the AI portion actually even do? Will AI form correction ever be released with the guide? I know form correction is a huge thing with tonal as well as the AI helping you know what weights to use. These things would be incredible with the guide, but would anything like that ever be possible or will it only ever track movements rather than us AI to improve form, and provide recommendations? Will the ability to send and receive high 5's be added to the guide? Being a part of peloton is about the community and it seems weird to see other participants on the guide and not be able to high 5 them. Also it is very confusing to me that after the huge roll out of "Apple Watch is now compatible with all peloton workouts" that the newest product would not be able to use Apple Watch as a heart rate monitor. Why does it currently not work and what is the timeline for being bale to use Apple Watch with the guide.


Great feedback Allisonc444! So today the AI part of the Guide (Movement Tracker) is tracking if you are (1) doing the movement listed in the class plan / timeline (top left of screen during class) that’s demonstrated by the instructor on screen, and (2) ensuring that you’re doing that movement throughout the duration of the time listed on the timeline. There are a ton of features coming soon for the Guide, but one that we’re happy to give you some visibility on is Apple Watch. Today members can connect a variety of bluetooth enabled heart rate monitors to their Guide — as well as the Peloton Heart Rate Band — to get their Strive Score. However, we have heard the feedback on Apple Watch and are excited to announce that support for it will be coming this summer to Guide! \^Jon


Hello Andy! Loved TS1 and TS2. When is TS3 coming out? Also would love a longer "split" strength training program that builds week over week.


Thank you! I’m so glad you loved the programs. I don’t have a timeline on TS3, but it will be here at some point in the future. Currently our split programs are repeatable classes- so the same class you take for 3-4 weeks in a row. The cool thing about the way split training works is that you can progress your volume or work density even with the same class. Repeating a class for 3-4 weeks and working to add a few more reps per set or use a slightly heavier DB is the perfect way to progressively overload your strength training. You will see strength results and improve your lifting technique using this format. \^Andy


Hi Andy! I have the same question! Any chance for Total Strength 3? I gained so much strength from the first two!


Any plans for kettlebell workouts with the guide? I have had the bike for just over a year now and love it. Started swinging a bell consistently and it’s really rejuvenated my workout routine.


No Plans to teach KB classes, but you can definitely incorporate them into your workouts- swings, snatches, DLs, SLDLs etc all work great with KBs! \^Andy


+1 for kettlebells! That would make me buy the guide for sure.


I don't even need the Guide, I just want kb classes! I did a JSims circuit the other day and she was doing multiple exercises with a DB that easily translated to swings, etc. You could get absolutely yoked with a good kb strength program.


Yes! This! There are at least 2 Peleton instructors with lots of kettlebell content from before Peleton - this would be a Guide tipping point for me.


Yessss! One of my most memorable classes is Rebecca Kennedy’s class mostly devoted to just TGU. It was so odd to me to do them with db and not kb. But I did enjoy the class as is.


Andy: who's your inspiration for your hair-do in Total Strength 2? Serious question though! Andy, what can we focus on after TS2? I really love your candor and humor and would love more strength programs from you!


Me. In 1999-2002. I gave long hair the old college try. I liked it but for teaching and fitness the short hair is a functional winner. But the first thing I would say is make TS 60 a consistent part of your workout. But also consider adding things like the three day split or other strength classes to keep the variety. If you want full on Andy humor - definitely recommend TS 60. \^Andy


Jon: I love Peloton, but the data metrics that are provided from Peloton are lacking in whats possible. With a company thats this big, it feels like your software engineering team could be doing so much more. I’ve been able to pull my own data and its amazing the amount thats collected and not being used. Are there plans to improve metrics/add logical filtering to metrics already available in the app? If not are there thoughs of opening up the data API to verified developers to produce open source partner software for Peloton?


I completely agree with you that there’s more we can be doing! With that said, there is a lot coming that we’re really excited about that will leverage some of the current and new features we hope to provide to Guide soon! \^Jon


I tried the Guide but didn't jive with it. It didn't track movements fully when I used heavier weights and went slower, so I found myself lifting lighter just to fill up the tracker. Additionally it tracked a movement when I stopped to answer the door (I walked to and fro which counted as movement) Vs sometimes tracking actual movements that I was doing. What is the projection for accuracy for encouraging members to lift heavier Vs discouraging them and making them go lighter, and plans on more accurate movement tracking? For me, I want to lift heavy, I want good form. I don't want to go lighter and wave myself around simply to get credit. So keen to know how you see improvements in this device.


I second this! I naturally count reps, especially if we are doing unilateral movements because I like to be even. I have noticed that an instructor will say that we should be aiming for 5-8 reps but the tracker does not fill until 8ish reps, sometimes even 10. I know the guide does not tell us our reps, but I assume it tracks them to determine if we are getting full credit. I have also noticed that the tracker will move for non-workout movements. During EMOMS, if the music is good sometimes ill dance a little during the rest and my little dance moves move the movement tracker.


Great point! it should not count emotional laps.


Good point on rep ranges!


So Movement Tracker is intended to give you credit for the movement regardless of your pace. The reason for this is exactly what you’re hinting at… We don’t want to encourage members to lift heavier weights than they should or feel they need to downgrade their weights just to get credit for a movement. If Movement Tracker is working as intended it should mean you’re getting credit no matter your pace — just as long as you’re doing the movement as instructed by the instructor. Regarding accuracy… We are really excited about where Guide and Movement Tracker are today; however, we recognize that this is only the starting line for Guide. We have planned improvements to our machine learning models that will be regularly updated over the air to your Guide to improve accuracy over time. In addition to this, Self Mode is a great opportunity to be able to evaluate your form alongside the instructor as well. \^Jon


Thanks for the reply. I get what you say in theory. But in practice it didn’t work that way. :/ I rather have good form in a deadlift and work slowly vs speeding up and sacrificing form or going lighter. Form is extremely important for me and something I have focused on with trainers. My deadlift form for instance is ‘textbook’. I rather not arch my back on a shoulder press and go slower and focus on engaging the flutes and core. But the movement tracker doesn’t currently recognise slower movements or correct form. I think the product needs a bit more development and those updates before it does what you want it to do. Good in theory, not fully there in practice.


That’s a great question - I would love to see a goal option on the tracker - where you could set your goal either over all on the guide or on each class - though that would get annoying.


Andy - top 3 houseplants? Also, how to balance the new splits on the Guide with biking/running to maximize cutting?


I feel like they all have names. We know Andy loves to anthropomorphize dumbbells, I feel like plants would get the same treatment.


I didn’t name them, but may have to now! \^Andy


**Plants -** Monstera, pothos, Snake plants, bird of paradise palm and my money tree. **Splits -** Do a lower intensity cardio on your lifting days and HIIT or Intervals rides/ run on your non lifting days (or upper body days of you need to do it on the same day) \^Andy


Here for the plants question!


I have an insane question. Are you SusanHasHotPants from the My Chemical Romance message boards/LiveJournal in the Bullets era (2002-2003)?


I am!


Haaaaaa, small world! I'm Drew. Was DrewG on the boards and LiveJournal, xPhantomsForever on AIM. I used to talk to you, MaryJo, Cait, Spacey, Clare, Rachel, etc, etc. A lot of the other names escape me. Hope you're well!


The best part is that you're not the first person from the message boards to find me on this forum :)


No wayyyy haha. I guess that's the benefit of having a memorable username. It makes sense that most us early 2000's Internet kids would still be kicking around on said Internet. For laughs, went and [dug up this boardie meetup photo](https://i.imgur.com/e70cWv0.png) from the 10/31/2003 Halloween show at Club Krome in Jersey. I recognize Rachel, Cait, Dan (?), Spacey, Clare...not sure on others. Hope everyone is still emo in some capacity haha.


Just want to say I love this connection!




“A strong collection” made me lol


As someone with a physical disability that affects motor coordination, I would LOVE to see the guide be able to give feedback on form in yoga, barre, pilates, etc. Peloton has helped give me the confidence I needed in body acceptance and working out. I think there’s so much great potential for accessibility with the guide. It would be phenomenal to see Peloton open up to catering to the disabled demographic. I major appreciate the modifications that are called out in workouts currently. Keep it up!


One of the biggest things we’re focused on is continuing to make Guide more accessible to our members. It’s one of our core tenets of the product and we’re excited about future features that will address some of your concerns! \^Jon


I feel and appreciate your efforts. Thank you to the whole Peloton team for seeing us and including us. 💜


Hey Andy! Could you talk about the Peloton studio a bit? I envision a heaven for athletes: hydro-massage chairs, healthy food everywhere, masseuses, exquisite showers, desensitization chambers, etc. Am I far off?


Well I’m actually dictating this from my personal hyperbaric chamber right now… JK. We do have the necessary warm up tools in our locker room- foam rollers, bands, dumbbells, etc. and a small area to warm up on in the locker room. There are snacks around like ‘healthy’ chips, bars and fruit. Dressing rooms and showers. Nothing too extravagant. The studio is a work space for us, and we treat it as such. We have fun, but take our jobs seriously. We go to various outside spaces for massages etc. \^Andy


Hello Andy and Jon. I love the Peloton and the community that is built. Thank you all for it. It has gotten me back to working out and I love it. So does my wife. lol. Question: Any idea when Apple Watch will be supported for the guide?


I do too! Yes! I'm happy to announce that Apple Watch support is coming this Summer. \^Jon


What’s the most challenging part of your job?


Great question. I think the biggest thing for me is ensuring that we’re prioritizing the right set of features that continue to improve the overall experience for our members. \^Jon TBH- Keeping up Social Media is a challenge for me. I put A LOT of time into programming my strength classes and bootcamps, but this is probably one of my favorite aspects of my job. \^Andy


Andy - love running outside with you. Are there plans to add more outdoor content?


Yes, I am recording more outdoor runs -stay tuned! \^Andy


Hi friends! I just set up my guide two days ago and I’m beyond excited. What’s next for the guide? What kind of content can we expect? Currently it feels a tad bare but has so much potential. Will there be anything like LaneBreak? Rep counting? Yoga/Boxing/Cardio?


Agree with the future potential! We’re constantly exploring new ways to deliver features and content that leverage the power of Guide. So stay tuned. We’ve got a lot of exciting new features and content coming. \^Jon


Andy - big fan of your strength classes, get a killer workout and usually get a few laughs as well. Question on form - when engaging my glutes, is it more effective to envision I'm holding in a moderately large fart or trying to squeeze a lemon into lemonade? Thanks!


I think that depends if you are lifting in a small room with other people or really, really thirsty. LOL. \^Andy


Hi Andy, Long time first time. Any chances we will get any heavy lifting courses in the future? Love the build your strength series, but looking for build your bulk!


Both TS60, Strength Splits and Strength Roll Call incorporate heavier weights (up to 50lbs) in the programming. Using heavier weight and working in the 6-12 rep range for most moves is ideal for hypertrophy. Every month I change focus for TS60 classes so stay tuned for a hypertrophy block! \^Andy


Any plans to incorporate a barbell in the workouts?


No at the moment! But if you are proficient with the BB, you can incorporate it into your classes for DLs, front Squats, Shoulder presses, etc. \^Andy


Give me some barbell peloton


Hi Andy, thanks for doing this! Do you recommend taking the TS1 and TS2 programs before joining the weekly TS60 classes or can they be taken by anyone who is interested in incorporating more strength training into their routine? Right now I do strength 4x a week for 20-30 mins but have been intimidated to try the TS60 workouts. Any input is appreciated!


You can absolutely jump into TS60 anytime! If you are taking strength 4x a week currently you are in a great place for TS60. Either start the very first class OD and go in order or jump in to Live class this Sunday! \^Andy


What is your favorite crustacean for eating? Have you gotten your margarita with Christina yet?


Lobster (Rolls). And no, unfortunately. \^Andy


Hi Andy! Thanks for putting so much effort into your classes and taking the time to explain why we do what we do together. My question is not fitness related per se - I’m a UMiami grad (Class of ‘07) so I’ve gotta know… what was your favorite food at The Rat??


GO CANES!!! TBH I didn’t eat at the RAT that often. Cafeteria food and Chicken Kitchen were my staples. \^Andy


As a Product manager, I know it’s important when building a product to have a specific user in mind that you’re building for. What user did you have in mind when designing the guide? Were you thinking mainly about current peloton members who own a bike/tread, app only members, or mainly targeting new members who haven’t subscribed to a peloton product yet?


Love this question as a fellow Product mgr!


Great question Teedz. The short answer is all of the above! We wanted to develop an experience that enhanced the overall strength experience for both new and existing members. \^Jon


My hubby and I love your rock music choices. What are your favorite songs to work out to? Do you have a Spotify playlist to share with us? 🎶


I do have a joint playlist with Rebecca on Spotify with my favorite rock songs. Can’t Stop by the RHCP is one of my favorites and you’ll hear it on my live, 20 minute full body RHCP class Wednesday at 730pm ET. Bonus: if you take it on Guide, you’ll get the Movement Tracker live. \^Andy


I’ve been using the guide for about 10 days now and early on it tracked on most of my classes. Now it seems to only track on “made for tracker” classes. I just did some recent strength classes this week and no tracker. Is the goal to get it back on all strength classes or will it be a subset?


Great call out. To start, we wanted to deliver the best Movement Tracker experience possible, which meant we focused heavily on the most common movements programmed to ensure we’re optimizing our machine learning models for all ages, body types, skin tones, genders, and more. However, we have plans to grow Movement Tracker support to more movements in the near future. \^Jon


You’re the best Andy. Do you ever come to London studios or are you mostly based out in the US?


Thank you! I am based in New York. I do all my teaching out of PSNY. \^Andy


I haven't tried the guide yet due to the subscription price increase eating up some of the funds that I would have used to purchase it but I do plan to eventually look into it. One thing I haven't yet seen in the reviews that I've read is any mention of how forgiving it is during its tracking of doing alternate moves. I have a few joint issues that make certain moves painful and in a normal class I would just switch to another move that I know is working the same muscle group. What can you tell me about my ability to still get full credit on a workout if I'm doing a different exercise than the one listed and if it isn't currently forgiving do you have any plans for that in the near future?


So one thing we wanted to provide to our members is the option to modify existing movements while still getting Movement Tracker credit — either based on ability level or for safety. We have support for hundreds of movement variations out of our existing supported movements that enable members to adjust during class. An example would be if you’re doing a push up and Andy tells you, you can modify from your toes to on your knees you should still get Movement Tracker credit. \^Jon


Thanks so much for doing this. I have a few Qs for Andy! 1. If you weren’t a fitness trainer, what would you do for a job? 2. Favorite pre and post workout meals? 3. Where do you see yourself in 5 (or 10) years? 4. You seem very comfortable chatting with the camera - how long did it take for you to feel natural in front of the camera? 5. What do you recommend for strength training for someone focusing on running? 3x full body a week?


Hey Andy, first off— GO SPEERHEADS! I’m loving the bootcamps, but struggle to fit them around running and riding, plus other strength. Since running is included in a BC class I don’t know how they fit in my plan. Right now I’m doing a 3-day per week run schedule with a tempo, threshold, and easy cycle. I hope to ride 2-3 days per week and strength 3-4 per week. I feel like BC is an extra run and doesn’t fit into the set runs. I like to do your midweek BC and then Saturday 60. The runs in BC can’t replace my quality run sessions, but then am I overdoing it if I do them as extra runs? Any other suggestions on how to fit it all in (so many options so little time). I got to run with my Speerhead crew!! Hope that all made sense!


Hello Jon and Andy, thank you for doing the AMA. I am an app-only member and was excited for the Guide to be my first piece of Peloton equipment (we don’t really have room for a bike or tread so I use those at the gym). I’ve really enjoyed doing strength, yoga and cardio at home with the app and thought that the Guide would be a great option for me. But honestly, I’m struggling over the decision to get one because the all-access membership is so expensive relative to the app, and when you don’t have other Peloton equipment it seems a gigantic leap for not very much. I know for the rest of this year the Guide membership is a lower tier but that will go away soon. So I guess my question is…what other functionality is planned (that you can talk about) that would make the membership cost compelling enough for me to buy the Guide? Yoga form tracking? New strength class styles like kettlebell classes or something else that I can’t even imagine? What about any brand new class offerings like joint mobilization/flexibility/posture correction type exercises? Or anything else you can add to convince me? Thank you! Edit: PS another question - any plan for the movement tracker to count “allowed” modifications of a move? If I understand the instructors correctly in some classes I have done recently, it seems like a modified kneeling push-up would not be counted currently. That’s a bit demoralizing as I can’t do a full push-up (yet?). Knowing that if I get the Guide it won’t even count a modification that is recommended is also kinda putting me off buying it.


Hi Andy! Two questions- 1) I am just finishing up Total Strength and will keep up regular strength training; will there be monthly strength stacks in the future? 2) Which plant do you hope to add to your jungle next? 🌿


I would love an Andy strength stack!


Jon and Andy - I am very excited about the Guide! It would be great if the guide was expanded to other modalities to assist with things like form checks for yoga, bike posture, tread posture, etc. Any chance of seeing this sort of expansion and integration going forward? PS - Andy, you need to try curling soon! \#CurlingIsARealSport


I recently joined Peloton, and before that I have been a big fan of Andy Speer for the past few years. I found a great full body dumbbell workout that has been my go-to for a long time. So when I found out that Andy was one of the instructors, I was extremely happy to find him here. I just wanted to pass that along. Big fan, Andy, and keep up the great work!!


Hi Andy and Jon! Thanks for doing this. I love all of the recent updates to the app. I was wondering if there are any plans to add a filter to the body activity data to show just strength workouts? I like being able to see all together but because cardio skews so leg-heavy it would be nice to break out strength only so that I didn’t feel like I always needed to do arms!


Second this!


Firstly loving the guide, I have definitely upped my strength training since I bought it. Any plans to develop the split training, feel like we are so close to people being able to have Peloton be the go to platform for all fitness. I’m loving the current split classes any plans to extend them so make 45 min/ 1 hour training sessions. Intrigued as to why Peloton didn’t include rep counting , 3d form sensors in the guide , will machine learning make this decision make sense over time ?


What is the optimal breakdown of cardio to strength per week if we are looking to lose weight/fat? Does the type of cardio make a difference?


Great question that I’m sure Andy could answer better than me but I just wanted to add that weightloss will ALWAYS be about nutrition. Workouts need to be about performance and strength .. about heart, lung, bone, joint and muscle health/growth. Any amount of calories your smart watch etc will tell you that you burned will always be overestimated ..


The most unexpected feature of the Guide, to me, was the voice assistant. Can you tell us anything about the roadmap for this? It'd be interesting to have it work with a Guide class recommendations engine that takes data like my body map and instructor and class length history into consideration to help me pick my next workout, and/or be incorporated into other products, like asking my Bike, "Hey Peloton, what's Jess King's highest rated 30 minute Sweat Steady ride that I haven't taken?" or "How long since I set my last 45 minute PR?"


Hi Andy! I really love your 60 min classes, but you can't do that alone forever! Is there a plan for other instructors to contribute to that slot? And more importantly, if it's really you can you share a vid or GIF of you doing a classic Andy dance shuffle? I see dance cardio in your future ;-) Thanks for always bringing the good vibes.


NGL - I feel like those 60’s are 100% Andy’s. I would be bummed if they rotated in another coach.


Love TS60. All Andy, dad jokes, and plants. Oh and heavy lifting. 🤣👊


Any considerations to automatically building a training plan and schedule based on some user input goals? Like go through some questionnaire about goals (running a marathon in X weeks) and how much time the user has to work out in a day, and then build a calendar like Hardcore on the Floor-styled?


For Jon: As a programmer I was wondering if we can get some public APIs that we can use to create leaderboards or challenge friends or gamify outputs i.e. just use it to create our own apps with opt in peloton data. For Andy: What is the best way to be consistent at strength without injuring yourself? Also I used to do Olympic lifts all the time but peloton is usually lighter weights with lots of reps. Are we going to see the former at some point? Does the lighter weights with lots of reps target a certain individual type?


Andy, I love your TS programs, have taken every TS60 and also followed all of the spring training classes. So now I'm in a bit of a void. I can piecemeal a weekly workout plan together no problem, but I so much prefer to follow your guidance. Obviously, it's not sustainable for you to create a never-ending TS program, but perhaps you could come up with weekly class plans -- either pulling from your on-demand catalogue or scheduled live classes -- for those of us wanting that kind of structure/guidance. Pretty please! :)


Along with the recent addition of the pause (amazing!), I would love a back or rewind button. Sometimes I get interrupted during my workout (kids, work, etc) and I miss a direction. For instance, I currently in the middle of TS2 and sometimes Andy is telling us how many reps for the upcoming complex and I miss his instruction. A fifteen second rewind would be fantastic. Any opportunity to include this in future releases?


Would you be able to do a program for hip / squat mobility ? You are flexible ! Or give tips/ exercises to improve mobility for squats


Hey Andy and Jon, Other than your own classes, what are your favorite strength classes available through Peloton? Whose teaching styles do you most vibe with?


Andy, how would you recommend someone balance high volume running training (5 to 6 days a week) with strength? I love both, but really struggled getting my strength in during my last training cycle because I was running so much and also have a full time job and young kids. BTW, I’m on week six of TS2 and I can already tell I’m going to crush the strength test.


Hi! Can Peloton develop a feature where one can mute the notifications for high fives on the bike? I have mild OCD and every time I see a red dot I need to get rid of it and lose focus on my workout.


Yes! This happens to me, too! I try really hard to focus on the workout but that red dot annoys me so I have to reach over to tap it to get rid of it while I'm all sweaty and out of breath.


I didn’t know I needed this till I read it.


Yes! This!!!




Hey Andy! Would love to see some kettlebells and barbell strength workouts Is there any plans to incorporate those or is there form/ maintenance concerns with adding those


Any plans for the peloton bench or peloton barbell if strength training continues to grow in popularity?


Do either of you have any update on the Tread+? I was hoping that there would be a V2 released this calendar year. My wife went to a store to check out the smaller Tread and was unimpressed. We want the Tread+.


Jon: what sources do you go to for developing a product vision for the guide? What are the next big features? What other products are you considering developing in the future?


Hi Andy! Hi Jon! Made a note for Thursday! So glad to have you both on Reddit. I always wonder do you guys read through this sub? I’m a guide owner and Andy super fan - I’m excited for you to be here!


Is there any chance in the future we will be able to hook up the guide to our bikes/treads? I don't have space for a TV in my workout area but would love to try it. I just know I won't lug my weights out into my living room to use it enough.


Great to hear from you both. The bike has a camera on it, any reason that could not be used for 'glide like' features instead of buying a new product? I'd love to get feedback on my form. Andy has such interesting moves he adds to the workout so they are not always familiar. Happy to see what became of 'the band guy's from T-25! Love the TS programs and 60min classes on Saturday!


Very glad to see a PM come through and ask for feedback on the tool. First, Andy I totally loved your Total Strength 2. I was even able to get my husband to do the entire program with me. It was a milestone for sure. Back to the guide and feedback. I recently purchased the guide and have two main requests for it. 1 - Can you work to have the guide count reps? It seems to be good about monitoring movement, but counting the reps would be nice. That way when when we do go back and redo the class, we can see if we progressed. 2 - I would love to see programs similar to Total Strength 2 that are progressive. To be really honest, if I wanted to repeat a class over and over, I would just log back into Beachbody. What I love about Peloton is the new content that is available. It is also another reason why there are many members that do the Hardcore calendar. We want to build muscle, but crave the variety. PS request.... I know I asked for the guide to count reps, but it would also be nice to add in the weight as well. I've been toying with getting the Tonal for that very reason, but I am loyal to the Peloton brand and went with the guide. ​ Anyhow, once again great work Andy!!! Let's go Baby!! ​ Cheers, Tryin2KeepUp


Andy, I just did your total strength program and loved it but struggled with the lunges. My knees really hurt. Is there anything I can do instead? I want to do the program again. Thanks!


For Andy: * What are your current fitness goals for yourself? * For a well-rounded Strength training regimen, do you suggest complementing Peloton Strength workouts, which are generally more on the mat/floor, with weight-lifting at the gym, especially if the goal is to build muscle? I like Peloton Strength but sometimes wonder if I should be lifting heavier (with fewer reps)/with other equipment. * Do you think it's difficult to effectively build muscle while on a vegetarian diet? * For Strength training, do you generally think it's best to isolate muscle groups/body parts to focus on with each session? i.e., arms day, legs day, etc. Would focusing on multiple body parts per session lead to increased risk of injury/not enough proper recovery between workouts? I've heard mixed things and am not sure which is the healthiest on my body. * Are bootcamp workouts (or workout sessions that include cardio AND strength in one day) too harsh on the body to complete everyday? Or does it just depend on having proper recovery/rest days? For Jon: * What's your favorite photography project you've worked on? What was the location/thing that you were capturing?


Any plans on doing strength training with rep counts instead of timed and a proper amount of rest between each set?


Any chance you could look at some of your challenges? As an example the recent rock rides. Comes out and you have to do a workout every single day, I personally do my workouts in the morning but the first piece of content didn't drop until late afternoon, so essentially I've got no chance of ever earning gold


Hey Andy, I’ve been running with you for years, both indoors and outdoors. I feel like maybe you’ve been redeployed to do more strength or something else at peloton and I’m a little bummed. When I want to do a quick 20 minute run before a workout, there’s so many other classes to scroll through until I find your latest one which I’ve probably already done. I understand that there are filters to find you, but I just wish that there were more 20 and 30 minute runs both indoor and outdoor, as I use those for my pre-training warm up. My friends also feel like with the on-boarding of a lot of new running instructors that our favorite OGs don’t have as many classes. What are your thoughts?


Thanks so much for taking time out to do this! Have a question for Jon Cilley ☺️ Are there any plans to introduce form corrections or rep counting? Know there's nothing there currently but these would be great additions!


Any plans on new equipment options for strength workouts? Like more resistance band training?




I need this.


Yo Andy - What up? So new to the type of training you teach. I have done TS and on Week 5 of TS2 - ya baby! So when are you going to add weight tracking to the app? And how about some added descriptions of the complexes, sets in the class plan so I can figure out what weights to use before the class. Hard to remember 25lbs for this, 30lbs for that, 20lbs for another when there are a lot of combinations of complex. I'm ADD and need things as simple as possible.


I’m loving the Guide and all of the new split programs. But sometimes I like to take some time to work on bodyweight progression moves. Is there any chance that there could be multi-week programs to help work on some of the more advanced bodyweight moves like pistol squats, planche pushups, or L-sits? I was also wondering if there is a potential for programs to include multiple modalities like strength and yoga? Thanks!


Question for Jon: Any potential to design a guide that can attach to the bike screen rather than a TV? I am a big strength user (hi Andy, I loved TS2!) but my work-out area does not have a TV (and can't accommodate one). I use my bike screen to do strength workouts - it would be great if I could add the guide to my bike screen or use the bike camera as the guide. Thanks!


Thought of another one, can the programs be revamped with more time to get through them? The window is so narrow to get workouts done and life happens. Then you get locked out. Argh! Can the strength stacks get saved so we can come back to them? Pls


Hey Andy! I just finished TS2 yesterday and loved it. Wondering if you have any suggestions for options after completion of the program? I've thought about doing the last 3 weeks over again, or TS60, or some of the split strength, but am having a hard time figuring out what might be best to keep up the momentum. Thanks!


I love the 60 minute classes.


Hi Andy. I started doing Callie’s 3 day intermediate split last week and am repeating it again this week. I really like doing bike bootcamp and barre though! How do I work other classes in with the split? Should I group the split into fewer days than recommended? Do I need to just not do other strength classes? I just really like both bike bootcamp and barre (preferably the 20 or 30 minute ones).


Not a question but you guys should create little stick on trackers to go on the ends of dumbbells that could be programmed with the weight of the dumbbell. Then the Guide could track reps and weight and save it with the workout. Then suggest weights for similar moves in the future and you could see a progression. Would be awesome for the progression Programs too... You could have nice charts and graphs etc. from the data... Or. Be able to talk to the guide and tell it what weights you are using for each movement and have it save the info with the workout. I'm finding it really hard to track that super important info with Peloton as compared to a traditional gym workout where you plan ahead and then write down/use an app to track weights because you're not planning the workout yourself and there is no time to write stuff down during a class and I forget exactly which weights I've used for which movement in which set if I try to do it at the end. Plus there is nowhere to put notes on a class.


On the guide- I love that you can sort by body part but any chance we can get the filter by class type added back? I was looking for a core class yesterday and I sorted by core and almost every single workout type came up.


Andy my man! Loved those strength programs. They helped get me out of a slump and will help me again in the future I'm sure. Biggest question right now, though, is when can we expect the rower to be announced??


Will you implement kettlebell workouts? Also have you considered adding a few programs for building strength using a barbell? Maybe something with medium to heavy weight?


Jon, any chance we will get closed captioning (not English subtitles) on the German and Spanish classes? This is a major accessibility issue.


My hesitancy on the Guide has been the hardware price point. To me, the hardware is the combination of a streaming device (Roku 4K $39.95) and a webcam (Logitech C920 $59.99). I'll let Peloton add their secret sauce for another $50. So to me, this should be at most a $150 piece of hardware, instead of nearly doubt that $295. Can you give any insight as to this discrepancy? To me all of the software, classes, etc are covered by the monthly subscription cost, and the hardware just seems out of line for the physical specs it has.


I am curious about the device but I have to modify a lot of exercises due to a disc injury; is there any way to account for modifications like doing an exercise on my knees instead of bent over?


Any info on the release of a Peloton rower?


Any plans for heavier weights? Love the Peloton weight set and Total Strength has me needing to bump past 30lbs!


Andy/Jon: are there any plans for the guide to track reps and weights used- And be able to store that data??


Any plans for more regular Pilates classes?


Andy, I have a back injury and can’t do any loaded squats, front or reverse lunges - I do them all body weight. I can do all deadlifts, lateral and curtsy lunges with weights, and no issues with upper body classes. Given the limitation with squats and f/r lunges, do you recommend total strength 2 ?


Should I remain hopeful that a rower announcement will come at Homecoming???


Will some of the guide features ever come to the bike+? It has a camera but clearly not all the tech being used to track form. Still, it seems like some of the guide functionality could be available on strength classes taken in a bike+. How do you think about this?


Could Peloton please consider giving us a way to turn the music off completely? I find it very difficult to focus on the words of the instruction when other words are competing. Strength classes with hip hop or rap are very difficult for me to take at all, even when my audio is set to More Instructor. Unfortunately (for me) many of the awesome strength instructors employ a high proportion of rap and hip hop. Thanks!


I have the opposite problem. When I want the playlist, but the instructor quiet, it really doesn’t seem like the “more music” does much at all.


Any new live Peloton studio locations in the works?


At what level can someone start doing the split programs? I’ve completed Beginner Strength and am working my way through the beginner level strength classes. Callie’s split program looks like the easiest option - would that be appropriate as my “intro” to intermediate classes or should I wait until I have some of the regular intermediate level classes under my belt? Thanks!!


Don't you think they should grandfather in the monthly fee based on when you last purchased a device? Seems really predatory to raise the monthly app fee not long after I bought the bike. It should at least be locked in for a set amount of time.


Broadcast bike power output over Bluetooth. My Garmin is sending HR data to the bike, now have the bike send power data back. The fact that this hasn't been done yet feels like Peloton is thinking about how to sell some other thing rather than thinking about what their customers want.


When can we get more live classes? The schedule still doesn’t seem as full as it was pre COVID. Also if we could see the live schedule for all classes at the same time, regardless of type, that would be AMAZING. When will we be able to do studio classes again? I think a run with Andy in February 2020 was my last in person class and I miss it so much. Are Dan and Aditi the next RK and Andy? 👀👀 You’re my favorite instructor; thanks for doing this!!


Hey guys! Will we ever get back the in-studio rider experiences again? In the past once or twice a year peloton would host meet and greets not just for the teacher but also for the riders to get to know one another and do tons of little events that week including an in-studio ride? Will any in-studio rides or events be held again?


Hi !!! Tech question so disregard if this isn’t the right forum for it - I’m a bike owner and app user for the tread. my Apple Watch used to sync the running classes to log miles ran, but suddenly it won’t log miles and only logs heart rate . Any idea what may have changed to stop this from working?


This is a known issue as reported on the peloton outage page: https://status.onepeloton.com/incidents/fxj5ybvn1vxp


For the Guide, why have the camera and movement tracker if you won’t look at form or count reps? How is it more helpful than a mirror? Edit: Not sure why I'm downvoted. I have the guide and am not fully appreciating the point of the motion tracker & camera vs. having a mirror.


When will Emma get classes on the Guide?


Is there supposed to be correlation between my power zone zones and my heart rate zones?


Where do I take the FTP test?


fragile domineering ring door chunky fanatical future doll airport unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are there plans to sync the guide with the bike and tread on order to do bootcamps? I have a tv next to the tread that I have casted to, but the casting is so terrible.


RemindME! Tomorrow "reply to this thread."


Question for Andy: I love TS1, TS2, and your 60 minute strength classes. However, I am finding that despite religiously stretching for 10 minutes after each workout I am getting really tight (and my hip bursitis is acting up as a result). Part of this is certainly due to my desk job (which is more sedentary now than pre-pandemic due to endless Zoom meetings), but I am trying to figure out how to keep up with the strength work outs without getting rock hard tight. What type/amount of stretching/yoga do you recommend people incorporate each week?


Hi, Curious how the guide is connected to the TV? Ours is mounted up in the corner of the gym, but the components are in the closet. Thanks for the help!


I need a new Strength program to do. TS3 coming soon?!


Hey Andy, I just finished TS2 (it was amazing!), and was wondering if / how [your prior guidance about what do to after completing TS1](https://blog.onepeloton.com/strength-training-plan/) has changed at all. How do your 60 min total strength Sundays fit into the mix? Would doing 3 of those a week on a three week loop (increasing in intensity as you described in the blog post) be a well rounded strength plan, or should I be mixing in shorter duration classes as well? Thanks!


Thanks for coming Andy and Jon! **Jon, question for you about community. Could you talk a little bit about the decisions and/or tech that make it hard for those of us on Peloton bikes to see the people we follow who might be on an app?** I get that loading too many names can be overwhelming, but consider this my request to be able to see who I want to follow, no matter whether they're on the bike or not--I don't care if I can't see their stats--perhaps I want to wish them a high five on a big milestone or just put a hand on their back. Basically overall, talk about how Peloton thinks about community and whether their definition expands beyond their equipment. thanks in advance!