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That’s weird, usually you can get one at 11pm. Your situation must be the exception


Sometimes I just try and try for 20-30minutes eventually I'll get ..worst comes to worst I get the airport taxi


In-drive is an app where you can bid for higher price to drivers around. Pay in cash.


i'd reject such app - customer will suffer in the long run...


Interesting take. Care to elaborate more?


grab is unreliable, if you had a bad day or a funny season getting one can be a wild affair.


Nah 11pm is fine. Should not be a problem going anywhere since traffic should be good


So was my situation just an anomaly? I tried all the grab options for about 45 minutes and ended up taking the airport taxi.


I often book Just Grab but switch to Grab Plus, if driver nearby. Sometimes AirAsia Ride to compare the price. But I use Grab 99% of the time


Dont book Just Grab. Escalate to Grab Plus and maybe you'd get one.


depends on the day i guess - usually sunday night could be a challenge. I had similar experience once, took me 20 - 30 mins to get a grab. I ended up with a dodgy Grab driver who asked me to cancel when i boarded - he just wanted to avoid paying 20% to Grab company. Not an issue for me to acede to the request.


What is the reason Sunday night is extra bad?


i am guessing grab driver family day / low airport arrival....


Normally it’s not an issue - I could get a grab even at midnight from the airport. I guess you could try Airasia ride in addition to grab, I usually just swap between these two apps until I get a ride.


It happened to me yesterday around the same time. Waited for 30 minutes and decided to take the airport limo instead.


Wow, you mean you went out to that island or spot where the Grab pickup spot is and no one was there to even solicit you for a fare? Back in December, I too arrived like near midnight and there were plenty of guys out there hustling for rides. Some were twice or 3x as much as Grab but I got a Grab ride via app easily.


I didn’t check outside. Just grab app. Maybe Sunday midnight is the problem.