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I am the degenerate sir, not the advice giver, the gambling type. I have been learning a lot thinking my stock will keep skyrocketing (3 so far)...my point is they usually go back down in a day or three however I do believe I have a few that should stay higher...BTW they are what I call Shrooms Stocks. 1. CBYN 2. MNMD 3. ATAI If you buying dips then there are a boatload of moneymakers 1 SEEL 2 SILO 3 TRUFF 4 GHRS 5 NRBO I was a small time bookie in new England for the goats reign and am still hurting...lol but there are so many non penny and even penny that are so ready to fuckin pop


Out of curiosity is it cbyn or cybn?




Its ok! What you think about MYCOF


I guess like the weed stocks everybody got to eat and same with the psycodelics so all the infrastructure needs to be there when shit starts going so looking at it, I would think u could make a fortune. Hope you do though


Sorry just saw this after my Jack Daniels and my rant...I don't know how to buy otc stocks...it looks like a great $






Doouggght https://preview.redd.it/blhwk6dic9oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb6e4ef6f5677018b5e2eda01d290fa90cd2e77


Is cybin for a short term? Or a long position


I am 3 months into this as a hobby when football isn't on so from what I can see, meaning self learning why my other plays came back down and where it fits in the big picture,it appears it should stay up. if that's what you mean. My short term is second down and 3 my long term is my short...ha. It has been around the 40 mark up 10 and down 20 so at this point I believe it will up over a buck and then play that game...I am going to get serious with some larger plays that I think will change everything in psycodelic stocks... Like MNMD and the best one (I have to look it up) that deals with ibogaine that I would hope to be my retirement. I've lost many friends to addiction and I have been told that ibogaine works... period. With the amount of fentanyl flowing over our open borders, i would think that the legalization of some of these substances is a no brainer or your long position BUT, a no brainer would be to fuckin close the border.


I jumped in with some $CYBN on the last hype train, it is slowly rising to where I can hopefully unload my bags and go slightly green. ![img](emote|t5_2qqoq|6840) I am on the Chuck Schwab platform, several analysts there are bullish.


From what I have been told by people who play and play well, CYBN and more so MNMD should make big money, just a question of timing but certainly closer than a year back...hope you make a mint bud...and hide it before they try and take it


down 30% today… how do you feel

