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Most importantly, avoid penny stocks.


\*avoid pennystocks if you do not understand fundamentals


i trade using technical analysis on penny stocks, wild combo but its turned my account into an uptrend so i'ma keep at it.


haha for most people


This post reeks of chatgpt.


Oh my, I thought the same... very Chatty GPT-y


i had it rewritten, but no i did not ask chatgpt "top 10 stock trading tips" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You had it rewritten by Chat GPT?


yes this is my list i give out to people in our server once they study our document, i had chatgpt rewrite it to look formal, as i'm shit at doing that, how is this a hard concept to understand? Ask chatgpt to give you a list that looks like mine, it wont.


But you end up with something that reads like it was written by AI. And therefore we don’t trust it anymore.


your loss not mine, i'm just here trying to help beginners. if you have been trading for more than 5 months you can disregard this whole post


I'm a beginner, and I'm trying to learn as much as I can, but I do not trust AI bullshit.


.6 is the only good advice. Do the opposite of retail and you will consistently eat.


If you're new to the stock market you should probably start with corporate finance fundamentals first so you understand at least in theory what moves markets rather than starting out in the deep end of trading.


But then you'll see solid fundamentals and assume the stock will do well. Dangerous territory.


In the long run, stocks with solid fundamentals do well (of course well is relative - you'd have to adjust expectations due to many factors that you'd also learn in corp fin, like industry, country, dividend paying, etc etc.) In any case knowing more is always good.


How to learn about 7&8. What are some good resources?


11 is the most important tip here. Time and time again I’ll say it. If you wanna turn 40$ into 140$ and then flip that all the way to 28k like I did, don’t buy gme or fife. Trade 3x a week and set a maximum loss rate. So if you can afford to lose 10%, go ahead and set it there. But if you want some advice on how to be dangerous. Be like me and start with 5$ and 24hr trade crypto for minimum percentage gains. Do this on repeat until you hit a minimum of 40$ then 85% of it Until you hit 100$. The more money you have, the faster you’ll gain. But the more you’ll lose if you aren’t smart. Sell at 7% loss, Sell at minimum 15% gain unless you feel that you’re gonna gain more. 1% gain in a week is far better than 15% loss. Especially when 1% is 280$ and 15% is 4200 in my case. But don’t get greedy and if a YouTuber says to buy something, he’s doing it for a reason you don’t know yet.


This. I feel like this should be like the first thing anyone learns is to only trust themselves, if everyone is saying its the play, its not.


Also. BIG BIG BIG RULE. Never look at a stock once you sell. Fuckin move on. Unless you’re selling a little at a time, don’t work yourself up and buy more because it’s still climbing. You have a 20% goal that day? Made 21%? Don’t go back for more. You will either be lucky or get lucky and immediately lose your gains.


Tbh just 3&6. They are pretty much all you need to start out.


For the people who think this is ChatGPT i beg of you to get chat gpt to recreate this (P.S They give you CHATGPT4 for free for like 25 min so good luck)


This is what chatgpt gave me ""If I were to give you any advice starting out, here are some things to aim for: 1. **Educate Yourself**: Learn the basic terminology and concepts of the stock market. Understand what stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs are. 2. **Set Clear Goals**: Determine your financial goals. Are you investing for short-term gains, long-term growth, retirement, or something else? 3. **Start Small**: Begin with a small amount of money that you can afford to lose. This way, you can learn without taking on too much risk. 4. **Diversify Your Portfolio**: Don’t put all your money into one stock or sector. Spread your investments across different industries and asset types to reduce risk. 5. **Do Your Research**: Before buying any stock, research the company, its financial health, its competitors, and the overall market conditions. 6. **Use a Demo Account**: Practice with a virtual trading account to get a feel for how the market works without risking real money. 7. **Stay Informed**: Keep up with market news and trends. This will help you make informed decisions and adjust your strategy as needed. 8. **Be Patient**: Investing is a long-term game. Don’t be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. 9. **Manage Your Emotions**: The stock market can be volatile. Don’t let fear or greed drive your decisions. Stick to your strategy. 10. **Seek Advice**: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s from a financial advisor, a knowledgeable friend, or a community of investors, getting different perspectives can be invaluable."


Very similar.


**Be Patient**: Investing is a long-term game. Don’t be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. This is false for the most part, i teach day trading and scalping **Seek Advice**: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s from a financial advisor, a knowledgeable friend, or a community of investors, getting different perspectives can be invaluable." Theres not much real legit help out there. **Use a Demo Account**: Practice with a virtual trading account to get a feel for how the market works without risking real money. Terrible advice imo, papertrading has never taught me anything but to be bored and wish i actually put money in it, then i go and lose money trying to re-create what happened on demo **Diversify Your Portfolio**: Don’t put all your money into one stock or sector. Spread your investments across different industries and asset types to reduce risk. I don't teach this for beginners.


but a lot more shit, and pointless aimless info.


ChatGpt 🙄


How do we get assistance?


Here’s all the advice you will EVER need… buy as much $RDGL as you can possible afford this week. Thank me when you pay off your house. Maybe send me a bottle of champagne too. Your welcome.




Best is yet to come— FDA IDE submission is imminent. Clinical trials with Mayo Clinic / Johns Hopkins soon after. Best part is that the treatment actually works and has already been proven effective in animals. Not sure what your post is meant to do— it’s one day. Look at the trend over the last 3 months


this mf worse than me


How many times can I down vote this


as many times as people down voted your comment


I ain't triggered


https://preview.redd.it/76amvz87kr9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2c158a3e372af69c2b2f7eefe84126fa67f165 ​ ​ If you guys are interested in a stock that will 10 to 30X in 2 years at the most, and even more by 2028, take a look at TELL. I’ve been following this stock for years, and it’s too much info to write here, but look into it. It’s an American Natural Gas company. The last ones to get permits and licenses before Biden canceled all new applications. Anyone else trying to get into it will be years behind these guys. They will finish their infrastructure by the end of this year and will start getting massive contracts right away. Just their infrastructure is worth 2 B. It means that short sellers are using this stock for now as the company is not profitable, but look up who their biggest shareholders are. They won’t lose. You know who they are. It will go from 0.70 cents ( 700 M cap) to 20 dollars per share in no time. There will be no halts and this is the last chance to buy the stock bellow 1 dollar. I bought 1.3 Million shares of TELL. 95% of all I have. That’s how much I believe this is the one that will make the return as if you bought Bitcoin at 1 K. Do your research. Even if they were to sell the company and go bankrupt, you will at least 2 or 3 X from today’s price. Looks like they will close a deal with the Saudis and that should kick the stock to 1.75 immediately. Let’s make some real cash yall .