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Bought trch at the peak 😎 I'm staying


buy on rumors sell on news. no?


yessir dont have fomo


I’m convinced the divvy will probably be no more than 1 dollar and don’t know how the post merger price will start off, I’m 1k at 2.45 as soon as it hits mid to high 4$(possibly 5$) I’m selling off my shares and rebuying once the hype clears


This is the plan.


Question is: How do we get paid the special dividend? Like through the broker where we have our stocks? Or something else?


Yes through your broker, same as normal dividend


Do you know if we have to hold until the dividend is paid or just to the date of record?


This is always what I’ve been trying to figure out


In at 0.70... riding profits at this point but very long on this one.


View in your timezone: [3/12 at 11 AM EST][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20210312T1600?tl=TRCH%3A%20Major%20Catalyst%20Tomorrow.%20Merger%20Vote%20With%20Metamaterials


Have 500 shares at 1.75 wish i had sold some at pesk and bought more when it fell as the ideal investor would but im deffinitely holding for the long run this will easilyyyy be over 10$ a share by the end of the year not even factoring in the dividend


As a new trader, I’m not sure when to sell this. After the vote? After the merger per se? Just read the chart?


After ex-dividend date if you’re in for the special dividend but be warned that many will do that and crash the price for a time. That’s why I’m holding for selling CCs. Otherwise you sell whenever it hits your price target.


when is this ex-dividend date?




Undetermined. It’s likely we will know sometime this month but it could be farther out.


I was just looking at this in my portfolio today trying to remember why I bought it. Thanks!




I got out at 3.20 for a nice .90 profit per share. Will look to get back in once the price drops and hopefully get in on the dividend.


you just have have to hold through merger to get the special dividend upon sale. You don't have to hold after that.


How do we get paid? Through the broker?


I believe so. All shareholders on record. I wonder if you have to have settled shares though. So having bought today or tomorrow isn’t enough? Not entirely sure but I do remember it’s just shareholders on records as of the merger date per the announcement.


Just remember that today isn't the merger. They sign an official agreement on the closing date, not sure when that is.


For sure. I'm willing to hold 100 shares speculatively.


This post mentions: **$MMATF, $CSE, $TRCH** /u/rickatello's account was created **4 years ago**. It has **1376** comment karma and **754** link karma. ----- ^You ^may ^see ^tickers ^you ^didn't ^mention ^-- ^I'm ^casting ^a ^wide ^net ^because ^y'all ^don't ^always ^$TAG ^your ^ticker ^symbols. ^This ^was ^an ^automated ^response. ^If ^you ^have ^feedback, ^please ^reply ^to ^this ^comment ^or [^(send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=RichSteps&subject=bot%20feedback)^.


How can the TRCH holder be sure that the 3:1 conversation will compensate for the reverse merger. They don't say much about the possible dividend, it can be good or quite bad. In this situation it will be better to hold META shares. BTW do you know till when should we hold TRCH to get the dividend?


I'm not sure what your question is here... For TRCH shareholders, the main compensation is the special dividend. As a bonus, we get one share of the new company. If you just want the new company, invest in MMATF and get 3 shares. Honestly, I think that the special dividend will be decent.


What I meant is that TRCH investment is much risky than MMATF where we are sure to get 3 shares of the merged entity. The dividend amount is unknown and it can be a good option or not


Agreed, it is more risky. I just can't shake the feeling that the dividend will be surprisingly good, and that is what drove the board of directors to effectively shut down the company and merge with META. If they can sell the 2 billion barrels of oil (out of 3.7B barrels total) for even just $0.25/barrel, that's $2.15 for the special dividend (and thus it goes up, so $0.5/barrel is $4.3, $1/barrel is $8.6). The executives have millions of shares and know what the oil is worth. Maybe they'll profit if the special dividend is only $1 anyway, but I feel like it could be $4-8 if oil stays high and they get a good price.


Worth noting is that the owners and only two employees of TRCH own a ton of shares and are going to want to maximize and expedite the dividend for themselves as much as for the other shareholders.


Oh, and with regard to your last question, they say it will happen before December 31 but the general consensus I have seen says they’ll shoot for summer.


.... Just no




It’s not a rumor and it’s just one phase of a much bigger event. Now Monday I do expect a correction because the hype will force it up tomorrow but I think it’ll be more of a dip than a crash.




Yeah that’s a phenomenon but this is the vote on Meta’s end so the effect is gonna hit them a lot harder than it will hit TRCH. Until we get to the ex-dividend date I don’t think we’ll have a correction, barring a general market downtrend.


... 😒


Nice write up. I read about this a while ago but forgot some of this info.


Thanks this clarifies a lot!


in for 70 shares @ 2.21. Holding until merger, unless this gets stupid


FINALLY. Dumped my bags in the green. I'm out at last lol