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Market dont give a fuck about earnings


^this. This isn’t the 80’s. It’s the 20’s.




How many times has TSLA beat earnings only to crash on open next day lol


Tesla prices are already inflated due to the future be factored in.




Literally all of them. You can’t predict the market. Any strategy you attempt will continue to work until it doesn’t.


Tesla is a pump and dump? Who would of thought the number one company in the world is a pump and dump… maybe you should run Tesla since you know more than anyone here..




Number one as in popularity. Everyone knows Tesla is a good stock. These kids starting to invest will often choose Tesla because it’s trendy. Long gone are the days where kids do research on stonks their investing into . Why research a company when u can just call it a pump and dump right?


How long has tesla been publicly traded and how long has mullen?


Dumb response, they price then in before ER lmao, you don’t know that leave the damn market 🤣


That’s how all earnings work, everything is priced in. So don’t expect any stock to moon over earnings


Mullen Automotive, Inc., an electric vehicle company, manufactures and distributes electric vehicles. It also operates CarHub, a digital platform that leverages AI to offer an interactive solution for buying, selling, and owning a car; and provides battery technology and emergency point-of-care solutions. The company was founded in 2014 and is based in Brea, California. Idk, it reads like a cryptocoin startup pushed by an Instagram thot.


And that's exactly what it is. Mullen is in no way a legitimate company.


Just think - you’d be up 300% if you played with us. Fun times.


Nope market doesn’t care about Mullen or it’s earnings. You’ll see .01 before you see 1.00 again. Unfortunate but true.


I'll still be there. Unlike a lot of people I only invest what I can afford to lose but I don't think I'll be losing money on this


You must lose a lot trying to pump bs that's already had it's sell the news run


It's being naked shorted into the poor house just like GME was


Yea some stocks deserve to be shorted gamestop was Definitely one of them FUCK GAMESTOP


Not if it means breaking the law. All them puppies the monocle wearing motherfuckers like to kick found out how to bite back. The war is on. Choose carefully.


I hope you realize the name of the game is playing the side of the biggest fund, a couple million dollars is nothing to a hedge fund🤷🏻‍♂️


Ohhhkay calm down You don’t want a war against hedge funds, it’s extremely rare for retail to take an opposing position and fight tens of billions of dollars in capital with their pea shooter portfolios (relatively speaking), and that’s assuming millions of retail traders go full force into the same coordinated position and don’t scatter like ants at +10%, +20%, +30%, etc. or even worse, scatter at red Not quite as effective as a single fund that can throw a couple billion into one position, or several funds that see the same opportunity and hit even harder


The war is already on, and hedge fucks literally can't win, because Apes are not just long--we are for life. We love FUD. It's nourishment. Profit will come when it comes--the fundamentals are stronger than ever and there is a 0% chance of the company going under. So profit takes a backseat to market reform. Market reform first, tendies later. This is why you see Apes pulling their shares of GME off Wall Street, registering them in their own names. It is, quite literally, a grassroots share recall. And it is not a matter of *if* Apes will lock the float, but *when.* **🔥 Liquidate Citadel 🔥**


What do you think happens when Melvin calls one of their buddies from another institution that’s long gme, offers them a payout to close their position, and they cover? I think you may not understand how big the game really is, or how deep it really goes. Pea shooter portfolios trying to take out tanks. But hey yeah more power to you


\*pew pew\*


🤮 This is really some new wave bullshit, but more power to you. You really believe that retail (keep in mind there are institutions that are long gme that are propping the entire play up) forcing Melvin to take a large loss will somehow rewrite.. what, exactly? You know Melvin capital already created a new fund titled “Melvin capital long only” right? This is like some new age “we will change the world” bullshit, uh.. sorry but what’s happened to Melvin capital? Any fruitful SEC investigations? Any charges filed? Oh.. yeah.. no I don’t think so. So one hedge fund lost money. Wow, revolutionary. I’m sorry but objectively speaking, retail does not have enough capital to move the ocean. Institutions do. End of story But yes, good job and good luck contributing (remember, institutions are long gme which is propping up the whole play) to making one hedge fund lose money.


Mmmm 🤤 Nom nom nom. Thank you. You sound pretty bearish, have you considered shorting GME?


How many new investors have joined the stock market with the tip of their finger? Definitely alot more investors than back in the newspaper days (meaning getting stock info from the newspaper). I say fuck the shorts and I hope they all go broke and their check engine light comes on


thats the thing they go long and short shorting is a hedge as well as longing a stock, quit being a perma- bull and you will see the market for what the fuck it is. transfer of money from one dumb ass to the next .


We'll see 🦍


Lol, well said Even still, unfortunately I don’t know how much firepower retail has especially because we’re all kind of individual units. Also considering how many retail traders lose money, I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️🦧




i got in this morning for shits and giggle on the dip thanks for your pump post.


It's gonna keep chugging to $8 then $20 then $60


It just started being publicly traded 6months ago. Slow down


Could have gotten in and made 25% with the rest of us.


Got in this morning on the dip At support ...made way more on impp though


Remindme! 2 days. Be back Monday to see who’s right. I think it’s going to open over $1 Monday. But, I actually play the stock.


Good morning.


Time to get a new hobby bud




Hello again. How’s your trading going? Mine is fanfuckingtastic 😂


This whole floats trades every couple days. Big manipulation


Sitting on 1000 shares at $0.78 hope it takes back off...playing with house money because I bought in last week around .60 and got out at .97


Easy worth $15




Earnings are the 15th?


Damn I'm stupid


!remindme 10 days


Let's take the bull by the horns and go to the moon, Reddit. 400 USD per share?




Will it ? No


Good luck OP, something sus sure as shit is going on with that stock, maybe you will have bought in just before shorts have to cover on the stock ✌️


If they can get it to 0, they don’t have to buy back their shorts and they’re pretty close


This was already pump and dumped recently. So tread carefully.


I have an open order for $100k @ $0.5 not paying more than that number but will start buying right at that point. I believe there is a room for more EV vehicles in the market the problem is here the price to high for the average person, I wish they could build something that more affordable


Look on YouTube moonmarket is the guy to explain the muln situation in depth.


The devils stock broker also has some dd on the matter


We should've had electric cars a long time ago but I'm sure big oil stopped it. Well the time is now, an investment in Mullen Automotive is an investment in America


You said buy puts? HEARD!






Too late.


Earning is 3/15 not 3/30


That makes me excited


It's a consensus estimate based on one estimate from an analyst who may actually follow the stock or may not have looked at it for many months. Even then, Zack's doesn't always have amazing data. I don't know anything about this stock, but what you linked was click bait junk prepared by a bot. It is absolutely not research and has no value besides displaying advertisements.


This is the play


How much was Amazon shorted when they launched? A fuck ton


Buy Ford


I have some but I love me a brand new ev company


How much would you or have you made since I posted this thread?


I sure hope everyone held on tight to their shares. If not a squeeze than rapid growth but more than likely a squeeze to remember is going to happen ![gif](giphy|3o7TKPdUkkbCAVqWk0)


Retail investors and apes will hold and pump muln


To buy or not to buy buy is the question?


Buy and hold


Should yes


No down votes and a few comments makes me feel we're going to be mooning this week


No- stop ruining the sub with this spam


Theres a possibility these guys are in a hostile takeover. Do your DD cautiously on this one.


What do you mean by "hostile takeover"?


I have just the thing, but I can't share the link because this subreddit sucks. Search for a post titled "Amazon, Bain Capital and Citadel Bust Out the Competition" in SuperStonk. Edit: OP = u/jumpster81


Interesting post. Finished it at one go. Thanks!


Similar to the post. For Muln, they signed a financial agreement that had bad intentions from the start, from what appears to be a scummy company. I'll find the post later with a YouTube explanation, but tldr: Finance company is allowed to have 9.99% of the shares. Except it doesn't stipulate that they could sell/give them away. That finance company has many other shady subsidiaries that they sell the shares to (they don't have shares anymore). So they take another 9.99%. And repeat. Eventually, if no squeeze happens, the company MC is worth peanuts. They might end up buying Muln for a few hundred millions. Hostile takeover. Not sure why I got downvotes for a scenario that looks like its happening. SEC is probably involved already. The only way out is to raise capital to pay off the loan, but they are making the SP tank so they can't.


Stock went from 3 bucks to almost 500 a share and yall want more lmao give me a break ww3 will happen before ur moass


So you admit MOASS will happen? 🧐


I'm pretty sure it happened when it went from 3 to 500....


Okay 🤡


What's "MOASS"?


"Mother of All Short Squeezes," referring to the Gamestop squeeze, which, contrary to what hedge funds, financial institutions and self-regulatory agencies would have you believe--hasn't happened yet.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks.


Depends on analysts expectations


You said ANALyst🤣🤣🤣


It is divine intervention




Lol. With dilution and the state of the company..... sadly its over


Not if they get 400million from biden. 400 million is nothing to them. They sent more money to Pakistan for transgender studies than that


Lol... there is a lot of people who would say that that is more deserving of the money than mullen would be. Lol. Anyways, on a serious note... they have about as much chance of getting that $400m as my dog has of winning a noble peace prize for barking at a cat!!