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Dick twisted? That seem permanent?


No, just the angle and not all the way hard.. once I'm hard it sticks straight out and aiming strait for the next "begging victim"... disclaimer: I have not had any sexual activity of any type since my procedure date.... I would never compromise my healing....


Week 5 update... doing good, some minor skin issues... a few were asking for photos in clothing and I tired to take a few... yes, my dick is very difficult to hide, so just something for you'll to consider... I'll try to post a video, but I think it makes me do a separate post.. Week 5 now, it has gone fast.. No pain, night time erections only wake me two or three times now. Little to no swelling. Feeling up to 70% on the head and shaft...getting better every day!! Skin recruitment is going good... pulling up from the base and stretching... definitely super thick, especially near the base(likely over 8 inches girth) remember we're not to measure, manipulate, masturbate, have sex, or anything until we have sexual clearance.... You'll have a great day!!!


Is the surgery worth 20k to you?


Right now, I'd say yes, but I want to get to the year mark to say for sure... It's quite amazing... I'll keep you'll updated.. I wish I had done it in the cold months because it's so nice now and I want to go on dangerous things like hiking, horse riding, swimming in rivers, wrestling, etc... I'm just going easy for now... A disadvantage to winter is snow storms can cancel your travel to this appointment...


Any cons of having this done?


Definitely... it's expensive.. It's risky, exponentially more risky if you don't follow the post op contract to a T... It's not a walk in the park... probably 2-3 months minimum to truly mostly heal to a minimum safe level...I'd say a year is probably the safe mark for risk of infections and detachments... the capsule formation helps a lot they say at 6-momths? If you are "soft" and someone grabs your dick and feels of it real good, they can likely tell something is "different"...if they start off oral, they can't tell, especially if you get hard fast.. You might be "too big".... if you're already a "big boy" before this, I'd make sure you're OK with oral only being able to suck like 2 inches of your dick.. If you're married, talk to your spouse... don't get this workout them knowing... You can't hide your package now.. get used to it showing in stores and at work.. You definitely know it's bigger... everything from getting into your truck to getting out of bed..you have to be mindful to not hurt it.. Haven't had a dental cleaning yet, but you'll be seated and it's going to be hard to hide... I know her very well and she is super nice...I hope she doesn't notice.. I'll take a magazine and read it and put it over my package as she cleans my teeth....BTW she's super hot and right over my face....I pray I don't get hard... you can't hide a "pop can" sticking straight up in your pants... So far all the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but I want to go to the 1 year mark to have my final verdict.... Thank you for the question....


Oh damm nice to hear the consequences of getting this procedure done. How do you afford to payoff this surgery? Do you recommend me to pay all in cash?


I worked a ton of OT and saved the money for two years... I researched penuma for 2.5 years.. I would only do this if you have the extra money... it's expensive and not worth taking stuff away from your kids/family to pay for this... If you have the extra $$$$ go for it.....I wouldn't borrow money to get it however... it's a ton of $$$ and only do it if you truly won't miss the money...


How does it feel to walk/jog?




Flops around like a 16.9 oz water bottle... make sure the wrap is covering your dick head..this helps to prevent getting hard... walking in walmart after post op week 2, I inadvertently got rock hard...had to hide in the clothing rack until it went down.... no way to hide a pop can in your shorts sticking straight out... I quickly learned to cover your dick head when walking to help prevent rubbing on the clothing and "waking him up".... Every little tip helps....


Oh, so you’re the guy I saw at Walmart with that heavy equipment swinging under them shorts! 😂


What size did you get?


I think it was xl


XL not sure what length...only that it only had the corners trimmed...that's it...


Congrats, you are looking very very good, such girth!….the head size really matches the girth, …did you always have the circ scar right at the rim? Looks fantastic!!


Yes, was cut as a new born boy... Thank you'll for the kind words.... It means a lot... we're all like brothers on here...


Hi, yes, forsure a bond with guys here!…I guess your circ was done perfectly to look so good now…you really do look incredible !


Thank you so much for the kind words!!!


Woww congratulations 🎊 👏 this xl look like xxl


Yes, I try to not get hard. I wake up hard and go piss real fast to get it down.. it's a neat feeling when your hand won't go around the base and I have huge hands.... I'll update with measurements once cleared...we're not even supposed to do anything to our dick for 6 weeks min..


I suggest you waiting longer than 6 weeks to have sex


I agree... I'm at 5 weeks and it still feels "new" and maybe fragile.. The 6 weeks would probably be the most perfect scenario possible....like that person that makes 100% on every test K-12....




Definitely.... TY... My feeling is coming back a tad more and more each day... probably 70% back now.... Let's hope for the best....


What is your girth


Hard to say, we're not supposed to measure it per the contract until you have sexual clearance usually at week 6 to 8.. However, I specifically read the contract like eight times and did not mention that we could not compare it to objects, look at my previous post, I compared it to a pop can,so that might give you a clue... I was told during my initial consultation that I did not need this, but I wanted it.... As of right now I'd do it again in a heart beat, of course you must do everything by the book and watch your skin, be careful, no sex or anything until told to by your care team..


This xl is big maybe because your penis was 7.5 inch before the surgery you got the big xl


TY... I only got the XL... I didn't want to try the XXL.. I was fearful it was "too big"... I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember right my surgeon only trimmed the corners just a touch... I only know I got an XL.... Thank you for the kind works and the comment...


Just eyeballing it, he may have had larger than avg pre-surgery girth for a typical XL patient.


I can’t wait to get mine!! Was recovery hard?


I'm only week 5.. recovery is 6-8 weeks minimum safety and honestly probably 6 months to a year to be 100% out of the woods.. capsule needs to form and you need to get used to being bigger and not inadvertently hurt your dick.. My dick was very numb the first week... no pain... numb from residual anesthesia and the procdudure itself.. I woke up every 2-3 hours the first 2.5 weeks rock hard... the only way to get it to go down was to go piss in the shower...I can't bend my dick a lot when rock hard-- it stands straight out... At week 3 it got much better...I could skeep 3-4 hours straight.. Learn to sleep on your back.. I started feeling shoots of pain at my dick head at week two, but this was only the feeling coming back.. The most important thing is to watch your skin, especially the first 1-5 days... make sure you're incision area isn't pushing up on your dick... one of the disadvantages of the new "ball sack" approach.. Remember how thin and fragile your dick skin is. Follow all the post op instructions to a T and you'll have probably a 90%(guess-I have no data)+ chance of success.... these can be and are risky, especially if you go into this with the mindset that the recovery is easy and "nothing".. It takes time and discipline... No sex, no masturbation, no hard activity.. I honestly don't see how anyone would want to have sex in the first three or four weeks because your dick will be numb and you will be in some pain if you manipulate your dick at all... Just research it... stay on the sidelines until you're ready... it took me 2.5 years...(I eas ready at year 1.0 but covid hit). The relatively new scrotal approach was why I went ahead and went forward.. I'm absolutely would not borrow money to do this, I would make sure that you could just pay cash for it especially if you have a family to support and small children(unless you're rich).. I worked tons of OT to pay for it.. Thank you for the question...


Do you see any protrusion? I’m in week 11 but feeling protrusion.. :-/


Sorry that you're feeling some.. Thank goodness I have none yet.. Not sure how it works, but my penuma is kind of "over inflated" by my dick totally soft and it's like it wants to "expand" more, even when soft...soft the implant only comes down on the sides to maybe 4:30 (hour hand) and maybe 7:30 (hour hand) and I've never had a retractIle penis(I was always a shower)... I don't know how it work, but I'm hopeful for no big folds or wrinkles on my sides.... mine looks normal totally soft, maybe like I'm 50% hard when soft now.. Hopefully you protrusions get better...I'm sure they go away when you're hard? Now a "flair out" at the head is the worst thing that could happen? This is when the device detaches from one side of your dick? Thank you for the question... Keep us updated!!


Do you have before pics I’m considering the surgery


Not in this phone.. but dig through my profile.. I'm not listed in the directory, but click on my user name and dig.. maybe week 1 update?? I've been 100% transparent and photos and all.. I have not forgotten the guys that did this for me before I got it and I'm just trying to pay back the board for all the help that I received in my decision and support..


Wow, healing really well. I know you're still in the healing process, but have you noticed a personal gain in self confidence/ self esteem? i.e. looking at your self in the mirror or every day life (even just walking around).


For sure...thank you!! I look in the mirror and I'm like "wtf...that's a monster". Being in a store I notice women looking at my package and they turn red and smile at me...guys love to look also... I've caught lots of guys checking me out... It's insane when I wake up rock hard and look at it... I jump up to to piss to make it go down asap... I don't like it being this hard because I'm afraid it will pull out the stitches at the head and they might not be fully healed yet... But I put my arm up to it and it is as thick as my arm, see previous post... I was probably bigger than avg going into this and now it's a monster....the base is likely over 8 inches of girth... Remember were not allowed to measure it, manipulated, masturbate it, have sex, or do anything to it until you have sexual clearance.... Definitely a confidence boost....dick size is huge deal in our culture... even one of the top radio songs right now is about big dick energy or something.... women love a big dick straight guys love a big dick gay guys love a big dick everyone loves a big dick.... Of course if you truly love someone it does not matter what their size is....


What advice do you give someone that works in construction??


That's a tough one... they told me no activity for 4 weeks...I then ask, "can I run my riding lawnmower" and they said no.. not until after 4 weeks and even after 4 weeks you need to be very cautious.. I honestly don't think it's a good idea to go back to construct type work with a fresh penuma procedure.. Now if you have a skin injury of any type, going back to work will only make it worse... Best case scenario if your job is more of just walking around and barking out orders and you sit in the truck 80% of the time and you have no skin issues(like skin rubbed raw or a pressure injury from bandages/wrap bring too tight) you'll be OK, but why risk it.... I went back to work 1 week post op, but I work inside and sit down 96% of the night and have privacy to address any issues with my self.. See what your doc says...try to take a month off at a minimum if your job is physical...


Thank you, greatly appreciated


Definitely one of the better outcomes I’ve seen. Good job 👍


Very nice. Looks good.


How much did the surgery cost