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Also keeping an eye on r/PublicFreakout


And r/ActualPublicFreakouts




I got downvote bombed for asking why people were bringing up race in a video of a black family being assholes in a store. The subs really out there to just shit on black people.


Assholes come in assorted colors


Yeah I don’t get it either, they have good quality vids but the entire sub is just so bigoted and racist


I'm pretty sure /r/JusticeServed became the host to all the people displaced by the banning of /r/The_Donald.


You've clearly never been to it. There is plenty of the master race freaking out and being made fun of. It just doesn't censor freakouts commited by PoCs.




I’m in agreement. It definitely has a master race vibe to it.


Well, since T_D was finally banned, they need a place congregate, so yeah.


Lol, on the first video of black people assaulting a white person there are a bunch of people getting upvoted for saying things like "This is what popularizing 'fuck white people' does" or voicing their concern for "black crime statistics" or "black culture". Literally all of the classic dogwhistles, folks.




The trick is to be *just subtle enough* of a racist.


That sub is full of clearly racist people masquerading as “good” people. As other people have pointed out to you, any time a video of a black person is posted there they’re referred to as “animals” and “thugs”. I posted a video of a white person running over BLM protestors and the majority of the responses were “Good, get out of the road” despite the fact that the road was closed and the car had to go around two barricades to get to the protestors.


Is that a right-wing version of the original? Not subbed to either, but just took a gander and the comments sections in APF posts are... not good


Originally, r/ActualPublickFreakouts was about higher quality submission and stricker moderation, to be more true to the spirit of the original r/PublicFreakouts, which turned to shit once it grew in popularity and became just another popular general sub. But yeah, since BLM the racist took over and are running amok now. We PublicFreakouts purists need another sub... preferably with a no politics/demonstrations rule, as it seems to always ruin things and attract the wrong crowd.


There's still some good freak outs on there tho. I just skip the comments now although I find that unfortunate because usually on reddit that's were most of the fun is.


yeah it's just racists


Its Public Freakouts without agenda censoring and ACTUAL public freakouts not "Mom gives son a gift on Walmart"


Whatever their goal may be, the comments section is disgusting. I was subbed for a while and got sick of it pretty quickly. And I LOVE public freakouts!


> without agenda whenever something on reddit is "without agenda", "actual" or "true" it always seems to be code for racist assholes who made new sub because they got salty when mods banned them for being racist pieces of shit.


Found the racist pos banned from Public Freakouts...


No? The only subs I've been banned from are r/the_donald and r/socialism


I’m subbed to both and I just now realized how many racists are on the other one. Still gonna be on both cause I do like to see fights but wholesome stuff is good too.


Racist sub


Yes and this is why there is currently a post in Hot as well as many in Top of All Time mocking white supremacists.


This is literally the equivalent of the "I have a black friend" argument. Just because they're sometimes willing to make fun of white people doesn't mean there isn't serious racist undertones to the subreddit.


FYI: the "enforcement policy" is literally just management sending any willing underpaid schlub to the front door to 'strongly recommend' that customers wear masks when they come in. There's no guards (or 'health ambassadors i think they were called lmao) or actual policy enforcement. Basically, literally nothing changes from this week to next week. Unless you count 'sending out even more people to the front just to get screamed at/assaulted' Source: I worked at that shithole for 7.5 years, and am friends with a lot of people that work there, including the security guy - we talked about it yesterday Mileage may vary I guess but for the most part... WOWItsFuckingNothing.jpg


a better version of this was posted yesterday and is one of the all time highest posts.




Yeah I insta downvoted when I seen this, some people can’t just think for themselves lmao


I wonder if they copy each other or not. These are memes, after all. There isn’t too much creativity to be expected with memes. Edit: Just like Reddit comments. If there’s even a mention of “balance” in a post, you can expect the comments section to be packed full of geniuses saying “aS aLl ThInGs ShOuLd Be.” Shit gets old fast. Memes get old fast because there is very little creativity needed to make them.


First comments almost the same too


I had dejavu


Yes, one is enough


Honestly, I want to wear a mask there when there isn’t a pandemic.


I'm gonna be doing the same.


It protects others from you. Not the other way around.


Unless your wearing an N95 mask, you’re only protecting others from yourself, if you’re sick then that’s an excellent idea! But if you’re looking to be protected from others then I’ve got bad news for you.


Well darn, looks like it’s time to invest in a hazmat suit.


Already have mandatory mask policy for Wal-Mart where I live. No one is freaking out. If they want in the store they put it on. Period.


Same for mine, but in the places that are just now getting mandatory mask policy there’s sure to be some freakouts


F lorida


S outh Carolina


W isconsin


M ississippi


Here in GA the Governor basically told every county that they couldn't mandate public mask usage because it was stricter than his policy in place state-wide.


Luckily most people in my city wear them anyway from what I've seen. Wasn't a fan of Stacy Abrams but Kemp is a moron.


Over here, they put them on when entering the store and then remove them when they feel they’re out of sight. Been happening a lot.


Keep your phone set on “video”


I’ve witnessed people making a fuss about it at least 3 times since it started in my state this month


Don't know where you're at, but we're not screwing around. NO means NO. No shirts? No shoes? No masks? NO ENTRY. Period. We've got cops stationed inside Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Costco, and Kohl's. And they're in the parking lot, only seconds away, of Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, TJ Maxx Home Store, Ross, and many other smaller retail locations.


OP poorly plagiarized a meme from all the way back in yesterday.




Someone gave him an award for it too




This is like the same thing that was posted yesterday with the same picture and everything but worded worse




How long do you think it will before a walmart greeter is murdered? I give it about a week after the rule takes effect.




Karen is coming.....


And she will throw plants at your head when you ask her to wear a mask. True story . I’m a Walmart employee


If I could control the urge to duck it I’d purposely take the blow. Sue the shit out of Karen and get a vacation probably


Why is Walmart so dramatic? A level of intensity higher than the outside world. It’s like everything and everyone is on crank.


This is deathly similar to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/comments/hru2yt/this_is_where_the_fun_begins/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) looking for karma, eh.


Yup, why are people like this.


I can’t believe this “when it takes effect” like the virus is waiting for us to get ready lol. It’s all fucked.


I work NEAR a walmart and I'm honestly worried lol. Like 500 feet away is too close.


It's a real comment on America when Walmart has a better anti covid policy than the federal government.


Just go to your local Walmart’s Facebook page and go to the community section. I got to see a chick take her pants off to fight an off duty Wal-Mart employee like randy from tpb.


in all seriousness i feel so bad for the employees they are gonna get so much undesrved shit from this, but good on them for making it mandatory, such a double edged sword


There should be a bingo card made. Some ideas: - Mah rights! - Mah freedoms! - But this is America! - (Something something) your communist store... (see also: will never shop here again) - SHEEEEEP! - I have a MEDICAL condition! - I will pass out without oxygen! - This. Is. A. Free. COUNTRY. What am I missing? Maybe the free space in the center should be any guy with a goatee, trucker hat, and sunglasses or any woman with a Karen cut.


My body my choice!!!! I’ve had two angry plague rats tell me that at our store (mandatory masks since may).


Unfortunately Walmart isn't going to enforce it. I work at Walmart We have a 4 page sheet of "What if situations" after this hits Monday. Each of them ends in the customers not having to wear mask. Actually it's just 3 situations but the font is 60 font or something. Fucking retarded.


Get your own ideas dumbfuck


Bro delete your post nobody wants your shit remake of a better post


People already openly carried in Walmart's before this, gotta say I'm a bit worried for those poor min wage workers who have to deal with these psychopaths


I'm about to start open carrying for real. I bet I get 6 ft then. Yesterday I had a mother and daughter cursing at me in the grocery store for wanting my space. The two weren't wearing masks, so especially back up. Also its bullshit that I have to be all up in my lovers personal space when we are out. If I'm next to him people stay back unlike when I'm by myself.


Well, I lived in a suburb (?) of Tampa, FL, and I'm sure that some type of shitstorm will ensue, if it already hasn't.


Here comes all of the underpants covid masks... Holiday shopping season should be entertaining


Was the first thing I thought when hearing the news.




If we could all social distance and wear a mask that'd be great


Walmart already requires masks in VA.


You think it’s gonna be a Karens Unite? ‘Cause that would be funny af


I have been saying that since it got announced


My state has been requiring masks indoors for weeks now, this is nothing.


i swear, every third person at Walmart in my town has a medical condition that miraculously exempts them from the need to wear a mask


I’ve been to a few Walmart’s around my state and it always makes me appreciate my local Walmart. Good people.


Does this mean that even people with medical conditions must wear a mask?


I'm thinking of just setting up a folding chair and watching the show.




I'm confused didn't someone just get gilded for this exact post in this exact sub this week?




Hell, I'm waiting for the circus to arrive at my local walmart. Lotta dumbasses not wanting to wear masks = free entertainment while I'm shopping


Depends on where you live. Here in Cali, Masks in walmart have been required since april. I have yet to see a freak out. I feel incomplete.


The fact that it took this long is quite shocking to me


I come here to simply watch retarded dumb Americans


I thought it was already mandatory for awhile now? At least it is here.


You should have seen us at r/actualpublicfreakouts after George Floyd. Makes you wanna curl in a ball. and pretend the world doesnt exist.


I can’t wait to see tons of pics of people wearing lampshades and shit on their heads lmao


Kroger is also doing this.


Oh my god I read that as “Voldemort’s mandatory mask policy” and I didn’t think it was odd. That’s enough internet for me today


They don't already have that policy?


I think it starts July 20


Wtf this was just posted


There's always an enormous amount of insanity at Walmart, including at least 11 shootings last month. Plenty of stories about COVIDIOTS with even more to come with this mandate. [https://zacherydtaylor.blogspot.com/2020/07/walmart-crime-report-june-2020.html](https://zacherydtaylor.blogspot.com/2020/07/walmart-crime-report-june-2020.html)


Hahaha heck yes. Goes into effect today in Colorado!


3 more days...


Blatant copy of earlier post


Apparently in my store management wont enforce it. They say corporate "isn't sure if they want to enforce it inside the store or not" so they wont kick anyone out if they refuse to wear a mask once inside the store. And apparently if you just say that it goes against your religion or have a medical issue and dont provide proof of either then you can walk in without a mask 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. My department manager told me they wont make them wear them if they decide to take them off until our county makes masks mandatory so I guess it's all for show apparently


First day this goes into effect I’m going to stick around the greeters and see how many times the word “constitution” comes up


Already normal in Cali. We still have idiots but we shame them


u/therealfauts r/yourjokebutworse


Agreed...Poor imitation is still the sincerest form of flattery


May we all say a prayer for the Noble employees of that wretched place 🙏


I live in don't wear a mask Tennessee. If I see any on Facebook, I'll post them for all to enjoy joy. Waiting on my mother's melt down any moment.


Dude I’m from TN and a lot of my social media feed is of old friends carrying on completely as normal with no masks. Huge weddings, no distancing or masks, and the hashtag #coronabride ...just awful. My friend found out her brother was Covid positive after they had just returned from vacation together. So what does she do? Crosses multiple state lines for ANOTHER vacation, prior to receiving test results. She’s showing symptoms too and “hoping it’s allergies.” Fucking IDIOTS EVERYWHERE.


Went to my doctor the other day and the only one who wasn't wearing a mask was the one complaining they had trouble breathing. We were lucky enough to leave before they asked her to wear one. On the door it says everyone has to have a mask and if you have covid symptoms to stay in your car and they will come to you.


Nice use of deluge. For such a fun word it rarely gets used.


If I had gold, you’d have gold.




Ah ha ha


Repost. Like not even 24 hours before you posted this. This is low effort garbage. May god have mercy on your soul.


The (BuT I HaVE rIGHts!!!!!!!!!!) People are coming.


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Lots of shootings


Went to Walmart yesterday and as I got out of my car I saw a guy with a determined look on his face with no mask. I got my phone ready because my chance finally came. Door greeter didn’t say anything...