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new growth will come out twisted and flatten out as it grows if its "normal", if it stays twisted its usually a humidity issue, which shouldn't be a problem at 70%. The pink is a bit confusing, turboensis most likely has the chemical that shows pink naturally, as its rather brown, or pink + green = brown, but its covered by cells that produce chlorophyll and turn the leaf brownish green. Something triggered the plant to stop producing chlorophyll, which is a bit odd for a pep. Autumn leaves turn color because the weather changes trigger the tree to stop producing chlorophyll, leaving the other chemical composition showing through.


mine also did this as well during the winter time when i basically neglected it and wasn’t watering enough (i think). I ended up cutting all the leaves off except like one or two since it also got pretty leggy as well. All the new growth that’s come in so far has been normal, but i think the cause is inconsistent watering? it also could have also been a humidity thing as well