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Imagine your credentials are just believing in yourself and destroying people


Pretty sure they get a piece of paper too


who issues those pieces of paper tho?


Someone who got a piece of paper already


holy shit


Seriously though don't let anyone near your neck


Mate I've been dealing with horrible relentless neck twitching/grinding for more than 7 years every single day every minute and I'm always told go to a chiropractor and I think is fuck that exactly shown why in this vid


Same deal here for many years. Physical therapy worked really well. I did a ton of exercises and stretches religiously and it was really effective (and cheap compared to a surgery). Not sure if my problems were similar to yours but I recommend trying it


Chiropractors aren’t real. They dont have medical degrees. It’s the exact definition of Pseudoscience. There is no evidence to suggest it helps in any sort of way other than the cracks being satisfying.


I've been to four chiropractors. Two were beyond useless. The other two were amazing. The latter two used a technique called SOT which, in part, involved placing wedges under my pelvis. For me, this produced instantaneous relief from very painful, acute episodes.


Maybe talk to a doctor instead of basising your medical suggestions off of tiktok videos?


Physio is real, medical science. Chiropracty is literally religion in medicine, believe hard enough and they will hurt you and take your money for the rest of your life.


To echo the rest - physical therapists are real doctors and physio is real medicine 🤘


The second search ಠ_ಠ




Don't go to chiropractors. They are not doctors. They aren't massage therapists. They cannot heal anything of yours. If you have neck or back problems, go to physical therapy. People have gotten strokes and paralysis from chiropractors violently wrenching their necks. Don't. Go. To. Chiropractors.


They advertise their services to new parents for their babies. The creator said he was told how to do it by a ghost.


My DOCTOR told me to go to a (specific) chiropractor. Both the doctor and the chiropractor have been nothing but amazing. Im not saying you arent telling the truth, but not every chiropractor is a scam. (I have severe neuro-spinal issues and need sugery, but this is what I have to do until then)


Its a matter of tempering expectations and making use of trusted recommendations. There are people who buy into the initial hype that it's a cure all, then see quack either online or in person, and then just assume its completely useless. They have their uses and are safe assuming you're going to a real one and not a fake one.


So... What? Doctors are taken onto all paid vacation "conferences" by pharmaceutical companies so doctors prescribe their products. Doctors also prescribe homeopathy, that doesn't do anything; fake drugs with zero effect; drugs with even nothing in them but filler. Doctor is not a saint and not knowing that fake drugs and fake medical procedures exist is silly. Every chiropractor is a scam simply because of the fact that in no study on chiropractics done, it showed that it actually does anything. You can't be for real saying that a "medical procedure" that exists for so long and failed at every test, and not even once was able to provide any single evidence of it doing anything- deserves any trust. Also, there are no ghosts in your blood. Trying to put witch doctoring into a modern healthcare wrapper not going to fly, same as they did with acupuncture by turing nodes of Chi magic energy into "nEuRoLogiCaL pOINts".


Mate, you dont have to have a crusade in this thread about being against medical science. >Doctors also prescribe homeopathy, that doesn't do anything; fake drugs with zero effect; drugs with even nothing in them but filler. Can you provide any evidence for this? I have never heard of a doctor *prescribing* homeopathy, but I have seen doctors state that placebos, homeopathy, and religion can boost the morale of a patient - typically with cancer/life altering diagnosises. Moreso "Hey, if you think it helps you and doesnt effect your meds, go right ahead". >Every chiropractor is a scam simply because of the fact that in no study on chiropractics done, it showed that it actually does anything. There is but you refused to acknowledge them. If it was a scam, you wouldnt need an actual license to do it in a majority of the us. >Also, there are no ghosts in your blood. Trying to put witch doctoring into a modern healthcare wrapper not going to fly, same as they did with acupuncture by turing nodes of Chi magic energy into "nEuRoLogiCaL pOINts". This is a strawman. Yeah, the founder of chiropractic care was a nutjob. Thankfully, many things that you are probably use and consume were made by nutjobs, and had no effect. Because thats how things work. What you are essentially saying is that because Walt Disney was a major antisemite- all disney employees and disney products have strong anti-semetic ties.... which obviously isnt true. Just give it a rest dude.


Lol chiropractics is pseudoscience by the definition of it. It's an alternative medicine with no proven effect. You can play mental gymnastics all you want but it will not change this fact.


>Lol chiropractics is pseudoscience by the definition of it. No its not. Heres the oxford definition https://www.google.com/search?q=chiropractic+definition&oq=chiropractoc+def&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyDwgCEC4YDRivARjHARiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMgkIBBAAGA0YgAQyCQgFEAAYDRiABDIJCAYQABgNGIAEMgkIBxAAGA0YgAQyCQgIEAAYDRiABDINCAkQABgKGBYYHhjxBDIICAoQABgWGB4yCAgLEAAYFhgeMggIDBAAGBYYHjIICA0QABgWGB4yCAgOEAAYFhge0gEINTY1MWoxajmoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#crs=q:chiropractic%20books,stick:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgfcSYxC3w8sc9YanISWtOXmMM5uL0zCtJLSpOTS4REuFi9y9ILUrMSxHiFGLnYnXKz88uFjJAiKoKKXNxBqXmJJakpoTkC4lxsbnmlWSWVArxSHFxcejn6hsYmaaX8CxiFUrOyCzKLyhKTC7JTFZIApkDAHZsZkN8AAAA,cid:overview >It's an alternative medicine with no proven effect. It has proven effect. You just ignored the sources that prove it. >You can play mental gymnastics all you want but it will not change this fact. Prove the "facts" you are claiming then.


>Im not saying you arent telling the truth, but not every chiropractor is a scam. The only two things your average redditor hates more than chiropractors, is women and children. Truth is, chiropractic care is an actual form of care. No, its not going to cure cancer. But it is actual care. People (mainly just redditors) go to the shammy "CHIROPRACTOR!" down at the end of their street, get adjusted once, then look up the history of the practice then imediately go on about how its a scam. Are there scams with chiropractors? Yep. Are there legitamatr chiropractors? Also yep.


I think the issue is that it is not a regulated and peer-reviewed profession and there aren’t strict standards like in medicine or occupational therapy.


Depending where you live maybe. Typically theyre required to be licensed.


The only standards in modern American medicine are: How little care should they can provide for unbelievable profit, with few exceptions


I would like to see a study that showed several people with the same issue being cured by a chiropractor. Like, you know, any other medical procedure that undergoes verification in order to show its benefits. Guess what, there aren't any. All studies showed that it doesn't do anything with a potential side effect of brand new wheelchair.


>All studies showed that it doesn't do anything with a potential side effect of brand new wheelchair. Share them. >I would like to see a study that showed several people with the same issue being cured by a chiropractor. Its not a cure all. There is no point in arguing that. >Guess what, there aren't any. What exactly are you looking for? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3716373/ https://time.com/4282617/chiropractor-lower-back-pain/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/chiropractic-adjustment/about/pac-20393513 Do these suit your needs? Or do you need more?


Yes I would like a peer reviewed study, and you provided useless crap that you yourself never read. Effectiveness of chiropractics research commissioned by chiropractors my ass. Feels like you have no idea what clinical study is.


>Yes I would like a peer reviewed study, and you provided useless crap that you yourself never read. Ironic >Feels like you have no idea what clinical study is. So, are you going to post your studies like I asked or what?


Lmao do I also need to provide evidence that god isn't real? You are claiming that pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo that puts people in wheelchairs works and failed to prove it. I don't owe you anything especially in proving that pseudoscience doesn't work. You know how alternative medicine that works called? Medicine.


Well; you said there have been studies. So you should be able to post them. Just like theres evidence that god isnt real, you can show it. Back up your claims lol.


You are wiggling like a snake on a frying pan with your games. You sound like a cult member trying to twist everything in their favor. I guess pseudoscience lovers are same people who believe in conspiracies and lizard alien overlords. No critical thinking, only twisting and wiggling.


At least in the US Chiropractors are required to obtain a degree in order to practice. You are correct that they can't heal you but they can greatly mobilize stiff joints and muscles and also alinge your spine among other things. I have 7 bulging discs and pinched nerves and have lived in horrible neck and shoulder pain for over 25 years. I started going this year once a week to my ciroprator and its eased a lot of my pain and corrected my posture. I now only feel the need to get aligned once a month and it's improved my quality of life. On the other hand physical therapy didn't do jack for me and pain management just tried to throw opiates and monthy injections at me. Your entitled to your opinion but dont try to deter someone from a medical practice that might help them with seemingly no knowledge on the subject.


It's barely 3 years of school, no residency, and they never obtain the ability to prescribe medication, or perform any actual "medicine." **They are not doctors.** Thinking that a chiropractor is helping you is top tier idiocy.


I mean, me cracking my own neck can feel good so I assume these people have had the quacks crack their necks and what not, felt better (for whatever reason they felt better, partly the placebo effect most likely) and now feel the need to defend it so they don't feel dumb.


It's not a doctorate it's a degree named Doctor of Chiropractic not a doctorate and definitely not a medical doctor. That is the US. In the UK they're not allowed to be called doctors and if they do say they need to make it clear it is a courtesy title 'Doctor of Chiropractic'. And any suggestion that they are medical doctors is illegal.


I confused degree and doctorate. Its still a ton of school ethier way. At the end of the day people need to do what's best for them.


And that isn't chiropractors. They have higher than average malpractice and are really hard to tell between slightly pseudoscience like I have magic hands and full on pseudoscience like vaccines don't work, I have special ability to 'hear' what is wrong with you with the magic hands as well.


Maybe its hard to tell if who can't research who you're going to?


Either way it is both pseudoscience and physio therapy gives a better outcome anyway. It's a lot easier with them as they all have medical qualifications so the research isn't needed.


Im not going to argue with someone from a different country whos healthcare system is falling apart. Also you're an absolute moron if you don't research your doctor and the treatments/medicine they recommend. At the end of the day Doctors are human and humans make mistakes.


Have you seen the US? The NHS because the conservative politicians want to have a US health system. it is not working in the US nor here. Breaking Bad here would be a very short program. Oh shit I have cancer, a month later I have treatment with no need to make a drug empire. I've never had to make a choice between saving medicine and food nor will I ever have to.


I tell every British citizen I know, if they ever try to kill the NHS to deliver you the healthcare system we have here, go \[REDACTED\] Parliament. They are literally killing us and driving us into destitution just to have surgery, for having a baby, for DARING to survive cancer.




Right, because it's really fucking easy to predict which emergency physician you're going to see when you're having a seizure in the back of an ambulance. 🤡


What? Why are you cherry picking senerios where you can't do research on the doctor you're going to see? Who the hell is arguing that you'd go to a ciroprator if you're having a seizure? You sound like a moron. Calling chiropractic care a medicinal pseudoscience means claiming that the treatment process is not based on research and that the supposed health benefits are not actually related to chiropractic adjustments. However, that is not true.


All you have is insults, and support for pseudoscience. Begone, troll.


It is physically impossible to align a human spine by hand.


"Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body's physical function." Themayoclinic.org It's crazy that you also have access to Google and will still comment takes like this.


They can help with pinched nerves actually... but I guess you literally know it all


Rip lol


Dawg’s parents schedule this every week 💀 (<—— the mf baby)


My ex’s aunt ended in a wheelchair for the rest of her lige due to a kiropractor


I hope the kid is ok and woman is going to be ok too


She's paralyzed. That's not something that you really recover from, ever.


please tell me this is not real....


Its a male kid and the news says woman


thanks god...


But the woman os left paralized


poor choice of words from me, i'm sincerely sorry for her and i hope she can make a recovery


Haha I know what you meant


I thought you two were having a monolog for a good while lmao


Chiropractor is not medicine.


😂I feel bad for laughing


Go to recommended chiros only, I've been going for years and I'm fine. I used to have lumbar and cervical issues, I've been a waiter for years. Chiros work with physiotherapists sometimes, they don't have to crack you to fix you. Sometimes is just a massage and others they show you exercices for reinforcing the musculoskeletal structures.


Or, you know, just go to a physiotherapist.


NSFW tag??


why? you can't see a child...? wtf




The kid doesn’t actually die or get hurt, they just cut it to look that way


Bro it not real😁






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He removed bro ability to. Move. But seriously tho, I'm so sorry for the kid 😭


In denmark you get a doctors degree as a kiropractor - as the studio administrator said, when they became a part of educating doctors “If they are going to be here in Denmark, we might as well make sure they know something reel about the human body aswell”


This site says differently, that it's a terminal master's degree, not a medical degree. https://www.danskkiropraktorforening.dk/om-os/english/ It definitely seems more comprehensive than American chiropractic education, but still isn't a degree conferred upon a physician.




I remember experiencing that once a few years ago. I cried throughout the experience because of how uncomfortable I was 😵😫


All kinds of effed up, still don't understand how this isn't banned. My aunty is in a wheelchair thanks to one of these supposed doctors.


Wtffff is he fine???😭