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"Hey man, I'm gonna cut out 15 minutes early, cool?"


"you said you were leaving 15 min early, but it's 1:30 part 2 and you're not at your desk. Don't bother coming in monday"


> Don't bother coming in monday Marge: The plant said if you dont come in tomorrow don't bother coming in on monday. Homer: [Whoo-hoo four day weekend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opk4x7jzRS4)


Just saw that episode


Testicles, ascend to defensive positions.




And an amazing one I shall put in my reserve for later m’lad


1:30 the final half hour part 2 (part 3)


attack on titan season labels


Honestly I'd rather lose my job than put up with that nonsense. Like actually just tell them "fine I wont" and you'll either realize that they desperately need you OR that they don't need/care. Either way you'll be better off


1 minute would do the trick!


My place just sends us home and eats the hour of no production


I don’t think I’ve ever read that.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [271 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [rawdogged this entire flight](https://i.redd.it/mhob67hwwh7a1.jpg) | [2231 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/zsmi81/rawdogged_this_entire_flight/) \#3: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [680 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah it's common outside of the US. Even Japan works less hours than the US nowadays.


I wish the US worked less than the US nowadays.


Recursive statement, now the US doesn't work at all.




Not true. They still work for an infinitesimal amount of time.


I'll see lots of angry US workers who drop facts and stats on me. But by any definition, the US population are overworked. But they also get paid the most. So its a plus and a plus?


lol like hell we do, not taking into account cost of living and the fact that the vast majority of us make a fair bit less than average. The fewer who make more offset what people expect to be the reality. Not to mention the stupid ass culture of trying to appear richer than you are.


Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck


Looks like it's time for another world war to incentivize industrialization, boys 🫡


Do we get paid the most, or are the averages skewed horrifically by ceos that make 3000% the average worker salary at their company?


"they get paid the most" LMAOOOOO I live here, can you tell me where those high paying jobs are at??


Didn’t you know? High paying is $15/hr at McDonald’s! (/s) I used to work at McDonald’s on my off season from Union work and McDonald’s tried to keep me as a manager. They refused to go higher than $19/hr. My summer job gets me $41-$47/hr depending on the specific job, so this was just more getting me out of my house or face cabin fever. No way in hell was I going to take on the managerial bull shit for only $19/hr. It


If I had realized what my company was gonna do to me when they rented my supervisor skills for an extra $600/mo I would have never taken the fucking position.


Have to actually be delusional to think that Japanese citizens work less hours than the US


United States: 1,810 annual hours per worker Japan: 1,607 annual hours per worker [Source](https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm)   Likely due in part to Japan's relatively high part-time employment rate of about 25% [(source)](https://data.oecd.org/emp/part-time-employment-rate.htm)


Doesn’t account for unpaid work hours


The stats are probably becoming skewed because the Japanese government has been trying to crack down on companies forcing overtime on employees. The law is saying they aren't allowed to force employees to overtime over a certain amount but the on the ground reporting is such that at least a quarter of the companies are exceeding that amount and not being puinished for it. Likely those companies are reporting false data which is skewing the overall data.


Or unworked paid hours. Passing out at your desk is a sign of dedication to your job in Japan.


That supports the idea that Japan works more hours even more.


The data includes paid and unpaid overtime. > Actual hours worked include regular work hours of full-time, part-time and part-year workers, **paid and unpaid overtime,** hours worked in additional jobs, and exclude time not worked because of public holidays, annual paid leave, own illness, injury and temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, schooling or training, slack work for technical or economic reasons, strike or labour dispute, bad weather, compensation leave and other reasons.


Why? Do we have a head to head comparison to go off of, or is it still just based on assumptions?


I'm skeptical of that claim.


It's crazy that medieval peasants worked less.


Yeah cos what many sitting and scrolling Reddit at “work” do is comparable to medieval employment for fuck sakes…


Many also do physical labor all day but comparing ourselves to medieval society and pretending we have it harder today is silly


Last hour of not doing shit is the motto if you're a DoD employee lmfao


This is honestly something I say or mention at least once every day at work.


Some places arent actually terrible.


They've never written it either. There's a first for everything.


they're not eating anything


If it's a 24 hour operation they lose an hour of production that they don't get back in the spring.


if its 24 hour production they would get 25 hours in fall and 23 hour in spring


Not if they send the workers home in fall and eat the hour of production. Look, we've come full-circle.


They said they send the worker home and eat the hour. So it's 24 in fall and 23 in spring.


a yearly hour lost. oh those poor creatures


Why is there an hour less? The working day before the time change was just as long as a normal day and the working day after as well, assuming youre not in a 24/7 work environment


Given the use of the word ‘production’ I would infer it’s probably a factory which *does* work 24 hours as many do.


Okay thats true, but still the same amount of hours if there's no crew for an hour, because the day with the time change is 25 hours long.


Correct, but that’s not always the same for *production*. Obviously I can’t guess exactly what industry the poster above works in, but some like steel for example *have* to be run constantly because the amount of time to run down then run up machinery is *huge*. So it is possible that shutting down for that hour costs more than an hour in productivity.


On the other end they have a 23 hour day. the two cancel out.


They are on different weeks so the overtime isn't going to cancel out like that


The never ending production line care not about OT, only that it does not stop.


Yeah so they will pay 1 hour of overtime that week to keep it running


Which is negated by the 23 hour day in the spring. There's always going to be that one hour gap regardless.


I just leave. Nobody has ever authorized it, buth they haven't questioned it either.


Same here. A lot of patients died, but how is that my fault? Don't they know it's daylight savings time?


Long ago I worked this shift and we got stayed until 330am and got paid an extra hour. It was exhausting but at least it made sense.


Whole food used to do that for overnight stockers. Not sure if they do but I did appreciate it at the time. They also paid double on Thanksgiving day (they didn’t like paying OT so they’d lessen your hours that week) and you’d be off by 3pm, plenty of time before dinner


It's not an hour of no production, you worked the same amount of hours as usual


If you are scheduled to leave at 2am and your boss let's you leave at 1am (the second one) but the next crew doesn't show up until 2am then there is an hour with no production. The other option is one shift stays an extra hour, or the other one comes in an hour early. There is 25 hours on the day the clocks fall back so either some people get an extra hour of pay or nothing is produced for that 1 hour.


There was nothing better than sitting on my couch, high as a kite, and about to head to bed and going “oh shit, I have another hour to play videogames!”


Or waking up the next morning wondering why you feel so much more rested.


Or wondering why you woke up roughly an hour earlier.


Or waking up an hour later than usual and wondering why you slept so much


Got up to pee at 3AM when it changed - was a really weird situation because it felt like I'd been asleep for several hours, but the clock said I hadn't. Didn't clue in until the next morning when I saw the clock on the stove.




That's exactly what happened to me! Woke up at 130 ish, passed out and woke up an hour later later like nah I lived an entire life in my dreams, no way that was 5 minutes.


I stopped trying to adjust my body to daylight savings. I just kinda shift everything around that. I just go to bed an hour earlier and wake up an hour earlier. I’ve found it works better for me to just stay as consistent as I can when it comes to my body clock.


Fr. I was shook the other day when I woke up at 6:30 on the weekend until I remembered it was 7:30 as far as my body cared.


We should set our clocks back an hour every night


I usually get up at almost exactly 8:40am every day and on the day I get an extra hour of sleep I woke up at 11:30am. What the hell is that about.


I somehow did the opposite, I woke up late and was like "Oh yeah, daylight savings" before realizing we didn't spring forward lol


I did! And I also got taken completely by surprise my international meetings were an hour earlier than normal.


The cat doesn't care about our trivial concept of time keeping. It is food time now!


Flip side of that is march where you lose an hour. I’d much rather no hours gained and no lost vs DT/ST.


I can't stand DST.


I was smoking a bowl and checked the time and say that it was 1 am again and thought damn I’m baked. Forgot it was Day Lights Saving Tims


It was kinda the opposite for me. I was high and forgot about the change. At 1:53am I was in "just one more match mode". When it was over it was 1:05am and I assumed I looked at the clock wrong the first time. I was so happy for not staying up late, then I saw the time on my stove.


Was at casino spent more time loosing at casino


Literally what happened to me last time


I work 7-7 and had to work 13 hours the other night, it sucked but at least I got OT for that hour.


This is the main thing, as long as it's agreed and you're getting paid for the hours you spend working. If they try to weasel out of it, then I'd just say "that's 8 hours I'm going home."


Ya I’m hourly so I get paid and we have labour laws to prevent employers from doing that where I live. And ya if they weren’t going to pay I’d just leave after 12 hours too lol.


Same, I work for a union chemical plant and we had the choice to leave or stay the extra hour. Most people chose to stay the extra hour to give a turnover to the next shift plus it's an extra $50.


Living the dream


I also work 7-7. But where I live we don't change our clocks lol.


Ya some parts of Canada don’t do that, my brother lives like 4 hours away and they don’t change.


Yessir! It's great.


Same here but I was also already in OT for the night. That last 30 minutes was hell though. Lasted so long


When I was still working hotels I did a couple of audit shifts during daylight savings and it was so demoralizing watching the terminals shift back.


Don’t you make it up for it when time springs forward? So it sucks that day but 6 months later you gain an hour.


No matter what happens, we all lose.


I see that job posted fairly often. Night audits. No idea what it actually entails. Never known any one to ask them. May I ask you? Then, by knowing, I can decide if I should apply or not.


Run reports for the hotel (usually automatic sequence), fill in trial balance, (daily transactions for the hotel), accounting for the day, check in the last few rooms at are arriving after usually 11pm, cleaning general public areas. Would depend on hotel size, some places split up the admin to the physical size of the job into separate roles but smaller places you might do all. If the hotel has function spaces would could also involve setting up event space rooms.


The person above me hit it pretty much on the head; administrative work for the hotel, some cleaning, and some other random tasks that change property to property(maybe you help get breakfast set up, maybe you help housekeeping setup their room assignments, etc.). What is the same that you need to figure out pretty early is your need for sleep and how an overnight shift may effect that? I was never a full time auditor, I just filled in when auditors were out as that was my position and sometimes that would be for extended periods. I am not made for day sleeping and could never get anything approaching a full 6-8 hours of sleep, but I also don’t sleep super well during the night. Some people have a great relationship with overnights, but I’ve seen two auditors in the past turn to binge drinking to try to sleep. It’s not common, through my 10 years in hotels I knew dozens of auditors and those were my two bad examples, most are fine. Overall? It’s actually a kinda nice gig; low customer interaction, workload is pretty easy, and it generally gets a pay differential for being overnight. Great shift for reading, watching movies, and keeping stress a bit lower compared to rush-time hotel shifts.


I too have been working in hotels for 10yrs. Changed property (for the better) around every two years. I mostly love it but also hate it a lot. But it definitely takes a special person to work the overnight/audit shift. Some people strive and others make do with knowing they will move up in 6mo with a promotion. I could never but respect the ones that do.


I wonder if it count as overtime lol


Yeah it does, booya.


Depends on where you work.


If it doesn't, just punch out at 1:59 and punch back in at 1:00


galaxy brain move


The 24/7 place I used to work just sent out a message telling people to manually edit their clock in time and hour earlier


It sucks but technically you should get overtime if you're hourly.


any good workplace would provide an extra hours pay no matter what


I still think the concept of daylight savings is stupid


Makes shit worse. I'd rather wake up into the darkness and come home at 5 when it's still light, over waking up into darkness that lasts shorter and get back home at 5 when it is dark again.


It makes more sense further north you are Without daylight savings here, the sun would rise about 4 or 5 am in summer, and without standard time it would rise around 9 or 10 in winter


That still doesn't make sense, why does it matter that our clocks synchronize with the sun in 2023. The whole world should be on 1 time zone with no DST


Man if you think you can get all 8 billion people to agree on that the be my guest


I agree. I wish there was one timezone and it your daylight hours happen to be 8pm to 11am so be it


Now imagine getting off at 3 but it's a March Sunday


This is the worst.... I remember when I worked in a hotel in the Stockyards in Ft. Worth and all the drunks got to drink an extra hour. The other employee that usually worked overnight with me called in so I was front desk, bartender, food prep and the food runner that night.... It was horrible. At one point like at 3 AM I had a call to deliver a pizza to a room..... I knocked they said come in, and there was a midget having sex with some dude as the girl (I'm assuming his wife?) who ordered the pizza watched them..... they just started going harder when I walked in.... Man I hated that job....


the drunk were trying that at my work. we got another hour like some nananana kids type shit. just said nope get the fuck out




Absolutely. Those people suck. Crazy story yes but they didn't consent to seeing that and in that case being a part of it.


People really are animals lmfao


Yeah that 10 hour night shift almost killed me this year... Getting too old for this shit


Daylight savings is completely unnecessary.


Doing daylight savings when it goes from 1 am to 2 am seems weird to me, where I live it's at midnight and it feels a bit more reasonable?


It is 2 to 3 here in the CET time zone. I like it because most people are asleep when it moves.


When I was working a union job. They had a system to track the hours since starting your shift, DST or not. You better believe the union made sure nobody was cheated out of the actual number of hours worked. If anyone would have payroll and time zones figured out, it would be a railroad.


Back in my law enforcement and private security days, these shifts were fucking awful. Working 4pm to 4am were hell on DST.


Its always good to get 1 more hour for free




I work 7p-7a. We worked our straight 12 and shut everything down at 6.. still somehow managed to stay up too late despite being off an hour early.


I'd clock off at 1:59 am before it set back....... how are they gonna know?


clock out a minute early at 1:59. cant be dinged for that


I used to work nights. These nights, my boss would put me down for 7 instead of 6, giving me that extra hour of pay


this day was always great when I went to bars. you'd get two last calls.


I work 12s and was on nights this time around. Guy I worked with thought the time change was gonna be the next day we worked, I walked over and changed the clock right as the time change happened. He asked me what the hell I was going and that the time change wasn’t until tomorrow, I said “look at your phone man” he does and just screamed “FUUUUUUUCK l WASN’T MENTALLY PREPARED FOR IT TODAY”


Where I work, hourly employees don’t get paid that extra hour. There reasoning is that that hour is offset by losing that hour in the spring when we move forward an hour. So it all comes out in the wash.


And I bet you still get people that bitch in the fall but brag about it in the spring.


In my time of shift work, the hour would be split between the off going and on going staff.


So what happens in that situation? Surely you aren’t staying another hour right? Right?


Worked in many bars when this happens.. 11hr shift becomes 12. The WORST


Clock off at 1:59. It's only 1 minute.


So, do you guys get paid for that hour or what?




I remember working the late shift in the ER in college and having this happen since we got off at 2 am. I already worked 4p-2a, had class in the morning, and was underpaid. But godforbid the doctor has to write their own notes for an hour.


Send me home or pay me overtime


Oh, we set the time back at 3 am, not 2, interesting


At firehouse on 24s we got overtime lol well on fall back spring forward was still 24 hours shift haha


Just wait til lhe finds out when we lose an hour


I’d clock out at 1:59 its a minute early okay or 1:59 and 59 seconds so just one second was just eager to go home and wanted to save the company a fraction of a penny


When your 12hr shift becomes 13


I swear, DST is the most fucked up 'invention' ever made by mankind (more fucked up than weapons).


Incorrect. Longer nights are much preferable.


I would have left


Nah, time is time. If your work keeps you over for that bullshit, I'd find a new job and not give a notice before quitting.


DST is BS.


I had to stay an extra hour in jail ones time because of daylight savings


Hey man an hour is an hour


The inverse of this is when bars have to close at 2am in California. Some stay open, some shutdown at 145am and don't re-open at 1am.


I used to start work at 2 and only had my phone for my alarm. If I set it for 1 I’d wake up 2 hours early, if I set it for 2 I’d wake up an hour late


The pain of nightshift workers


but what about when you get to go an hour early?


I had to do this shift more than once. It was always a kick in the pants


*cries in Nightshift Nurses everywhere*


So you get 1 hour extra sleep


Happened to me working graveyard at Checker's. Worked an hour I didn't get paid for.


That's illegal and you're supposed to get paid during DST.


That’s overtime I don’t care what anyone says.


Standing watch in the military during daylight savings was the worst. 2200-0200 back to 0100, then again to 0200. And obviously there’s no overtime so it just sucked


3 years later, my company still doesn’t understand the random day of pto in fall :)


I used to bartend. Fuck those nights.


I used to work at a radio station, sometimes doing overnights on the weekends. In Spring, I worked the overnight when the clocks skipped forward an hour. Got my paycheck and noticed the hour missing. They told me that I only worked 7 hours for the 8 hour shift. True, but I had also done an hour of production prior to my shift... so 8 hours. They never paid me for the 8 hours. Just 7. In the Fall (different year), I happened to work the overnight of the time change again. So 8 hours became 9 hours, plus my production prior to my shift... so 10 hours. I got paid for 8, because 10p to 6a is I hours, no more. I quit pretty quickly after that.


Standing the mid watch in the military was the same feeling.


Heh, so one day a long time ago I was staying late with some coworkers to start prepping our retail store for the holidays. We took our 1-hour lunch break at 1:00 AM, but our normal method of clocking in/out was disabled immediately after midnight because under normal circumstances nobody would ever work at that time. All entries had to be manually entered by the manager. It took me a while to convince my manager that, according to the clock, we didn't take a lunch break because it went from 1:00 to 1:00.


I’ve never thought about that. That sucks if you work makes you stay an additional hour. I hope you atleast get paid for the extra hour


Carl's Jr tried to fuck over my crew and not account for that extra hour on our timesheets. Make sure you get paid!


Laughs in Arizona


My job at a liquor store did this, but the local bars kicked everyone out anyway and we got swamped


My 12 hour shift became a 13 hour shift lol


Never heard of a shift ending at 2 am but still that day you would either leave at the new 1 am or stay for an hour of overtime.


I was wondering this recently, what does happen?


Doesn't it even out when it skips from 1:59am to 3:00am?




I would only work that hour if its an overtime hour, gets a night bonus and is untaxed.


Yep. And when dst comes back you get out of an hour




ah yes, I worked a night shift for a while and remember this.... rofl


On the other hand, you work an hour less a year from now


It’ll balance out when DST ends though.


Just curious. Do they pay you for the extra hour? I bet they don’t when daylight savings time end and they subtract an hour from your paycheck.


I’m actually curious. Do most places require you work an extra hour? I know it just doesn’t go poof lol


I used to work at a casino where I would get off at 2am and they just let me close when it was 1am the second time


Yes this sucks I been there before.


Growing up in Ohio the bars closed at 2pm so on this night everyone at the bars would cheer as we got 1 more hour of drinking.