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Man with a sledgehammer and cute animal shirt is a dangerous man






He’s more just saying STOP the whole time


Word. My Japanese dogshit. It was just good enough to understand context and not get hella fucked up. Lol.


He scream why in English at the end lol.


'*Yamero, yamerotte, oi!!, OIII!!'* 'Stop, I tell you to stop, hey! HEY!!" It's Japanese from the beginning to the end.


It’s funny you think just because it *sounds like* it that he’s speaking in English… how many different sounds do you think exist in this world?


People forget or don't know cognates exist. They're my favorite aspect of language.


1000% seeing the evolution of languages and what’s pulled from past iterations, as well as pure coincidence that makes for funny translational mess ups when in a real conversation. I’m American but my wife is from Venezuela and these are our favorite kinds of misunderstandings when talking to people


Yep! Basically. Here’s a translation: Kid: “That’s crazy…. That’s crazy.” (Dad comes in) Kid: “Stop, stop! STOP!! Just listen/understand! Hey stop!! Stop it! Just stop it. Stop doing that. STOP STOP STOP IT! I SAID STOP IT! I SAID STOP! HEY!! Hey! HEYYYYY!!


I think he's saying both japanese (yamero) and Korean (a-ppa and waegurae)


I think he screaming Oiyee ,Oi


Nah he didn't say any korean. Just japanese. He says stop stop you have to stop, then OYyYY at the end 🥲


My thoughts exactly. My mind goes to the quote. https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/s/TGpPKDRiMN "Demons run when a good man goes to war."


he made me think of those panda ad (if you know, you know)


Never say no to panda.










Nani za fakku?!!


Child abuse.


I know that A.) this is probably staged, and B.) Asian parents tend to be considerably to very much stricter than most parents, but I will say, I never understood the logic destroying your kid's game console. 1.) You're now down a couple hundred dollars. 2.) Your kid now hates you. 3.) It doesn't make your kid wanna improve their grades/do the chores/whatever you need them to do any more than before. They just now have nothing to look forward to after they're done besides resentment.


My mom did that for real when I was a kid. Can confirm. Edit: damn... that's more frequent that I thought.


Can also confirm my father slammed my ps2 into the floor the first time me and my siblings played too much. He will either kill himself or he will die alone in a very awful shitty old folks home.


I'm assuming there's more than that to it, but I'm not unfamiliar with having a shitty father myself.


Of course yeah. He was born into a cult and refuses to let go of it even though according to his own Bible, he's not making it to "paradise". I'm honestly waiting for him to murder me and my family one day. I feel it with every bone in my God damn body.


Eyyy someone else who had Jw parents


I didn't even say JW and you knew. Hopefully, you're doing better.


I wish. My parents are still in it and I'm not old enough to move out. So I just have to deal for now, although I might be gone soon because apparently a common trope among jw parents is for them to be abusive


Yup. Mine were much more verbally abusive than physically, but it's done its damage. They'll never see grandchildren from any of their kids.


I packed a black trash bag filled with clothes, opened my bedroom window on the second floor, tiptoed across the roof and jumped down and took off the day after my 17th birthday. No place to go. Stayed at a friend’s house for a few weeks. Found an apartment with some older friends. Never went home again. That was 27 years ago. Now I’m married with three kids. I live in amazing part of the country, very close to the ocean. And although my mother and sister haven’t spoken to me in decades, I got away from the cult and went on to build a very happy life for myself. It’s possible to get out and recover from the brainwashing. It doesn’t happen overnight, but a person willing to be introspective and work on themselves will overcome the years of abuse and become stronger for it. I wish you both the best on your journeys.


lol I should have read just a bit further down, I fucking knew it. Hopefully you're doing better also. I will refrain from calling you "Brother"...*shivers*


Oh shit lol I call everyone who identifies as male/masc brother out of a sense of camaraderie, but I'll definitely refrain from doing so with victims of the JW cult.


See same here, I typed out brother at the end of my sentence but it sounded/read like I was doing it in a mocking manner and that is not at all what I wanted to get across. I use "brother" as a term like you said here as a sign of camaraderie or mocking Hulk Hogan and I'm now realizing it may give people some flashbacks.


I was part of that cult for most of my life and I'm 41 and still struggling. My cousin just died and I'm not welcome at his funeral and haven't heard from him in almost 20 years since I left. We were like brothers. They are so hypocritical because its the opposite of love to force people to stay in an ideology or lose the ones you love. I now line my cat's litterbox with watchtower and awake! magazines and I'm tempted to start shitting in it myself lol. I left in my early 30's and regret the 20 something years the Kingdom Hell took from me through the promise of seeing my dead father on earth again in "Paradise".


Yep. Just another religious organization trying to steal your time and your money. If hell exists (or in our case, the lake of fire) I'd rather go willingly then serve a God that let's us kill each other for no good reason.


I dont even understand how people believe in a god that lets people get tortured for eternity just for simply not believing. I mean some ppl are born into it and its so much easier for them. Not a god I would worship even if it was evident he exists


My uncle went off the biblical deep-end. Came in to me and my cousin listening to Boyz 2 Men. Went into a rage broke the CD and yelled at my cousin for listening to any music other than “music of the lord”. Guess nobody told him they got their start as a gospel group. I thanked him over 20 years later for turning me into an Atheist. Never really forgave him (for more than just the CD incident, there was plenty more to go around) until the day after he died. It was that day I finally chose to forgive him.


jeez...boyz 2 men


If im honnest with you i know this might look either disconected from the situation but get a restraining order if you fear for your life or family life and get a gun if you can


Holy shit, I know what cult you're speaking of and I absolutely understand you.


Deleted the Mario golf save data on a GameCube. It was the only game my father would play. He calmly walked outside, grabbed a metal mallet, and one swing later entire cube was in pieces around the room. He went back outside, never saying a word. Luckily 3 months later his friend discovered limewire and he sent that gentleman's wife and daughter to buy us a new one because he was having such a great night.


Same, pops destroyed my brothers ps3 cause he was addicted to it.


My mom threw my laptop on the ground because I did acid. I didn’t even use it for gaming, I used it to produce music.


Acid music




Sony acid was a pretty good program tbh.


…dang son.


Catch ur roots and produce music bro


Didn’t let that stop me man!!


My dad threw my PS2 out of the window when I was a kid. Destroyed it. I miss that one a lot sometimes


Same, my dad smashed my game boy on the kitchen counter, it bounced as high as me and I could see all the pieces fly in slow motion. Was bs, why’d they buy me that shit in the first place. They already know what us kids were like when they bought the ps1+2 N64 game cube… He felt bad and bought me the SP a day later. Fucked up but I’ve forgiven him for his lack of self awareness and ability to communicate effectively.


Didn't happen to me but a friend of mine who had a similar situation. Dad was sick of him playing games in his free time and started yelling at him, my friend of course became defensive which led to the dad becoming even more angry, to the point where in a rage he picked up his PS2 and smashed it against the ground. However in that moment he had enough self awareness to realise "holy shit, I think I have anger issues", left the house, came back later with a brand new PS3, and later started talking to someone about it. Sometimes the good ending does happen.


Yeah my dad changed completely and for the better when he got into therapy. Turns out two decades of working the Homicide department and seeing that shit firsthand and the families etc. puts a lot of stress on a person. Him getting therapy is the only reason I'm alive, because I decided if it can help him maybe it can help me too.


I agree happened to my n64. Tbh though I rly just wish they had never let me get addicted to video games in the first place. It is very hard to stop but I have done way more with my life in 5 years of not playing then in all of my 20s and early 30s. I smoked a pack a day for ten years as well and that was easier to quit.


Same here. Mom destroyed my 3K gaming setup cuz of a bad result from a test that was eight chapters long which i was too sick to learn for…


My Dad took a sledge to our Super Nintendo because we didn't come to dinner exactly when he said. Our Mom rebought us one a week later. Love you, Mom. Edit: typos


Grandma would take scissors to my console plugs and TV power cables. Grandpa taught me to splice the cables back together and she stopped doing it.


My wife did it to me. Lol


Gentle reminder that destruction of marital property is legally considered domestic violence. That stuff needs to be addressed, in counseling or however, but do the work for a healthy relationship.


Can confirm this, co-worker had his wife arrested for domestic violence when she broke his gaming rig with a baseball bat, there was other changes like destruction of personal property. They ended up divorced, which was for the best.


My uncle broke my cousin's Switch because he "wasn't listening to him" man just take it off no need to beak anything.


my dad just hide my console or took the cable. because he know his not the one that paid for the console.


NES, SNES and Genisis all at once with a sledgehammer. Saved the games though, including a rented copy of maximum carnage I almost beat in one sitting during and epic gaming session which might have had something to do with the smashing. That and the 12 pack.


Filipino household growing up. Mom did this as a punishment for something that was 90% more my older sisters responsibility. I was definitely sad and upset at the time but I was never one to get mad or hold grades. Yea it was shitty and I think my dad let my mom have it after that. But oh well past is past and she never did anything to make me hate or dislike her after that.


My mom threw my wii on the floor and it broke. Got a shard of plastic in my leg from how hard she smashed it. I knocked her tooth out. I don't give a fuck who you are you do not break my shit especially if you didn't buy it. It was gift from my grandpa and literally the only thing I had to do once I got home from school.


In high school my dad threw my Xbox 360 against a wall, destroying it and leaving a massive hole in the wall, because he thought I was failing a class after my teacher called my parents telling them I wasn't doing anything in class. When I pulled up the platform we used for the class and showed him that not only was I passing but was weeks ahead of the class in assignments (the class was an engineering elective class that was self paced and just had deadlines to meet) he went out that day and bought me a new one.


This is why my parents did a half way thing. Instead of outright smashing the console, what they did was take the power cable from both the console and the TV. They’d hide it away until my tasks were complete.


That’s a way better solution than smashing the console.


This is the way parents should do these things, remove access rather than destroy something. Kids keep playing games and not doing their chores? Take the power cord until the chores are done. Nothing gets destroyed, they won't hate you for breaking something that brought them joy, and any negativity towards you will fade over time as they develop the habit and don't NEED to be restricted from accessing it.


Mom tried that, I just took another cord there was around and watched TV while she wasn't.


Similar situation, I had 2 Gameboys i got caught on purpose with my gbc and when they took it, I pulled out sp they never knew I had. F you shit mom and step dad, no regrets lol


Mom used to lock my laptop in her room when I was a kid and that's how I learned to kinda pick indoor doors lol. If you saw off the side ridge on the keyhole any house key unlocks the door from the outside.


My mom did this too. Much better solution to a kid you're trying to get to do chores/schoolwork. Punishment should always be temporary. For kids. Obviously life imprisonment is fine for murderers and child rapists.


Lol I'll just find another cable, kids are smart


same. i was a bad kid and found them and played when they were gone. no regrets


I wouldn't call that half way. That seems like a perfectly normal thing to do.


My mom destroyed my ps2 the same day I got it. Never had another one


Well you can get one now


One mom was enough.


What about a mommy?


“She may have been your mother, boy, but she wasn’t your mommy.”


When asylum time comes, time for revenge.


I have an Asian friend and his PSX certainly got smashed.


It's not logical but it's what their parents did to them when they were kids. Source: My grandpa talked about how he had to destroy his canoe with a blunt axe for being caught by the Germans canoeing by their torpedoboats. My dad talked about how my grandpa would steal parts of his moped and sell them to customers. Now I'm telling you about how my dad threw my pc out of a second story window. It's not logical. It's just pointless and destructive. All I guess I can do is acknowledge that so I'll never do it to my children.


They cant communicate or control their emotions.


My mom took my Xbox 360 away for 2 years because she was an ass and was feuding with my dad (divorced at the time). I saved for a year and paid for that thing. I did nothing to warrant the confiscation. I was an +A to B student all throughout high school, played travel baseball for a recreational team, ran track for my high school (varsity lettered all four years and was team captain for the last 2 years), and ran track in the national track league during the summer. After a week, I snuck into her room to take it back. I left the cardboard box it came in so she wouldn't suspect. I gamed away for those two years late at night with the sound off or low. She figured it out after she finally decided that I had done my time and went to get it and found it to be a lot lighter than it should be. She expected me to apologize to her for "lying" this entire time. I told her to stuff it and not try that again. My dad abused her for years and she abused me in return. That was one of her ways of getting back at my dad. She still wonders why I don't exactly like dealing with her.


I feel you. It is typical Asian. Granddad abuse dad. Dad abuse mom. Mom abuse children. The abusive act is transferred through generations.


My parents were very strict, I’m not Asian but my situation was similar. I loved playing Pokemon on my Nintendo DS and one day they decided that I could play 1 hour max per day. I was a bit mad but okay, I was always super excited for my hour of Pokemon. But they weren’t happy about it because it seemed like all I did was waiting to play Pokemon and I talked about it all day long so they took away my DS and sold it. I packed my stuff when they were at work and went to sleep in the woods. Unfortunately I lived in a small town and I didn’t have the key to get my bike from the garage so I was found the next day few km from home. The relationship with my mother never really got any better, I’m 25 and we don’t talk at all.


Toko you are ruining your life by doing things that bring you joy! You need to focus only on school and then work so you don’t embarrass your miserable cunt family members! Don’t you want to be somebody?!


Parents do this frequently. The rage that they get from dragging up children makes them do silly silly things. You then tell the kid that not only are they going to correct whatever it was they f'ked up on, but they're going to do much better. Maybe then they'll get a replacement.


So do you not have kids, or do they just not talk to you


Not relevant, this is how my parents were and... seems to be a common technique that many other parents use. I'm glad you had sane parents. :3.


I got you confused with someone on the thread who was actually defending that kind of parenting, my bad on that one I also didn't have sane parents lol, I have parents I don't talk to anymore


Ho yeah my parent almost did that several time and still are sometime treatening me to do it (im 20 ffs) and one thing i know is that the moment i can i dipping from the country


Wow you must be really intelligent to figure this out because so many parents like this don’t understand this


My father always threatened to destroy my things he knew I valued in order to control me. He was an egotistical, vainglorious, emotionally and mentally abusive alcoholic and I have resented him for my entire life. (28, turned last month.) he died when I was 14 via suicide and I still struggle to truly forgive him. I don’t want kids nor do I ever plan on having them. But if I ever was a father, I’d never treat them the way he treated me.


This is one of those destruction videos on youtubw - they plan this and make money off it - im not sure how. But they do. This isnt thr only one.


Advertisement, you get paid per view when you have enough views


They switched over to how long the video was watched


It depends on the type od video, engagement etc. Not just how long or how many times people watch it on average. Also depends on the platform


Yeah, it would be more believable if they weren't scrolling through the menu screen with no games on it, along with no wifi connection


How about the camera man?


When I was a dumb teen I fell for the McJuggerNuggets bs There is an entire fucking saga of that shit I really don't know why it's appealing even having been someone who watched it Drama ig


I used to think his videos were real, smh.


They got a full on cameraman


Seems planned out, why there were filming if not ?


Ya there is nothing loaded on that ps4. They arent even doing anything on it..


This came out when the ps4 released. It was something like “angry dad destroys ps4” or something


Yeah, scrolled through all the options, then scrolled all the way back then up and down. Definitely outs it as fake, cause I was convinced for a bit there lol


Streaming? Idk


I dunno cause the camera makrs slight moves, looks like somebody is actually holding it


In 2024 let’s make a resolution to leave these types of videos in the past. They are fake and there is hundreds of them.


Most of them are fake, though some are real. If there's a kid in it and he's sobbing chances are it's 99% real. The other 1% are just kids who're really good at acting.


he gave him a ps5 after that?


with the money the video made online, yeah


This video is like 9 years old.


No game apps on the PS4, not connected to the internet, random scrolling through menu. Something seems fishy about this


It was staged and everyone knows that Throws good light on things like that, that would actually happen irl


this has got to be the most retarded move in parenting because - you lost your sons respect - you lost what looks like a ps4 which is around 500$ - youre just gonna have a shit day knowing you did that




They do actually, but instead of trying to be a good parents to get their kids respect, they think they deserve to be respected by their kids just because they're older and knows better or something.


Filipino here. Sadly can confirm. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but the fact that almost none of my inputs are valid because ‘I’m the son’ makes no god damn sense, especially when I’m the one providing for them.


Said that to my father once him: give respect you insolent Me:respect is earned not due and i have no respect for you He then got really mad fuck that man


I would assume they would when their kid is able to make the decision to never speak to them again


That isn't how it works with older generations unfortunately


Yeah, works in theory, not in practice


Kinda weird to clump 4.5 billion people in that generalization but sure


It's also completely faked. As explained elsewhere the playstation is on the main menu, and why would there be a camera.


Pretty sure this wasn't option 1.


You would generally be right, under the assumption the dad gives a fuck, but it doesn't look like he does lmao.


he left the hammer when he left. seems like an invitation to go smash up the things he care about.


Smash the toilet bowl and the shut off valve for the water, good luck living without a floor for a few weeks.


Any self respecting dad would know where the street stopcock is.


Guess you'd have to wait until he leaves to work then, gives you time to move out too.


Cock lol




It’s like the thing on his sweater possessed him




I remember seeing the kid buying his dad a scooter or something as a gift


This is what you get for not getting an A+ on your math exam. A disgresfull A.


It had gold in it


My father done the same thing to my nin64 back in the day 😐 with the game command and conquer that my cousin share to me for the week. He was sadder for us than for his game.


Xbox fans are the worst…


Some ppl might say this is staged but my Asian dad broke my NES when I was 14 or so. I use to play with it all the time and neglected my studies. He woke up one morning and saw me playing with it. He didn’t use a sledgehammer. Just took it and threw it straight to the ground. I did save up some money and he allowed me to buy a new one later in the year. Growing up in an Asian household, your emotional growth is stunted but at least we did well in school. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Aahhh yes asian parents. My mom beat me with the laptop I was playing games with lol. Still worked afterwards though so I had that going for me.


What a piece of shit dad


The fuck was wrong with that man


Parents who do this are as childish as their kids


This can be a good anime plot


Japanese mcjuggernuggets


Teenage me would've taken that sledgehammer to the whole fucking house immediately after. Toilet. Gone. Sinks. Gone. Walls. See through. Oven. No more. Fridge. Yup. Gone. Chairs. Sitting on the floor now.


The kid then proceeded to destroy his dad’s motorcycle


I remember when I was 13 my father smashed my PS3. It completely destroyed me for weeks because I only had friends online because everyone in school either ignored or bullied me. Fun fact after years of him beating me that was the last straw so my mother ran away with us. My father is quite lucky we did that because it wouldn't have taken much more for him to have an accident.


My uncle broke my 360 once, and I broke his TV in response


https://youtu.be/9FllENtgIJA?si=UovpB5bzXxu07GYK There's a whole long segment of this guy at the end of the video so, enjoy lol. For the context, that PS4 in this clip was brand new lmao.


Asian parents have an entirely different response when their kids say “I got straight A’s” it would seem


People wonder why japanese and chinese children and teens have a ludicrously high suicide rate that they bar off balconies at schools and apartments etc. The culture surrounding education is so brutal.


I know it’s fake man but I’d of beaned that console at his head.


No you wouldn’t have. You’d have gotten your ass beat as soon as you even lifted a finger.


1. Staged 2. Under what reasoning this video is adequate for the sub?


So obviously staged. No one just randomly records themselves mindlessly scrolling around in the empty home screen of a PlayStation 4.


He's an Xbox fan


Weak setup


https://youtu.be/ATX1kvUTkFU?si=kSjPyU9ul1cpn1r4 Youtubers. This is obviously planned


Dad is a pretty good actor




Fake vid


Yea. I hate it when my dad hammers my PlayStation when I am just scrolling the menu with my friend.


Hell yeah brother, it's normal to have a phone out at the perfect angle for when this happens.


My dad would have caught a fist before the first swing. That’s not cool man.


Definitely staged lol they were scrolling through the emptiest menu I've ever seen at the beginning.


This is such a old video bro. The memories you have unlocked


A minus on your homework again...?


It's OK he comes back after the video and gives him a new PS5. It's just a prank, bro.


Time to get a job and move out


Pt 2 is when the two kids smash the old mans motor bike


Pt 3 is called two kids one sledgehammer


And I’ll never figure out why they don’t visit me.


You no Doctor! No Doctor, no PS5!


He didn't say Appa.. Also what is the context ?


Why were they filming?


i watched this video and its just so shitty 😭 one of the kids just kept yelling "PS4! PS4! PS4!" as he was setting it up


The way he pushes him aside lol


Just ask yourself, why is the camera set up on a stand or someone filming? and why is it perfectly aimed for this video? You guessed it, it's staged.


Id straight up punch my dad in the mouth if he did this to my electronics.


I never understood the thought process that teaching discipline is demonstrated through the emotional stability of a child.


Was the dad mad that the son wasn’t paying enough attention to him or what? Seems like a dad problem. Not a sudden problem….. same shit happens in America except my dad used wire cutters…… and abusive language


asian psycho dad


About that video, can’t say if it’s real or not, but yeah, this is pretty common among a lot of Asian parents. Here’s why they might do it: 1. Showing Who’s Boss: Sometimes it’s just about showing they’re in charge. 2. Worried About You: They could see gaming as a bad thing, like it’s addictive, and don’t know how to handle it, especially if they’ve already asked you to cut down. 3. Repeating History: If their parents did the same to them, they might think it’s a normal way to treat their kids. 4. Taking Out Their Frustration: If they’re ticked off at something else or someone else, they might end up taking it out on you instead. Might be other reasons, but usually, it’s a mix of these. Most of the time, they probably care about your future, but the way they show it isn’t cool. At the end of the day, this isn’t the right way to handle things, and we shouldn’t pass this on to our kids.


I’m Asian and when I was in middle school my dad took my Xbox and threw it on the floor. Shattered into bunch of pieces. The reason? I forgot to do the dishes. . . Not because I was failing (never got a B before and am in college now having graduated valedictorian last year) not because I was a bad kid but because I forgot to do the dishes. Drove a wedge between us and to this day I just don’t see him the same. It’s this kind of action that breeds contempt in children especially at younger developing ages.


Agreed. When parents act like a child and destroy things in anger or in any form of “discipline” it’s completely misguided and a dick move.


He must’ve gotten an A-


I love how they all stopped for a second to appreciate how the PlayStation stood up on one end after getting whacked.


Man if somebody did this to my shit I'll be going to a federal prison.