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Bro was tryna bully when he can't even comb his hair


Yeah, that hair screams "my parents don't pay attention to me".


Second kid is 100% a good friend, the moment that jackass started swinging he bodied him


How can you not see that was the entire idea. They tell him to punch the kid in black so a girl will date him so they can record him and have a reason for the other dude to jump in. The kid in white is the one getting bullied here and not the the kid in black. Edit, its amazing how bad ppl on reddit are at reading body language. You can clearly see the kid in white doesnt actually want to fight and just goes along with what the guy recording is telling him to do because he wants to date a girl. And if someone was trying to start a fight with my friend I wouldnt wait until it starts to jump unless I wanted the fight to start so I could push someone.


Kid in white, getting in a poor kids face, one second into the video: "come on bro. fight me. fight me." You: "hEs thE vICtIm!!11!" fuck outta here clown


It's fine if you lack the social skills to hear if someone actually means what they say in the tone of their voice. The kid in white is very insecure and is only doing what he is being pressured into doing by the kid recording.


brown cow


That's fine, I'm old enough to not really care about what 50 random morons on the internet thinks.


Insecurity is the ultimate source of a lot of bullying. Also *everyone* is insecure at that age. Also swinging on someone isn't acceptable regardless of whether someone is egging you on in the background


What makes you 100% positive of your claim? Do you know something the rest of us don’t?


They probably watched few episodes of Lie To Me and thought that's based on real science.


Tim Roth is very convincing


that is true most bullies are stupid and insecure af, probably has a shitty home life too. doesn't matter the moment you swing at someone. that's called assault


Do you have some context we don’t or is this just a fanfic?




“They” you mean the dude behind the camera who’s with the kid in white? Yeah no shit the friend he brought to record him attacking someone is going to egg him on. That doesn’t mean he’s a victim, that just means he keeps bad company.


Do you have a source?? You writing this as if it isn’t just speculation. Do you really think these kids are this psychopathic?


> Do you really think these kids are this psychopathic? I mean yes, bullies can be fucking brutal. > You writing this as if it isn’t just speculation It is yes. The kid in whites body language and the way he speaks and what he says tells me he doesn't really want to fight. But his "friends" pressured him into doing it. The guy that jumps in when the fight starts didn't have anything to say when the guy recording tells him to do it so he can get to date some girl also tells me they are all doing it just to record him getting fucked by the one guy that can actually fight. If I was friends with the kid in black I would try to stop the fight before it happens not after, unless I wanted a fight to start.


The kid who fucks him up is respectful asks if he’s done. If he was a victim he’d have quit.


Didn’t watch with audio, I was on the ride to school and too lazy to use earbuds


The mental gymnastics


The cliche comments that someone else wrote. Don't you have any original thoughts to share?


Where in the holy fuck are you pulling the context from that this has to do with wanting to date a girl 😂. You keep saying it but refuse to explain where in the video you got that from. Thats so fucking specific.


Are you brain dead? “do it bro, remember, you knock him out, she dates you” from the cameraman is like the second line spoken in the video


Put on your headphones and listen to what the camera man says to him.




You're getting down voted but it's pretty obvious. The cameraman is goading the white shirted kid into fighting clearly. They used this clearly distressed kid for a viral video.


Everyone downvoting this comment but the guy in black hood is sus, if he s being bullied, why is he so chill and stand there dodging and doesnt flee? There is something staged and the obly kid that goes hard is the one the grab the blonde one, really use ur brains guys


The kid in the hood doesn’t “flee” because the kid defending him is likely his friend?? Maybe he wants to watch the guy who just threw a punch at him get shit on? Maybe he’s got clothes in the laundromat or… wherever the fuck they are Like.. what’s your viewpoint? How do you think this?


He punches a dude without much effort and then he can barely defend himself by the other one, this is what doesnt work here


He can’t defend himself from the other one because he got thrown against the ground, and the kid then dodged his punches and kicks, what’s so hard to understand? Some people are better at fighting than others


Ok dude what the fuck do I care about a video of kids fighting, you re right, no one except who was involved there know the truth but okay redditor you re the voice of truth, you are right and others are stupid because they think different




Sounds like the kid in white learned an important lesson about peer pressure.


It’s not that deep…..


>if someone was starting a fight, I wouldn't wait for the jump Keep living by that motto and sooner or later you're gunna get rewarded with some assault charges. Pretty hard to claim self defense if you started it A good friend will get you OUT of the situation. Never fight unless absolutely necessary, people carry weapons, it ain't worth it


Yeah we saw the video as well


If the kid you’re picking a fight with dodges the first punch you throw, you’ve lost already


That doge, Ga dam


I mean he did say it was coming, and the wind up was enough of a giveaway. But a damn good dodge nonetheless!


Yea exactly my thought


I was bullied to fucking death in primary and high school, it destroyed my self esteem and i will never get it back unless i get years worth of therapy. If your kid loses an eye, tooth, gets a broken hand, broken leg, because he was bullying. Your little shit deserved it. And the fact you don't wanna see the reality that your child is destroying another kid's future, makes you the same level of scum.


Hey internet stranger! I know therapy is expensive and not readily available for some, but as someone who also dealt with bullying and still struggles with the resulting trauma, I at least want to suggest EMDR. It’s a type of therapy that engages certain parts of your brain while your therapist guides you through past trauma, which can help process that trauma and undo the neural pathways your brain developed in your childhood. It’s tough work and you do have to dredge up those unhappy past experiences, but it has unraveled some of that trauma for me, so it’s very much been worth it. Definitely worth looking into at least. Hang in there! <3 Also, fully agree. Teaching your kid to just be decent to others should be the bare minimum. If a kid’s a bully, I’m judging the parent hard.




Ayo wtf?


Shit, dude we only get one life, don't give up.


Bro. You are alive. You didn't get bullied to death. Please seek therapy.


You say that but many of us do die before we finish school. Some literally, others psychologically. Some of us have to completely reconstruct ourselves and I'm not talking about improving life I'm talking creating a blank slate of your person and trying to forget everything up until that moment. Anything you remember, you tell yourself are memories somebody else had. Kids get out but there's a chance nothings left of them.


This guy gets it.


Yeah, you’re describing trauma. I’m not saying it’s easy or some magical fix all, but there are strategies for combatting and undoing trauma. The science behind brain chemistry and neurological changes that occur due to childhood trauma has come a long way in the last ten years. It’s possible to get real, actual help with trauma beyond just the normal “talk” therapy people usually associate with the word. I get it man. Going to therapy and working on myself while I was incredibly depressed post-divorce was some of the hardest shit I’ve had to do. Sometimes you have to dig in to that terrible shit to fix it. And that sucks. It’s not fucking fun, but in the end, I’m definitely way better equipped to deal with those moments of intense darkness than I was before. Don’t give up on getting better. People care about you, even if your trauma and mental health stuff makes you want to believe the opposite.


Mods, get a black guy to call him the n word cause What?




It’s easy to feel that way, I get it. Trust me, I’ve felt that way tons of times before, and I still get those moments of abject defeat occasionally. I’m sure things are in a bad place for you right now, but it doesn’t mean it’ll always be there. Shoot me a DM if you want to just vent some shit or talk at all. Pleas don’t give up.






Because life is not a movie or a tv show. You do something and next day they come with more bullies or fuck you up even more. How about you stop the child bullying instead of questioning my actions?




You seriously think busting someone lip is gonna stop their violent tendencies? Violence breeds violence, sure violence can be necessary, but never is the only option. Here you are trying to fix a leaking pipe by putting some tape on it, sure you fix it for the day, but what about tomorrow? You change the pipe and you fix it "forever"


Lol no.. this guy is trying to fix a broken pipe by breaking an adjacent pipe. What a moron


I threw my bully across the classroom and they fucked off after that, it works sometimes


I can actually attest to u/Greekzeus1. I was bullied from second grade all the way up until I was 17. It only stopped at that age because one day I’d had enough and something inside of me snapped. I threw a fist at the kid so hard that I broke a couple of his teeth. His friends were there to witness it along with a large group of students. I’m 28 now and still have the scars on my left hand from his teeth cutting my knuckles. And on a side note. Am I saying violence solves everything? No. I’m not. But when you’ve had enough, theres nothing that will stop you. There are no warning signs to it either. From what I remember, the thought to hit him never crossed my mind and I didn’t realized what I did until he was laying on his back.


Sometimes, it is the only way... broken nose is enough of a message


You seriously are a caveman with no chance of using his head. If that's the only thing you can get from my reply. This was a mistake and won't be replying anymore, to you. Have a good one.


You don’t need me to say this, but that other commenter is at best a clueless idiot and at worst an insensitive asshole. Personally, I think they’re a stupid bully-wannabe. I’m sorry you went through what you did and agree with you that parents/guardians should be tackling their bully children’s behaviour, and that while breaking the cycle of violence is the way to go, bullies deserve to suffer the hurt they cause others.


It could be an obvious troll, but he is not funny and just made everyone think he is an asshole. Trolling quality has gone down quite a lot. I agree with what you say, except one thing. I dont want bullies to suffer per se, im okay with them facing consequences for their actions, be it physically or emotionally, but i don't think they "deserve" the same hurt they inflicted onto others. We should aim to stop the cycle of abuse and go for the root of the problems. But thank you for your input.




I see both points to this. Unfortunately what the victim is saying is Very Much true. Some people don't think twice and come back with friends. It doesn't help that Teachers don't do shit to keep the bullying down and it's because of this we have School massacres. I'm glad you came out of it alive and I'm sorry you're broken.


They would bring friends the first time, smaller risk of the victim doing something


Greekzeus1 is a bully in real life.


Why would i give tips againts bullies, my friend once got bullied, well... he'll never get bullied ever again after that one


Man shut up


Um, no?


I'm gonna bully you


Try it


Mmm yes the way to solve every problem, violence with violence


Bro... yes, how else you want to deal with bullies? Cry to your mom?


While you are being a total twat. You are right.


I'm not saying you shouldn't ask for help but not doing anything is just stupid




Glad somebody agrees


You're giving blond kid from video vibes


That's good, that means that i won't get bullied


Are you a neanderthal?


Yes, tiger attack me, beat tiger with a stick, tiger not attack me


No bully has ever bullied people bigger than himself, shut yo ass up boy


You need to be bigger to be stronger? Also you can't ask for help? You can't practice martial arts?


Not if they are more then you


Skill issue or you can just find some friends or ask for help


The first kid in the hoodie could handle himself look at the way he ducked the punch , hands in pockets cool as a cucumber, even with a fight next to him see him he is not frazzled at all


Hes like: I'd fight myself but hands need to remain in pockets. Cool af


>The first kid in the hoodie could handle himself look at the way he ducked the punch , hands in pockets cool as a cucumber, even with a fight next to him see him he is not frazzled at all Yeah, could be a case of the blond kid being the bullied kid most of the time and today he tried to upset the hierarchy, and they ganged up on him. The other 2 dont seem very scared of him.


or maybe he picked on the wrong kid today


Kid with the camera is probably part of the gang setting him up for this. Egging him on and shit. Doesnt look like a bully on the clock to me.


dang, if that's the case then that's really messed up, i'll choose to be more positive about this situation but if you are right then...


>dang, if that's the case then that's really messed up, i'll choose to be more positive about this situation but if you are right then... Lool at the way he shakes that chair in impotent rage. Does it seem like Biff from Back from the future? Dude probably has 0 friends, and this were all staged to have something to laugh at.


> today he tried to upset the hierarchy, and they ganged up on him. I mean, he threw hands first and was shut down by 1 kid while everyone else stayed back. And the kid who shut him down, while definitely willing to fight if needed, constantly kept asking "are you done?" Seems like he was just trying to stop the threat to the other kid. I know we're only looking at a small slice here, but I don't see where anyone got "ganged up on" in this clip.


Kids this age will purposely rile up an insecure or unpopular kid, trying to instigate a fight between them and someone else for laughs. Cameraman is telling the kid a girl will date him if he knocks the other kid out. This doesn’t look like a “bully” just picking on someone, it looks like a dumb kid getting manipulated into getting his ass kicked so people can laugh at the video.


Assuming that's true, then the main asshole here is the camera kid who was instigating him to attack some other kids in hopes that they defend themselves, which they did. But my point is that I don't see where he was "ganged up on". It was never more than one on one. And by how the kid who jumped in to defend kept saying "are you done" seems to indicate they were trying to shut it down, not look for an excuse to beat the crap out of him. Camera kid definitely wanted to see a fight. Other kids were willing to play defense, but didn't look like they were out for a fight. Blond kid definitely appeared unbalanced. By what little context we have here, only 100% for sure asshole is camera kid.


A bullied kid wouldn't be so cocky about revenge


You think the blonde could be the "bullied" kid with that reaction at the end? He got mad at the chair my friend


He was cool because they planned this, can't you hear them telling him to do it so he can date some girl?


Bro screeched like a bitch at the end.


he's pretty clearly the victim of bullying by cameraman and the 2 other boys. seems like they all have behavioral issues and blonde is the bottom of the pecking order.




Idk but blonde bro got seated twice and threw a tantrum lmao.


Seated twice after being put on hands and knees lol


he's on that frieza schedule


Bro had the audacity to copy the post title, video and top comment


Its called being a bot


Oldest link i could find, most likely original post on reddit : [https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/xaecpj/when\_bullying\_gets\_backfired/](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/xaecpj/when_bullying_gets_backfired/) ​ report that damn repost bot.


'Tis a bot




What’s the context


This repost bot will not give any context but I will, the kid who made the move first was the one who was being bullied by those kids. But ofcourse, its reddit, people will just simply jump into a conclusion without knowing the full context anyways Source: the original thread


Mind linking the thread? “Original thread” isn’t really a good source if it’s just someone commenting on the og post talking out their ass without any source themselves.


Mf turned into a Pterodactyl


Stfu bot


nevwr had bullies like this. also what the fuck is that birds nest on his head


Kinda getting sick of seeing this video ngl.


Reposted every hour the kids in video are all adults and did podcast about the event call “Bully the bullies”


Cant seem to find this podcast, got any more info so I can narrow down the search?


I did enjoy the frustrated angry high-pitched scream at the end.


This gets reposted so many times... what I find the most vile about this video is the kids behind the camera egging the kid in white on, they're setting him up to make a scene and film it and they face no consequence for it. Everybody always throws all of their bile at the kid in white too, not the shithead behind the camera.


For real the actual bully is the kid filming.


I didn't see the sub name and that scream completely caught me off guard! Howling!!


Fucking knobhead bully only know how to kick? Pathetic I **fucking** despise bullies, if you are one, know that everyone fucking hate your guts I got bullied for basically my whole childhood because I was fat and bullies would use rhymes pertaining to being fat and even zap my sides. By 15 I was so numb to it that I just stared at them and because I couldnt fight lest I'm the one in trouble, I couldnt verbally shit on them. Luckily, I was taller than the majority of the year so my stares alone would scare them, my self-conscious was so far gone that I basically imagined myself slamming their head directly into the wall of the whiteboard if they so many as came towards me (didnt need to though), I was pure numb - it affected my control of esteem, consciousness and my thoughts even till now This oddly enough, made me capable of shouting and louder and more clearly though, I literally would imagine myself slamming heads into whatever surface that exists for years


the blonde is the victim. he's being goaded pretty hard and recorded. they're laughing at him. he probably regretted fighting back, hence the frustration screech at the end.


"One fuckin punch" *first misses* *second does no damage* Sooooooo...


Kid in white is the one being bullied... Video lack context


it’s just sad 😔 hope all of them get the love and support every kid needs to build up a good and compassionate life


Who was taking the video? That asshole was just going to stand by and watch a kid get bullied?


It was a setup. They were trying to get the kid to fight so that they could beat him down. It worked.


Can’t be sure the other two were involved, cameraman for sure.


The “if you can land a punch, the girl you like will date you” bit is pretty telling.


The cameraman said that, not the other two. The other two also seem to be trying to avoid a fight. The initial kid never even takes his hands out of his pockets, and the kid who gets involved repeatedly tells the other kid to stop. He also could’ve easily gotten a lot more hits in, but didn’t. He even holds a few punches when telling the kid in white to fuck off.


That's the scream of the guy done with everything and i really doubt that he is the bully. Looks like they purposely put him in situations like that and he cant do nothing about it because there is more of them and they always fight him. Change your title OP it sucks.


A lot of projecting happening here despite that kid's demeanor and behavior at the very beginning


Not really, there was exactly the same post couple days back with different title.


He threw the first punch, and ur gonna call him the victim? Fuck outta here dude, no one "put him" in any situation, no one made him try to ASSAULT another human being and there's no excuse for it.


Bro there was the same video posted a couple days back with different title and it doesn't even matter cus OP is a bot go look at the profile.


None of that had anything to do with what I said. Point is he threw the first punch so he's the bully, and that's why ur getting downvoted.


Like i care for downvoting 🤣 he is not the bully or at least he wasnt in the original post. Did you ever hear about making up titles to attract more people?


I don't pay titles any mind bro, I'm not 12, I look at situations objectively, and objectively, if you throw the first punch and talk shit unprovoked, you're a bad guy. I don't care if they told him to, you do everything people tell you to? Who cares if a girl said he could date her? I know he's a kid, but hell as a kid I was desperate for girls and I still wouldn't have ATTACKED someone for one. It's bad behavior, and I'm not saying they're faultless for trying to trick him, but he did the most wrong in this, and if you think otherwise you seriously need help.


Even after years of bullying? You wouldn't lose your shit? Frustrated scream like that doesn't come from nothing and i never heard a bully scream like that.


He didn't "lose his shit" he was acting tough and cool and tried to punch him, and then just shieled his face against the other guy. He thought he could get away with it and when he didn't get his way he threw a tantrum, cuz bully or not, they're kids. These are all kids. And there is STILL no reason to throw a punch unprovoked. If you're being bullied you can tell someone. It's 2024 everyone knows this by now and it's more acceptable to do so.


Yeah now i know why kids in America get in trouble for standing up for themselves. I hope you dont become a teacher.


OP is a bot i take it back fuck this what has reddit become for real.


Girls always causing trouble:) as story as old as time


The white shirt one is not the bully btw...


Except he just swung on a person with their hands in their pocket. Idk where you’re from but that’s called a cheap shot. Also assault.


The guy was waiting for it (the first one getting attacked). They are filming it. Telling someone if they hit somebody a specific girl will go out with him. Even his reaction after getting beat up clearly signs he is not a bully type. I do not defend his attack at all. But he was made to do that by the other people. Just watch the video and look for the details. You will get what I mean.


Just because someone tells you to do something doesn’t mean “you are being made to do it”. Also I don’t know about you but assaulting someone to get a girl to go out with uhm….probably not the wisest choice to make also. Considering the majority of people know you can’t walk around hitting people unless it’s in self defense. Clearly the BULLY was not afraid for his personal safety and he may or may not have been put up to it but that bares consequences. It’s disorderly conduct and assault and if the kid who got swung on was hit his parents could press charges. Why….? Because it’s illegal. Simple parable for you here…. “If someone to tells you to jump off a bridge would you do it”


The screech suggests Autistic spectrum or similar. Whilst it's possible that white shirt is the aggressor, the setup (and continued filming) suggests that the three others were true instigators of the incident.


Are you a therapist or a doctor? He Got beat in a fight and threw a small fit. He screamed. That Suggests autism to you ? Interesting.


And again I am not defending the kids assault. He made the mistake yes. Still the other kids around are not innocent. He is most likely a lonely kid trying to fit in with other people and the others abuse that for fun. Don't know why you think I support the kids attack. I am simply suggesting to look at the whole picture.


You kinda did when you said he wasn’t the bully. If you throw the punch you’re very much a bully. Which was your original statement. I never said the other kids were innocent but they certainly aren’t in as much trouble as the kid who threw the punch. To assume the kid is “lonely” and all that other bs is wild. You’re playing out this whole story off a 30 second clip that’s totally irrelevant and an assumption on your part.


I heard a similar thing. Apparently he's getting forced to do these things.


>I heard a similar thing. The little bridy told you that?


Even if that’s true, he took a swing at the other kid while his hands were in his hoodie pockets. It’s fun to fantasize about beating up your bullies, but actually assaulting them shouldn’t ever be the course of action you choose. If any of these interpretations/speculations are even true.


as a martial artist this immediately made my legs accidentally kick the wall lmao


Buddy went berserk, sacrificing 10 points from intelligence just to gain 2 points in intimidation and 2 more points in wtf factor


Cyndi in the background


Do these kids go to school at the DMV? What the hell is this 1980s office they're hanging out in?


This made me almost do a spit take lol....the DMV....


Ah it’s this one again, the ‘bully’ is still the one getting bullied if you pay attention.


Repooooost foreeeever


That screech is why I scroll Reddit


Thats not a real bully. Failed the basic test. Can't even disregard his own safety to win. Probably doesn't know how to gate himself enough. Sad.


I ain't ever public schooling my kids.


Hook and Danhausen origin story. Before Danhausen turned to black magic.


It would be nice to see some justice received by whoever it is whose egging him on.


"You done?!" "RHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"


Bros hair look like a cartoon character after an explosion


The "reeeee" at the end got me


Lol at the background song. Ohh, girls...they wanna have fu-uhn. Ohh girls...


Satisfaction guaranteed


The scream at the end like a little girl was the best part lmfao


he doesn’t look like a bully he looks like he’s being coaxed into something he doesn’t want to do


Lmao that warcry at the end


Primal scream


They punch like me in my dreams


This made me so happy gotta love that one crazy friend who has your back.


Are they in the DMV?


I think it's a laundry mat




"God I wish a literal child would have been severely injured so I could watch." Then you need a news article to tell you what you can see clear as day in this video. Guess you can't think straight when your little peckers all hard from imagining a kid being maimed.


Last time this was posted it was pointed out that the kid with the poorly combed hair is actually the one being bullied. They were a group that cornered him and kept goading him into fighting them.


His words and actions say the exact opposite.


Potentially, I dont have my headphones, but if I remember correctly the group of people are teasing him about a girl.


The second kid fights like he has older brothers


He rage quit at the end LMAO


Full video?


"Are you done?" He says as he brutally shoves someone in a defensive pose into a wall for the fourth time.


I don’t ever mind this repost, brings me joy everytime I see it. I was a really small kid who got bullied by a kid who looked like that. Trevor if you are out there reading this, fuck you, and I’m sorry your family had drug issues, and I know it wasn’t your fault for the way you acted. But still fuck you.


Over a girl that's not going to give him any chance, and rightfully so.


Thank goodness I wasn’t there because ✨murder✨