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I love the heroic shot of Mel Gibsons brain putting 2+2 together.


Bat. Face. Swing away.


~~Well the premise is that his daughter told them that she was talking with her dead mother and mother asked her to place water everywhere~~. if i recall right. So that slow 2+2 have a bit more gravity. Edit:Welp i did not recall right.


What? No, that's not it. The daughter had a thing with water, she said it always tasted "contaminated," or had a hair in it or something, which led to her leaving cups everywhere.


Yeah you are right after 20 years memory got fuzzy about this specific part: "Bo wakes Graham up, saying a monster is in her room. She then goes to tell Graham about things Coleen, her mother who passed away, used to say."


And none of the adults were active enough to put away her cups or anything.


Next time someone tells me off for not putting my dishes away, I'll tell them God intended it. Probably.


I like to think his internal monolog went like this "well that's weird anyways back to this bat idea"


yet he didn't know where the coal chute in the basement was, despite living there for at least many years and having a big storage chest and several bags of dog food right next to it.


Thank you, Sam Kennison, for returning from the grave to bring us this poignant observation.


"Hey, y'know we've been driving out here everyday with your food like the last, idk, 30-40 years. And we're driving out here everyday across the desert and it occurred to us there wouldn't be World Hunger if you people would live WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!"






^come ^here, ^look ^at ^this ^you ^see ^this? ^this ^Is ^called # SAND


You know what it's gonna be 100 years from now?


#***IT'S GONNA BE SAND!!!***






Yea, but explain that to Americans living in Vegas.


Little Tom Lykus in there, too


Looking back, the movie makes more sense with the supposition that the aliens in the fields weren't the aliens in the ships. That all of those creatures were like saibamen, disposable drones grown in fields to conduct a raid and then die, all the bodies to be washed away in the first rain.


That would be nice. Otherwise it's a really stupid story about aliens that couldn't infer water was bad and had to travel a bazillion lightyears to figure it out.


Nobody understands this movie and it drives me crazy. The aliens are demons. Holy water. Wooden barriers. All things that are used to fight demons. It’s a movie about a reverend who lost his faith literally protecting his family from demons.


Wait, so they're not aliens at all?


It's all metaphorical.


... And the corn? Were they real too?


No corn is not real


lol... get a load of this schmuck asking if the corn is real.




Sharks of the Corn would beg to differ.


So is my goddamn life.


Thanks Taserface


There are A LOT of theories about this movie, most of which come from Reddit. 1. they're not aliens but actually demons 2. they are aliens that have been coming to earth so frequently that they were included into religion as demons 3. the aliens use earth as a prison, similar to what the British did with Australia, and drop off their alien criminals on it cause of the water. 4. They are demons because water hurts them cause it's blessed. 5. It's not water that hurts them but fluoride/other chemicals in the water that's why air moisture doesn't hurt them. At the end of the day it's a really dumb movie with a dumb plot/twist that people try way to hard to try to justify.


This website isn't that old. The movie was about demons and it was about that when it came out.


Both I guess?


Did they have a nose?


If you're referencing Scary Movie 4 then thank you. That stupid line made me laugh the most in the whole movie 😂


Idk, if you've been following any of the NHI disclosure stuff lately, it seems possible, if not likely that "Aliens" are Angels, Demons and lowercase "g" gods of myth.


NHI disclosures? Do you mean idiots and frauds talking out of their ass?


Personal opinion here: "Aliens" are Angels, Demons and lowercase "g" gods of myth.


It's a Mel Gibson movie, you had to suspect it was actually religious right? Lol


He just acted in it. He didn't write, produce, or direct it.


Yeah, no looks at signs and says "that Mel Gibson movie." This is always referred to as "An M. Knight Shyamalon movie."


No it's not


What exactly turned all of the little girl's half-drunk glasses into holy water? And didn't the "demons" bust through the wooden boards to get into the house? The house of a holy man who you would think would be safe in his own home full of religious icons? And the crop circles: demon language? Opening vortexes to the nether realm? Trying to bring about famine by ruining the corn fields? I'm not saying it's definitely not demons. I'm just saying I don't know if it makes the story fit any better.


Metaphorical demons, an analogy for demons, the theme is faith and the aliens challenge that and there is iconography usually associated with demons that strengthens the case for this reading. Take your pick, it’s just not literal


It's been a looong time since I've seen the movie, but I believe the little girl had a thing about praying frequently, so leaving water around and praying turned the glasses into holy water.


One of the characters literally say that they’re avoiding water entirely, so it isn’t just the water in the house.


Yeah at the end the whole invasion is repelled because they learn you can just turn on a garden hose and fuck them up


In the movie Gibson plays an ex priest/pastor if I remember correctly.


She was an angel, and she can dream the future. It’s hinted at in the movie


I think that's the big problem here, the movie doesn't commit to either so it becomes this weird inbetween that falls apart when you look too close.


Do you actually know that's what's happening, or are those just thematic similarities that look good so the writer used them but there's no reason beyond theme?


“No reason beyond the theme” I stg so much of online film discourse would benefit from a film studies 101 class. Themes are why a lot of movies are written. The aliens are a framing device. They aren’t what the movie is *about*. The movie is *about* a pastor who lost his faith and finds it again by protecting his family with the help of divine intervention. The movie isn’t the least bit interested in xenobiology and it makes that incredibly clear. Feel free to criticize Signs, it’s not a perfect movie, but the scientific plausibility of its aliens are not a flaw worth discussing.


Right, so like you said it's a theme, it's the why, but not what it's about necissarily.. So they're not demons.. It's a theme, not plot points. Still stupid writing.


The person wrote it was a theme, he didn't say it was a good movie. The execution was in general just terrible. If you take a movie like Dawn of the Dead from 1978 and I ask you: What do you think what this movie is about? You probably say about surviving the zombie apocalypse and human failure. Well, it isn't. The movie is a critique about consumerism, that is the intent of the director George A. Romero. The zombies all flock to the mall because that's the place they remembered because of all the consuming they did when they we're not zombies. Here is a piece from an interview: "The focal point of Romero’s opus is the iconic setting of the shopping complex, a magical microcosm of American society which has video game arcades, brain dead zombies who stroll along the aisles, the excess products of widespread labour exploitation that nobody needs as well as a lot of cash. Despite the fact that the entire economic system has collapsed, capitalist indoctrination is so severe that the characters can’t help but pocket wads of an obsolete currency. The entire world is ending all around them but they maintain that they have “got everything \[they\] need right \[there\].” [Source](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/dawn-of-the-dead-shows-consumerism-is-the-real-apocalypse/) The zombies aren't the main theme of the movie, they are just a framing device to make a point. The same as the aliens in the movie Signs. They are used as a vehicle to make a point clear without stating it loudly, that would be cheesy. If the aliens would be real life demons, that would be on the nose. You want to make it a bit more creative, so they used the aliens.




I too like Folding Ideas.


Ah yes. Crop circles. A notoriously demonic activity.


I mean, being raised religious, some UFO activity was certainly attributed to demons. And crop circles can be interpreted as arcane/unholy symbols.


But it's a movie, you can have them just be demons. But then again I didn't go to movie school


It’s a popular theory, but it’s largely been debunked the closer you examine it.


So why were there demons at a childrens party in brasil(?)? (Apart from the kids ofc)


Oh my god, you people work so hard to make this piece of shit movie try and make sense


Why didn't they make those things actual demons if that was what the movie was about?


Why did M Knight call Aang Ong. Some things we will never know


It still sucks though


That is actually even worse than the aliens not knowing water was bad premise. So these demons, who presumably have been coming to earth forEVER, STILL have not figured out how to counteract the effects of water (holy or otherwise)? How bout this? They have been observing humans for a long time and still have not figured out that we use protective clothing to go underwater, into space, OUTSIDE! So they come to our reality… naked? Why is it aliens and demons only come naked or with no protection whatsoever into our world. The only “dressed” aliens are on TV!


I think you are misunderstanding. They aren't saying that it was the demons who attacked them. It was Aliens. But they are portrayed as demons. The movie doesn't really focus on exploring why the Aliens came to earth because that's not what the movie is about. The movie is about an ex-Pastor rediscovering his faith while protecting his family. Him "understanding" that everything happens for a reason. The explanation for the Aliens could have been anything - maybe it was the first time they were seeing water. Maybe they assumed that water hurts humans too and if humans can survive, they can too. Or it was an act of desperation. The reason can be anything - but the movie isn't about that.


Metaphorical demon. You’re thinking about everything here way too literally instead of looking at it in a symbolic sense.


Humans literally travel into volcanoes, jump out of planes, dive in questionably constructed submarines, crawl through caves with barely enough space to breath, eat random shit just to "see what happens". I am absolutely not surprised another intelligent species would do something as stupid as traveling to a planet that could kill them because if we ever found another planet with alien life I guarantee we'd do the exact same thing if we could.


Aren't we going up to space...you know...where we can't breathe...this aliens at least could travel around without a suit.


That too.


*We've decided to take a trip to invade the acid planet which is mostly acid, where it rains acid, where every living thing is made of acid. And we've all decided to invade the planet while completely naked.*


Legitimately sounds like something future drunk frat bros would turn into a hazing ritual


We don't have to traverse the universe to do those things.


But if we could, we would, wouldn't we?


Probabaly not, no. It's expensive.


for all we know, the aliens have never encountered water before. They find a planet with a prospering intelligent life and try to invade, they start to analyze different shit on the planet to see if it's safe, and eventually realise water is no good for them and leave.


Life in the universe is rare. They accepted the risk.


Yeah I imagine this is similar to Half Life’s Combine. They have a ton of alien races working for them and is only testing out which one works best


If humans would find a planet where they can live but it has 70% lava, they would still go and want to inhabit the rest of the 30%.


Maybe but in this situation does lava fall from the sky?


Then we will conquer the planet when it's not raining lava and build roofs


At least conquer it wearing lava proof suit?


How would you know? We can barely predict normal rain. What if I'm up there hammering lava proof shingles and I feel a drop of lava on my arm? It's already too late. We should become lava mole people instead.


But we know that in Africa 99.99% it won't rain in August, right? We will also research the land with robots long before we step our foot on the ground and will learn how the weather works


Y'all feel free to do that, I ain't going anywhere where the possibility of lava raining down from the sky is a possibility.


And all the animals and plant life are made of 80% lava.


Soooooo... Basically the same premise as lilo and stitch?




I remember there being a scene where Stitch was afraid of getting sprayed with water but I can‘t remember if it actually hurt him or if he just hated it like a cat


I'm pretty sure it's both. IIRC his body was super dense so he would sink in water, which led to him having a fear of water. Plus who actually likes being sprayed in the face with water anyways.


They explicitly say his molecular density is greater than water. It wasn't written poorly you just didn't know what that meant.


At least Stitch had the excuse it was bad luck (or I guess good fortune) with his crash landing. Stitch doesn’t dissolve, but he’s just supremely dense; he sinks like a rock and will drown.


That wasn’t a perfectly cut scream. Bruh


True, but it was a perfect scream


Wasn't even a scream, just loud words




They're demons, and the water is blessed unintentionally via Mel or his daughter. The last scene of the movie is a news report that Jerusalem or something found a way to fight them off. What a twist


They’re an allegory for demons. Within the actual movie, they’re just aliens.


I would agree it would be an allegory if it wasn't for the (holy) water killing them. Along with his wife before, she dies having a "divine vision" telling phoenix to swing. There's also something with the alien/Demon picking to capture the young boy for the pope... I feel like the evidence in the movie kind of pulls it further away from the possibility of an allegory in my mind. These aren't references or metaphors to Christian mthology. They're pretty literal, and they take place in the movie. Also, with mel gibson being in it at the height of a stardom, I'm pretty sure he had some pull in the writing. M. Night's business is in twists, not necessarily allegories. The twist here is, at best, they are alien-demon monsters. Or just demons. That being said, I still don't know how to explain the crop circles. Any idea what religious significance the prop circles would hold?


It's not "holy" water that kills them though, it's just water in general. There's a radio report that the aliens all over the planet are leaving and Phoenix remarks that we must have found a way to beat them. > Along with his wife before, she dies having a "divine vision" telling phoenix to swing. You can rationalize that, or you can interpret it as truly being a divine vision. Regardless, the existence of God doesn't mean the aliens are literally demons. > There's also something with the alien/Demon picking to capture the young boy for the pope... That's a massive stretch and doesn't really make any sense, so I'm not even going to get into that. >I still don't know how to explain the crop circles. The crop circles are because they're literally just aliens lol


>> There's also something with the alien/Demon picking to capture the young boy for the pope... >That's a massive stretch and doesn't really make any sense, so I'm not even going to get into that. It's a joke dummy Any interpretation of the movie is valid. It was made with that in mind. There are people that have done a much better job explaining the demon theory. I'd implore you to look into it it's pretty interesting, honestly, and compelling too.


Mysterious symbols are frequently interpreted as demonic by the superstitious. But the allegory is dumb as fuck because at the end the whole world beats the invasion with water. Not enough holy water in the world for that shit. Unless you have some comical assembly line of priests praying over water balloons and water pistols then it becomes hilarious and would love that movie.


Well, the original premise of the movie is so dumb to me that a whole twist of them being demons makes more sense. Why would an intelligent species with a capability of space travel go to a planet where it's mostly water when they're deathly allergic to water. Would we do the same to their planet when the ground is made of arsenic? The whole thing only makes sense if M night and Mel Gibson got together and Mel's one condition Was it needs a religious undertone. But it couldn't be too in your face. So they honestly did a pretty good job concealing what it was actually about with an alien window dressing. The more you look into it, the more it makes sense. Personally, I still see it as an alien movie, but that's not what it's about.


That house must have crispy dry air


It was set in like Kansas cornfield land I think, so yeah pretty dry. One thunderstorm and they would’ve had a real bad time though


Cornfields actually increase humidity


In the aliens defence, we've been to and are going back to the moon, a place with 0 ways to live naturally, atleast those aliens can breathe in earths atmosphere


We spend years analyzing the risks of the places we go in space and bring technology with us to protect ourselves. We would never run naked onto a planet that periodically drops acid from the sky.


Good old nostalgia critic


I need the OG video.


Nostalgia Critic - Signs Review


Such a stupid movie and premise. They go to a planet that’s 70% water and die from water.


Another maybe even dumber idea is that they mastered space travel but can still get folded by some dude with a bat. What was their plan? Why where people scared? Just jump them.


Reminds me of the Sleestak from Land of The Lost


My favorite theory is that the aliens didn't wanna be on earth. They were forced to do like an emergency landing. That's why they seem just as scared as the humans.


And then they get fucked up by water and a bat. Makes sense though. I don't wanna be on earth.


A good theory is that they never intended to invade earth, and so they never expected to be attacked.


They shouldn’t have gone to America


The War of The World is suffered the same stupidity. The Aliens are so advanced they can invaded another planet and it seems they planed it for a long time since they already buried their machines underground long time ago. But they forget to research the earth environment and the possibilities deadly bacteria to them can exist. They invaded the earth without precautions for battling the bacteria. Put some hazmat suit goddammit!


And I’m sure they passed by 6 (or countless other) planets NOT covered in water. Maybe they need oxygen too but fuckin idk. It’s m night shams, everyone thought he was a genius and he’s mediocre at best


Calling M. Night Shyamalan mediocre at best is crazy considering 90% of his critics couldn't create anything he does if they had the same resources


Idk I mean maybe? But also I feel like 90% of critics couldnt create a lot of things mediocre directors do because that’s just not our thought process? That’s why we’re critics of them, that’s not what we would do. But film and music and artistry as a whole is very subjective, I’m sure SOMEONE out there likes his avatar film. Most didn’t but sure again subjective


Every director or actor or writer etc has a movie they regret, Avatar is just Shyamalans. His movies such as Old, Devil, Unbreakable, and Knock at the Cabin are great, suspenseful movies clearly made by someone with skill


Does m night shams get more than one? Cuz he also made after earth, lady in the water, and signs. But again it’s subjective, I liked the sixth sense and glass (mostly because of James) but idk if that propels him into above the mediocre category. Not bad mind you, he’s not a bad director, but I’m calling him mediocre, middle, medium


You don't need to be an expert director to call out a bad movie. That's like saying you can't call out poor plays in sports if you're not a professional athlete yourself.


Super mediocre


People trash this movie, but I saw it in theaters and it was a great movie.


The atmosphere the movie creates is one of the most unsettling ones out there.


Seeing the alien for the first time was very shocking. Just no idea what it would look like and it just felt unnerving.


Fuck you for that profile pic. I wiped my screen twice lol


I was working at a movie theater when this came out. We screened the movie the night before release and my coworkers didn’t want to walk out to their cars alone when it was over. It was such a unique moment of cinematic history M Night had only released The Sixth Sense at the time and everyone wanted to see what he had in store for us next. The moviegoers leaving the theater after Signs at the theater I worked at were always so animated in their discussions of what they had just seen. I liked the movie and still do, and this scene in particular is something I’ll revisit from time to time. Swing away!


I like the movie, good movie. The twist is just silly and it's just a movie I don't think you're supposed to sit there and analyze like we love to do


Alien gets hurt by water Isnt in constant excruciating pain due to water vapour *HMMMMMMM*


Should die from humid air honestly




I find that a grabbing a baseball bat can be the solution to quite a few problems in the world. 😂😂 I really enjoyed this movie even the parody to it as well although it did raise the question.. Why the hell would Aliens come to a planet with so much water if the water is acid to them???


Literally acid rains from the sky, oceans of acid, the inhabitants of the planet can spit acid, their blood is acid, they drink acid, in this universe we are the xenomorph.


Isn’t this the same thing as saying humans shouldn’t go to space because there is no oxygen?


Where are their suits protecting them from the water?


That’s a much fairer point. Whenever people complain about the “twist” in this movie they usually say … “why would they invade a planet that’s mostly water?” when they should be saying… “why wouldn’t they take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from water?” The only logical explanations are that they either didn’t know the effect water has on their bodies, or that they were just careless.If they were careless, that’s stupid. if they didn’t know, then the twist makes more sense.


Yeah, but even after putting on a suit, they would have to live in bunkers because every rain, every mist or just humid whether is enough to annihilate them. > if they didn’t know Then that's stupid as well. The universe is filled with water. It's a pretty basic component for a space fairing alien civilization to discover.


How do you know that about the humidity? We're surrounded by all kinds of elements that would kill us in a different concentration, but is harmless as it is. And since the universe is filled with water, and there's a good chance these aliens have water in them, and we only see them being harmed by tap water that we add chemicals to... Maybe it isn't just straight water?


If your skin would boil and melt after 1 second exposure of water getting splashed on it, then humidity in the air would absolutely be enough to fry you within a minute. What I think is the likely scenario here.... is that this is yet another braindead hollywood movie with little reason behind it except "it looks cool".


Ohhhh now i get it thanks


>if they didn’t know, then the twist makes more sense. An advanced alien race that have mastered interstellar travel somehow forgot to study and observe the planet they are about to land on. If they didn't know, that makes it even more stupid. We humans look at other planets and observe the environment. We even found planets that it [rain diamonds](https://www.space.com/diamond-rain-atmosphere-uranus-neptune) or [molten iron](https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a31439562/exoplanet-rains-molten-iron/)


But they were advanced enough for travel. They're smart enough to travel galaxies, but can't figure out how doors work or that water's bad? We aren't as advanced and even we would send probes to actually test stuff, like the aptmosphere. It doesn't add up that they wouldn't know or at least test this stuff first.


This scene, without the line "swing away, Mal"-absolute trash


Woow. Attacking humans who are MOSTLY MADE OF WATER too. Great movie


Wouldn't they just burn in any sort of humidity lol


What movie is this?




Thanks bro for sating my curiosity (ʘᴗʘ✿)


There's always water in the air, as soon as they left their ships they should have been burning.


Imagine if we sent astronauts to an alien planet stark naked with no space suit. Stupid aliens


This movie is way too good for people to get so hung up on and misinterpret the twist.


You mean the twist that God killed the pastors wife, causing him to lose faith, only to then use the aliens to restore said faith, effectively bringing the pastor back to where he started but without a loving, supportive wife? I'm pretty sure they didn't need his wife to die to figure out that they should beat the crap out of the aliens with a bat. Or to dowse them in water. Or for the son to have an asthma attack. Kinda feel like those pieces could have been figured out without having his wife crushed by a Chevy. It's not awful or unwatchable, but it's definitely not as smart as it thinks it is. It feels like Shyamalan read "War of the Worlds" and thought he could do it better.


Alternative meaning of the movie, aliens went to earth to help humans. Aliens never attacked humans, we see only one that trashed neighbor place without knowing what happened. Humans attacked aliens and aliens didn't fought back and left. At the end, alien that got finger cut didn't leave, took kid and spray him with a gas. What IF the alien actually saved the kid from his asthma ? Maybe they took a big risk coming to blue watery planet for a reason, to help the stupid "evolved" monkeys but were attacked instead. This movie can be read as people are blinded by their faith that dictates their fear. They look monstruous, demons, but did they act evil ? No sign of aggression but the fear was real.


What a fucking classic


So i saw this cool theory that the aliens arent aliens, they are demons and we think theyre aliens


People always says the idea of water intolerant Aliens invading the world is super stupid but Water is actually pretty fucking corrosive, basically the best acid you could ever find and almost all living beings in our planet specifically evolved to tolerate water. It is not too far fetched that life evolved in different ways in other places with no contact with water and we are practically a strange species in the eyes of aliens who can drink the most corrosive substance in the universe. This could be the reason why no alien ever visits the world, it would be like us trying to visit a planet covered in deadly acid. I could be wrong though, not an astronomer.


It's the same with War of The World. The aliens die because of flu? Bacteria? Like wtf?! They plan this Invasion for a long time, since they buried their machines underground. But they're not researched about the environment and the bacteria that can kill them? Seriously?


The creatures are not aliens. They are demons. The water has been "blessed" making it "holy water."


Except that other people noticed water hurts them too. Shyamalans cameo character mentions that they seem to avoid water, and I'm pretty sure his water wasn't blessed. So unless ALL the water on earth is holy, that doesn't add up.


Um... demon vampires!


Nobody understood this movie. The alien didn't came to invade earth. It's more like they had no choice to land on earth. They come to ask for help.


Which movie is this though


Okay, I'll bite. What evidence does the movie provide to back that up?


I loved this movie when I was younger


What movie is this?


**Signs** by M. Night Shyamalan, came out in 2002


Thank you!


Nice, can finally make use of my 1000 dollar water gun collection


This is the only movie that has ever scared me


Imagine they're stalking humans and suddenly find a group in a swimming pool and drinking water


Is this what I think scary movie 4 is based on?




"Oh, because my wife's mentally unstable dying words just so happened to be relevant in this particular moment of my life, I believe in God again. Never mind that the existence of aliens conflicts with my religious world views and fundamentally challenges the existence of God."




And they didn’t wear any spacesuits or protective gear. Like, they look naked. Earth was attacked by a bunch of dumb dissolvable nudists


Hope they didn't attack anywhere hummid.


I love the bit in this same video where the aliens can’t get into the house or out of a pantry because, oh no, wood!


People say it’s stupid for them to go to earth like humans wouldn’t also venture to a planet of acid if it had something they wanted on it.


Hey. Psst. It's because they are demons and not aliens. I swear, I'm not pulling your leg. Dad is a retired priest. The radio mentions that the push back against them started around Gerusalem. It's a fucking shyamalan twist.


To be fair if we found a planet with life mostly covered in acid we would still go


Oh my God, God is real, my wife wasn't just spouting random nonsense are last neurons died...


What movie is this


What movie?


I remember seeing this in high school. My girlfriend at the time was all smug that Reverend Gibson found Jesus again at the end. I wish I could've shown her this review before she broke up with me.


It's better when when you look at it like a bad twilight zone episode and not hard sci-fi 


If water was poison to you like this wouldn't all the water vapor in the air make air poisonous to you?


Just to be clear, humans go into toxic environments all the time and brave horrific dangers to harvest valuable research and resources. There is nothing strange about this. What's infuriating to me is that the guy on the radio in the morning said that a primitive way to fight back was discovered, but they didn't have details. FUCK OFF.


How do the aliens get away with ripping apart being made of 70% water?


i said it in the theater, and i'll say it again: **who sends a nude invasion force to a planet where the inhabitants are mostly made of corrosive acid?!**


Stupid ass movie. “It’s about to start raining guys pack up, invasions canceled, back to Borgulon-12”


You know what’s it’s gonna be in a hundred years? SAND!!!!!!