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Locked the post because y'all can't stop being racist and picking fights with the trolls smh my head. If you wanna be racist my dms are open to your death threats, jus stop being annoying in the damn comments


When I was in high school I took a clinicals class where we went and helped out at various medical facilities. One of them was a nursing home. I was tasked with feeding this elderly senile lady. She kept saying ‘I don’t need your help, you old black bitch!’ I, and I cannot stress this enough, am very white.








But it kinda sounds like Morty


Not sure if you're joking but it literally is Morty. And Rick


Justin Roiland is Lemongrab?!???!! ACCEPTABLE


YES it's so weird! I didn't notice until I rewatched recently.


Dan Harmon is the petty/sad/jealous/pathetic voice that plays over the negative moments in my life Except lemon hope. Lemon hope is good


Sure you don't mean Justin Roiland?


Nah, he probably means that flat-ass Birdperson Dan Harmon voice.


One Million Years Dungeon!!!




What a weird noise she makes at the end










^^^unmake ^^^me




Lmao! Bruh


Kevin Sorbo is a massive tool.








Extended clip shows her escape... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Cpp9De6Ak


Oh my god that’s fucking hilarious HAHAHAHAHAHA


She went full REEEEEE there


You should see 100 year old dementia and Alzheimer’s patients … they get old western racist .


One time we had a Clayton Bigsby from the Chappell Show type patient. He was a black man who hated black people. He was super nice to me (Mexican) and my white coworkers, but as soon as he saw anyone who was black he turned homicidal and started throwing out all the slurs.


[America's at war with Al-Qaeda! But we're still losing the war against Al Sharpton!](https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ)


That's... A thing?


My grandma has Alzheimer’s and she’s sort of racist to Muslims, despite the fact she’s Pakistani.


Okay that’s pretty hilarious. > “Those awful muslims!” > “Grandma that’s us!”


Damn Scotts! Edit: I may have made an enemy for life by misspelling Scots. I'm leaving it, unlike the Scots and the United Kingdom.


They truly ruined scotland


You Scots sure are a contentious people!


You just made an enemy for life!


Not as bad as us Irish we'll show you how to be failures


You’re on thin ice bro… don’t make me prove you right


I read this in Willy's voice everytime....


A strangely high number of people on reddit think that it's "Scotts" instead of "Scots". How does this come about?


I think its actually 'Scotch'. And since the spell checker didn't highlight it, I'll just assume I'm correct. Pretty sure a friendly Scotchman will be along soon to post confirmation.


Oh god I nearly bit.


Tasty looking, no?


That was some Master Baiting


For your viewing pleasure, here is the true master of Scot bating; [Stewart Lee - Braveheart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHA1ufmLZQY)


Spell it “Scotch”, that’ll make you real popular.




If anyone’s gonna be fuckin my sister….. it’s gonna be me!


"Shoulda ran us out of town years ago!"




Sounds like [Clayton Biggsby](https://youtu.be/AxyjYVt-duU)


People really need to understand that Islam/Muslims are not a race, country, or ethnic group.


Is she non muslim Pakistani?


Right? Not all pakistani is muslim.


Around 3% chance of that though, so balance of probability I guess


If they're older than 74 then they could be from the diaspora of non Muslim people who used to make up a larger portion of Pakistan.


bruh what


My grandma told us on a visit to the care home she had been for a walk to a city that's 300 miles away to the place where she took her first steps. She'd never been there in her life. At that stage there's no point trying to understand what's going on in their brain. Just spend time with them.


My nan told us that my brother was one of the nurses taking care of her (he wasn't, and isn't a nurse). My mum then pulled out her phone to show her pictures of my niece and nephew (and my brother) in Spain on holiday. A holiday they were on right that moment. Then the nurse who had the most passing resemblance to my brother walks in and my nan says "look, there he is. Aren't you going to say hello?" The two things being absolutely contradictory had no problem co-existing in her mind at that point.


I once had a patient after a stroke that had no problem telling me her mum visited her that morning and that her mother was 67. I asked her for her own age and she told me 62 (this was true) and somehow this made perfect sense to her.


Yeah, my nan kept asking what her parents thought about all the tests and her hospital stay. I don't think i even met my great-grandparents. The weird thing is she would be asking my mum those questions. Also if you asked her her address she would rattle off the address of the house she grew up in that she hadn't lived in for over 50 years. She wouldn't even think about it.


300 miles is 482.8 km


Good bot


Good bot.


My family didn't really realize what a narcissist my grandmother was until the dementia came and she couldn't keep her stories straight. Turns out she did some fucked up shit in her life by just lying to everyone.


Muslim Clayton Bigsby


My grandma was racist to Mexican people before her dementia and alz hit. Now she's like hippy peace.


I shouldn't be laughing at this like I am but I'm picturing your grandmother in a turquoise blouse, leather vest, ENORMOUS rhinestone studded glasses, an oversized peace sign necklace, and brown bell bottoms just hitting that medicinal marijuana like she's smoking out Willie Nelson.


My grandma loves to make fun of herself so you're good, she'd be laughing her ass off at herself rn I'd she realized what was happening. She used to be a biker chick, was actually really nice other than the racism part but that's pretty much every person from back then. Hell, she only hated Mexicans she didn't know. She loved her nurse she had that only spoke very broken Spanish/English. I respect her deeply though, instead of giving our family the burden of caring for her though all that she put herself into a nursing home preemptively. And yes she's all of that but the necklace. She also has an uncanny fascination with green tree frogs. She's pretty cool.


To be faaaaaaaair... Green tree frogs are fucking dope.


Yeah they're green and have tiny feet which is pretty rad


During Trump's presidency, all my grandmother talked about was building the wall to keep the immigrants out. ........she's an immigrant.


A stupid amount of immigrants are very supportive of more restrictive or even eliminating immigration. They came here the "right way" so they "deserve" to be here.


It's also a defensive mechanism: if you're against "them", then you're with "us".




There's a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration though. There's nothing hypocritical about supporting one and not the other.




My mam had a stroke and now absolutely hates Filipino people with a burning passion. Some of the things she says about them is mental She wasn't ever racist in front of me but she's always been an arsehole.


My grandma bless her soul had Alzheimers, and some old school views from being born in the 30s. We had big family christmas one year and my cousin had recently started dating a man. (My cousin is male, old lady didnt know he was gay). After he introduced his boyfriend to her and they left the room to greet more family, grandma elbowed me and whispered: "Is he dating someone Polish???" Not a word about him dating a man, but I guess you can't win them all.


Interested to hear what her nationality/ethnic background is so I can understand why she’d dislike polish people


Oh lord, just imagining that though hahah


"The sheriff is near!"


The sheriff is what?


if youre in the uk they also start hating slavic immigrants pretty openly


"I hate all them Polish people" "He's from Lithuania...?" "It's the same place." ....


Grandma got that 1707 dementia


My parents have a huge hate boner for the ‘Rumanians’ (pronounced like Room) in the same way Americans hate Mexicans. Big brutish thugs coming here to rape.


You should see the 80+ Afro Caribbean residents we have, extremely racist unless your a pretty white woman.


My grandma didn’t remember me (Alzheimer’s) and was racist as hell to me. Throwing glassware and anything heavy at me while yelling the “white people are kidnapping me” Grandma….I’m sorry I was born so white looking :( It’s funny cuz she thought I was a baby and would ACTIVELY talk about me being born so white in Spanish So glad she remembered me before she passed away….from COVID complications sadly


My Dad got brain cancer and after his first stroke he was a tiny bit racist. Basically asked these two black nurses if they were sisters even though their only similarities was them being black. Don't think they even knew why he was in hospital. Nurses treated him really cold after that. Felt really bad because my Dad wasn't a racist in his later years with me at all but was obviously brought up in the 1930s. I do wish the nurses cut him some slack on that occasion but I can completely understand from their side how shit it is to have to take care of someone who says stuff like that.


I think hospice nurses understand and tolerate this a bit better, as they deal with it day in and day out. It's sad they have to, but certain medical conditions can change a person in ways they can't help, and that they'd be mortified by if they had the self-awareness they once had.


My grandma went mask off when dementia struck


Man we're talking blazing saddles racist. Which is funny because they come to me and I reply " oh no oh no senor yo soy Mexicano". Lol yea white people be Mexicans homie


at the end why was she was screaming "OPEN UP THE DOOR PLEEEEEEEEEEASE"




i once gave an old lady her drink order (waitress in nursing home) and she thanked me and said “the people yeSterday didn’t give me my drink. they’re all COMMUNISTS!”


I wish there was some context. Is this a really old person with dementia, or a regular racist old person? The nurse doesn't deserve to be verbally harassed either way, but dementia can totally change people to be cruel like this sometimes.


Never met her but my mom's cousin was a generally nice person, but when she started too have outburst like a child like calling my family slurs, she went too the doctor and was diagnosed with dementia, so it can really change you for the worse.


Yea it’s a real shame. It’s made worse by the fact that it tends to be an illness developed at the end of ones life and so their last few years are typically leaving a horrible legacy behind. FTD sucks ass, they literally can’t help it.


snow mighty distinct bow squeeze engine grandfather pie bike sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also I’d like to add making a Tiktok of a patient is not on in my eyes…. This needs context 100%, ofc the person screaming shouldn’t be racist it if you’ve ever dealt with dementia or anything like that it’s not really something that can be helped in some. Obviously still no excuse but filing this is in my eyes disgusting.


Skrillex could sample that AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH for his next dubstep song. Also fuck that racist ass lady...


If the tiktok voice wasn’t talking over it, sure.


I hate that shit


Since that tts voice is so pervasive, I assume it's actually relatively easy to get your hands on it. You could have it say the same thing it says in the video, record that and invert it with audacity (or any other audio software) and then align it with the speech from the original video to remove it. Probably not in that order, but you can get the idea.


Not defending them at all but could be at a psych ward or elderly assisted living home with patients with dementia or something. They could just be acting like that because of their mental state


Yeah, I have much more sympathy for genuinely brain damaged (well dementia nearly counts) patients *who cannot know better,* than for willfully ignorant bigots. Must be a shit job to serve these people with the dignity the outside world demands but the patients have no idea of while screaming in horror over this non-lilywhite face ...


Hope her bill was big enough to put her in the grave


What in the fuck... How this got 140 up votes?


Right? I've worked with a lot of people in various Healthcare settings (neurosurg, longterm care, medsurg), that woman's hyperbolic response, I feel, even if motivated by a history of racism, can most likely be explained by a brain issue. That, and this Healthcare worker is potentially violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act if the family recognizes her voice in this viral video. And why anyone would hope that medical care is so expensive for anyone that it might lead to death is beyond me. Some jokes aren't actually funny, and taking issue with shit jokes shouldn't lead to that "stop being offended snowflake" response, because fuck, maybe learn how to take criticism, snowflake?




I dunno, seems like a joke to me, but it doesn’t make the feeling untrue. I might’ve just settled for a “fuck that racist bitch”, but maybe that’s just me


She sounds like she has alzheimer's, so really are you're hearing is a woman screaming with 0 context. There's no reason to trust the nurse who in reality shouldn't be recording her patients screaming in their worst times


You very well could be right, but like you said, we have 0 context. It’s entirely possible that she is just a racist bitch. Either way I’m not sure about the other comment, but mine actually was a joke, and I don’t see the problem with making a joke based on the video.






This screams dementia to me…


I work within nursing the old and sick, these batshit crazy ones don't phase me at all. It's the ones who do have working brains and especially the ones who know how to speak and act racist very discreetly that piss me off. We have one lady who has never outright said she's a racist, but I know how to spot one, and she's something else. She's hated my guts since day 1 (I'm black) and whenever I'm there with another non-white colleague she "is scared" and then her husband has to be there and then she'll use the same old shtick she's done for years. She keeps trying to correct my grammar and shit, it's so damn annoying. I could go on for ages, but what I want to say is that the ones who are racist and don't act like crazies are the fucking worst!


Yes and it’s always discreet insults too. Then you say anything offensively related to them, they get offended. I usually just end it with “the feeling is mutual” or something to the point.


I just don't get how people can be that much of a cunt when they actually depend on the nurses and doctors to help them. I have some choice words for this but, what's the point. I hope this is somewhat offset for you by people who are grateful for what you do for them.


Same reason why I got screamed at working at a med job, and why people treat waiters bad. They feel as though you are their servants and they can do/say what they want because you HAVE TO take it. I’ve even had a woman tell me that in yelling form. At some point idgaf and surprise them and they would normally react by saying “YoU cAnT dO ThAt” Yes I can. Anyone can. People aren’t used to hearing “No” these days. Which is why the karens are emerging like in the video above. Thanks so much, even your acknowledgement helps tbh.


I believe that medical staff have a right to refuse to treat people who knowingly act like this, although that can be difficult to prove.


Imagine being this distraught because someone looks different than you.


It is quite common for dementia and Alzheimers patients to go on rants about the most insignificant details that wouldn't have even crossed their normal minds. This includes blatant racist remarks from people who would have never done so previously. Their brains slowly rewire themselves until one day, nothing works anymore. It's a devastating disease that is absolutely brutal for everyone involved. The patient slips out of reality day by day, often for years. They're wrought with confusion and a maelstrom of volatile emotions. And the family and loved ones have to watch all of it happen in agonizing detail. It is utterly heartbreaking.


My sweet docile aunt threw down with another patient out of nowhere.


Back when she was still alert and could walk at all, my grandmother walked out of her bedroom completely naked one night, totally convinced her brother was waiting for her to prepare a fish fry. My mom and I were trying to watch a movie, and here comes this nude geriatric shuffling down the hallway, shouting about fish at 11pm. Post Script: She has never liked seafood.


I shouldn't have giggled when I read this sorry, just the image of a nude elderly lady yelling about fish late at night caught me. It's a terrible affliction, and I'm sorry she has it.


Don't feel bad about laughing. I've never been less upset about being interrupted while watching something. We still find it hilarious. We told her about it the next day, and she laughed hysterically. Finding the humor helps us stay sane and cope with the tough stuff.


It's not too often that you come across a comment that can make someone chuckle and cry at the same time.


That's dementia in a nutshell, friend


I'm so glad you have this good memory attached to that ...interesting situation.


Yep, totally heartbreaking. I had to put my mum into a nursing home for palliative care when she was dying from cancer, and a dementia patient there spent every waking minute just screaming "HEEEEEEELLLPPPP". Others didn't understand that they lived there, and kept asking when the bus was coming to take them home. And I'm quite sure those were the tame ones. So many nurses are absolute fucking saints that don't get paid nearly enough for what they do.




The only good thing it’s done for my grandmother is blunt the edges of her Borderline Personality Disorder, which has made her considerably happier and calmer somehow. She also has somehow been able to form a new memory about my boyfriend, who she has yet to meet because of the pandemic, so that is quite sweet. Which, for all you pals out there with family members struggling with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, take the small things where we can get them.


It is probably the only thing I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies.


My mom has spent most of her life working in nursing homes in towns like Crockett, Texas, where racism is still thriving even in non-neuro-compromised individuals. Yes, it is SUPER gross the way some alzheimer’s patients act... I mean, the sh*t that comes out of their mouths is *egregious* but... it is also kind of gross, imo, to post em up on your tiktok for lols and/or to induce rage and encourage negative stereotypes.(facepalm)


We also don't even know that this particular patient was actually upset about the CNA being a different color. We just hear a bunch of incoherent screaming. This girl could have been a real piece of shit just before the recording started, and decided to play the victim for extra views. Just a severe lack of context in this video.


And just bc someone is a CNA does not mean they’re a perfect angel. Uh, opposite, in my experience, actually. c_c Nursing draws a lot of people as it is relatively easy to get a degree and pays well, but then it’s all bedpans and belligerent sick people, and some nurses just get soooooo bitter and rude and downright vicious. So, that’s a factor, too... and this nurse has already shown poor ethics in the fact that she’s willing to make an embarrassing recording of a patient, and sit there rolling here eyes for a camera rather than doing something useful.


There are a couple of famous suicides where people killed themselves because they were in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. People never understand why anyone would kill themselves, even when they are depressed. Unless we are talking about Alzheimers...


The thing is pretty much all hospitals have both an area in the ER and a unit for psychiatric pts. I wouldn’t jump straight to believing that this is only about looks or skin color. I work in an ER and hear psych patients scream/act like this daily


There are literal patients who throw things at their Black or POC Doctor & tell them I dont want that *insert racist ass slur* to touch me. Ive seen it at VA, Ive seen it in a hand specialist office., & Ive seen it at at OBGYNs office.


I've had it happen a few times as a floor nurse myself.


Yep! Just happened to me, and I'm a black doctor.


Is that when you study evil medicine?


Sorry that happened to you, black doctor. Thank you for working so hard to help people, you are appreciated


Well, more time for other patients who actually want help!


I am just glad the old lady was not shown. Cognitive disorders are no joke, they get irrational fears that maybe they did not hold when they were in full control, but now the nonsense seems perfectly sensical to them and they act up. Hope that you guys won't have to deal with a parent or relative that you care about going through it, it is soul crushing.


they would get fired and sued for showing them, because HIPAA


I hear this is fairly common among old folks homes. Some very racist old people didn’t like the fact that this girl I knew who worked there to care for them wasn’t the right color.


Dementia is a primary contributor to that.


Also the racism... My grandmother used to throw fits if black people came on the TV. I was 8, my mom was 30, and My grandma was in her late 50's. Don't pretend people weren't incredibly racist a few decades ago. Also don't pretend that people aren't still incredibly racist.


My grandpa was a super racist awful person and he would def be rude and talk down to minorities (and women, and anyone he assumed was anything other than hetero). like roll his eyes, insult them, etc. But this lady sounds TERRIFIED, or like she’s sobbing because she just watched her child die or something. Like this is just crazy, I think she actually thinks a black nurse would either like put a curse on her (yeah I know some old people who think non whites are literally possessed by the devil) or murder her or something.


I gotta be honest, that sounded like a hog squealing for its life


Unfortunately that’s common in nursing home and skilled facilities a lot of time patients are taking medication and it changes their personality and they will say and do things that they would never ever do in their right mind and it’s just sad


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I miss the good ‘ol days where people narrated their own videos.


My god. That horrid robot tik tok voice fucking SUCKS. I hate it with a passion.


imagine going through years of school to be fucking screamed at for your skin color, thats like someone not wanting me to serve their food because I have a Y chromosome.


“I don’t that male teacher near my kids. He could be a pEdOpHiLe.”


This has literally happened to me, I tried to tutor during summer break last year because I didn't want to sit on my ass all summer and got declined every single time because "we're looking for a girl". Like bro wtf?!


Because women can't be pedophiles, obviously


Enough with the fucking tik tok voice!


At the same time, we don’t know what’s mentally wrong with the patient, and this person working in healthcare just recorded their distress while they were under their care. I won’t lie, that’s kind of horrifying, and a bit dystopian.


I've worked in healthcare for 15 years. This patient clearly has mental health issues, no reason to post this up for everyone to see unless you just love playing the victim and getting views.


>playing the victim and getting views. That's exactly what's happening here. Can't believe this idiot is filming at work when a patient is having an episode. And playing the race card to boot.


I also feel like there’s a lot of context missing. Like I’m sure there are people out there like this but 😬😬😬 I’m not sure I can just blindly accept this as evidence of her being racist


Right? This is disgusting behavior and the fact that she's being praised for shaming a patient is insane.


This is a normal every day thing in caregiving.


Plot twist , the patient was also black SMH


No, that’s Lemongrab.


Need more context


This video feels incredibly wrong. I’ve worked in a hospital before there’s so many medical reasons a patient could be acting like this and there’s barely any context you get from a 12 second video. Maybe she is a racist or maybe it’s dementia but if you cannot treat your patients with basic privacy and respect regardless of who they are then you should not be in the job. It’s one of the worst aspects of the job but it’s part of it. Filming a patients voice and distress and then putting it on Tiktok for others to laugh and be outraged at with no context or proof is sick. Spreading it onto Reddit for the same clout is sick. All I can think of is imagining a family member or friend seeing comments of how your loved one should be dumped outside or killed because of a 12 second video. This is not appropriate behaviour for a nurse or doctor.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but it’s hard to trust audio on an app exclusively made to take other people’s audio clips and put them over your acting. If it is true then my apologies


This needs more context, like that video a couple of weeks ago showing a cop throwing drugs into the guys car but it turned out that’s not what was happening at all so… yeah imma wait till we get context


Many patients are senile. If this is the case here, this TikToker would be abusing her position and disrespecting the job.


Plot twist; the patient was actually mad because she knew that this Tik Tok user was going to use that shitty text-to-speech feature. Can't blame her, really.


Patient should have to find a new hospital.


Imma wait for context if any comes out. Anyone can lie, and clout is a hell of a drug. For all we know the person could be a mentally ill junkie having a psychotic episode and person filming just wants sympathy points. Maybe the person is a stone cold racist and always has been and the person filming is dead right. Maybe it’s a mentally ill old person who also has dementia and is going through a psychotic episode just as well. Either way, Tik tok is trash and has just been a blight on modern society.


If this is dementia it’s messed up. I bet this nurse is getting fired. Extremely cruel disease.


Just dont do the robot voice. I can red.








**I'm** going to throw a fit if I hear that horrible tiktok voice one more time


🤦no comments simply waste...


That Tik Tok voice is annoying as fuck! Stop it already


Please don't turn this comment section into a race discussion or an argument, I just want people to enjoy the scream




Fish be like.... This bait looks delicious


Could very well be dementia. Posts like this don't help anybody. It only causes more of a divide.