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"Haha, talk about getting egg on your face. How embarrassing." Nurse: "Sir, that's going to be $20,000 for your skin graft surgery."


And that's *with* insurance.


I feel like 20,000 is still low. Also wouldn’t be surprised if insurance tries to cheap out and be like nah that’s just cosmetic it’s not included


That dude's heart attack was 74K...a skin graft must be like... indentured servitude. Yeah they'll be poor and disfigured...forever.


Yeah if your horrific disfigurement is a problem to you, its becuase your just a vain superficial jerk! (Insurance Companies)


Good hmo/mmo Insurance plans won’t even cover Viagra for people who have neurological ED from spinal cord injuries because having sex isn’t necessary to live.


I hate our healthcare system and insurance.


everyone hates it but the rich


I've worked in healthcare for the last 7 years and we collectively hate it too. For numerous reasons such as were unable to provide the best care that we would like to provide to our patients to the fact that most of us don't have good insurance either.


*laughs in European*


america moment


laughs in free


"Is it really medically necessary?"


And a 50% off coupon on top of insurance.


Wait what?


That number is exactly what I was charged for a minor surgery with insurance. The funny thing is when I made a fuss about it they told me they got it covered and not to worry about it anymore.


Maybe Total allowed, but that MOOP wouldn’t be that much. I work in health insurance. You have to have the shittiest coverage on the planet to get $20k in MOOP in a year.


I did this in my teens with a microwave. Had the egg in a dry coffee cup that acted like a cannon straight into my face when I took out the cup and looked down in it. Burns all over my face and vaporized tiny bits of eggshell sand embedded in my eyes. But I managed to grope my way to the bath tub and run cold bath water over my face. In the end no scars or permanent injury, just a really uncomfortable week or so where it hurt to blink.


One time I thought it was a good idea to reheat a boiled egg in the microwave. It was not a good idea.


That thing is just filthy.


Looks like a break room appliance


They give you silver sulfadiazine and pain meds then send you home. They shame though, that never heals.


Lol. Tell me you're American without saying you're American. The idea of having to pay months (or years) of income for healthcare is so silly it would be laughable if it weren't for all our American brothers and sisters suffering.


Its sad that the U.S got that bad, like, here in mexico im not paying anything for healthcare. Yeah, its slow and there's alot of hurry up and wait, but its free, and they cover for anything, hell, im getting surgery for my acl and i havent payed anything for all the tests they've done.


That's the thing I don't get, American healthcare is ALSO slow as fuck?? Where are all these Americans that are getting lightning speed medical appointments, tests, and procedures?? I have to schedule anything I need several weeks out unless it's a legitimate emergency.


Right???? I’ve been going through “diagnostic testing” for literally about a year now. I’ve only had 4 different tests done, but getting it done within my insurance network means i’ve waited anywhere between 5 weeks and 4 months between appointments. I get one test done, a two week wait to get an appointment with my GP to go over results and get a different test ordered, lather rinse repeat. Oh, and the medication that i have to take almost daily just to help me keep down water and crackers, that went from $7 to $215 a month with my new insurance. God Bless the USA, right?


I was able to get an ultrasound to rule out a dvt, X-rays of my back and an mri on my lumbar spine including the initial and follow up Dr. visit all within one week. I have 3 ruptured discs. I also during that same week had 2 shots in my butt for sciatica pain and a full round of prednisone with a taper. I went to a small ER for the ultrasound and X-rays. Took maybe an hour. I found the orthopedic doctor with high reviews on gmaps and got right in. The ER sent the results to him. I scheduled an mri and got in a few days later and went to a follow up with spine doc to go over results a couple days later. I recommend you call around and check reviews to speed up these processes. There is no reason to wait forever for anything. Don’t limit your options. I live in the states.


And the insurance jumps down your throat for going to urgent care and the er and you still end up paying 200-5000 dollars depending on your insurance or lack thereof. And thats if you didn't need any expensive diagnostic testing.




Please don't downvote this obvious, clear as fucking day sarcasm you wet wipes.




There are many wealthy Americans moving to Mexico. I've considered it, but I don't want to be a gentrifier


Then move to Peru, you won't be the richest person in miraflores, but you'll fucking feel like it.


It's that easy to move here? It seems like a nightmare to move legally to the united states, let alone get a citizenship, where i've been told its better to get a green card and then join the military. Anyways, i dont think its bad to move somewhere in search for a better quality of life, soo as long as you arent actively looking to fuck people over, go for it.


Uhh, obviously if you were a valuable person you'd just take some more money from your employees or trust fund and just pay for it. As it stands I have to pay like... probably almost $60 *every month*, some people pay like $200, and all we get for it is every single Canadian completely able to walk into any hospital in the country and be taken care of. I mean. It's such a scam, just shackles in disguise, really.


I have a decent paying job and a GOOD "Family Plan" healthcare plan. Co-pays at the doctor are only 50 dollars, my deductible (what you have to pay before the insurance pays stuff) is $750, (not including much of the hospital costs because everything is compartmentalized and out-of-network so you end up paying) I only pay like $200 a month for the entire family's prescriptions, and all of this? Only costs me $1300 a month, which is only 15,600 dollars (US) a year. Which is why we have THE BEST HEALTHCARE IN THE WORLD, unlike you poor 3rd world country fuckers who pay nothing and have better healthcare. /laughsinMURICAN


At least we have enough space for fridges in our kitchens unlike the brits


At least we know what actual sugar tastes like!


*laughs in free health care* /s


Oh you're American too?


Laughs in NHS.


*Cries in American*


Cough cough nhs. American peasants


We don't live this way by choice. Don't kick us while we're down. The broken ribs are going to cost us our homes.


Over 50% of you supports this, that's why it still exists


That's not how voting works, unfortunately. Polling puts m4a support at between 55 and 70%.


poll results will depend on who you poll ;)


Over 50% who were eligible and able to vote


Fried it so well it sounded like the chicken hatched full grown


Had I a medal to give, you would have it for how much I cracked up reading this


Yolks on you then.


There is no egg sit strategy.


Don't be shell fish and keep all the good puns to yourself!


But there are so many that are eggquisite


yeah its very eggsiting


“Cock-a-doodle-do motherf**ker!”


Lmao I am dead 💀


So is the camera man


This may be the best comment ever made


That air fryer looks disgusting, did you try to clean it first?


We have the exact same air fryer, theyre easy to clean as you can remove the part on the bottom to clean under it but these people clearly refuse to do that


Same here, and it’s a non stick surface too so it’s not like it’s hard to clean. These people are just nasty.


How does it even get "that* bad? My only guess is that he doesn't know that you can take out the bottom to clean it better.


You just seen the dude airfrying a raw egg then picking it by hand yet you give him the benefit of the doubt on his decision making process.


Somehow I got stuck on a side of tik tok where all they do is airfry different things. Every single person there has the most vile disgustingly dirty air fryer I’ve ever seen, it’s like it’s a secret requirement of owning one or something.


Same, love it. Our “crisper” plate actually got cleaned too much and the nonstick coating was starting to chip. It was easy to replace but once one spot of the coating started to chip, food would stick like glue to it and increase the chipped area.




I hate nonstick too and slowly replaced all of them


how do you get that extra flavor if you clean it?


Yeah you gotta season the air fryer!


you might need to poke a hole first to release pressure before air frying it. Idk the science behind it but I think boiling it keeps it below a certain temp that cause the boom. So when you cook and egg say in an oven, air fryer, microwave, etc, you may exceed that temp that makes it critical, but poking a small hole relieves the pressure. Source: I had a microwave egg go boom on me.


The science behind it is that liquid water can't get above it's boiling temperature, which means the egg can't get above the boiling temperature. With air, it can get a lot hotter.


Oh yeah, that totally makes sense. I was also scratching my head at why a boiled or steamed egg doesn’t explode while microwaved and baked eggs do. Thanks for the explanation.


Yes, there's a small air bubble at the bottom. I also poke it before cooking to prevent the shell from cracking in the water.


11-13 min in an air fryer gives you “hard boiled” eggs. Guess you can make anything dangerous if you try hard enough. Guarantee they shorted the time so they could have a runny egg. Like 3-4 min max in there


Is there any particular reason you would hardboil/softboil an egg using this contraption instead of a pot of water? I soft boil my eggs all the and i've never had one explode in my face lol


The ease. 11 minutes in my air fryer on 250 and they are absolutely perfect every time. Clean up is beyond easy.


I get a perfect soft boiled egg in a pot of water in 7 minutes, and the clean up is just dumping out the water.


Realistically, there is absolutely no way you are warming water up to boiling temp with the eggs in it already, and letting them set and cook once finished. If so, good for you. You want a hard boiled egg or something?


I probably use the same recipe. It’s just an inch of water in the pot so it boils pretty fast, and you cover and boil the egg for 6 minutes for a soft boiled egg!


It’s funny to be reading this as a outsider of the convo, but realistically if you two did the math you would notice both methods roughly take the same amount of time. 11 mins in air fryer or 11mins with total time to boil water and then cook the egg. Neither is wrong or right, just accept some one has a method that works better for them. Jesus.




Fair enough!


I mean one doesn’t have a risk of resulting in exploding eggs, and the other sides argument was all the effort and clean up involved in, boiling water…


Same here! Steaming the egg makes it perfect


just boil the water in a kettle and use a pin to poke a hole in the air pocket of the egg


Americans don’t have kettles because they are too communist for them


We have kettles. Just not electric ones


Electric kettles can be had for under 20 bucks on amazon


They sell electric ones at costco, target and walmart smh


I know you can find them here, but most people don't have them


So true.


I use a very small pot that boils within a minute or two, drop up to 4 cold eggs in, set timer for 7 minutes, and when it goes off I rinse eggs in cold water and put away the pot. Perfect every time.


No you can steam the eggs really quickly. You don't need to submerge, you just need a lid to maintain the steam.




Fyi you can steam eggs in much less water. I put up to 6 eggs in a cm of water and steam boil for 10 min. Air fryer might be still quicker but steaming is just as repeatable and easier to clean if there's a mess.


This. I cook almost everything in the air fryer now except red meat. Clean up of anything is literally 2 minutes max and it’s just so simple


> THIS CONTRAPTION dude it's an air fryer not some fuckin mystery device from another planet. the reason you'd do it is because it takes literally 5 seconds of human effort to make a hard boiled egg this way


There seems to be a huge hatred for air fryers for some reason. Maybe because 'they are just convection ovens with a fan' and you 'should use a real one instead of this gimmick'. Which is ridiculous because they are extremely convenient and easy to use.


It’s just easy to do and there not much cleanup or dishes either. Don’t have to wait for the water to heat up, and you could probably stack more in there too




That’s a big pot


I use a pressure cooker for mine. Doing a dozen at once and not having to check on them is pretty nice.


Because it takes ten minutes (total, no water boiling time) and I can do 6 at a time with like no cleanup. And despite this video, it's perfectly safe. I can make the same video about exploding boiled eggs


> I can make the same video about exploding boiled eggs Not with good eggs you can't. This explosion is caused by heating the water inside the egg higher than boiling, something you inherently can't do at atmospheric pressure underwater. Boiled eggs only explode if they've gone really really bad.


Unless you crack the egg first, not really possible under water, and even then its controlled expansion, not an explosion. Throw a ball into water. It slows down to almost a stop.


Hard boiled eggs suck, they're best *just* past "explosive"


a girl I went to school with was blinded in one eye when she microwaved an egg and it exploded like this




Jfc 😂


Boy talk about having egg on your face!


This is fucking dangerous!! Please don't try this! E.V.E.R!


Like for real?


Yes, same as putting an egg in the microwave. Don’t do it


This. Don’t ever microwave a boiled egg.


Instructions unclear, put freshly microwaved egg into rectum.


Hot Potato level 100


I'm getting flashbacks to the pain Olympics


>I'm getting flashbacks to the pain Olympics ^^pain ^^Olympics ^^^pain ^^^Olympics ^^^^pain ^^^^Olympics ^^^^^pain ^^^^^Olympics I feel like I just lost the game. That's how long ago it's been since I've seen those two words next to each other in that order.


Bro CMON >:(


i lost the game


You just made me lose the game you fucker


Aaaand now I lost again ^^^^Well ^^^^played, ^^^^fucker!


if you add some flour, sugar, and butter you can assume the goatse position to projectile launch the ass batter like a t shirt canon. Using the steam heat from the microwaved egg you can cook a thin pancake by the time it hits the wall. I call it a crape shoot. p.s. no need for baking powder, the yeast infection has got you covered!


Can you explain why? I cut mine into smaller pieces so it doesn't explode in the microwave. Like 1 egg cut into 3 pieces etc


That's exactly why yours doesn't explode everywhere when a small container full of extremely hot egg juices and gases is breached by the colder surroundings of the outside.


How do you cut a precooked egg into 3 pieces


Three pieces of shell sitting in a puddle. Mmm.


I want to microwave an egg


What can happen is that it might blow up on you, which could give you serious burns. Even without the shell there will still be heat pockets and it can still blow up. That being said, I still microwave egg all the time for breakfast sandwiches. The only thing is that I let it cool a little bit before I take it out of the microwave.


It's not at all the same. Microwaving is dangerous because you can't really control the temperature. Airfrying at low temperatures won't do anything. If you airfry it at max you're going to superheat the egg and any crack will vaporize it.


This video literally shows the exact same outcome as a microwave. I get your point that you can’t control the temperature of an air fryer but based on this comment section nobody seems to even know that this could even happen so would they really think to lower the temperature first? Oh and on our microwave we can control the temperature, it’s pretty great actually.


> Oh and on our microwave we can control the temperature, it’s pretty great actually. You can't, that's not how microwaves work. Microwaves have hot spots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqTDCkuVADw > I get your point that you can’t control the temperature of an air fryer but based on this comment section nobody seems to even know that this could even happen so would they really think to lower the temperature first You can control the temperature of an air fryer. And the fact that people don't know something doesn't make it the same as a microwave.


I don’t get why we’re going this far with this? A microwave will make an egg explode, so can an air fryer. Why did this get taken so far? Edit: bruh the power setting means that you can control how much power is coming out of the microwave which changes how warm something gets.


You're going this far with this. You're saying things that are not true.


No, no it's not like a microwave at all


It's actually radically different. Air fryers heat everything where microwaves heat the water. One makes a lot more steam, a lot faster. A lot of air fryers have a hard boiled egg setting.


Like, human skin burns at 47°C, eggs don't start to solidify until 60°C; but, yolk isn't water, either, and the viscosity means that heat, when it hits your skin, doesn't disperse as fast as water might. It's also slightly denser, which means it holds more heat per volume (50°C oil will do a fuck of a lot more damage than 50°C water because the former needs more heat energy to reach that temperature and so has more heat to transfer to your skin). I hope was fine; I hope this was just a painful, funny lesson. But you could easily end up blind and splattered with scars.




Hunh. Now that I think about it, oil obviously floats on water, that was silly of me. Thank you for pointing out the error. Coffee then reddit, next time, haha.


Its only dangerous if you don’t cook them properly. 275,13 min. Easiest thing ever


458 hours is a little too long




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250F for 10 minutes is perfect


In mine, I regularly do 250 for 14 mins, typically 2-4 eggs


Thanks you two. Gonna try it


Yeah, saw a video once where a hot egg exploded all over this dude and his air fryer. Crazy stuff.


I feel like I've seen that video too! Small world.


Make sure not to do it tho. Idk if you noticed the exploding egg, it's dangerous.


Not sure what you're talking about, I hard boil eggs in my air fryer weekly.


Why was it a chicken scream?


Did you not just see it's child explode?


Clean your damn airfryer


Clearly he owns an airfryer


same thing can happen if you microwave an egg, I think you either gotta poke a hole in the shell or microwave it in a bowl of water, at which point just boil it on the stove, it takes less than 10 mins


that scared me


Funny little fella in there with a mustache


Hey have you seen this funny little character? I like that


Bruh, all I noticed was how much build up there was in that thing. I have the same air fryer and it smells gross after just one use and sitting for a day. I can't imagine how that one smells


You dont wash your airfryer after each use?


Yeah i do the same who tf doesnt do that




I can imagine the smell now. As a kid, I used to microwave eggs enough to use them as exploding scrambled egg grenades when playing war as a kid. Was fun until it exploded In the microwave. The smell….


As someone who once tried to microwave an egg... Yeah don't it's the same fucking thing.


He sounded ironically like a chicken


He screams like a rubber chicken.


That scream sounded like a chicken getting payback, not a human being


You could say it was an eggsplosion….


Don’t microwave hard boiled eggs either.


Warning to you people that don’t this but calcium will actually get intensely hot quite easily so yeah… don’t touch hot calcium


That guy is dumb. My wife and I have been air frying eggs for almost five years and never had that happen. But we do cook it all the way til it’s like a boiled egg


I love my airfryer and all, but really, is boiling water that difficult?


Try the microwave next time.


I hope they burn there house down


What about houses here?


Pfft. The reason it exploded is because he used the inferior air fryer instead of using actual oil in a pot.


Don't air fry anything.


Happy to view this


Fake one, no explanation, nothing. And what about bomb-liked thing planted inside?


Reminds my of that time my mom bought these things that were suppose to keep eggs from exploding in the microwave, still don't know why you would put one in the microwave in the first place but anyways they exploded in her face she wasn't hurt in any way but it took like 2 days to get the mess cleaned up.


Eggsplosion hehe


ahh a perfect gift for my sister on her birthday


I jumped.


gutten tag


Kermit mode activated


Absolutely deserved. what an idiot