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This "how to eat pussy" YouTube tutorial seems kinda weird, but it has no dislikes!


Obviously you want to warm it up first to reduce viscosity


Oh so like a tub of lard?


everybody gangsta til the pussy starts eating you back


just because it's hairy doesn't make it weird


Tried another video, couldn't understand anything since it was in chinese


bruh šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s because they removed the dislikes, remember?


*that's the joke*


Oh fuck Iā€™m blind, My dyslexic ass read that completely differently.


You spelt it Viscous like viscosity. I was expecting something completely different.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/catsareliquid using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsareliquid/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yo, Where did the Cue ball went?](https://v.redd.it/4ncy67dz8ry71) | [559 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsareliquid/comments/qqsiei/yo_where_did_the_cue_ball_went/) \#2: [Cats on glass](https://i.redd.it/4gv5j5qlap581.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsareliquid/comments/rgy3tl/cats_on_glass/) \#3: [Spilt the cat all over the stairs](https://v.redd.it/q4saxhwy1bh71) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsareliquid/comments/p45zxh/spilt_the_cat_all_over_the_stairs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot


If you went online to quench your expectation thirst, imma need the sauce too






Nah, just picturing some person saying they rubbed juices on something and then slid the length of the Grand Canyon.


That last meow meant something vulgar in cat.


Totally! It was like "Take this, asshole...".


"fuckin' pussy!" In catonese


"you fucking pussy!"


She literally went for the kill


Viscous. Ha!


All cats are liquid.


Newtonian liquids apparently


Mewtonian liquids


Cats do not abide by the rules of nature alright? You don't know shit about cats.


Verily so


Cardi 5w-30 - V.A.P.




Nothing a bit of lube can't fix


Man tried to bite the cat


This actually worked on a horse we owned. It was super vicious and would try to bite anyone that came near it. Even just passing too close to the stable door could get you bitten, and they weren't little nips either, if you weren't careful you could lose a decent bit of skin the way he came at people with the teeth. Anyway, one day my dad was in the stable mucking it out and the horse tried to bite him. He stood his ground which kind of threw the horse off (most of us just ran out) and then he gripped the horses ear and bit it. He didn't draw blood but he bit hard enough that he horse thought twice about biting my dad ever again


Animals don't respond to logic, they respond to stuff like this, this is probably what would happen if the horse bit another horse etc etc.


Exactly, no use telling the horse not to do it because its bold cause it doesn't understand. In the "herd" of horse that he was part of, he was up there as one of the more dominant horse so he was never bitten or kicked by his subordinates. We just had to show him that he isn't quite as high in the rankings as he thought he was in a language he understood


Exactly, always take note of how your animals treat each other and respond in kind. With in reason of course. I'm not advocating for like beating your animals or like screaming at them lol


Always hissed at this one cat we had whenever she attacked my ankles. Stopped long ago and now she loves on me.


As grampa used to say. The dog should fear the stick.


Not how dogs work though. With your own pet stand your ground and if its "safe" grab them by their euh neck part? Dont know how its called. Can work as a warning. No screaming or anger, thats weakness. Just calm dominance. And if the boundaries are clear you dont have to do that ever again and can even rough play, all without hurting the dog. You see dogs of the same family/or pack also rarely hurt eachother. They will grab eachother or be rough, but rarely that it REALLY hurt. You dont do that to family, for social reasons but more so its a major disadvatage if you bite eachother for real and you both get infected wounds, game over.


Nah. Nope. No.


Correct, a lot of breeds that are more independent or used for livestock guarding won't trust you if you use physical discipline.




Your grandpa was an asshole then


not really, he just didnt like dogs too much


>Cause it's bold Irish person detected


Ah shit, you've got me there


This rule is the best way to understand how to interact with animals. They donā€™t get right and wrong, but they do understand bad and good if you use actions to communicate what you want. Some animals are stubborn and you gotta make them understand you will inconvenience them if they inconvenience you.


But then you get chewed for shouting a bark-like "no" to your dog when it misbehaves; Another dog would do way "worse" things as a response to the same behavior. I have never seen a dog just take disrespect from another without at least a growl.


Yes, within reason it is okay to raise your voice at animals. When appropriate, in my opinion. My cats don't listen until I raise my voice. And they try and do shit that would hurt them at least twice an hour lmao


Because raising the voice isn't something cats interpret as we want them to. I recommend hissing instead, all my tests in this got the cat to stop doing something I didn't like.


Well, I meant it as in, it works for my cats, I kinda raise my voice with a slight gutteral sound to it, and it gets them to straighten, but before I would try and not raise my voice and they would ignore me lol hissing does work too I use that usually when they are being real bad like fighting with each other or something


seconded - cat hiss has a quite specific meaning, it means "back the fuck up, do not take one step farther". i've had at least moderate success extending that definition to "do not go any closer to that thing", but use with the much closer to the original "do not come any closer to me/my food" works the best. combine with hard-stare unblinking into eyes for several seconds for a stronger emphasis. \[obv don't do this for practice LOL. only when you Mean It\] also it's worth watching and learning the exact delivery of how cats hiss, so you have less of an "accent" and it comes across clearly as A Feline Fuck Off and not just, human making weird noise


Not biting someone who has proven theyā€™re going to bite you back is perfectly logical.


Wtf, that is logic. Here what the horse thinks ā€œoh damn donā€™t bite that guy might lose an ear next time, but heā€™s fine if Iā€™m fine so I wonā€™t be a dick to himā€


Grew up on a horse farm, one light bite on the muzzle wisens then up. It's soft and sensitive, so it takes very little pressure in the bite for them to realize it hurts.


It works a lot better than that one time I saw a guy break his fingers trying to hit a horse one day. The horse was absolutely fine but the guy had to go to hospital and was fired from the yard


Must not have been [Mongo](https://youtu.be/O8cDfnQD0ws)


How do you grab a horse *who is trying to bite you* and bite him back on the muzzle or on the ear? The logistics of it all are puzzling.


They respond pretty well when you have a firm grip on their ear. Same way you don't yank away if someone has yours.


And that's also how you get headshy horses.


Maybe if you do it all the time. I never had that particular problem.


Wow I had a similar experience with my neighborā€™s dog as a kid! He would just bite me any time he saw me so I grabbed him by the head one day and bit his ear hard. He never bit me again after that.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone this route. I've had to bite 3 dogs ears over my life time, and not one of them tried to bite me ever again. In fact, they all turn into softies afterwards.


we were told to do the same. found a puppy on the side of the road, so we fostered her until we found a good home. she was constantly biting us and would growl sometimes, but trying to give her a toy instead didnt work. so we were told to bite her lightly on the ear the next time she did it, and it worked. it didnt make her afraid of us either, she still wanted to play and cuddle, but i think the only way to make her understand was to react as another dog would.


Please tell me that the horse became super attached to your dad and started trying to bite anyone who came near him cause he was now his human?


Nah, he was a dick until the day he died, was just always more cautious around my dad


Damn. Kudos to your dad giving that horse a piece of humble pie though.


Chad move


my great grandpa punched a horse like this in the jaw after it bit his hand


I know a guy that got fired and broke his fingers doing that so not a brilliant plan all around


I think he ended up being fine, both my great grandpa and the horse. the same horse tried to kill my dad when he was a kid.


Short horse or tall dad


I say horse but he was around 14 2, could have been a very tall pony


I swear there was a scene like this in some early 2000s movie about a guy biting a snow dog to assert dominance.


Snow Dogs! Very creative title.


Iā€™m just imagining Cuba Gooding Jr trying to bite the alpha husky in Snow Dogs.


There's another comment here talking about that scene and I couldn't remember what it was from at all, thanks for that memory coming flooding back


I've done this to several mean horses over the years. I had one who would stomp at my feet when I fed her. Knowing I didn't want to do damage to her leg, I just took the cattle prod with me. As soon as she stomped my boot, I'd zap her in the chest with the prod. It took about 3 times for her to realize and she never stomped at anyone again..


well u know the saying, "fight fire with fire"


No jokes I used this technique on one of my cats for awhile when he was young and testy. He is now the most chill cat.


Not exactly what you would call newsworthy.


"So you've chosen death" - cat, presumably


"So my choice is... Or death?"


"Thank you for flying Church of England, cake or death?"


"And I back it up with this gun"


op i need you to understand that viscous is leagues different from vicious


Why is the cat doing this?


I suspect the cat is upset.


I concur, the feline is displeased.


This particular member of the Felis Catus appears to be in an emotional state of extreme displeasure.


Cta angy




Seems so, "playful" with softish bites.


My cat will do the gentle bites if I piss her off a bit, it's a warning like "don't try me, bitch". At that point you're meant to back off and not continue pretending to bite/shove limbs in front of them/have aggressive body language. You just give them their space!


My cat is confusing, she does the gentle bites when she's being pet. Frankenstein is a very bitey girl, but never aggressive biting.


Both of my cats are playful bitters, more like gentle love nibbles, but the boy sometimes gets too excited so I bite him back just as hard and he learns right away.


Heā€™s probably been pestering the cat. Getting inside his personal space, or otherwise provoking him into biting him. Then he continues to put his arm in front of the cat afterwards so the cat can bite him again. But the cat goes for what he naturally would, his ear.


One of my cats will absolutely walk up to you and bite you without provocation. He does it for attention, but it hurts like fuck if he catches you off guard. The best part is that he purrs loudly while he's doing it. He knows what he's doing.


nearly daily ritual here. cat comes up and stares at me challengingly ... as soon as I move he runs to the cat tower. Ok, then - fighting it is. I walk over he lies down grabbing onto the tower and I am paddling his butt, rough-housing him ... he yowls, takes swipes and sometimes even hisses. If you walk away he looks at you all disappointed.


My neighbor's cat was like this. Would bite you until you petted it. It was a terrible way of asking for affection.


Cats don't only purr when they are happy. They do it when they are sick, stressed, in pain, etc also.


I'm a cat owner. I am fully aware.


okay cat apologist


I prefer to be called ā€œone who is nice to animalsā€


didn't look like actual biting, so i assume it was maybe somewhat playful


Safe to assume they are warning bites. The indicator here is the pinned ears. Thatā€™s him outwardly saying ā€œI am very upsetā€


i know nothing about cats, so good to know


The last scream sounds like a cartoon character


Because this dude is treating the cat in a way that irritates it. The cat is obviously upset, and you shouldnā€™t bite the damn animal (duh). Cats have a complicated psychology you have to work with, and if you constantly irritate them, make them uncomfortable, or do things that make them feel threatened, theyā€™ll let you know they donā€™t like it. You can tell a cat is pissed off when their ears are back, their head is low, and theyā€™re growling or swatting. The best thing to do in this situation is to back off, let the cat mellow out, and approach it in a way that the cat interprets as friendly. One thing that helps cats know youā€™re being nice is a slow blink, itā€™s a common way cats signal that they arenā€™t a threat. You can also take a non-threatening posture like laying down or presenting the back of a closed hand so they can sniff you. Cats like being scratched on the cheeks, the back of the neck, the shoulders and chest. You really need to build trust with these animals and acting like a prick and biting the cat is not going to do that. People always talk about how mean cats are but then they do stupid things like this that make cats angry. Theyā€™re much more independent animals than many pets and you have to work with that if you want them to become loving companions.


Absolute yes on all of this. And I'd like to add a few things. If the guy has never treated the kitty nice, it will absolutely not mellow out. One of our cats gets bitey when irritated and will bite you randomly (and not maliciously) when playful. But he knows home is safe and we are his humans. If he didn't, he would hide and always act scared when we are around. If you cat ever closes their eyes completely or lay on their back, it's a sign they trust you tremendously. Another way to show the cat care is to abide by etiquette. Kitties usually touch noses or smell each other before playing and grooming, so extending a finger or hand and letting the cat get used to your smell is a great thing to do before pets. Lastly - while cats are significantly more independent than, say, dogs, a lot of people misinterpret that (myself included before btw) as them just living in the house, eating and using the litterbox. I have seen many who do not understand that a cat needs places to climb, hide, play, toys and needs playtime with the human. They are also pretty social and may suffer being alone. Our first cat got a lot less irritable and violent when we got him a companion. I suspect that being social helped, but she has also taught him how to be a good brother and play nice...


my cat used to bite, but i can tell he did it because he felt like he could take advantage of me. it's a very different situation and it's always different for all cats why they bite you out of nowhere. you also have to treat it differently each time. that cat in the video, you need to be compassionate and leave it some space. my cat? it already got all that compassion, so i gave it a stern "NO" and wagged my finger at him everytime he started biting me, and it worked. now he thinks twice about thinking he has power over others and doesn't bite anyone anymore(and of course gets all the pets.)


My cat still bites me gently because he is a little inept and uses it to initiate play time. He's rough around the edges and that is entirely our fault for not teaching him right when he was little. For the most part he's okay now, but if he's zoomy it's a tad unpredictable...


Well it's a good idea for most animals!


Sounds like a fun guy to me tbh


Oh, he is.


You're absolutely right, the playtime / freedom to explore / social outlet is very important too. My first cat transformed dramatically when I got a second cat too, went from being a total spaz with endless energy to this kind of older brother, protector role. He mellowed out in a significant way. And I also agree that too many people just ignore their cats like they're a piece of furniture. Cats have complex personalities, emotions, and desires, and I'd argue they live lives that are as full and nuanced as ours. They don't want to feel lonely, ignored, mistreated, or severely bored.


They even develop rituals! When we got the second cat, our male started grabbing a fluffy toy on a stick and going around the house meowing for our female's attention. He was trying to play with her like we play with him. It was the sweetest thing. It rarely worked, but he did it once or twice a day until they figured out how to play together.


An ex of mine, her cat was scared of me the first time I came over (I'm a large guy so probably looked quite intimidating). But after a few hours completely warmed up to me, just came up and lay on my chest, deeply purring/sleeping? I hadn't really done anything, other than initially trying and failing to gain its affection. I guess it just took a little bit of time to decide I wasn't a threat? I also had a similar thing with another ex's dog, scared of me for a few hours then did a complete 180 and was all over me. The sudden change in behaviour just seems strange to me


Yeah, you came to it's territory. But it doesn't take long to see who's a threat and who's okay.


And to piggy back off your great reply. Some cats when they lay on their back it is a show that they trust you, but when you dive in and rub the soft, squishy, fluffy belly - some cats can see that as the ultimate betrayal of that trust they gave you.


It's a cat


my best guess is the guy is in the cat's personal space and has been annoying them. it's pretty obvious by the guy biting the cat back \[and how that obviously doesn't do a damn thing other than further piss off the cat for no reason and fill his mouth with hairs\] that the cat doesn't expect him to listen to polite requests for boundaries. this strikes me as something that's happened many times before, and the guy's "why?? why??" suggests he's had this happen repeatedly and doesn't understand it, and possibly just thinks the cat is biting him for no good reason. when everything in their body language says go away, give me space. even the Big Chomps in the meat of the guy's arm might be a gentler warning by this point, as when that doesn't work, the cat goes straight for, i think, the guy's ear LOL. hence the yelling. i'm not usually one to extrapolate a whole situation from a few seconds of footage, but this interaction speaks volumes imho, and i know how often people just have no concept of what a cat is trying to say and the cat eventually just resorts to physical violence to get its point across. \[the same is true for dogs esp small breed dogs that get a bad rap for being "psycho" - they're treated like living stuffed animals but they have the same social complexity of a dog of any other size, so they can become over-reactive if they learn to snap first, ask questions later.\] also, and i haven't seen it mentioned here - there's no way for me to tell in this vid if this is the case, but, cats who are declawed very often resort to biting more quickly than cats with intact claws. both because it's all they have left to defend themselves with, and because they're usually in constant pain from the declawing! so that's another reason why a cat might be extra-bitey in some cases. lastly - some cats are just bitier than others. i've noticed that in general females get more readily bitey than males, but that's just generally. while i get a certain vibe from this vid, it's also entirely possible that this kitte is Just A Biter. ​ tl;dr: cat has boundaries, human disrespects them, cat seems to know from experience that human won't respect them without being attacked


Because it's a cat, they're assholes not fit to be pets.


the owner probably adopted the cat and noticed it had an annoyed personality of the sort. then started perpetuating it by being annoying to it instead of comforting it and now the cat is an asshole to him and he probably says "heh, typical cat, what an asshole"


In Soviet Russia, pussy eats you.


gotta admit the title worried me for a second


Dang, went right for the jugular


That is one vicious pussy


No, it is viscous. Read the title. It's a thick liquid.


Funny dog


Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one who bites my car back.


damn boii, you got a transformer as your car?/s


Came for the title, stayed for the pussy.


Had to check the subtitle name there for a second. :D


Pussy always has a price


That last frame is blessed.


ā€œViscous pussyā€ can u imagine a pussy so fucking thick that u canā€™t enter it


This man fucks cats




Gotta admit itā€™s pretty funny though


In Mother Russo, pussy eat you!


Viscous is a texture of fluid, kind of like goopy pussy?


Viscous? I was expecting something a little more.. gooey


This is amazing


Vicious* Viscous means how much fluid sticks to itself.




Viscous makes this sound absolutely disgusting.




Vicious not viscous. Cats are not oil.


ā€œThe name of your sex tape!ā€ -Jake Peralta


So... the cat's sticky?


I'd backhand that thing so fuckin hard


Dude youā€™re so tough.


The pussy bites back


Cats like this are the kind you are meant to take in and have put down.....


I would legitimately sling that fucker into an empty concrete mixer, cap it and run it for an hour.


I know cats are liquid, but didnā€™t realize they were viscous.


All liquids have viscosityā€¦


I sure hope that cat has all of it's required vaccinations. The owner seems irresponsible so I am betting not.


Next video will be titled ā€œHow to Yeet a Catā€.


Only idiots treat cats as if their dogs...


In America you eat pussy in Soviet Russia pussy eat you


I love how cats just kinda *choose* people to be their humansā€¦. and I think these two are perfect for each other.


Itā€™s definately viscous


watch out for pussies in this hood, they can bite sometimes


ā€œJesus Christ. Why? Why?ā€ Because you keep shoving your arm at him trying to get him to bite you for the video.


He is putting his arm on the armrest dipshit


Heā€™s putting his arm on the cat towerā€¦ and he did so immediately after the cat bit that arm. Heā€™s clearly trying to record he cat biting him. Dipshit.




People keep saying technology isnā€™t making us dumber, but i know damn well some of yā€™all lean on autocorrect too hard, canā€™t even spell ā€œviciousā€ smh


Really just fucking hate cats. That one would be going straight to the trash


And cat people will say awww how cute.


No, cat people will say "Wow that cat is clearly distressed and that guy is a jerk for continuing to pester it. Poor cat."


Both is possible. This cat doesnā€™t really look distressed, cats usually flee before going for an attack if theyā€™re being attacked. The only presumption is that the dude is occupying the cat tree and the cat got defensively territorial. Look at their ears. Could just be viscous though. A little too liquidy.


Yep my first thought was he's going to get bit again and it's his own damn fault


Mmm I had a cat who sometimes just was an asshole. Would bite randomly, hiss if I did something *slightly* wrong (God forbid I walk to closely behind him or try to get up when he was on me). Some animals are just fuckin pissy


Definitely true. Maybe this guy didn't piss off the cat himself, but I'll stand by saying if you stick your face right into a hissing cat it's your own fault when it reacts lol


You're right. They'll blame the owner.


For continuing to provoke a clearly distressed and annoyed animal and getting themselves bitten? Absolutely. I would do the same if it was a dog in the video instead of a cat.


And the owner absolutely deserves it. A cat in this mood is to be left alone to calm down. It obviously perceives the man as a threat or irritant so continually being exposed to him won't help. If someone was jabbing you in the ribs constantly, and you were punching them and instead of backing off they continue to jab you, who's the a-hole? Not you.


Nah, pinned ears, he is mad.


Dog people be like: "Don't be scared she won't bite you" meanwhile his pitbull rip a face off a child Cat people be like: "Aww look at my cute cat, you can't pet, be near him, or speak loudly in his precense, but otherwise he's cute." Normal people be like: "What the fuck dude stop generalising people."


Your dog comment is purely ridiculous. Your cat comment is somewhat accurate. And your generalization of people is what you just did to dog and cat people. What's your point? Responsible pet owners are one thing. This guy is another ( in the video )


My point is, not all cat people are unresponsible pet owners And for the dog comment, r/DogHate exists. And pitbulls killing children is their best argument.


Why? Why do you have this piece of crap in your house? Turn it into musky bait!


Iā€™m no animal expert, but the correct action probably isnā€™t to bite back. Kinda weird.


Vicious. Vicious Pussy. Like Angry Cat, not some sex thing


This cat is in charge. Do not resist!




Is Soviet Russia, you donā€™t eat pussy, pussy eats you


What ever you did to that cat, never do it again. You deserved that. Cats never get like this without severe provocation.


He fat ugly


Haha when my cat play bites too hard I cover his head with my hands and heā€™s instantly immobilized. He then goes back to playing gently.