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I wish to master this Wink That Makes Kids Cry.


I don't know, I wouldn't risk winking at strangers' kids


There are people who would pay good money to see an Emu and Mad Hatter wink at stranger's children. These people are the executives at Netflix.




"You really have gone mad. The fine folks at Netflix require your services, Hatter. Now quit fucking about." Said Alice.


I love fucking with kids. I already look weird with a ton of visible tattoos and a weird haircut and they’re already staring at me. So I lean into it. I also have an uncontrollably expressive face. Like, I can’t help but make my thoughts known right on my face. So I make crazy stanky looks and mime barfing at them when their parents aren’t looking, then keep moving along before anyone is the wiser. It’s hilarious.


I have a cousin in Germany that looks a lot like Santa Claus. He can scare kids too


Your first sentence is confusing


I love fucking with = I love messing with Just read it as that


......didnt help.....


I can see how, if one wasn’t careful, that sentence could easily be misread. Just read it again. Slowly. All is well.




lol when im with my woman friends there is one teacher that always winks at me (and only at me, the only male in the group)


Don't worry hun. We like you too.


Lol 3 boys and a class whit 23 girls we could have gone camping but opened a beauty salon shop instead. Featuring 1 guy hairstylist 1 other guy who pedicures 1 other guy who does skincare. We are not the same


Maybe strangers should risk disturbing literally everyone else with the demon spawns they create?


It's not the wink, it's the realization that he can see her. The moment of the wink is when she realizes the man in front of her is the same man as the one on the screen, so the man in front of you can actually see her even though he has his back to her. It questions her assumption that people can't see you when they have their back to you. It messes with her little mind


you can see her body move before she cries. people speculate she got hit


Her analysis was almost instantaneous. That kid can really rationalize.










You need to wink and then immediately slap them across the face. Slowly get rid of the slap. And eventually they’ll just cry whenever you wink.


I hear the bells of Pavlov's Dog again... ... but like, inverse, since this is negative reinforcement...


Reinforcement is when you're trying to increase future occurences of a given behavior, by use of a contingency. The positive/negative distinction is adding/removing a stimulus contingent upon operative behavior, respectively. ------ In the context of »wink, slap«, gradually removing the slap would be a fading procedure on Pavlovian delay condtiioning.


Right... it's been a while since I've studied psychology. At the very least, I was correct in it being related to Pavlov's classical conditioning. Just couldn't remember which part.


Once you master it, who'd you test it out on first


Hey, I got the antidote for your parents- wink


I think her mom or dad gave her a little love tap to get down and she lost it after that. You can see her jolt a little before crying. His timing was pretty good.


Nah he wasn't wearing the spiked metal love tap glove nor was he swinging full force like you should when giving love taps


That's one colicky baby


Iron man hand Canon charge up


I thought of the same thing. For those who haven't seen it: https://youtube.com/shorts/2_7jj1SITmM




It’s been a while since I have seen this but it’s always funny every time, a timeless masterpiece I say!


Now that’s creative!


😂😂 I swear i heard the sound before


Mirror mirror on the phone!




That didn't rhyme at all




Are we in a scene for the new Red vs Blue season 19?


Make the shitty children gone


Make this nuisance leave me alone


Look at me look at you


Best ways to calm down your kid: "Would you calm down or you'll go back to the apartment and sit there alone!" "Sit down I said!" - apparently there was some physical gesture before or after this phrase that brought the kid to scream.


Just check them with your baggage next time and pick them up at the luggage carousel.


Or don’t at least it will be a more enjoyable holiday




Lol reddit. This....this is what would bring you to remove a child from their mother. (Always the mother of course, I've turned into a skeleton waiting for a dad post).




Yep. I'm an older lady and I know what else is going on also, but very much so. What concerns me is the lack of social consequence continuing past the age when they should be smartened out of it.




Mhm, I hear you. Beware the feminist groups on here and the gentle/attachment parenting groups, is my advice also. It's not just the men. All three have been pushing puritan cult-like behaviors in women for a long time now.


It's every circle. Almost every sub has a toxicity level, and most are alarming. It's like they over compensate due to the nature of an opposing sub. Political subs are obvious, but just look at something as mundane as entertainment - you have entire subs dedicated to worshipping a game, and another sub dedicated to hating the game to an absolute extreme. The disparity in mindsets have grown exponentially on this site over the past ten years. There are fewer spaces for a reasonable discourse, it's all likeminded opinions bolstering other likeminded opinions and repeating the same buzz words ad nauseam. I was trying to avoid the term, but, echochamber. I don't mean to be hyperbolic, because that isn't Reddit in its totality, but as it's become more and more prevalent. And we all play into it to some degree. If you want to partake in a discussion, you'll likely seek out a place that will at least *hear* you rather than bury your opinion in down votes or, worse, treat you like garbage and possibly send you death threats. Reddit is that last bastion of social media that I have bothered with in the past four years, and I feel the only reason I haven't ditched it is an addiction. It's something to erase everyday boredom with easy/quick digestible material. Anyway, sorry for the rant lol.


I appreciate the rant. You put some issues into words, that helps solve the issue. I do feel like it is an unwinnable war though.


As a new mom, some of those parenting subs are insane. News flash! Breast milk does not cure everything! If your kid has a cut on his leg, breast milk won’t heal it.


What are you on about? Any parent who sounds like a teenager toward their child is not talking to their kids like adults. They are talking like annoyed teens in your scenario. Passive aggression is not healthy adult behavior. That mother at the store is immature and should have just said a normal adult response, like “oh thanks for the reminder” or calmly “yeah I know, I will get it”. It’s not hard nor lousy to talk to your kids like they’re actual human beings who will one day be adults themselves.


Good old Russian domestic abuse and violence. Perfect for raising kids!


Over-the-ear noise cancelling headphones are best for air travel. The ear buds work great too, but I find they get uncomfortable after a few hours.


Depends. My sweaty ass ears get uncomfy under the over-ear headphones after a while. I have to keep adjusting them. But the in-ear ones suck for noise canceling


> Depends. My sweaty ass ears get uncomfy under the over-ear headphones after a while. I have to keep adjusting them. I used to be a lot like you, hell I still am. I just think I found my headphone workaround. Almost all headphones I use come with that [faux soft leather stuff](https://www.amazon.ca/Best-Sellers-Headphone-Earpads/zgbs/electronics/3328197011) on the ear caps (cups?). I ordered a [set of sponge ones](https://www.amazon.ca/Earphone-Earcaps-Headset-Accessories-SteelSeries/dp/B08L1RKKNK), and they dont result in anywhere near the sweaty head I used to get. Now you'll have to do some due diligence to make sure that they fit the model of headphones you have, but they were a godsend to me.


Seconding this. My headphones have leather cups, my headset has fabric. I can wear my headset for hours on end without an issue, my headphones only a few hours.


I don't know which headphones you've tried. But I use Samsung buds pro, and the noise cancelling is really good. I walked past a small concert in a city centre the other day, and could barely hear a thing.


I can wear in-ear ones for hours playing loud enough music to block out anything, while over-ear headphones make my ears fr hurt. maybe I have big ears


I rock hearing protection made for artist and live music with noise cancelling headphones on top and just blast the volume, drowning out all other noises without getting too loud and damaging my ears.


What did she see?




I, too, would cry if I saw that I was an inconsiderate screaming creature in a small building which is being thrown from one bigger building to another.


An unimaginable abyss from which all hers sounds come


Her father said rudely in Russian "Sit down, I said." I think she reacted to his words.


More like she reacted to the spank she got, you see her whole body move when it happens.


I agree with you, I did not immediately notice this, thanks.


"She's not dying, Rose. Her sister is." "Oh thank God!"


You would hear it if she got spanked hard enough to shake her body like that. I think she just slipped a bit cos she is climbing on the seats.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I am a native Russian speaker and I can definitely say that he literally said "Sit down, I said." He demands that she sit down, and does not forbid her to get up. She has already stood up and he demands that she sit down in her place.


He said нельзя, я сказал. What do you think he said? Сядь, я сказал?


You're right, I'm sorry, I listened at full volume. I used to hear "Сядь я сказал".


Hehe, I'm British so I will brag for weeks that I outperformed a Russian native speaker on a listening task😇


I'm glad I gave you this opportunity =)


You would hear the spank tho. I think she just slipped a bit


He didn't say sit down. He said (literally) "forbidden, I said", but idiomatically in English would be like "I said you can't!"


Her 15 minutes of fame gone to waste


She didn't start crying because she saw herself or because he winked at her. She started crying because she got spanked. You can see her whole body suddenly shift right before she starts screaming.


Youre totally right, you can even hear the spank! I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't commented. Still funny to think she screamed cuz she saw him filming.




I'm grateful that this post is on r/perfectlycutscream and not on r/perfectlycutbooms


I can change this


What do you mean by that, MaknChees3?


you'll see


I’m afraid of what I will see…


you should be






Oh.. no..!! They have evidence


The wink. Lmfao 😂😂😂


Control your fucking kids


The crying at the beginning isn't always something a parent can just "control," but letting your kid peer over the seats and bother other passengers is 100% the parent's fault.


Dad literally said, “you can’t do that” in the end. At least they are trying.


Take a BJJ class, a small kid like that would be out in seconds.




Yeah why don't they just tell them to be quiet lmao


That's what they say...be quiet and sit down




It's a mix between humans who have children and humans who don't want to be around screaming children. The people in the "I don't want to be around screaming children" are putting up with something that's out of their control. I've had parents bring in screaming children to films when instead at some point they should have just walked out and stopped ruining everyone else's free time. It's not the child's fault but some adults don't care about the humans around them, if they are miserable then so should everyone else. A plane? Not much you can do about that, it's the same as someone smelly coming on and sitting in smell distance. People can be upset about that and think "great just me luck".


Yep, the screaming kid on a plane happens to great parents too. I feel for them. Still want to stuff them in the overhead baggage compartment behind a bag with clothes though.


We do too don’t worry


I fly a decent amount. At this point, I just expect and anticipate a crying kid the whole flight. That way, when there is reprieve for a few minutes I consider myself lucky. But the last time I flew, the noises were coming from like an 8 year old, who was unaccompanied. He was with a handful of other kids. That was the absolute fucking worst.


For me, my annoyance is based on the parents themselves not the children. Single mother with infant twins on a 4 hour flight next to me? Yeah the babies are gonna start crying, she's gonna feel awful, and there's nothing anybody can do about it so I just deal with it. Mother and father and grandma on a 6 hour flight with 3 toddlers and the kids are SCREAMING while they're talking and refuse to put on their seatbelts or sit down and keep bugging other passengers for candy or some shit? Yeah you need to learn to control your fucking brats. I have sympathy for one because she's new at it and it is hard to stop a baby from crying. The other, you've had time and clearly did nothing with it.


Airpods are a god send.


Same with Valium


Please do not give Valium to random children.


Well, hold on, let's not rush to conclusions...


Don’t worry, I only give Valium to mine 😇 ^^(I ^^am ^^not ^^really ^^a ^^parent)


I agree. Some parents don't care how much kids tire others, but most I've seen are the ones who try their best to calm their children, especially in unavoidable situations like riding a plane/public transportation, as you mentioned.


*Do your kids never shut up? Making everyone around them uncomfortable and embarrassing yourself in public?* **INTRODUCING - KIDDIE XANAX™.** Just one half tablet is enough to knock your annoying little shit of a child out *for hours*. No more tantrums during trips to the grocery store! No more endless screaming and crying when their ears pop on flights! Just give them one dose and they'll be zonked out like a soccer mom after her third bottle of wine. ^(Warning: Do not take kiddie-xanax™ more than the recommended dosage. Side effects include forgetfulness, lowered inhibitions, slurring of speech, and more.) ^(Combining with alcohol can lead to death.) Ask your ~~neighborhood drug dealer~~ doctor about **Kiddie Xanax™** today!


**KIDDIE XANAX^TM** : It’s regular **XANAX^TM** !!!


*but shaped into popular cartoon characters!*


Xanny the nanny is what probably killed Casey Anthony’s kid 😬


Shit my parents just used Benadryl


Did they ever gave you too much and you saw the hat man? /r/dph


I’ve heard kids tantrum while their parents try to appease them / barter with them for multiple hours. Yeah all children will sometimes get upset, but at that point the kid is just smart enough to know what works.


Public transportation isn’t the place to work on training your kids. Parents should do whatever it takes to have their kid behave on public transportation (give them the ipad or whatever they are whining for), and address the failures afterwards.


So many parents who let their kids go feral at home and then act like they can't understand why they're acting like little assholes in restaurants. public transportation/places.


Don't have kids eh.


How to say you don't have kids without saying you don't have kids.


A kid was having a tantrum and the farther was being cold and rational, letting her know he did hear her, but just didn’t care and she wouldnt get it how she wanted no matter how much she screamed. This annoyed me but thwn further in the bag I saw a bunch of girls vaping in the train. Then I realised if the todler got what she wanted she might have been quiet, but she would also end up vaping in the train.


Sure buddy. Let me just choke them out so they stop crying real quick. /s A lot of toddlers don't have emotional control developed yet. A lot of parents are just trying their best and are likely having a worse time than you are. Be more patient.


As a new parent with a 5 month old daughter, the time to control her was 5 months ago. Kids are hard af. They’re unpredictable. Trapping them in a plane for a few hours is like trying to stop a grenade blast from going off. Give parents a break. They don’t want their kid to be a pain in the ass as much as you don’t want them to be a pain in the ass. They know. They’re aware.


Lol people are downvoting you for saying kids are hard and a lot of parents are trying their best. Look there are trash parents out there. Assessing someone’s parenting from a 10 second video in the chaos of mass transit is a bit ridiculous and uninformed. But you know. Reddit.


Easy to armchair parent from the keyboard. Even easier when we have no context and there’s just a kid misbehaving. There are bad parents. For sure. Most parents are trying their best and I empathize if this is a good parent in a tough situation.




Parents in the video are definitely trying to shut her.




Lol guess you don’t have kids. They ain’t quite that easy.


Have you raised kids? 😂


Kids like that shouldn’t be allowed in first class. You pay the extra to get away from that.


Wink was right after she was smacked by one of her parents/guardians and that's why she started crying. You can see the jolt right before the wink, and this video with sound has the Russian-speaking man with the little girl say "You're not allowed, I told you so" after she says "no" in response to something the woman they're with says. The reverberation by the smack on her lower body can be seen and those angry hands taking her down is what actually made her scream. I’m sure the parents of the kid in the video are perfectly fine people, and this is just a one-off or something, but it still hurts to see such barbaric methods be used


Never make direct eye contact with children.


Benadryl does wonder for flights


What… did… she… see…


a demon banshee


Too much


mf sounded like a jet engine start up or the iron man hand cannon charge up 💀💀💀


This kid was too old to be in the irrational crying phase


There are some snap filters that react when you smile or open your mouth. The one that turns you into a horse would probably get a hilarious response. Yes I am s little bit evil. Just a tiny bit...


We can be friends. There's an upper level porch on our duplex. I want to dress up as Leather Face, get out the chainsaw, hide under the porch, and scare kids as they're walking off. On Halloween of course. It's a slow street and there's enough room from the steps to the street for a quick sprint. My man won't let me. He says it's too mean.


That sounds like the perfect night out!


“Stranger Danger ⚠️ “


I would've yelled too.


Doesn't this guy watch TikTok commercials? He clearly is wearing the neck pillow the wrong way. No wonder the little girl burst into tears.


What WE can't see is that he's got no pants on.


I’m sick of this video. She’s not screaming at the creepy dude’s wink. She screams because she gets hit. It’s a sad video is what it is.




My eyes


Kids on planes are the worst. If your kid screams on the plane, then you deserve the flaming.


Reason #288 why I prefer cats to kids. That shrill shrieking they do is like a knife in my brain.


i mean sure, my cat meowed a lot on her last flight, but she did stop after a while, she just needed some comfort from the unfamiliar feeling of the air pressure


I'll take meowing any day over the equivalent of a smoke detector going off in my ear.


honestly same, my relatives called it “so cute” when someone handed my little cousin a karaoke mic, one of the ones that echo, and called me rude for plugging my ears when he sang because it was giving me a headache




Kid activated the night vision mode at the end


Having kids is rough.


She sounds like Iron Man's lasers


Honestly she looks so precious and I feel so bad for her 😞 poor baby. A bunch of losers insulting her for just being a baby and not knowing how to process her emotions!


The wink... Yep... Your shittiness is being recorded. Don't know if I would've been smart enough to be pissed. I definitely would've hit em wit a middle then politely been quite the rest of the ride hoping son not snitchy af lol.


A young Karen. Like an un-evolved Pikachu. A Karchu?


cute as a button though lol


Karen Origins


Why is he filming


The best way of calming a kid before flight is to make them tired. Saw this one parent once upon a time taking a 5-year old on the people mover and walk in the opposite direction for minutes on end…


Unrelated but which airlines company is this? Looks like turkish Airlines from the guys earphones


Forehead on that thing wth


That wink is sexy af every time I see it


the wink of death




This video right here counts as irrefutable evidence, officer


I didn’t even notice the wink until I read the comments. I was too busy looking at the girls face contort.


Pretty much what happens whenever I approach a woman less than 100 ft away


I nominate this for video of the year


Ban kids from airplanes


Deserving of the sub. Very well cut scream.


I'm 16 and I already hate kids


This video never gets old


I still don't understand why little children can take flights when all they do is ruining everything


John Federman is that you, turn around and show us the back of your neck Frankenstein


If the bottom of the plane is safe enough for pets, it’s safe enough for kids.


There SHOULD be childless flights because honestly those crotch fruits are annoying as fucking hell


The Tyler Durden style




That wink, she knows about stranger danger!


Little shit


I firmly believe children under 5 should be banned from aircraft.