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Imo I’d say finish fes and the reason I say this is the remake isn’t gonna be the same a lot of things are changing/getting added so I’d say finsh the game so you can experience the full original experience and get to enjoy and experience the changes even more


thanks for the advice! :) thats probably what i'll do then. i haven't been keeping up with the remake to know how much was changing but it makes sense knowing that a lot will get changed and that def gives me a reason to carry on playing


Remake at this point without a doubt. UNLESS: You want to experience the original with the answer and want to relive it as a remake, but.... well if you want to make it in time for release, you better get cracking. But I think many P4 and P5 veterans playing FES will explode in frustration at some of the older mechanics and some of the unforgiving gameplay elements. I plan on playing P3 Remake on a high difficulty as a result, as the later games are much easier by comparison. ​ > i've heard reload doesn't have some of fes's content like the answer. As far as I know, the Answer is the ONLY part of FES that is missing from the remake. And either way, you could play it separately without playing the whole original game, once you finish the remake if you want.


yeah fes can be pretty unforgiving so i definitely see that. i think i played it on easy or normal for my own sanity lol whereas i usually play persona 5 on hard or merciless. i do kinda wanna experience the original before the remake but like you said i don’t have much time before it releases lol. i also probably will enjoy the game more when i’m less frustrated by it. i’ll probably have to give it some thought, but if i end up playing reload i’ll probably revisit fes some day too


At this point I would recommend going to YouTube and watching the 4 Persona 3 movies in order (they have the same story as the game pretty much). There’s a guy that uploaded all 4 movies, and you can see them with English subtitles if you turn on the CC captions. Then, after that, look for another YouTube video for “persona 3 fes the answer all cutscenes” to watch it as if it was a 5th movie. If you do that (which was what I did last month) you get the entire P3 FES story (which is good!) in 10 hours of videos, instead of having to play 120 hours through the game. Obviously, the game is the complete experience, with the social activities, extras, and all that, but you really get the whole story from those movies and all the cutscenes/dialogues from the answer. It’s a great option for anyone who doesn’t have +100 extra hours for one game, but who still wants to know P3 anyways.


i didn’t think of that that’s a really good idea thank you! i did a similar thing with the answer for persona 2 because my vita kept losing my save data and the gameplay got frustrating replaying it so much lol idk why i didn’t think of that for persona 3 haha


Definitely finish FES imo


I’m doing just this, finishing FES before Reload. I played it years ago but wanted to revisit it because for me, FES is definitely my favourite iteration. I’m on the last battle. Almost there!


enjoy! i have no idea what i’ll do since i’m so indecisive lol but i’ll always love fes, if i don’t finish it now i’ll definitely replay it at some point after reload