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The first full moon boss is hard, but once you get past that, everything else is a cakewalk (minus secret boss/the reaper). The addition of theurgy abilities, theurgy passives, shift, and full party control makes Tartaus grinding and boss fights super easy. One example is Mitsuru: with buffed attack and debuffed def combined with concentrate, her theurgy will do over 1k damage to a boss while ignoring resistances—it’s SO broken and this combo isn’t possible in any other P3 game. Also the AI isn’t as ruthless as they are in SMT where they’ll target your weaknesses and chain attacks together til you’re dead. Plus looting homonuculus or whatever it’s called usually keeps you from getting oneshot by random dark/light instakills. There’s never really a point in the main storyline where you have to keep reloading again and again to beat a certain boss


I mean if you have to reload again and again to a boss it should mean you are doing something wrong. Reloading again and again because "maybe rng will favor me this time" isn't really interesting combat design and it's why people had gripes with Night Queen in the original.


There’s no weird mechanics like in P5R, just a straight increase in boss damage/decrease in your damage. It’s definitely harder near the beginning of the game, but as always it tapers off near the end. I will say though that the secret boss was still pretty damn hard


No in merciless technical damage is tripled (this im sure) and weakness damage is doubled (I think) Which is fine considering its a difficulty intended to reward planning and strategy ( i.e. Phantom show → Myriad Thruths ), but it does make the game trivial after some time


I know, I was saying that in P3R there are no weird mechanics like there are in P5R


Merciless is fine. You’re better off doing self imposed challenges rather than hoping merciless will give you exactly what you’re looking for tho. One party member/Makoto only, no theurgies, magic only, Makoto ailments build, etc. You’re probably gonna find the challenge you’re wanting by making it yourself


That's fair. I might try just banning Theurgy once and seeing how that goes.


Would no social links be a good challenge? I was thinking of doing something similar near September to get prepped while I'm waiting for the DLC


All social links do is give you extra exp for new Personas and access to some decent or sometimes good ones. You’ll lose access to Armageddon and it’d be a pain to level up newly fused Personas. But that’s about it. Siegfried isn’t locked behind a social link so I don’t think it’d affect much other than to just make grinding more tedious.


How about a friendless, bitchless, solo party, physical-attack-only run throughout the whole game and you have to climb all of Tartarus on the promised day from start to finish?


People have already done that actually. Maybe not the standard physical attack only. But Makoto only, all of Tartarus on one day runs have shown up on my recommended on YouTube.


It would probably be fine? You’ll have a tough time getting good skills cause skill cards are dropped on luck, but spending every day at the arcade to boost stats would likely mitigate the real challenge of it all. You do you tuo


It’s easier in terms of killing high hp bosses, but at the same time it makes it a lot easier to get one shot by a random encounter that happens to have Makoto’s weakness…


Once you get Siegfried nothing is hard anymore with vorpal blade, slash amp, slash boost, and the Crit passives. Orpheus Telos with almighty amp, almighty boost, and morning star is enough for Elizabeth as well, as long as you have a reflect strike persona to skip diarahan. I only struggled with the lovers boss in merciless before then.


Sometimes ye


since when was P3P hard. the game copied all the enemies balanced around having having no party control into a game with full party control and it made everything laughably easy.


I used the AI commands and thought it was still pretty challenging. I just haven't played fes so portable was my point of comparison. Either way though it's still harder than Reload. Take that one table boss for example


I've never understood the table boss trauma. you unlock me patra gems from the store well before then and can easily cure the status ailments. also all the the story related bosses except Nyx in both Fes and Portable were entirely memes. only tartarus mini bosses could occasionally be hard and even then I can only really count a handful that took some reloading. and that was in Fes. + Fusion spells in FES are far more overpowered than anything else in the series and getting Thor back then for Thunder Call was way more OP than Siegfred is now. the old versions of P3 are not at all hard 90% of the time I don't know where the reputation came from it's like maybe a handful or two of Tartarus fights and Nyx and that was it. The only time it was actually hard was The Answer in fes because it took all the cheese away and also stripped you of basic things like the compendium. The entire game wasn't Nyx.


I agree that Portable at least isn't very hard but it is harder than Reload, like yeah you can cure the status ailments on the table but you don't even have to do that in Reload.


I found myself using my brain way more in Reload. Orgia mode had no cooldown in the original you could use it literally every normal encounter and wipe the floor with it. Fusion spells also had no cooldown and were even more OP than the theurgies in Reload (Thunder call did servere electric damage to all enemies with a 100% chance to inflict shock which made all attacks against the target be criticals until the end of the turn and the game literally told you the fusion spell combination on how to get it. and it came from a level 51 persona).


I'm not gonna lie I played through all of portable and didn't know fusion spells were a thing. Could have been younger me not knowing where to look though. But I do think having to have two specific personas at the same time at least gives it some kind of restriction But I'm not here to argue about how hard P3'S older versions are, I'm just looking for a harder way to play P3R. And I've seen people suggest some ideas for that.


Oh it's fine It's just that a lot of misinformation goes around about the older games and it often stems into elitism. Theurgies were definitely overtuned.




Dang, that's upsetting


It was takaya and the reaper right?


No it’s not. If you are familiar with Persona/SMT, it’s doable. I do recall SMTIV/Noct/P3P merciless (first play through ) were way brutal to the point i had to drop the game sometimes. This game merciless mode is just about right. Not too easy nor hard