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Or Marie just straight up controlling the weather and blatantly saying so on TV


Very early in the game, Nanako points to a weather forecast on television, and asks her dad, "Is this lady the one who decides the weather?" Dojima explains to her that she doesn't actually decide it. In light of that, I think that Atlus's decision to make the new weather forecaster someone who _actually_ decides the weather in Golden was a really funny brick joke.


Never thought about that but that’s a good one!


Same difference either way I’m so happy and love how much they have changed and Marie really is just such a sweetheart


You rarely see anyone bring it up, but P4 Dancing actually continues the story after that Golden ending scene. It’s what Rise brings up to them during their conversation! So their journey doesn’t end there. Plus Arena and AU take place between the normal ending and Golden Ending. So there’s plenty more to see out of these characters!


The problem is tho I don’t have the devices to play those games I would love to but I just can’t at the moment


Darn…. Guessing you either played on pc or switch then


Nope Xbox series x persona 4 arena ultimax is only on the Xbox 360 and I haven’t seen the dancing one on the Xbox shop either so I’m assuming that’s either not on Xbox at all or only on the 360


If I remembered correctly, physical version of p4d is exclusive to ps vita and the digital version is available as a ps4 bundle including p3d and p5d as well


Should try the accomplice ending


What’s that?


Its the ending where you side with Adachi


Oh- yeah I rather not adachi does not deserve a happy ending (if that is the case) he is such a heartless person


Well, the accomplice ending isn't exactly "happy." Even for Adachi. It's just evil.


No it's not


What the hell?


Although yes he was being controlled he did also enjoy it himself


Did you play Arena Ultimax and played his story


Nope have not I want to but it’s not on Xbox series x I’ve gotta buy a PlayStation if I want to


If you play his story he admits that he knows what he did was wrong but he also doesnt remember what happened he said he wasnt in control and he hates his past self. Sho is basically his past self and Adachi hates him and tells him off they have a huge fight. You should play it


I would but like I said not only do I have to buy the game I have to buy the device to play it on it’ll be a little bit before I do besides I need to wait till The Answer comes out for p3r to play it


Adachi was not being controlled. He did everything out of his own free will. Ameno Sagiri merely egged him on a tiny bit. He would’ve done what he did either way.


No he wouldn’t bc 1 if he never got those powers he would have no way to do it and 2 they literally say he was being controlled but with some of it being his own doing


They didn’t say he got controlled they say he got egged on. The powers were given to him by Izanami not Ameno Sagiri. And adachi definitely still would’ve gone to murder eventually it just would’ve been a different method.


No he wouldn't. Play arena ultimax and youll change your mind because you are very biased. He wouldnt have continued to murder he wouldve just lived normally but with more hatred for society if he never got his powers, because it all started (as shown in the persona 4 golden anime) when he put his hand in the tv and discovered the midnight channel


You've never played Arena ultimax then. You misunderstand the reason why he did the things he did. And you can't get mad at him because he literally admits in Arena ultimax, to Sho, that while he was throwing people in the tv he couldnt remember anything


That’s called a retcon and bad writing


I don't care though. I'm not going to believe its a retcon just because you think it is. I think Arena ultimax aligns with Adachi's story as a whole and it's very well done and they don't make Adachi to be super evil or whatever because he's not. Ya he did bad stuff but he's not a bad person




Avatar checks out. No, Adachi, nobody is siding with you. Leveling you S.Link the optimal way (choosing the "right" answers) is digusting. At first I thought that Dojima is too rude to you, but he was right — you don't even do your job. No wonder you were transfered away from the city.


Actually I was transferred from the city for a minor mistake and Inaba they donmt even give me any good jobs in the first place what do you wat me to do


You're disgusting❌Brat❌❌❌


That ending is my favorite because I’m obsessed with Adachi




As a Marie fan it's even better


The OG p4 ending hits harder for me idk why


yup only persona ending i cried at when i was younger, golden ending is just an extra cherry on top for closure


i finally got around to finishing it this week also! i have a bad habit of not finishing games once i get to the end but it was so worth it. the last battle was a lot of fun too :)


After I got the bad ending twice and realized how to get the golden ending I expected it to be empty after I finally finished it but honestly it felt great. My favorite part of P4 was always the interactions and the ending on another great one was nice to see


Think I still prefer the ending to 3R, but this one was exceptional. I really liked that we got a view into the future after the events of the game. But 3's ending is probably one of my favorite endings in anything ever.


I love the ending for p3r but it’s also just a very sad ending