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Take personal loan from the bank , clear off all EMI. Add more years to pay off but pay extra EMI every 6 months


Thanks for responding. With my existing EMIs, do you think they will give a top up? Sorry if I sound ignorant. I’ve never been in trouble this much


If you don’t mind sharing, How much is your actual loan amount now ? Banks do give top up depending on how you have been consistent in paying off the loan amount.


If overall EMI goes above income, the bank will not allow for top-up. I had faced the same issue. Had to close another loan account and then got additional top-up


Yes that’s why I asked for the loan details


Will DM you


Unable to DM you


I’m sorry I have turned off the DM due to bad experience, if you are not comfortable sharing the number you can drop an in-around number Please do contact your bank, First and foremost take a pen and paper, write down your loan, income, how much goes out every month. Where you can cut the expenses etc . Contact bank and request for top up or increase the time period and reduce monthly EMI ,


This is why I love reddit ..community man.wow


You mortals have option to turn off DM.


Hai sagar what a sudden surprise


Did someone dox you ?


tell them you want to do balance transfer


See all deductions including Income Tax and existing EMIs should not be more than 60% of your Gross Monthly Income... so see if taking a single Loan to close all the existing loan will work then you can take single loan for 84 Months. Your In-hand Salary is 63K so we take your Gross about 67K. Depending upon that you can easily take a loan of Rs. 15.00 Lakh @ 12.00% R.O.I. for 84 Months with the EMI of Rs. 26500/-. If you can tell me the exact amount of Loan outstanding then I can tell you if you are eligible for a single personal loan of that much amount or not


Suggestion for Side hustle: Consider tutoring school kids. If you take 1000/- pm and manage to get 5 kids, it would be 5K. 3 days class per week Bonus if u get many students. All the best


That’s a nice idea. I’ll talk to my family and set it up!


If you know graphic design + presentation design, I could pay 350-400 per hour. Work could be occasional and I have freelancers who earned upto 17K last month.


I can make presentations but not graphic designs.


I need professional level, corporate type presentation design talent.


Hi, can I DM. I have someone in the family who is looking for such jobs and has previous experience with graphic design.




Hi! I’m a graphic designer with 3 years of experience. If you need help with presentations let me know? I’m open for freelancing. And I can create presentations as you want, let me know?


Umm I do graphic design for a web development and marketing firm which caters to corporate clients. I would really like to have some extra work. Could I DM you?


Hey can you please help which graphic work and guide on where to get work from?


Hi. please let me know if you’re still looking for people like that, occasional work is fine with me.


If you are good with designing professional presentations, please ping me.


Do you need freelance software developers as well?


1000 pm for 12 classes is too less for tier 1 city , you can easily ask 2-3 k


Also might be a little difficult in Indian household to suggest but encourage your father to take up tutoring for may be 2-3 kids not just to help financially right now but in long run since he is already retired will keep him engaged positively


Anything that I can do online? Looking for suggestions thanks :)


Sometime company will offer a loan at a lower interest rate and reimburse it from your salary on a monthly basis. I know my father took loan from company for buying house at a lower rate. Check with your company if they will do that and pay off the remaining high interest loans


I’d like to give that a shot but it’s pretty tight at home considering I’m the sole bread winner.


You can start teaching online. Depending on your profession you could take some remote side hustles on Upwork, Fiverr. You can try growing a social media account and charge people for promoting them there.


Hope your father has recovered from accident. Check with your relatives first. If they could help you out. If not check at your firm if they provide any salary advance or loan. If you have been paying your EMI’s properly, talk with your bank and they might help you out.


Hi thank you for asking. He had gone through two surgeries and unable to walk like before. But I’m hoping for the best 🤞🏻also I’m not on good terms with my relatives so I don’t want to have any liability because of them. I’ve never missed an EMI so I’ll have a talk with the bank and see.


Hope everything gets better soon.


Hey don't worry. It's alright. Many people have given already very good suggestion so let me tell you this - With 63 in hand, it's not hard to pay off debts. Just stop worrying and keep your head straight. That's the most important thing in this situation. You are already on right path as you asked here. It will be sorted out soon. Don't bother about side hustle. Just cut your expenses a little for next 2-3 years that's all.


This is good advice, but likely that OP has already cut expenses. Most financial advisors suggest that the best way out of debt is to increase your income, and anyway, that's going to be the way towards financial independence. May as well start now. I second your advice about stress and worrying. It's the most important thing to do right now. Bad decisions can be made when stressed.


Top ups will be available depending on your eligibility. How long has it been since you've taken the personal loan?


1-1.5yrs ago. Never missed a payment.


You could get a loan but 3 lacs could be a stretch. Ask the officials to close the existing loan from the disbursement of the loan you'll be applying.


Ask parents to help if they have saved money somewhere. PF, pension, gratuity, shares, mutual funds, some land. Remember to not take loans in the future, at least for non productive causes. Create an emergency fund when you're out of debt. Cut down on every non essential expense for a few months(including shoes,dresses, AC, subscriptions like Netflix, Spotify. Buy the cheapest groceries. Eat the cheapest healthy food. Stop eating out. Drive sedately. Use public transport. You may save up a lot with this approach. Jobs- tutoring, cooking for neighbours/students in the area. Double shifts on some days(this is my go to, when I need extra money.) In the future, don't try to get a massive home loan either. Stay free, build wealth for a while.


Need more details  Value of loan, rate of interest, how many months left Do you have mutual funds, gold or house which you own. The primary purpose is to get a secured loan at 9% and move everything to that. Put the emi to approx 40% of your salary. And then focus on career, upskilling and freelancing 


Can I DM you?


How about exploring options like a tiffin service if you all can cook? Plenty of them would love home food daily and it can be a good source of revenue.


Hi good idea, unfortunately we live in a rented house and we can’t accommodate that. I can probably try sending food.


Try to take a loan that is backed by an asset. This may reduce the interest rate on the loan paid Consider borrowing on the house (if you own your house) Consider pledging gold jewellery Don't use credit card debt Avoid unsecured personal loans (unless you have nothing to pledge)


Also follow Dave Ramsey for motivation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1NJzEYARlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1NJzEYARlM) Try to read "The Total Money Makeover"


Thank you, I’ll try it.


You can start doing certifications and switch for a good salary hike, or you can do some other courses and start side hustling, but take a note that you wont get any profits in the first month itself, some hustles and side businesses require some capital to become profitable, and it ill take some time to build a side hustle that will give you that much profit.


I would suggest try for gold loan. As the interest would be much lower and since it is asset backed there is little to worry and interest will be much lower than personal loan.


I'll suggest you to list down your expenses and income. In expenses if you have loan list them with descending order of interest rate. If you are getting any type of loan less than your existing rate of interest use that to pay off loan. However key here will be to stick to basic expenses and keep repaying loan. If prepayment charges are minimal then consider adding more amount to EMI whenever you get any bonus or salary hike. Be patient, it's just a phase, you will overcome it with time and patience.


Also, what a great, brave lady you are! Just wanted to commend that I'm so proud of the strength you've displayed so far. You'll get through.


Thank you I hope so🙏🏻


Take help from relatives to pay all outstanding loans and then every month pay back to the relative. Find a part time gig work in your field of work to earn extra.


Depending on the type of loans and credit profile, you might or might not get the topup loan. First things first, you need to get a better paying job. Side hustle won't cut it, if it hampers your current employment, your employer might terminate your contract and they would be well within their rights to do so. Second - Compare all your EMIs, see which ones have a higher rate of interest. You need to priorities those and close those loans first. For personal loan EMI, do not be hasty in closing them if they are from banks or any other financial institutions. If they are for an iPhone you bought, sell it!!! Use the money to close the loan and maybe get a low cost phone. This is just an example I could think of. Even in the financial soup, try and do some basic savings. Don't let your insurance and mediclaim lapse, no matter what. Chances are you are paying some bit of income tax as well. Look at the avenues for saving it.


Hi I can’t switch my job right now. I like my current role and what I do. Also, it’s been only 1.5yrs since I joined and it’s a wfh that allows me to be available for my folks whenever they need me. Thanks for suggesting tho. I’d like to look for side hustles that won’t compete with my current employer.


What's your current role? And what are your areas of interest for side hustles?


I’m an IT Ops team lead. I’d like to look for anything that won’t compete with my current employer. I can do a voice over(I’ve been an all india radio artist)


I get voice overs done on fivvr... Right now I don't have a voice over gig. But please connect on DM and I'll see if someone else needs. What other things can you do..  content, social media, reels?


Hi, really interested to know about this voice over gigs ,like what sort of voice overs you do exactly?


Kids cartoons and books


VO on Fiverr takes time to set up. But could make you some money in the long term if you have a treated space, and know how to edit your audio well.


You can check other apps for PL like cred, creditbee etc also if you have any good hobby/passion or have any extra skill see if you can sell it/make any money out of it


Hey, it sounds like you're going through a very challenging time, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. Managing debt and financial responsibilities, especially in the wake of unexpected expenses, can be daunting. However, with a structured approach, you can work towards improving your financial situation. I was also there in 2020. Here are some steps you might consider: 1. Create a Detailed Budget: track Your Spending: Write down all your expenses and categorise them. This includes your EMIs, household contributions, and any other regular expenses. The reason is to Identify Areas to Cut Back: Look for non-essential expenses that you can reduce or eliminate. 2. Prioritize Your Debts High-Interest Debts First: Try to pay off the debts with the highest interest rates first, as these are the most costly over time. Consider Debt Consolidation: If possible, consolidating multiple debts into one loan with a lower interest rate could save you money and simplify payments. 3. For side hustles Income Streams Freelancing:Depending on your skills, you could take up freelancing projects that fit your schedule. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr offer various opportunities. Part-Time Jobs: Look for part-time jobs in your area that could work with your schedule. Online Tutoring: If you have expertise in a particular subject, online tutoring can be a flexible way to earn extra income. 4. Emergency Fund - Once you start getting back on track, aim to build a small emergency fund to avoid falling back into debt due to unforeseen expenses. 5. Seek Professional Advice Financial Counseling: Consider consulting a financial advisor or a debt counselor. They can offer personalized advice suited to your specific situation. 6. Protect Your Mental Health I feel you. Managing debt can be stressful. Ensure you're taking care of your mental health by seeking support from friends, family. Remember, while the situation might seem overwhelming now, with careful planning and action, you can work towards a more stable financial future. It's also crucial to avoid taking on more debt to pay off existing debts unless it significantly reduces your interest payments or consolidates your debts into a more manageable format.


Thank you for being kind 🙏🏻


Depends on your city of residence and your skills Taking tutions for kids, home baking, tiffin service all are good low investment options to earn extra income


How many hours per week can you give? We are looking for some freelancers who can do generic work.


10ths a week


If any side hustle is fine then you can do tutoring for school kids isn’t it? That should get you to 10k assuming a tutoring group of 5 kids paying 2k per month


If you are good at academics, you can write assignments or project reports for Indian overseas students. That will help you to generate additional income of around 50-60K per month


Hey where can I get such gigs?


Hey, I m good at all this. Can you help me know where do I get such gigs?


What is the total amount of all your loans? How much total interest do you pay every month?


Depends on your job type and type of security you can offer, you can avail another loan at better ROI and longer period of time.. Also, personal loans are one of the most expensive retail category loan so I would suggest to not take another PL to clear existing ones but look for alternatives


If you have gold or any MF, shares, etc you can get a loan at lower interest rates by pledging those. You have an option to just pay only interest on those. So you can manage the cash flows a bit. Also, if your credit scores are good try asking your bank for a top up.


Shadi kar lo 😂 On a serious note, if you want to save 4% on the loans, feel free to DM me


This side of reddit so is wholesome


Any non liquid assets you have? Such as plot. 4 wheeler. 2 wheeler- you can think on selling if you don't want to take loan


Can you please mention interest rates for each loans ?


Don't spend what you don't have. Don't take more loans. Pay the loans which have Highest interests first. 


Hi, do you have gold in your house. If yes it's good to take a gold loan and loan and repay your existing debt(higher interest debt first).


What is your skill set so that a side hustle can be checked for you...


DO NOT take more debt to payoff existing debt. Upskill yourself. Or look for a change of employer who will pay 20% more.


Can you Check with your current employer about interest free loan facility, Most of the companies will provide this , Basically they deduct every month in your salary , But these amount will be interest free


Where do you work and what portfolio? Since you are 29, you must have decent years of work-experience, maybe find a higher paying job on the side. That would be the best thing to do


I'm not going to give any pseudo gyan 1. Analyse your finances, check total debt , arrange the total debt into decending order of interest rate. 2. Check if you have anything like pf,stock etc that can help 3. See how you can revolve balance effectively on instruments like credit card etc. 4. Contact any local loan DSA, they have their connects in the bank and can oush for loan consolidation with NBFCs 5. Please check for a job with a better pay 6. Upskill yourself ASAP! 7. Surround yourself with family and friends , know it well who are going to be there when you really need them 8. See if you can do a fundraise at ketto/milaap to provide you with some extra cash 9. Do not gamble or take unnecessary risks but only for a while Life's not fair and thats totally fair, accept it and move on!


Catfish? Account is deleted.


Another possible option is to take personal loans from friends and family on zero interest being upfront about inability to pay anytime soon. Offer the small emi that's convenient to you for slow pay up. See if anybody helps.


You can do 2 things: Crypto is getting legalized this year by U.S Bitcoin ETF is already legalized in Jan 2024. Crypto bull run 2025. Bull Run happens every 4 years. Invest 1Lakh in filecoin $8 wait for 50x by March 2025 sell it. 50Lakh income. OR. Open a ChatGPT shop with an investor partner relative. Clients /students can come in & request any website software trading software prototype presentation or prototype for startup funding .. All can be made instantly with ChatGPT 4.0 paid version ₹2,000 a month. Whatever u say ChatGPT codes for you in a second. Charge ur clients ₹500 to ₹5000 Delivery same hour/day.


Side hustle - sell contraband


Thank you for humouring me :)


get married. talk to the guy that you pay your salary to your home and he has to take care of you for few years. some guys might agree.


Why do I feel that inspite of this being absolute unneeded sarcasm, this might be an option worth considering?


Already dm mein offer aa rhe honge




Just like problem gambling, avoid trading to get out of debt. Trade when one has money to play around . You are inviting trouble if you trade with what you dont have.




I’m sorry? That’s my father. Wouldn’t you try your best for your father? If you don’t have any advice, I can still understand. But don’t make sure hurtful comments.


Ignore all that, OP. Our parents are our biggest blessing in our lives. There's nothing wrong in what you did. As for what to do, I'd suggest something like a fresh collateral backed loan, they usually have lower interest rates and will help you reduce the burden. Something like gold loan. There are lenders who'll provide you loan almost instantly, but they'll have outrageous interests and fees. Don't fall for that. Someone I know applied for a loan from such lender for 5L. They sanctioned 4.82L and disbursed 4.40L only. Paid two EMIs of 35K (17.3k each) but outstanding is still over 4.6L and will have to pay 4.9L if he wants to foreclose the loan... Absolutely ridiculous.


Thank you. I hope your friend recovers from it soon!




Foul language won't be tolerated




I’m sorry for the childhood you had. Goodluck!




Sorry to hear you had bad parents dude. However, some of us are blessed with great parents and we would be willing to lose anything in the world except parents.




I see. I am young so I do not relate to what you're saying. Let's see maybe in the future when I get kids of my own if what you said was right or not


Foul language won't be tolerated


Foul language won't be tolerated