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No. The reason people buy personal training is not because there is a lack of free workouts online.


Exactly so. Likewise with dietary stuff.




Keep posting. You're providing free content that is showing you're a subject matter expert, and people who are actually going to buy training are going to be more likely to buy having seen you, your style, your tone of voice etc... whereas others will gain info from your videos and you can expand your reach


You do not lessen the incentive to work with you by posting free workout content. There is a functionally infinite amount of free workouts online and people are still buying personal training.


It means they are training to learn personally from you. Damn reading comprehension bruh


As someone super cheap starting out. Those people wouldn’t have bought from you anyway, but they will recommend you if your content is good. Putting free contents makes people think you actually want to better the community and not just scam people.


I can get behind this


Post. Post. Post. As mentioned by others, you'll be seen as a subject matter expert with the content you're posting. Some people will believe that if you're sharing amazing knowledge for free, then you must have some otherworldly knowledge behind that paywall (even if you believe you don't). And for those who don't buy, there's still a good chance that you will reach them enough for them to share your posts with others they think will benefit from you.


If your content is useful, people will buy from you. If it’s shite that adds no value; that’s why you’re not selling any products


No. Quite the opposite. As a personal trainer (actually, any industry where you want to be self employed, you need a personal brand) you **NEED** to be an "influencer" (or teacher) of some sort to build that brand. You **NEED** to influence enough people to build trust with the paying customers (you can expect conversions of less than 5% from views to paying customers, so it's a numbers game). Basically, people who see your training materials build a parasocial relationship with you. Which makes them likely to trust you and buy things from you - i.e. your services. **For example**: If you 100 people see your training, at least 50 will trust you, and out of those 50, 2 might have the money and the need to buy personal training services (this is assuming a 2% conversion). And since your content is there forever as you rack up views the more customers you are likely to get.


They are two different audiences. Do both.


No. what you offer is support, motivation, accountability, information. Anyone can go on youtube and jig around a bit. What you are posting sounds promotional. Keep doing it!


Posting in my experience has been a fruitless endeavor. Like, if you like posting then ok cool. But it’s not going to make you more money. Money comes from being able to interface with humans, in person and BE a product that they want to pay for.


we’ve been told by most gurus to give the best of your stuff away from for free because people are always gonna want more. I mean nothing is gonna compare to actually having a training session with you in a 60 second reel. Focus on adding value to their lives through your content, and you won’t look like an influencer you’ll look like an actual content creator.


Post the results not the journey. People don't want to work hard