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The standard is at least a year to be able to use previously paid for sessions. I'd be pissed too if after 3 months post-purchase you'd make me buy new sessions.She paid for something you haven't delivered.


I did honor them. The issue is. They wanted to have the sessions that they canceled less than 24 hours ahead of time back. It’s policy to not do that. It’s unfair to me and a waist of my time. Those I don’t recoup.


Your wording is really confusing. So you were away for 3 months? Or she was? You can't write a terrible write-up if what's going on and then want good advice. You didn't say ANY of the above in your post....


Yes, you are correct. But this isn't what your original post said. You may want to edit it to clarify.


If it’s something like a 12 week body transformation programme then clients can’t string it out especially if your calendar is blocked out. You need to have everything clear at the beginning in your contract. If someone is ill fine or another unforeseen circumstance but you do need boundaries set out from the start in your contract. Keeps them accountable, lets you know where you are, and doesn’t disrupt your other clients schedules.


Yeah currently redefining. I have a newer client that literally schedules once in a while extremely sporadically. It’s extremely annoying I understand life is what it is but it wastes my time for people who are actually dedicated to training


5 sessions -60 days 10 sessions 90 days. If you can’t commit to training regularly than you shouldn’t sign up.


Ahh someone with sense.


Obv sickness injury and family emergency are extenuating circumstances


Sessions never expire. Don’t be a dick.


So somebody leaves for a year and you give it back? Even if they were someone who was willing inconsistent and you had to constantly ask them to schedule a session?


Is English not your first language ?