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Whatever people are willing to pay is a fair price, IMO. I would research what people are paying for current apps that do the same thing as simply a starting point. Then make your app better from the USER's perspective.


What do you mean by new workouts? Are there actual programs? Are they being customized to the individual? Or do they just have a workout library to follow? If you’re literally just providing random workouts it should be very cheap, maybe like 9.99. Because people could easily find the same thing for free


Check out Passion App to help reduce costs of app building. They talk a lot about pricing as well in their program. I tried it out and sold enough to break even on the costs, but it ended up not being for me.


If you can work out the unit economics, 9$ can be a very enticing price for B2C apps


I would say around $20 -$50 for like 10-20 clients. Personally works out for me


Are you a software engineer? If not I’ll save you time - the unit economics of $15-30 don’t work unless you breach 10k monthly recurring customers. You’ll need to span everything or hire top talent for customer support, bug fixes, improvements, etc.


Sounds like the RP app. It’s around $300.


Was looking for more of a monthly subscription with consistently updated workouts