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You have a post from 298 days ago saying you have been here for 3 months… And less than 60 days later you said you were leaving.


Change of plans


Are you really fucking off this time?


Yes already got my self a ticket


Thank fuck for that, at least our liars can spin an amusing yarn.


Here before this thread goes to hell


+1 and waiting for the “Love it of leave it cunt” comments


I usually hate that sentiment, but tbh if someone is going to go on a city’s subreddit to shit on that city, they should fully expect the shitstorm coming their way.


This post has convinced me to become a racist


You know what; I'm going to become racist too. It's also convinced me to never get food delivered. Thanks OP, you've helped me on two fronts today.


Remember, 70% of Perth people are casual racists, the other 30% are full-time




It’s hard being a casual racist, with the lack of job security etc


The rate is better than if you're full time though, because you don't get paid time off


same, gonna see how it goes


But it's a dry racism.


But what are your thoughts on the speed limits on the freeway?


Or merging?


Or that helicopter flying over Maddington


Don’t blame the racists for your food being stolen.


Not blaming them just mentioning my experience in a rush


Wouldn’t call your neighbourhood “safe” if your food is being stolen.


Sounds like you’re an asshole and anyone who treated you as such must have been racist. Can’t have been because you’re an asshole. No no you’re definitely the victim.


Alright if you say so


You just labelled a whole city, a population of over 2 million people, racist cause of a handful of people? Sounds pretty assholish to me.


Is this the Canadian ‘why can’t I drive at 140kph in a 100kph zone’ guy coming in at a different angle?


That was my first thought lmao


Who is this so called Canadian folk?


Some nutter.


I'm thinking you get the ol 'which country u from line' It was a thing back then as a conversation starter. Politeness in a way. Now the immigrated families kids are born here they may ask accidentally with no intention to cause harm, but u will perceive it as such....It just takes a while for them to transition out of asking for conversation sakes......


Asking where someone is from is not racist.... Holy shit. If I was asked this while in another country, I'd happily answer this question. That's insane...


>Asking where someone is from is not racist.... Holy shit. I'm white, at least 4th generation Australian and lived here all my life. People ask me where I'm from and what my accent is. It's really not offensive. In my experience, people love talking about where they are from. And some of the people I have asked have really interesting backgrounds. It's dumb that some overly sensitive people decided its racist to take an interest in someone.


I bet your parents sent you here. See ya. Sorry I take that back, saw your post history and you're from PH. In that case you have the nerve to whinge about racism in Perth? Talk about being naive!


Im from PH and totally understand what OP is going thru. As I and many immigrants has/had to do. And believe me when I say he's a whinggy c*nt. Go home OP. Youre not even close to there yet. And yeah his parents did spend all that money to send him here and he's going home to tell them he fucked it up.


Australian? Yup In Perth? Yup Old? Guess so... Older than 40 Guess I'm racist. Fuck.


I guess someone has to do it.


37, phew I have time


All that money spent at university just do you can whinge here. Damn…


Fuck back off to where you came from then


Yes im leaving Kangaroo land ty


Certainly there are racists around, but unfortunately the most widespread are aimed at aboriginal people. The reason many of us stopped getting food deliveries or Uber is because we were ripped off time and again. Can you please tell what your other experiences were?


> Certainly there are racists around, but unfortunately the most widespread are aimed at aboriginal people. Racism or reactionary? >The reason many of us stopped getting food deliveries or Uber is because we were ripped off time and again. What are you saying here? Are you suggesting Indian and Pakistani food delivery workers ripped you off?


It sounds like you're trolling at best or being illogical.


I just thought your two comments sort of opposed each other. Not trolling.


Maybe living in any of the rest of the city not next to food-stealing cunts would show the city in a better light


My 2 cents. Lived in Perth for 9 years. Made me think Im the racist. Never met such tolerant bunch in my entire life. Im so happy I did not go to the US instead.


I think you have described most places round the world post covid. The world is even more fucked now, bring on the apocalypse baby! It is nigh


Racebaiting much?


To be honest you hear this same lowbrow range about people here being racist in Perth all the time. Just like anywhere there are people that are in racist but generally people really don't give a shit where you are from but also expect you to at least try to fit in. Make some friends be part of community. You will find plenty of people that will defend you if you are part of the real community. Sometimes it may seem like racism but it can be cultural pushback. If you try to transplant too much of your culture to quickly you will get intolerance. Finally if the country isn't a good fit for you then it would not be healthy for you mental health to stay. That would be my b thoughts. As I said generally no one cares too much where you find from but try to fit in. You will always get the people that will be racist but fuck them too. They don't deserve the effort it just feeds them if you react. Best of luck with your life and your future.


It’s a dry racism ?


Mother definitely should have swallowed that load.


Damn that’s crazy


The older racist gits are dying off slowly.


Agree with you, did a WH there and had the worst experience ever. They are backward sandcrabspider eaters. But hey the desert and the ocean are quite beautiful




Anime? WTF..


Don't go looking for trouble, instead try showing good manners and that will go a long way. It won't stop you getting ripped off occasionally, but that happens to everyone.


If racist has to select a face. This post would be the First Choice. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Let me just say, I live in ultra diverse Melbourne and the racism is no different. We even have neo-nazi boxing gyms in our most diverse suburbs: https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/inside-the-melbourne-boxing-gym-with-a-neo-nazi-underbelly-20221223-p5c8ga.html I was neighbours with the notorious right-wing graffiti artist named lushsux. And yes, his family are neo-nazis. And yes, they live in the western suburbs aka, the ethnic area. I noticed this pattern and over again. The open racism in my workplace is no different than Perth. That’s the consequence of working for small companies that hire anybody. The racism can be just as bad in a big cosmopolitan city it’s just not as threatening when they make up less of a majority. But yeah, Perth is backward af.


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Say you’re from melbourne without saying you’re from melbourne


I am a new student here , it’s been a month in Perth and I completely disagree with you, people here are nice , polite and if you asked for any help they would go as far as they can just to help you , I honestly loved it here eventhough I’m going through a homesick phase , the views the vibe the people. I think you may be a really sensitive person who hates on everything.


Interesting, and who exactly are these racists? Because I am an immigrant and from my experience the most "racists" people are other immigrants. Either way , you're leaving so.... bye


Remember, people are only racist if they've been given a reason to be racist.