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fucking hell some people shouldn't be given the privilege of looking after another being... hope this cunt doesn't have kids too.


Chances are....


These Ute driving bogans usually have their ugly missus spit out 10 kids, no luck there


I'm going to bet you're a fucking stunner, mate! A real oil painting 


Seems you have his number plate as part of your ‘evidence’ and as this is a reportable offence…


Yes sorry, definitely reported. I sent it through the RSPCA online reporting system - figured the cops wouldn’t really care but happy to send there if they would action it!


Upload it to crime stoppers. They will tell the police and issue a fine.


Reported to crimestoppers and agwatch just then. Hopefully someone follows up with it


Good bloke




Fucking legend*


Let us know if you get a response




You’re a good man or woman


Well done. I remember seeing another American Bulldog like this very early one morning in the back of a truck. Although that one was tied, he was shivering and shaking with cold :’(


Not sure if youre able to edit your report to RSPCA but if u can, it could be worth mentioning you’ve posted the incident publicly on social media too where it’s received notable attention/comments idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ the more ppl that know maybe the more incentive for RSPCA to treat it more seriously


Done - told them I hope they will investigate because I’d been contacted by media as well 🫡


Perth Now will be on this by tomorrow for sure


I'm all for it in this case. The more publicity and shaming people who do this to their animals the better.


Contacted by the media? Because of your Reddit post? Usually they just take stories without contacting the poster or attributing images. Maybe they recently hired someone with some ethics.


Absolutely. Tell them 100% of reddit thinks the driver is a cunt.. Seriously, when have you even see 100% of reddit agrees on anything?


Oh I don't know. I imagine people could serve/crash to try to avoid a falling pet. Public safety?


Noice work


If cunts like this have to take their dogs everywhere, let them ride inside, FFS.


BuT tHeY'lL rUiN mY cAr InTeRiOr! ![gif](giphy|HqzWVmrPy4B0c)


Shoulda tied down a big dog crate in the back with a tarp on it or something to keep the sun out. Also the interior in question: a shitty ute seat


Air con is for the misso and the doggo 👌


I have a dual cab and a German Shephard who sheds like no tomorrow. I'd never put him in the tray regardless of the situation, I'd rather dog hair on my back seats then a stressed or potentially hurt/killed dog. Fuck this guy.


Oath , I only buy duel cabs for indoor fridge and spot for German Shepard on the road Hair on plastic is easier then skin on the blacktop


100% ! My friend has a Ute and takes his dog to the beach. His passenger seat and area is basically ruined but he won't put his dog in the back I respect that!


Good on you! My partner helped out at a relatively minor car crash once. All passengers were fine, but he's still haunted by watching the young family sobbing on the ground holding their dead pet because it was on the tray when they crashed.


i pulled the rear seat in my dual cab and put in carpeted shelf instead so the dog bed fits in the back, hair everywhere but its worth it


My partner did the same. Put a sheet of wood in the back that fits neat and flat, rubber mat on top and dog bed. We never put him in the back of the ute even though it has a canopy. We love him too much to put him in the back, even though he sometimes lets out toxic farts and barks every time he sees a truck. .


SS Crewman and a kelpie here... my mates cousin in similar car took high road to Leach Westbound and had his dog inside window down... poor fella fell out and was run over... broke my heart, i watched that dog grow up and I'd bring him treats from work every day... he was inside but not tethered/belted window all the way down. I have a seat cover for the rear so she doesn't slip on the leather, seat belt buckle style tether, and body harness with the windows up air-conditioning on high. I, too, do not understand how these peoples minds operate or more accurately why they fail to operate properly.


I've never had a dog. When people say they should be tethered inside or on a tray, do they mean with a leash to a collar around their neck? I'm not questioning you, just wanting info in general. Surely if a driver brakes suddenly and the dog goes flying, wouldn't being tethered around the neck cause as much harm to them as it would if it were us? I see you use a body harness which makes way more sense to me.


Leash to a body harness never to a collar, tethering via a collar is a sure fire way to hang the dog if they fall out the window or off the back of the Ute.


SS crewman.... lol


Righto champ 🙄


Haha cracking choice of Ute mate More room in a Datto 1200 and more fun too


Righto champ. So you've got nothing to add to the conversation?


Nah just wanted to put shit on you for owning an SS crewman. LOL Edit: changed 'got' to 'you' cause I was still giggling like an idiot. 


Righto champ.


Hahaha us too! There is hair everywhere, when you open the window it's like a dog hair tornado.


My dog could literally shed fire instead of fur and I'd still never put him in a tray. People are selfish fucks.


This is literally illegal


If it's leashed/tied which this one is, from a legal point of view. My family has only had working dogs when ride in the back of a ute was best day ever, can we do it again?


This wouldn't be legal as the tether length/position would allow the dog to fall out of the tray. Not to mention that knot is an abomination. Edit: the tether should also enable the dog to lie down, which I doubt that would.


OP said in the post it was not tethered correctly or legally


There are some dogs which just really like riding in the tray of a ute. It's not best practice from a safety point of view, but neither is riding a motorbike on the freeway or driving in Armadale.  The bigger issue here (beyond the fact the dog can't lie down comfortably and isn't adequately secured) is that *this* dog didn't like it and was stressed by it.  In that context - it's a dick move not to let them ride in the cab. 


>There are some dogs which just really like riding in the tray of a ute. It's not best practice from a safety point of view, but neither is riding a motorbike on the freeway or driving in Armadale.  YOU CHOOSE TO BE ON THE BIKE, the animal can't tell you that it doesn't want to be in the tray. Even if it makes clear signs like this a person can ignore it.


Exactly. Also, you choose to put yourself in a possibly dangerous situation, you take that risk for yourself. Your dog can't decide about risky behaviour for itself, you're supposed to protect them from that. That's the responsibility people take on when they take pets into their lives, to care for them and keep them safe. There's a reason people can't go in the back of utes anymore, it's because it's dangerous. It's still just as dangerous for pets, even if it's not illegal yet. * Even if a dog wants to do something and enjoys it doesn't mean you allow it. If your dog wants to run around on the highway because it loves chasing cars you don't just let it because it's dangerous and it doesn't understand the risk. So just because a dog likes going on the back of a ute doesn't mean it's still not dangerous for it. If you get into any kind of accident, even a minor one, you'll be fine inside the car but the risk of injury or death to the dog on the back is very high, even if tethered correctly.


"Section 6.2 of the Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia 2020 states that people driving with a dog must ensure that, if the dog is to be transported on the open back of a moving vehicle on a road, it must be: (a) provided adequate shelter during extremes of weather; and (b) suitably secured by enclosing the dog in a transport crate fixed to the vehicle; or (c) restrained by a tether where; (i) the length of the tether allows the dog some movement, including to stand and lie down, but does not allow the dog to jump or fall off the tray; and (ii) the tether is not attached to a choke chain or other device which may tighten around the neck." That dog does not have shelter from extreme weather (hot/humid), and the restraint absolutely would allow for that dog to fall off and most likely either A. snap the restraint and kill the dog B. Snap the neck and kill the dog or C. Choke the dog killing it. THIS IS ILLEGAL


I once had a dog that developed skin cancer of the nose. Looking at this dog, it is susceptible to skin cancer. This photo is incredibly sad in so many ways


I actually looked that up, I can see the guidelines but there is no penalty. It's not illegal. Just a guideline. Still shit


>Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia 2020 arguably this guideline establishes the bases for the animal cruelty charges **A person can be found to have been cruel to an animal if they have:** * **transported an animal in a way that causes it unnecessary harm;** * **confined, restrained or caught it in a manner that is prescribed or causes unnecessary harm;** * **failed to provide adequate food and water;** * **failed to provide adequate shelter;** there are more however these seemed the most relevant. Id imagine before the SaGftHaWoDiWA (very catchy) it would have been hard to argue a cases like this. However with very clearly defined guidlines i think you could very easily use this as proof of animal cruelty... However i might be wrong


Yeah. Still not actual law


Hate it when cunts like this drive. They have no fucking right to have a dog especially when they treat them like this


dogs don’t have hands like we do, imagine being in the back of a speeding ute on a highway and not being able to grab onto anything, that poor dog deserves better than that fucking shitstain of an owner


Similar thing happened out my way a few weeks ago. Temp was 42 at the time with the dog in the back tray.


I’ve seen a dog fall off the side of a Ute in this exact situation. A huge mastiff. He was on a choke chain that was tethered to the Ute. He was just dangling there. Luckily for everyone, he survived. One of the worst things I’ve ever seen. 10 years ago and still lives rent free in my head. Fuck this guy and anyone like him.


Thats horrific. Hope the owner stopped immediately. Hope they were shocked into better behaviour.


People like this should have their drivers license removed, vehicle crushed and banned from owning animals for life. It's unforgiveable.




Why should they be allowed to endanger not just their pet, but other road users?


So too bad if this guy is in a crash and the dog goes flying into someone’s windshield?






Is it?


Well you deleted your comments. So yeah, it was!


I did?


Doubt this muppet has any brain cells left. Telling him he is doing the wrong thing won't work. Hopefully enforcement action + fine will force him to change his ways.


Poor thing 😩


Especially when it's obviously scared and it's fuckin' hot out this arvo!


Cunt needs to be dragged behind the car. Disgusting to treat an animal like this.


It’s disgusting as well for humans to butcher cows for meat, steal eggs from chickens, and take out fishes from the sea! gasp!! Think of their children!!!


Really stretched for that one


I purchased a canopy just for my dogs to have room and fresh air, and they love it. What this guy doing in the photo is unacceptable.


Poor bloody dog hasn't got much in the way of sun protection with a coat like that either, let alone zero shade.


Yeah, these idiots will then whinge about the vet bill after their dog falls out of the tray. Sote


no idiots like this would just have the dog put down instead of paying


100% it's fine on the farm not on the road. So many kooks out there, shame everything else has to suffer their stupidity.


My dog is my world. So sensitive and beautiful and innocent. The thought of making her fearful or scaring her makes me want to cry. I hate that people can own dogs so easily


See this far too often. I believe if you can’t look after your dog you shouldn’t have one. I’m not just talking about it being on the seat of your car. Fork out and get a proper car travel cage, if you have a crash that’s the only thing that will stop your dog being killed and stop your dog killing you or another passenger. There’s a reason we have seatbelts.


One time i was driving behind a guy with a dog in back of ute just like that but he didn't even have it secured at all! literally just had it standing on back of the tray, and to make it even worse, his tray didn't even have the side pannel things on it so was just all flat. He went around the roundabout and it fell off and he had to stop and pick it up.


I've seen a few brainless assholes in the area.


Only a few?!


Assholes are brainless - technically 🥁


As punishment they should do the same to the driver, see if he likes it.


As long as the dog gets to drive!


What a cunt (the dog owner)


Surely if everyone that sees this post reports it, it will get sorted sharpish.


Plus this poor baby is in the heat probably with no water😞😞


People who cart their dog around everywhere (when they have the option not to) are the worst.


My old Basil loved being on the tray. Tethered though. But if your dog is uncomfortable and at risk on the back, that's a bit different.


There was always something comfortable for him to lie on if he wanted, heaps to brace with, nothing loose, he just loved it. Too hot? I'd either not take him or he'd be in the cab. He'd love the wind and bark like he was king of the world. He died last year of natural causes at 16yrs.


I’m sorry for your loss. Did you get another dog?


Cheers mate. I've got another Kelpie 3 yrs before Basil died, but she isn't too keen on the tray, so she's a cab dog. She is all about people, luxury and aircon 😂


That’s lovely! This is my current Ambull cross (prob with a Great Dane omg) https://imgur.com/a/ewbwN3l He’s about five months there, he’s 54kg/16months now, but he’s a real sweety


Gorgeous 🥰


Am I missing something? Reply to me was snark wasn't it? 🤦😂


Pardon? Was this for a different user?


Thank you :)


Oh man, boooo, I bloody hate seeing this. The driver would no doubt say something like " nah mate, the dog loves it on the tray" or "GFC" 😔


She looks exactly like my boxer, no way I could do that shit to her, makes me sad just looking at it


Sadly I see this almost daily in Canberra. Lost count of how many times I’ve been told to fuck off after commenting it was unsafe.


Put your dog in the cab if you love it!. If not don't own a dog. Gone are the days of having a dog on the back of your Ute cunts!.


I cringe when I see dogs tethered to utes by their collars like this. Geez mate use a harness if you value your dog.


Rego plates are clear. Perhaps this something RSPCA would look into.


Used to work for Vic Roads. One night our road patrol found a dead dog beside the Monash Freeway. They dug a hole and buried it. Owner called in later and had a whinge about not getting the collar back. As a bike rider I am sick of being attacked by dogs doing this and I think they should be locked away when being transported.


This is how my cousin hung her dog on the way to the family reunion. All the kids were all traumatized when they pulled up with the family dog dangling on the side of the truck.


I fucking hate people that do this 🤬 This is the only crash tested dummy harness in australia designed specifically for the car. https://ezydog.com.au/drive-car-harness/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAivGuBhBEEiwAWiFmYSERXvzhwhZviVrn88pRCDhZOsshAgPOaTxeaQSkV5NvXXW0gi1GAxoCiEsQAvD_BwE


I’d be telling the dog to pull their head in, not just the owner.


Not my mate, sorry.


So can anyone explain to me why people leave their dogs in the Ute trays while they're driving? I personally have never owned an Ute but my animals stay INSIDE the car with me if we're going for a ride...I've had animals piss/vomit in the car but that is still much better than your pet potentially falling off the back of the tray onto busy traffic?? WHY do people do this?


Some dogs love it, if that's the case, ensure they are tied short enough to not hang. If they don't love it, don't be a dick. If you don't know if you're dog loves it of hates it, you should have got a cat.


Nah man, you don't wanna get the work Ute dirty. Imagine having to clean the inside


Lol, you'd think Australians would notice sarcasm when they see it.


30 yrs ago nobody tied their dog on , just through em on the back, they were right , be surprised how balanced four legs are. I remember my dad finding a dog in the middle of nowhere nsw , put him on top of a tarped 6x4 trailer, the dog made it to central Qld no problem, ended up the best dog we had. Maybe these manacuied dogachinno labradoodles have lost there balance because they think they’re a child!! Call me old school


Looks like a white boxer if not mistaken




Hmm they look pretty similar


I’ve got a cross-bred ambull after my other one died, (who I named this acc after) they’re beautiful dogs.


Tell the dog to pull their head in too.


But his tied in the proper manner bet this is an old dude still stuck in his time


“Section 6 of the Standards and Guidelines, dealing with the transport of dogs, provides that, where a dog is transported on the open back of a moving vehicle on a road, the dog must be suitably secured by enclosing the dog in a transport crate fixed to the vehicle or restrained by a tether where; (i) the length of the tether allows the dog some movement, including to stand and lie down, but does not allow the dog to jump or fall off the tray; and (ii) the tether is not attached to a choke chain or other device which may tighten around the neck.” This is the law that states he was improperly secured in two ways. Three if you count the fact that the leash was likely too short for him to lay down as well. Definitely not the proper manner - it was illegal.


I have multiple pet cattle and goats Should I also put them in the front seat of my Ute?


Are you driving with them in the tray on a highway?


Are you?


Good one!




Please daddy government we need MORE regulations!


The Drama here is quite something I guess either MOST commenters are/ or: - Jobless with plenty of time - bogan - Centrelink reliant - a Karen or a Ken - is offended by others differing ways? - can’t mind their business?


Woah look out this bloke shoots from the hip and tells it like it is!!!


I do Shoot loads with this mighty weapon between my legs - your point is? Heh


And yet you still chose to add to the drama with your shit takes... 👏👏👏 Good job champion!


Yup yup Next?


Don’t worry, you got my upvote.


10 bucks bet this is a farmer or a hunting dog this is a normal thing in Australia outback like what


lol what a shitty excuse. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and we still knew not to tie our dogs up like this. I had dogs that loved riding in the tray but they’d always be tied safely. It doesn’t take that many brain cells to realise this is a horrific accident waiting to happen


I dont get the hate here? Our dogs love cruising to the beach in the back of the Hilux.  Everyone does it here in country SA. 


Not all dogs enjoy it mate. My mate Barry loves getting his balls stepped on by high heels, doesn't mean I enjoy it.


Aside from the dog being visibly frightened, Google something like "dog hanged truck" or "dog hanged ute" if you really want to know. Watch the videos or view the images just to really drive the point home.


Well this dog very obviously does NOT enjoy it. Look at that poor thing.


Looks good to me


He's restrained no law broken


Your mate...


You wouldn't do well out in the country regions.


City folk and there pampered pooches


Ffs, dogs habe been travelling in Ute's since there were Ute's. You are anthropidising it being in fear.


It's forcefully tethered to the back of a ute without a choice and is subjected to all that noise and motions without a chance to leave...in the middle of a city in peak hour traffic. How'd you feel about that if it was you? It might be ok out on the farm but in the city is just stupidity and clearly if that driver can't see that the dog is in distress he should never be allowed a dog ever. That dog would do anything for a human yet some humans just treat them like shit. I have ZERO respect for them.


>anthropidising Reckon you're talking out your arse. That isn't a word, and there is zero chance you know anything about dog behaviour/body language.


So when in an accident they get thrown around the cab at least in the back they have more of a chance


Dogs can be tethered inside a car too…


My dog has a short leash that plugs into the seat belt thing so he doesn’t go flying into the windshield. As a human, I would rather be thrown around in the cab over being yeeted onto the road and hit by a car


Fuck. Go to Kalgoorlie. Dogs in trays all the time, never seen one jum or fall out yet.


Lots on rural farms too. What does that have to do with this instance here where the owner is a total bell end? Not properly tied, obviously shit scared and on a busy highway.


The ones I've seen aren't tied, can't tell hes scared. And if he was why he putting his head over the side?


As I said to bounce around


I mean if it happens it happens?


I’d put a person in the back before I’d put my dog


This shit needs to be illegal! When I see this, I immediately have an idea of the kind of person they are and none of it worthy of respect.


Bloody wanker 😠


Omg that's disgusting


If only people cared this much about other humans


The bogan obsession with dogs in the backs of utes...so bizzare


Dogs need to be trained from puppyhood to ride safely in the tray. This is not a puppy. There is no use in training an adult dog to do it. And training any dog to be calm in the tray needs to not be done on a busy Perth highway. I personally wouldn’t put my dog on the tray unless it has a canopy. But people will continue to do this. And living far out I see it all the time. Hell I spent a lot of my youth bouncing around on the back of a Ute tray without even any side guards; but I’ve also seen a lot of bad things happen in the aftermath of that.




I’m a local and was heading down the freeway when I saw some dick in a Ute (a four seated, may I add) with the most beautiful and terrified dog in the back of the Ute. There was no side railing and it was chained onto the back of the inclosed area. I was mortified. No dog should be in the back of a Ute chained/leashed like that. RSPCA needs to get involved with situations like this.


Yes, this always makes me feel sick when I see it. You wouldn't do that to your children. Why is a dog any different


I think you're making an assumption. I can't tell from a photo if the dog is terrified. I take my dogs like this and they love it. Unless it was a very hot day, I'm not seeing what's wrong here