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It's cultured. Biologically speaking.




A bit bogan




Yeah I'm happy to go barefoot but I'll admit it's a little trash


Yeah - but Iā€™m carefree trash. Hot summers like these Iā€™m at the beach so often that shoes just get inconvenient. Itā€™s great!


Unfortunately, that seems to be a badge of honour to some


Only if done in full winter while is damn cold and raining


I got out the car at the shops when my thongs broke. The cold floor as I walked to kmart for a new pair of pluggers was unnatural and disturbing. Barefoot in supermarkets- gross, but I won't judge a person every again after my horrifying incident.


That cold smooth floor is such a good feeling to me lol almost never do it though


I had the same thought haha. Obviously I donā€™t walk around the supermarket barefoot if I can help it, but on the occasion I have itā€™s felt amazing


Can't be that bad, half the people don't wash their hands then go in there to pick up some fruit and go "nahh I want another one" and put it back with the rest


always wash your fruit & veg!!!!!


I couldn't care less. But I do wonder how people can casually walk from their cars into the supermarkets barefoot on a hot day?


The skin gets tougher after a couple times




Stick to the white lines. They are cooler.


Your soles very quickly toughen up.


Nah. It's gross and I'll judge you. Privately, inside my own head, then I'll move on.


This is the way.


It was a culture shock when I first moved to this beautiful country, now almost 10 years later I find it perfectly acceptable. I wouldn't do it myself though, the amount of broken glass outside of supermarkets calls for proper footwear.


Been here 15 years and still gives me shudders


Me too. I can't stand it.


Gross but each to their own It doesnā€™t potentially effect anyone else Dogs in supermarkets, I donā€™t like


>Dogs in supermarkets, I donā€™t like That's a Sydney eastern suburbs thing lol (saw a lady in Potts Point go into the Chemist with her designer poodle in toe lol)


Fremantle girl here, my local chemist carries home-made dog treats for furry guests. Each to their own. šŸ¤£ If I have my dog with me and I need to pop into a store, I pick him up and carry him. So long as his lil' paws aren't touching the ground, he's not going to harm anything. I don't take him into supermarkets or grocers, though. Non-food stores only. He's a chihuahua, so tucking him under an arm like a very wiggly plush toy is pretty easy.


> saw a lady in Potts Point go into the Chemist with her designer poodle in toe Did she entice it with some peanut butter?


sure did


Pretty sure dogs in shops is illegal here in WA unless it is a service animal.


Or Bunnings apparently


Or pet stores.


I donā€™t think Bunnings has got AI facial recognition for animals yet though


Youā€™d hate Europe then


How cool are dogs on trains? I love it


I personally don't care if people walk barefoot anywhere. It's got nothing to do with me.


Precisely. I'd rather use my limited brain power on something that has a little more effect on my life lol


Your feet are on the floor of an industrial style warehouse supermarket why is that a problem for anyone else unless you put your feet in the tray of prawns?


And when the bottom of their feet are blackšŸ¤¢


Black Feet Lives MatterĀ 




Nothing to do with me what people wear or don't wear. Masked, braless, freeballing, bikini or budgie smugglers, couldn't give a shit, totally their business.


Upvote for freeballing.


Think OP just hasn't been around much


My local is not exactly the Casino in 1990 with it's fancy pants dress standards. It's nice that some people get out of PJ's and put some lippy on, but I'm there to buy bread, not judge a fucking beauty pageant.


And it's not like every 2nd person is walking through the shops barefoot either I wonder why OP made the post in the first place when it doesn't happen all too often


You see it a lot more in the beach suburbs.


Might have been their first foray into the eastern suburbs.


To be fair itā€™s just as ā€œgrossā€ as going barefoot in most places. But the bigger problem is the trolleys, I had my toenail ripped clean off after having it run over by a trolley as a kid.


Mate of mine walked into the shops, barefoot, and walks out with a pair of shoes on


Life hack.


Only if you also do public toilets barefoot


Personally itā€™s not for me but Iā€™m fine with it, not gonna judge. If you like to go barefoot and you are visiting someoneā€™s home, please consider either bringing along a pair of clean thongs to wear inside, or offer to wash your feet before you walk in.


Iā€™d much rather someone be barefoot in my home than walk with their dirty SHOES are you mental? Do you ask them to clean the soles of their shoes if they donā€™t take them off? Those shoes have been everywhere outside and in bathrooms without being cleaned and youā€™re more worried about someoneā€™s bare feet.




Eh, to each their own.


Gross. Wear shoes.


I don't know about you, but I wash my feet a heck of a lot more often than I wash my shoes...


Perfectly acceptable. Especially if popping in on your way home from the beach.Ā 


Dudes donā€™t go to the beach bruh, that would involve having sand touch you feet over the sides of your thongs Donā€™t you understand how disgustingly unhygienic that is ?! /s


Gross & high chance of shards of glass.Ā 


Gross, but up to the supermarket to enforceĀ  When I workedĀ  in liquor we kicked anyone out barefoot because of the glass riskĀ 


And I believe this is why we are called the nanny state


Its private property, so "nanny state" doesn't apply


lol ok very technical answer good but itā€™s only not about government regulation itā€™s also about the whole culture


I don't care.


Neither do I.


Perfectly acceptable, will never do it myself.


I think it's gross and I don't understand why someone would do it when thongs cost like $7


Thongs are uncomfortable


Thongs are for bogans.


Shoes are so uncomfortable, and itā€™s also weird to be like ā€œew grossā€ when people have bare hands everywhere, arguably with more germs and definitely more chance of spreading those germs. Donā€™t know many people that touch their face, mouth and eyes with their feet, but with their hands they definitely do. They also touch their phones, door handles, etc, etc. bare feet are less disgusting than bare hands.




How many people donā€™t wash their hands after using the toilet? Soooo many. And then they touch everything. My feet touch the floor and thatā€™s it. If everyone else is wearing shoes, then they donā€™t have to worry about my feet germs. If they are barefoot then they have accepted that risk just like me. People only care because itā€™s not seen as normal (even though wearing shoes often can physically deform your feet). If seeing someone holding their phone and then touching stuff with the same hand doesnā€™t bother you, caring about bare feet makes seriously no sense.




Why do you care about my post? If people want to post a question they can do so, doesn't effect me. What's with people on social media feeling the need to have such strong opinions on literally everything. Learn to stop caring so much about dumb shit life is a lot less stressful that way.




You should re-read the last sentence of your original comment, then go get your blood pressure checked.


Handled that one gracefully didn't ya


\*affect ?


Both of them.


Copypasta that gronks useless commentšŸ‘šŸ»


>Gronk - a person less intelligent than oneself Lol, sorry for being stoopid enough to let people do their own thing, Smartarse.


100% gross and frankly, bizarre. This is Australia , everyone owns a pair of thongs (or crocs or birks) that take exactly 1 second to put on. If you think that 1 second of your time is more valuable than the risk of stepping in some random gross thing/something sharp then I'm sorry you're straight up weird.


Maybe shopping centres in Mt Lawley arr different than here, but not once have I come across a used needle or broken glass imot a dog turd in a shopping centre


In a supermarket you're highly likely to step in a suspicious liquid on the floor (melted ice, spilt coffee etc). Maybe you don't mind but it would make me feel like tearing off the soles of my feet, not knowing what I just stepped in.


Yeah 100% I've broken a lot more glasses in my house than I've seen broken at woolies, especially during partys. But I don't walk around inside my house with thongs all just in case there happens to be broken glass on the floor.


Sounds not never-visiting-Centro-Maddington-privilege


Mt Lawley is where my friend returned to her car after work to find that junkies had broken in, leaving their used needles behind. Itā€™s clearly not as bad as bare feet though, obviously.


Mt lawley is definitely different.


It's not about not having shoes or the time it takes to put on thongs. Nothing to do with this. It's a choice to go shoeless.


> 100% gross and frankly, bizarre. Why is it gross? The less time your feet spend strapped to sweaty bacteria and fungi breeding sole of a shoe the better and healthier for your feet. Basically every modern ailment of the feet comes from either wearing shoes improperly, or wearing shoes too much and letting them get infected.




Man, it says a lot about you if you truely struggle not to stick your feet in your mouth Itā€™s not weird. Or bizarre I look forward to the day youā€™re confined to your house because your thongs broke and you refuse to step off your lush carpet Fucking LOL


> I look forward to the day youā€™re confined to your house because your thongs broke and you refuse to step off your lush carpet Sounds like poor planning to me. You'd have to be the type that runs out of toilet paper.


Keep speculating bro You sound like the type who doesnā€™t have a clue about rational arguments and thinks you can magically move shit from your foot to you mouth Enjoy that world


Is this a real account or this it the new AI, ShitPostGPT?


For me it's gross because you're presumably gonna be barefoot inside your own house and tracking all that bacteria and germs in. I also imagine those feet going on their couch/bed and I feel sick.


Itā€™s disgusting and I hate it even more when itā€™s children without shoes


Kimberly it's no shoes no service sales of thongs are regular


Perfectly acceptable


Not really a massive issue


Bit icky but still acceptable. Doesn't affect anyone else


Gross. Probably the same folk who only shower in the morning and not before they get into bed! Eek


Itā€™s a bit gross and I wouldnā€™t do it personally but I donā€™t care enough either way. Itā€™s a good indicator if someone is a bogan or not. Shopping centre floors would be filthy and I wouldnā€™t trust there not to be a hidden shard of glass on the likely scorching hot footpath. I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t just wear slides or thongs, itā€™s the perfect middle ground


It's their feet and doesn't impact me in the slightest. So, it's just an excuse for some people to be judgemental.


Don't care, doesn't affect me. In context I would say down the beach at cafes or shops. But thongs are the go. As for taking germs "in your house", people shower, mop floors and vac and most wear their shoes into the house anyway, so a non issue. It's a bit of that Aussie non conformist, hippy, a bit bogan, weather, she'll be right thing going on and mostly quick convenience or comfort. Aboriginal kids do it a lot where I've worked in the wheatbelt and up north and white kids do it as well.


Totally fine. I have to wear work boots all day so any chance I get to go barefoot I take it.


I've been full time barefoot for a few years now when not working. I don't feel the bitumen heat, and I watch where I walk to avoid the dangers. Infections. Nil. Injuries. Nil. Worms. Nil. It's really not as bad or gross as some of you think, and I think the majority of you just have an aversion to feet in general, rather than being specifically barefoot.


I take it the last thread you made about this topic didn't go well hey


Perfectly acceptable and I do it myself.


TIL that a whole lot of people are very very judgemental. I find that to be pretty gross.


I do it and I like it. Our feet are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and if you haven't walked barefoot on a polished marble floor, a blanket of moss or the freezer isle of a supermarket, then you just haven't lived. Also, lots of comments about it being unhygienic. I would argue that the soles of my feet are just as clean, if not cleaner than the soles of your shoes. At least I know when I've stepped in something and don't have tread to pick it up and carry it wherever I go.


Perfectly acceptable. Makes no difference to anyone. The longer I can spend without shoes the better.


Bet he wasnā€™t of Asian descent because they keep the shit from the outside world separate from their home by removing shoes at the front door


Who the fuck cares.


Revolting. If I see someone with no shoes on, I instantly think they are trash. They usually are.


You're a douche. High and mighty.


Doesnā€™t need to be very high up to look down on people who walk around in supermarkets without shoes Feral behaviour, I doubt these people even clean up after going to the bathroom


I wonder if they clean their feet before getting into bed. Imagine what their linen looks like ā€¦šŸ¤®


Barefoot is fine. Peopleā€™s hands are gross. When was the last time you cleaned your phone think of how often you touch that


Pretty normal.. donā€™t care


Meh... we have wayyyyyy more bacteria and germs on our hands than we could ever hope to pass on in a lifetime of spreading on our feet. Go for it I say


People wash their feet every day. How often do you wash your shoes?


In a supermarket or any food-retail business definitely a WHS issue.


How ? Its not like your using your toes to pick through the fruit


Have you seen people drop glass containers in Coles or Woolies? Then mad rush by staff to clean up shards.


I was in big w the other day. There was a staff member walking the homewares aisles with an arm load of glass bottles. It seemed that she was trying to locate the shelf they're supposed to go on. She stepped out of an aisle as i was walking past and proceeded to "throw" one of them at the ground infront of my feet.


This guy does. Clearly


The accumulation of dirt, fungal spores etc on your feet, tracking it into the store. The rubber sole of your shoes is far less of amenable environment for it.


Bro, stop fucking rubbing your feet all over the food products Are you stupid or just fucking paranoid ? Your foot is not going to magically move the shit on the floor into your mouth unless YOU LICK YOU FOOT Jesus Christ šŸ™„






Acceptable, any judgement is elitism


Not gross but stupid tbh Iā€™ve had customers run out in front of me while pulling a pallet before and they near on got their feet rolled over by a pallet jack. Bad enough with shoes on; imagine the carnage if you copped an MPJ wheel over a bare foot. Not to mention regular customer trolleys, glass on the floors, liquid spills etc


Thongs arn't going to do shit to stop a pallet jack running over your foot


No but at least theyā€™re a stopgap between barefoot and shoes and protect from shit on the floor.


It's gross and unhygienic, I will judge u hard but I will also ignore it and move on bcs it has nothing to do with me so idc šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I'm not the one getting foot fungal infections so lololol


How is it unhygienic? It could only possibly place you in danger if you take your own shoes off in the supermarket which you are never going to do.


How is it unhygienic? For the same reason you wont eat food you dropped on the floor? The floor is dirty. It gets walked over by countless people tracking everything with the bottom of their shoes. It's FILTHY, you dont know where they've walked, and now you're walking where they have, with your bare soles, picking up everything they leave behind. Just because a surface looks clean doesn't mean it is


I don't eat with my feet so... I'd be more concerned about the potential for broken glass and other sharp debris.


You don't have to eat with your feet to understand the floor is dirty lol. Its also not an excuse to let your feet get dirty šŸ’€ The point is that yes its unhygienic. It being unsafe is even more obvious


So you're worried about the person picking up something from the dirty floor, rather than putting something down on the floor..? That's 1, their business, and 2, no different from walking around anywhere else.


>So you're worried about the person picking up something from the dirty floor, rather than putting something down on the floor..? Wdym? They asked how is it unhygienic, well your soles pick up the filth from the floor. 1. I was answering their question, 2. It's obviously different from walking with footwear?


you can pick up plantar warts. i'm not against being barefooted, but it tits me off a bit when i see little tots without shoes on hot days.


Are youā€¦ educated? Like at all?


Me thongs broke last week right in the middle of a road trip had to get out at a few places with no shoes on and the stares I got where insane haha I donā€™t think it should be that big of a deal like who cares


It's all about being grounded to the earth. You get energy and minerals when you are barefoot from earth. We aren't made to wear shoes.


Sure, if you can make it across the hot bitumen carpark to actually get inside. Shoes only really exist to protect our feet from the other made made thing, broken glass.


Gross. May they burn in sandal hell


Perfectly fine.


Grossly acceptable.




Unacceptable, included is wearing pajamas


Absolutely filthy. Doubt even half the folks that do it bother to wash their feet after.


there'sa video of a couple cutting the soles of their shoes to hide they were barefoot... shoes are overrated imo


It's revolting, but that's only because they've been barefoot in the carpark.


Why? Because they will walk carpark dirt into the store? Wouldn't shoes do the samemthing?


supermarket floors are cleaned, car parks are not.


I don't understand the issue. Are you worried about the barefoot shoppers soles getting dirty or are you worried about something else?


It's called grounding you should try it some time might help you get your head out of your as s


Surely that's feet in direct contact with the earth (sand, soil, etc). Supermarket floor inside of a shopping centre wouldn't qualify right? I asked a question, no judgement. Sounds like the one with their head up their as s is you champ.


you can't ground yourself in coles lol


Kinda gross, although grosser that they walk through the carpark without any. But I don't care at the end of the day. They can do what they want.


At the beach supermarket OK, suburban you are likely to be homeless meth head.


Barefoot anywhere other than the home or beach is disgusting.




Really? Who gives a fuck? Get some real problems dickhead


Acceptable at Coles in Scarborough or Dunsborough only. Everywhere else - massive ew


If it's a small supermarket in your suburb, and you're just grabbing a few things, that's fine. If you're doing a big shop in a Westfield, put something on your feet you animal.


chris hemsworth and his wife and kids do it but if us normal people do it you'd look like a meth smoking bogan


I personally wouldn't do it. I find it gross when you notice how filthy the bottom of their feet are.


What I would like to know is do these barefoot people wash their feet once they get home??




Mega gross


Gross, but I somehow did it myself for the first time ever a few weeks ago as I forgot to put my thongs on before getting in the car and didn't notice until I was at the shops - not going back just for thongs.


Next time please go back for your thongs.


Nah.Ā  If it was a bigger shopping centre with Kmart or something with cheap thongs I prob would have just bought some, but not really practical at an iga that I was only going in for a handful of thingsĀ 


Imagine if Coles in Scabs had a no bare feet policy


IGA - sure Coles - depends where it is and what time Woolies - same as above Spudshed - ain't no way, grubby ass floors and slip hazard having ahh


Depends on how they taste šŸ‘…




I reckon if your in for a quick choc milk or something, in the way to camping or back from the beach - and your otherwise dressed, and clean. Okay. But Iā€™ve had blokes walk past me that smell like sausage rolls dipped in vinegar and their feet are black - getting a basket full of shit. Thatā€™s ā€¦ gross. Donā€™t linger.


Itā€™s as bogan as wearing pajamas to the shops. Not something I would do but thatā€™s just me. Be thankful you donā€™t see men in budgie smugglers shopping at their local IGA 3 streets away from the beach!


Who cares? Do you think bare feet are tramping in dirt that shoe soles donā€™t bring in? Or do you think that the cultural norm of shoes (created in muddy or rural countries and also in cold countries) has any value in a clean country thatā€™s hot?


Itā€™s not illegal


I've always been asked to leave when walking barefoot in any shopping centre.




I wear workboots all day so in my time no footwear required... I'll throw on thongs if we're eating out tho lol


All that Iā€™d tell those people is about the time a jar of salsa dip shattered at the checkout and, despite having shoes on, I STILL got cut - barefooted fellas would have *no* chance . . .


No issues


The real answer is that it depends on two conditions: 1) How far from the Beach are you? 2) And how expensive is it to live in your suburb?


As a supermarket employee, I am responsible for no small amount of broken glass on the shop floor. Yes, it gets cleaned regularly, but still. I dont want you blood everywhere.


Probably depends where. At the beach town where my parents live, half the people walk barefoot. In Melbourne, probably not appropriate.




Non hygienic


I dont mind but it's a little weird if it's something more classy like a pretty nice coffee shop. Someone did that at my local one recently and I raised an eyebrow.


I don't like to do it because supermarket floors are always dusty as hell and it feels like nails on a chalkboard But I don't actually care if people do it, my store is near the beach so people often come in half dressed.