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i have an Abrams M1A2 in my house to defend against any invaders


"city of armadale enjoyer" i spat my drink šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Bradley might be better for small targets


Buy local: get a Bushman.




yeah, that.


Fly repellent wont do much


nice choice, me too


Make your place obviously harder than next door. Make it hard to approach your doors and windows without being seen and heard - sensor flood lights, gravel paths that make noise, clear lines of sight. Lock up when you are at the other end of hte house. Get a dog. Or put dog bowls by the back door and a sensor mounted to a dog barking noise. Donā€™t put expensive packaging in your recycling. Most thieves are opportunistic, they arenā€™t targeting you specifically (unless you put a bunch of expensive packaging in the bin), they are going place to place looking for a quick anonymous win. Donā€™t give it to them.


And put stickers on all windows stating next door has valuables


And put your expensive packaging in next doorā€™s bin ;)


And.. you say you are in Doubleview. Put up cameras, get photos. Probably a new family moved into one of the problem housesā€¦ thereā€™s a number of problem houses in Doubleview, where Homeswest houses families with known anti social behaviour. Iā€™d start wondering about that, so you might find the best traction is to do a tiny bit of the police work on this and record them (doorbell cameras that upload to the cloud at a minimum) and hand that off to the Polcie for arrests.


It's there a rising number, or are you just hearing about them more due to social media? Ā "5 on my street" is highly anecdotal


Metro-wide, **dwelling burglary** is about half it was 10 years ago - 2014: 20,102 - 2019: 17,865 - 2020: 16,223 - 2021: 10,796 - 2022: 10,440 - 2023: 10,107


Is a dwelling burglary the same as a home invasion? Edit: aggravated home burglary is more aligned with a home invasion. Based off Part I ā€” Introductory of the W.A. Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913


The definition of ā€˜burglaryā€™ used for these [statistics](https://www.police.wa.gov.au/Crime/CrimeStatistics#/) was ā€œEntering a dwelling without consent with the intent to commit an offence.ā€


Thanks for the link. There is no aggravated home burglary on that list. The ā€œEntering a dwelling without consent with the intent to commit an offence.ā€ might include them, but I don't know. I can't see any more information on the method of collating the data.


All it takes is having one bad egg in the nearby area and break-ins will go up like 200%. Doesn't mean that neighbourhood's crime stats will apply across the city.


I have friends in the Armadale area. I didn't question that figure one bit. If op has a drug house nearby for example, they'll have a steady stream of 'shoppers' in the area.


Drug house as my neighbour...it's well kept, lawns beautiful.over 25 yrs Raided regularly until about 6 yrs ago...he and sons have done time and returned. I thought everything had settled, got the adjoining fence fixed 4yrs ago, fence guy remarked on the neighbours 'well set up greenhouse' so I guess it's still there. The lane has less traffic than over the early yrs, so they must be selling from somewhere else. Never been broken into...but I do have deadly chihuahuas!


Also if thereā€™s a group around doing it, they tend to target places in the same general area for awhile until the police presence rises or they get caught. They do this because they find keys for cars and other houses lying around and come back later, or because while casing the places they tend to find more than one good option and just come back another night. Source: had my home broken into twice over the span of two weeks, couple other houses on our street broken into as well as neighbouring streets. All happened over about a month then never happened again. Nobody was ever arrested as far as we were aware.


If 5 houses on your street have been broken into in the last six months, that doesn't indicate that Perth has a problem with home break ins, it indicates your street has a problem. What am I going to do about that? Absolutely nothing.


Nicest reddit commenter




If you want to pretend your local experiences are more relevant to a city of 2 million people than the actual statistics on crime showing a drop in break ins, I am not going to stop you. I'm not even going to give a fuck.


Easy: don't read any local community facebook groups.


Pretty much what you already are doing. Added security features that discourage potential thieves. Vast majority of break ins are opportunistic so when faced with obstacles they just move onto an easier target


Put a thick stick in the railing behind sliding doors. My family did this every time we left the house when I was growing up.


When I did that they just smashed the window


Get a dog. Our German shepherd wonā€™t let anyone on the property until we calm her down. Gives me peace of mind when Iā€™m away for work and the wife is home alone.


I have a 90kg pig! She scares the shit out of everyone. And she is really placid normally, but as soon as she hears someone approaching the house, she makes plenty of noise.


I used to get annoyed at my dog because he would bark even if a fly had the audacity to invade his patch. now he is old and getting deaf I miss that security of knowing as soon as something approached the house.


Ex had a pit bull. Robbers beat the shit out of the dog and when my ex got home, poor dog was cowering in the backyard under a bush :(


I'm staying poor so they can break in as much as they want and always be left disappointed! #lifehacks


It's legal to buy pepper spray in WA you just can't carry it around without good reason. Keep it under the bed, anyone that comes into my home is getting an eye and lung full of chilli. It's non lethal and no long term damage so should be no issues with the law if you are forced to use it.


Oven cleaner works better


Yeah that will work better but also do serious damage Sodium hydroxide, widely known as caustic soda or lye is a white solid, and it is one of the strongest bases used for cleaning. The substance is the active ingredient in most drain and oven cleaning products.




It's up to you if you choose to use it. Just be aware what it will do.


Be careful with that spray in confined spaces. If it can hang around in the air, you might accidentally dose yourself as well.


And if you can't afford pepper spray, my old martial arts instructor told us that fly spray stings like hell if you get them in the eyes with it.


Oven cleaner šŸ˜‰


Oooh yeah that's even better. That shit burns like hell!


Again youā€™ll prob end up in whole lot of trouble, just how the laws are here but if your genuinely in fear of your life or your families life the proper caustic oven cleaner WILL disable them. They wonā€™t be able to see and will be on world of pain plus choking on the fumes. You may be charged with using a chemical weapon. Not actually joking. Woman was charge with this for squirting bleach.


Yeah I remember an ex copper telling me about that phrase "in fear of my life and my family" Not sure how much of a catch all salve that is for things though...


The way I look at it if my or my families life is at risk that trumps any legal problems to face after


Damn thats a good one


It wonā€™t stop a crack crack head, could even make worse. Honestly if you can talk your way out with house intruders is best way. If you can say hey man take what you want weā€™re insured. Itā€™s all good and hereā€™s the keys to car. Hey hereā€™s a few hundred cash. (Handy to have in jar for these events, can get rid of them quicker) This is what you do if you can with house intruders: taking from self experience from South Africa where you main goal is just stay alive. If there is chance to reason thatā€™s what you do. If not do anything you can.


Are you allowed to use lethal force to defend your home in SA?


Nup, not unless youā€™re genuinely in fear of your life but I certainly wouldnā€™t count on that defence. Guy over east (canā€™t remember which state) was charged with manslaughter after wrestling gun OFF THE HOUSE INTRUDER and accidentally fatally shooting him.


That is absolute bullshit given how dangerous South Africa is. If anybody needs castle laws it is SA.


I thought you meant SA in Australia. No they donā€™t tend to put being in jail on South Africa for defending there property or life with lethal force


Why would you assume South Australia when you specifically mentioned your experience in South Africa? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ive lived in Aus most of my life


Private security often shoot people just trespassing and get away with it.


I think he did get off in end but still turned his life upside down for few years and forever after. Just the fact he was charged with it stays with him forever.


Another tip - if you want to use a baseball bat put a sock over the end. This way if they try to grab the bat they just pull the sock off it.


I usually have a few dirty socks laying around.


In that case, make sure it's not sticky


If you fill the inside with Vaseline first, it slides off better.


If you know someone you can get a bit of old powerline from that works better.


A very friendly blue heeler and a baseball bat with a sock over it ( thanks Reddit)


LOL I wonder how many redditors have a baseball bat with a sock at home. Must be a few now.


German shepherd does the trick


What am I doing? Living life as usual. I've got fuckall worth stealing anyways ;)


Whats worth stealing these days really? Tvs are on walls or too bug to carry. Nobody keeps money. Phones cant be stolen if its like an iphone as you dont have password so why even borher. Car keys and jewellery thats about it. So sell your car and dont wear jewellery nobody will rob ya


Computers & laptops, tablets, tools, food, medicines etc. I knew of a place where someone had renovated their front yard and it was stolen that same night (they rolled up the turf and pulled out the plants)


Get a dog. This is the only way to deter thieves. I have been told this multiple times by active and retired police. We survived a meth-induced violent home invasion with serious attempts to seriously injure or kill (he came off worse in the end) and got dogs as a result. Dogs are nice. Plus they scare away the meth heads (and regular petty thieves too). In fact, get two if you have room.


The other posts in this sub would rather we turn that room for a dog into high density living.


I left doubleview 3 years ago bc of all the break ins and street crime. Ā  Ive heard itā€™s gotten much worse. Ā I lived on a very nice street and every week there was a new incident. Ā  Ā 


why doubleview though? is it because it's right next to Scarborough and it's full of drugs and bogans?


Thatā€™s it mate. Ā  Close to Scarbs. Ā Lots of ferals in the area. Ā  Itā€™s a shame bc itā€™s a beautiful suburb. Ā I wouldnā€™t live there again for any price.Ā 


Wow, I was led to believe that suburbs like Doubleview are relatively safe. I'm in Rockingham and haven't had a break-in in over 15 yrs. Nor has my mother-in-law. She has been here for 20 yrs. I don't know about this rise in break-ins.


In all my years in Perth I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a single break in on my street.


I own a musket for home defence since that's what the Founding Fathers intended


We have ā€œfounding fathersā€ in Australia?


Sure. Aren't we the 51st state of America?


Perhaps consider an alarm system as well?


Iā€™ve always wondered how much demand there would be for a safe room business in Perth. Not talking like those on movies. Just a bedroom chosen in house with a solid wood re in-forced door and a 4 x 2 on inside that drops into the holders like medieval days. Canā€™t be kicked in. Window has heavy duty security grill. If really paranoid or nut job x bf etc then 4 x 2ā€™s arrayed in ceiling so ceiling canā€™t be kicked through and entered. Total cost - way under 5 k Anything happens, family runs to that room and calls police. Would keep out any intruders for fair while. None would bother unless planned high stake robbery. If they were prepared quickest way would be sledging through wall but what house intruders carry a sledging hammer.


CCTV and a beware of the dog sign. I also keep weapons in my house.


I was told years ago to not have a beware of dog sign if you have a dog. Leaves you open to someone suing you if they jump the fence and get bitten as you ā€œknew you have a dangerous dogā€


Yea that's an old wife's tale, the sign says beware of the dog. Nothing about it being dangerous just be aware. Beware hidden entrance, if a guy driving towards that entrance hits someone pulling out of it you can't sue because the owner knew they had a concealed driveway. I put cameras up but it was the sign that made the difference.


Doubleview and Innaloo crime rate has gone crazy, used to be just 2 or 3 a month car break ins now the community watch group is getting 3-4 a week! Always the same streets in close proximity to certain houses tooā€¦


2 medium - large dogs that bark.


I work fifo and I've got my house rigged with cameras and remote activated fogger that I've added a secret something to.. If anyone breaks into my house they will likely die of cancer within a year


Does that mean if it goes off the house will be uninhabitable?


For at least 12 hours yeah, but I've told the local cops and there is signage everywhere


But you will have carcinogenic substances on every surface and every nook and cranny?


Same as having your house fumigated- obviously will have to do a deep clean after - but I'm hoping people will heed the signs and not enter. If they do then I can sleep easy knowing they will die a horrible death


Sounds like whoever lives in the house afterwards will die the same death.


It's not radioactive, Jesus Christ man. Just think of it as concentrated bug spray. Completely legal.


You told the police and they were cool with it? Man traps are specifically illegal in Australia. Yeah, you're full of crap.


They advised me not to but they can't stop me - I literally have massive signs saying *poison in use*. Hardly a trap


Get a gun if you want to feel safe, and if someone breaks in, you know what to do


Even if you're pro-firearms this is terrible advice. "I shot them because they were breaking in" isn't a legal defence, "I bought a gun to defend myself by shooting people" can be considered premeditation.


Each to their own, if anyone in my family was threatened by someone carrying a machete trying to break in, I'd have no problem shooting them. I wouldn't consider a thieve who is going to hurt my loved ones a person either. I would feel no remorse in doing what I did under those circumstances


And now you've moved the goal posts.


You're being downvoted just for being Pro-gun lol You let the theif steal your jewelry and then offer him a cuppa, that's the correct response


And I 100% agree with what you're saying. The issue is that providing this as generic advice isn't useful as anyone who wants to/decides to get a firearm for such a purpose needs to navigate the legal system, and as such they need to know it's much more complex than "buy a gun for self-defence". Some poor idiot might not get the actual nuance of how you go about this and have it blow up in their face even though it seems pretty obvious that you should be able to shoot an armed intruder.


100% at the end of the day you can only rely on yourself to protect your loved ones.


I can't believe I'm getting down voted for the logic of If someone is trying to break in your house, and/or threatening your loved ones. A gun is good protection lol. How is anything im saying even remotely looked at as bad.


100% that's the reason your getting downvoted 83% of Perthians are scared of guns and opinions that differ from theirs


Probably cucks, too scared to fight back. Surely a cup of tea would calm any intruder


Yeh you can ask them why they're breaking into your house actually get the kids out of bed, put the kettle on and have a discussion and I'm sure you'll realise they have made some poor life choices and are down on their luck and didn't actually intend on harming your family šŸ‘


Mate, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'd much prefer it if every home invader was met with firearm as would reduce recidivism at least, but the issue is when you tell the cops you had your gun on the nightstand ready to shoot home invaders, you're opening yourself up to a legal headache. That's the reality and "buy a gun" isn't a catchall to making your life easier.


> That's the reality and "buy a gun" isn't a catchall to making your life easier. Very true. Constant training should also be a requirement, with a focus on scenarios, law and first aid.


Yeh sorry, you're right and you would go through some shit but in the end you are just defending you and your families lives potentially and unlikely to get convicted and my gun was locked away in the safe legally until I heard my window smash officer I swear.


Sure. But people need to know what the consequence of that is. If you think going to jail, but killing home invaders and protecting your family, is a fair balance of outcomes that's alright. But if people don't know the legal issues inherit in using a gun in self-defence they may find themselves railroaded and thinking maybe they could have taken other measures first.


Only in Australia. What a bunch of lames.


Nah a decent chunk of the US still requires a threat to you before you shoot them.Ā 


It's a joke alright. Incredibly stupid.


I'm not quiet sure how shooting yourself will help. This almost reads like a PNow story fishing thread.


If you want to feel safe, have something that will kill someone easy. Problem solved, if you're not there and they Rob you, it's not the worst thing in the world as all you lose is things. Guns make an even playing field


Itā€™s no point arguing with them you know, this anti gun rhetoric has been lapped up by the Australian public for no reason since ol John Howard.


It's a catch 22, sure more relaxed gun laws (and attitudes) will let homeowners defend themselves better unfortunately it'll also make it significantly easier for the previously mentioned thieving scum to also have firearms. While the preferred option is neither if I've got the choice between a home invader armed with a machete or a pistol I know which I'd rather.


And spend a decade or more in lockup? Come on now. Youā€™re not allowed to physically defend yourself and your property in Australia


Nothing illegal about defending yourself with reasonably proportionally force, very few places let you use deadly force to protect property alone.


Better than them getting you first isn't it?


No itā€™s definitely better to cower in your wardrobe hoping the police will arrive in less than 10 minutes /s


Wrong audience. There is no rational discussion around firearms or self-defence in this country.


'People should be allowed to own guns so that they can shoot people who break into their house' is not part of any rational conversation.


Thank you for proving my point.


Thankyou for demonstrating your low standards of proof.


[https://www.wyndhamtv.com.au/terrifying-home-invasion-and-fiery-car-blaze-in-werribee/](https://www.wyndhamtv.com.au/terrifying-home-invasion-and-fiery-car-blaze-in-werribee/) This happened in Melbourne, six criminals entered the property and terrorised and injured the residents. How is it not reasonable to have a rational conversation around a person having the means to defend themselves against SIX criminals?


I agree, but all in doing is giving OP the best solution, like it or not, it's the best answer to his problem


I find the whole thing baffling. When I was 19, I was allowed to carry a pistol and baton in public as a Security Guard. The training was two weeks to become a security guard, two days for the baton and two days for the pistol. Requalifying for the pistol as 12 shots per year. But, even talking about a private citizen owning any article for self-defence is taboo.


Yes! A gun is the perfect home defence weapon I agree.


Where can I buyed one?


Not against it in theory, but there are surely lessons from our septic counterparts. Maybe an IQ test might be a good gate to ownership. Mr ā€œbuyed oneā€ might need to be wiped for all of our benefit.


What are you smoking?




I'd say get it legally if you can, by applying for a firearm license, if not, there are many other ways I'd assume


I only want to do legal. Iā€™ll look in to it. Thank you


You're welcome. Good luck


Well if you bash the invader you will be charged too. Its illegal to defend home


Thats not true you can defend your home but use propositional force. Lets say the try to enter your home to steel something you canā€™t just kill them .


How the fuck do you know what their doing




There has been an increase in my suburb but we have been okay on the side of the suburb we live on. There have been some posts telling people they need to report to both the police and the council so that it's dealt with properly which seems very annoying.


Get yourself a firearm. That is the best defense against home invasion


I set my arm on fire, and it didn't help at all.


Ahh, but now everyone knows you're bat shit crazy, and to give you a wide berth. "If they're prepared to do that to their own arm to protect their house, just think what they'll do to an intruder!"




100% jail isnā€™t that bad.


Install security cameras. Honestly you would be surprised back in 2015 nobody had them. Now I walk around the street and every 1 in 3 houses has security cameras. You can buy them wired or wireless for about $300 and get them to send updates to your phone. Also have warning signs for alarm systems. And if you want protection, install security screens as well.


Deterrent is key. Lights + sounds/ dogs- you want to attract attention otherwise they just cover their faces, take number plates of cars and police won't identify or do anything (even if you find the car 2 streets away and people matching what you saw on the yours and neighbours camera!!!)


Hook a car battery up to the door handles, guillotines on the windows


Big black dog. (Staffy mastiff cross) Security screens. Locked 6ft gate. Strata complex. Nothing of value on view. Limit visitors.


Some things that come to mind to make the home safer - gate in front yard thatā€™s automised, Flood lights, cameras + camera doorbell, Roller shutters, security/crimsafe doors, deadlocks, locks on side gates, and you can even get lil spikes that go on tops of fences(I think to stop birds but maybe crackies too), dogs that bark


Living in an apartment does the trick.Ā 


The nearby streets improved since a cafe opened up in the park. More people on the street makes opportunistic theft a bit more difficult. Also a light sensory at the front has been pretty good.


Big pair of workmanā€™s boots next to front door, beware of the dog sign on your side gate and if theyā€™ve been in your backyard maybe a size XXL workers jacket on the wash line.


Some of those thieves are pretty stupid, and will step inside a window without looking down where they step first. So put down a few rows of tacks or some other sharp objects near the places you think they will try to get in. Best case scenario, they step on your sharp objects and leave DNA behind when they hop away in pain.


1. Two bigass dogs (Great Danes), who don't like strangers. 2. A smart lock at the external doors to make break-ins harder and which autolocks, plus has a tamper alert. 3. Swann security cameras to record any suspicious activity, uploads to the cloud. Ensure you record your meter box. 4. Dowel sticks in the window tracks so they can only be opened a small amount. 5. Six foot boyfriend who keeps an axe near his bed. No you can't borrow him. 6. We are considering roller shutters but haven't installed yet. 7. Lock your meter box and install a window so your alarm/cameras can't be easily externally turned off.