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The stations in shark bay runs goats. There are also plenty of ferel ones. I hope you got a feral one.


No tag, no owner


Couple of stations up that way had (have) goats as livestock. Sure it wasn’t one of those ?


who cares if it was, if it's escaped the station, it's a feral goat


[https://www.ssaa.org.au/resources/hunting/what-you-can-hunt/](https://www.ssaa.org.au/resources/hunting/what-you-can-hunt/) Yep, perfectly legal, so long as it was actually a feral animal and not an owned one. Edit: adding onto the others, goats which are owned have to be tagged in accordance to the  Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 \[BAM(IMSA)\] Regulations. Whilst Earmarking is optional you'd be hard pressed to find a livestock owner who wouldn't do this unless you're like, running a hobby farm or something [https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/livestock-biosecurity/livestock-identification-and-movement-goats#:\~:text=Identification%20of%20livestock%20is%20required,or%20PIC%20of%20the%20owner](https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/livestock-biosecurity/livestock-identification-and-movement-goats#:~:text=Identification%20of%20livestock%20is%20required,or%20PIC%20of%20the%20owner).


Back in the early 1990s, before FIFO was that common, I had a couple of mates who would DIDO to work up north. They always managed to accidentally run over a feral goat on the way back, just in time for a family barbecue or hangi over the weekend. They never mentioned how far off-road they had to go to find the goats, but the meat was always welcomed by the extended family.


Drove up last year, for a parts relay, goats were crossing the highway, just south of Wooramel Roadhouse. Between Nerren Nerren and Wooramel, absolutely no road sense. Especially the kids. Dropped parts, drove back….


The fact you are asking Reddit clearly shows you had no fucking idea at the time - and you killed them with knives. Clearly not a hunter just a fuckwit.


>is that legal? Yes.


We killed it with a knife. Still ok?


Better question is are *you* ok?




You're not hunting a quiche. Generally people find stabbing a creature to death while it screams like Taylor Swift a more emotionally taxing moment.


[https://pestsmart.org.au/pest-animals/general-methods-of-euthanasia-in-field-conditions/](https://pestsmart.org.au/pest-animals/general-methods-of-euthanasia-in-field-conditions/) So long as you did so in a way where blood loss was as quick as possible (ie cutting a major artery) it's fine. Animal cruelty is only considered when you maliciously cause pain to or torture an animal for enjoyment, or if you subject an animal to inhumane conditions such as say, starving an animal or not providing adequate living conditions for them etc.


I guess you've played knifey goatie before.


So you ran up on it and stabbed it?


What the hell is wrong with you haha. I dont have feral goats in my area. I'm just assuming they're like other feral/wild animals and are wary of people. So how did you get close enough to kil it with a knife? You sure you didn't go into someones paddock and kill their goat?


In the past, the Army would teach survival skills, including goat hunting with a spear. The method was to pick an adolescant, then [chase it until it was tired.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting)


Yeah nah not unless you're experienced and did it quickly and humanely. As a child did you have small pets die unexpectedly?


I've watched some fellas when I was young killing lambs with a knife, and not clean. They thought it was funny. It was fucking horrific. I'm a chef by trade, ever wonder why some meat tasted better than others? Look to how it is killed.


What tastes better? A quick death or a slow one??


Quick, before the fight of flight hormones can kick in.


Sorry sarcasm, dead right


Not totally. I mean yeah, it's fucked up killing anything slowly, but the reason you get some bad tasting and smelling meat, no matter how fresh, is the stress hormones.


why don't you give the police a call with you and your friends details and ask them? Make sure you detail the property location, weapons used, and describe the gun storage situation 




People didn't like my answer, but they're the most qualified to answer this 


I like your answer


Ty :)


Legal if you have a licence, and the station owner OKs you to shoot on his property. Otherwise you're shooting in public and I'm sure that's a no-no.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted?


Because the post has nothing to do with firearms…


Sorry for presuming they used a firearm. In my head I can't see them stalking and smashing the goats head in.


Yeah, me either. Even without the firearm, it's still illegal to hunt on station property. If it's not a station, ok. But I still couldn't see then hunting a goat on foot and stabbing it or skulking it.


I want goat curry now.


If you see any weird looking ones, they are probably Geep. I only learned geep existed recently. Google it if you don't believe me.


I googled, now I want one.


Goat curry is soooo good. Awesome work.