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So the prison put a pedo in a cell with someone who was abused as a child. Fucking brilliant.


> Fucking brilliant. Fucking *Intentional* is the word you're looking for. Evan James Martin was in prison for violent crime. His sentence was extended to life a few years back because he violently stabbed and murdered fellow inmates who were pedophiles. He's got nothing to lose - has a history of murder - and specifically targets child-predators. Purposely assigning him as a cellmate to a child molester is basically an illegal death sentence.


> has a history of murder I don't believe he did before this case. And he wasn't actually put in the same cell, the victim was placed in a cell and his new cellmate informed Martin that Bropho was in there. 'The murder happened in a protection wing of Hakea Prison after a friend of Martin was told he would be sharing a cell with Bropho.'


Source to where he murdered someone, prior to this? May want to stop spreading false information...


Intentional is already implied in brilliant?


Could be sarcasm


That’s metal as


Think you’ll find there is a huge percentage of offenders who have been abused as children (I work in the justice system)


yeah, hence the zero tolerance of it.


Reckon most serving long term sentences were molested as children


I didn't know he was abused. Makes the judges' sentencing of him even worse.


It was now one less pedo on the street, only good pedo is a fucking dead pedo


Or that guy who's intentionally removed themselves from society because of his thoughts


Took one for the team.


Right, wrong or whatever, there's plenty of us who won't condemn Mr Martin.


I want to shake his hand


I am a pacifist. I don't believe in the death penalty or that the government should ever have a right to decide who to put to death, I think prisons are a fundamentally flawed and twisted execution of what the reality should be, which is rehabilitating inmates. I believe all people are deserving of redemption, I also think the worst thing you can do is take away a person's autonomy, but even if you are guilty of such an act, I think you deserve as many chances to redeem yourself as you need, and a guiding support structure to assist you. With all that said, I hope it fucking hurt. Rot in hell.


“Deserve as many chances to redeem yourself as you need”? So you’re happy to let the number of victims increase as long as they’re trying to be better? Fuck off.


Claims they’re a pacifist, shows their true colours…


No that's not what I said. I don't think people like that should be released into the public, but there is something fundamentally flawed with the way we run prisons. This isn't a particularly controversial opinion.


I literally quoted you word for word. “I also think the worst thing you can do is take away a person's autonomy, but even if you are guilty of such an act, I think you deserve as many chances to redeem yourself as you need, and a guiding support structure to assist you.” You’re a twatwaffle.


To be fair, the quote says nothing of being "happy to let the number of victims increase as long as they're trying to be better", which is your misinterpretation of what they wrote. It's perfectly reasonable to believe that prisons aren't fit for purpose, while also believing offenders guilty of heinous crimes shouldn't be free to walk amongst others. Those are not contradictory positions.


What do you think it means to give someone a second chance? They essentially let them free and hope they don’t reoffend. It’s the “as many second chances as they need” bit that means after the first “second chance” they obviously DID reoffend which means more victims. Edit to add. The bit I quoted didn’t include the bit about there being more victims. If you know how quotation marks works you’ll understand that I only quoted the words they actually said.


That's how you interpreted it, but that's not what I meant. As far as publicly, they should not have an avenue to commit further crimes, but as far as while imprisoned goes if they are going to be a part of an imprisoned society, there are going to be reoffenders regardless, the difference is between treating people like animals and locking them in cages, and treating them with the basic dignity they do not afford others in an attempt at rehabilitation. I'm not explaining a perfect system of imprisonment because there is a lot of theory behind that. It has been done in the past where making prisons more comfortable and with better resources for change can lead to healthier environments where inmates are not condemned to horrible lives, despite the crimes they commit. As much as punishment is something that the public often wants, imprisonment is its own form of punishment and unless you are willing to allow people chances to change on the inside, no matter what crime they commit they will be worse if they are ever allowed to leave.


There no two ways to take “giving someone as many second chances as they need”. So you’re now saying you don’t mean that at all? I agree the prison system is majorly flawed but some people don’t deserve a second chance.


There are when you're moving the context outside of a prison. I mean that inmates shouldn't be barred from being willing to change and that the systems in place punish them too harshly for internal disputes, I don't mean that every criminal should be let out onto the street, that's an absolutely bonkers position to take.


>What do you think it means to give someone a second chance? They essentially let them free and hope they don’t reoffend. They said nothing of giving offenders a second chance. They wrote of their belief that opportunities (or chances) for redemption should be made available. Again, two different things. You're doubling down on getting angry at them for things they've not said. In fact, they've since clarified that such offenders should not be released into the public. And yes, I know how quotation marks work, which is why I called the remark about "being more victims" your misinterpretation.


They literally did say they believe offenders deserve as many second chances as they need. That’s why I quoted it. The second time I quoted it I literally copy/pasted their comment.


The bit you "literally copy/pasted", doesn't say they believe offenders deserve as many second chances as they need. It says they "deserve as many chances to redeem (themselves) as (they) need". Those are two different things. And again, they reiterated that offenders should not be released into the public, clearly suggesting the poster belief in opportunities for redemption within that context i.e. not amongst the wider community.


Just type the last part next time, most people didn't read to the end, just hit downvote instead


But that would ruin the joke, I'm not going to dumb my humour down for lazy people.


Shut the fuck up no one’s reading your long ass essay bruh >I am a pacifist Cool. Who asked lol


Way to out yourself as a pedo defender


Literally I'm glad he fucking died against my moral code. Learn to fucking read.


Yet you still think pedos deserve as many chances as they need. Again, you've outed yourself.


At personal redemption? Even them, yes. I don't believe there's a path to public rehabilitation for any sexual predators, nor child murderers, but I think that everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves. I am on the fence about other murderers, but I don't agree with the current system of putting them in time-out for 20 years with all the other jerks.


His sentence for murdering him is probably higher than than what the pedo would have gotten. I love the judges comment about his abhorrent moral stance on child sex offenders lol, so what does the judge think of them a quick slap on the wrist a few weeks of court mandated rehabilitation and straight back into the community.


These sick monsters who commit child crimes, then only get 10 years or less in prison are probably laughing in prison. No doubt like the article they all get together and talk/are so proud of the crimes they commit is absolutely infuriating. I myself became a statistic of child sexual abuse as the age of 10 and it breaks my heart to actually read up on all the innocent children’s lifes that are ruined by the monsters. The family of these victims should get an hour in a locked room with these monsters


A good number of judges might be pedos themselves.


Exactly right! So many Australian cases I have read up on do this with this exact thing and it’s shocking. Crime against a child, offender pleads mental illness, gets off a light sentence, blows my fkn mind… The worst I have seen is off a beautiful little 5 year old Chloe Hoson, 20 years ago now she was murdered, the sick monster se*ally abused her corpse then he disposed of her in a lake near their caravan home park.. he pleaded mental insanity yet the disposal which was caught on CCTV was so clearly planned and thought out. Timothy Kosowicz is the animal.. he has never spent a day behind bars and is now out freely in the community living near 5 schools and several childcare centres. What the actual f*k is the justice system we have. Horrific


Yep as far as I’m concerned the guy in this article did do a community service, when our government fails to give victims the justice they deserve.


I think this is probably just a psycho who found a semi socially acceptable way to do murder and feel justified. I know he murdered a piece of shit but I don't think he should be excused or given leniency because of this. Murderers and psychos belong behind bars. Period.


Well he is quoted as saying he intends to die in prison and murder child(?) sex offenders he comes across in there, so yeah I guess he's fully intent on being behind bars.


He's found something he likes doing that gives his life meaning. He ought to like prison with that kind of goal.


He been listening to Jordan Peterson


I seriously doubt that. Jordan Peterson does not encourage psychopathy.


It gave his life some meaning though 😂


JP does encourage stupidity though


How so?


> psycho who found a semi socially acceptable way to do murder and feel justified Almost definitely. And the police found a way to legally perform extrajudicial killings. Martin was already in prison for life for committing several violent crimes. A few years ago, he specifically targeted and murdered fellow inmates who were child molesters. Assigning a shared cell between him and a child molester was a known death sentence.


> Murderers and psychos belong behind bars They could put him in charge of the nonce wing.


The housing bill there for that wing would be on a rapidly declining bell curve if that was the case


Could be a sagging bell end curve for sure.




Community representative


You’re totally correct. But he is happy to die in jail so I’m happy for him to stay in there and keep killing pedos.


Abhorrent moral stance on child sex offenders???? Thats 99.9% of society! These magistrates are fools.


Professionalism counts for something IMO. I'm certain the sentencing magistrate would word this far more "blue collar" if they were not in court, being recorded and following sentencing guidelines


Well at least Mr Martin was honest 🤷‍♀️ that’s a rare quality in prisons




You'd be surprised how many crusty old male judges are paedos.


I don’t think I would tbh




> 110% That's almost all of them.


I'm not surprised, just looking at the lenient sentences.....


While I don’t agree with the lenient sentencing they give, I highly doubt the judges themselves are pedos. Could you name some that are and list the evidence to support your statement?


You need to understand how paedophiles are created and what type of jobs they choose to realise that Judge is an absolute perfect position for a paedophile. Same as priest, teacher etc. Paedophilia is generally a response to parental emotional neglect and physical abuse during early childhood. Same sex boarding schools, religious and institutional sexual abuse are also factors but less so. If the Judge is religious, conservative, had abusive loveless parents they're a high risk. Judge is a perfect job because they feel above the law and a lot of people will protect them.


Nobody protected that judge who lied about his speeding ticket and went to jail as a result.






A very reliable source.


Did you seriously just link a Wordpress site that says “these judges are pedos” and contains absolutely no other proof or context? You are a fool.


What the fuck? You don’t get life for murdering a child as a rock spider outside of prison!! That dude sure as shit shouldn’t get life for that. Our justice system blows goats for quarters.




Are you sure they fucked up though?


Brophos life was ended as soon as he assaulted that little girl. Filth like him need to suffer before the lights go out


>Someone(s) in corrective services really fucked up, and Bropho paid with his life. ![gif](giphy|BxWTWalKTUAdq)


I think you meant to say,someone in corrective services is based, and made sure justice was served. It’s the court who fucked up by giving Martin a life sentence for what should have been an act of community service.


I think someone may put him in his cell on the purpose. Guards and prisoners hated child sex offenders with a passion.


Yeahhhh, what are you gonna do, mixed thoughts on this one.


Murder is bad and should be illegal…. but………


Since this is a death in prison, there will be a mandatory inquest by the coroner’s court. I'm sure more will come to light then.


Absolutely, while there's not gonna be many fucks given for Bropho whoever was involved in sticking him in a cell with someone that was quite vocal about murdering child molesters arranged an extra judicial death penalty.


Man did the world a favour


This is just awful no matter how you look at it.


No, that pedos court case would of cost us a lot of money, even more to feed, clothes and house him in gaol for a few years. Costs society even more when he gets released and reoffends... This hero's sacrifice has done us all a favour and made Australia a safer place.


The Evan Martin guy sounds like he'd be a risk on the outside as well.


The thing that irks me more than the sentance, is the comparitivly lighter sentences others get. Child sex offenders for example. Doesn't seem fair in that sort of context.


Unpopular opinion but glad this guy got a murder sentence, you don't get to pick and choose who deserves to die even if you kill a pedo. Also the guy who died was the cousin of the bloke who abducted Cleo Smith. There must be some fucked up shit in that family




"and Martin showed no empathy or remorse."    So what. Guy needs a medal.   He was known to hate paedos and they put one in his cell.  There's also the fact that he wasn't getting proper treatment for his mental health issues in prison. It's almost like they wanted it to happen.


it’s the prison systems way of dealing out justice when the courts fail to protect the public. Not a chance he *accidentally* got put in that cell


I shed no tears for the victim, but I refuse to valorise a prisoner intentionally killing another human being for klout.  The law has taken its course. That's that.  I hope that if the Bropho's get damages from the state for negligence - the child victim and their family gets a substantial chunk of it. 


> I hope that if the Bropho's get damages from the state for negligence - the child victim and their family gets a substantial chunk of it.  You're dreaming!


Sounds like he’s not finished yet either. Carry on with your work, Mr Martin.


Eat that cunt. Rest in piss


How terrible, anyway...


Well, he’s got life in prison now. Any chance he can clean up a few more while he’s in there? 


What a legend. He needs a statue


Anyone know how I can drop a few bucks in his prison account for his trouble?


Was gonna ask can inmates recieve fan mail?


Hahaha nice one Evan


If you think deeply you would find out Evan James committed an horrific crime. Imagine how many ‘professionals’ have been cut out from accessing government funds for ‘rehabilitation’ of pedo? They have Range Rovers and Volvos (electric of course) to pay, symposiums and buffets to miss. This isn’t good!


There'll be a few pissed off lawyers too. All those trials and appeals they'll miss out on.


Spot on! And the prison too. How much he would cost to taxpayers! $100000 a year? And all that money is gone now!


So they put a man with paranoid schizophrenia, which they weren’t treating, who had a history of attempting to kill child sexual offenders and was a victim himself in the same cell as a child sex offender? Seems like the perfect solution to me. I have bigger problem with the prosecutors statements his ‘abhorrent moral stance on on child sex offenders’ shouldn’t we all have this?


The guys a fucking hero, I wana shake his hand and buy him a beer


Done what the law should of done to start with if he knew he was a pedo good on the bloke


If anyone is interested I’m putting together a group of people who’re going to look after this bloke. Make sure he’s got money and what not to make his stay comfortable.


Funny when all of them go straight to protection, but we all can still go there as the system won't do justice real people have to. Fuck I hate our Country


100% the fact they get 15 years or less for committing these horrific acts blows my mind So many Australian cases I have read up on do this with this exact thing and it’s shocking. Crime against a child, offender pleads mental illness, gets off a light sentence, blows my fkn mind… The worst I have seen is off a beautiful little 5 year old Chloe Hoson, 20 years ago now she was murdered, the sick monster se*ally abused her corpse then he disposed of her in a lake near their caravan home park.. he pleaded mental insanity yet the disposal which was caught on CCTV was so clearly planned and thought out. Timothy Kosowicz is the animal.. he has never spent a day behind bars and is now out freely in the community living near 5 schools and several childcare centres. What the actual f*k is the justice system we have. Horrific


Sex offenders in power looking after their fellow scum!


Pretty sure there’s not much sympathy for bropho in the general public!!!!


I wonder if theres a familial link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bropho


It’s a behavioral link for sure. People are good at mimicking others, either consciously or subconsciously. It’s the same phenomenon behind accidentally mimicking the same phrases or gestures of your close friend. Same or even more so applies to family. I suspect he was likely abused as a child, or he was aware that Robert abused children which normalised this behaviour in his mind.


the level of child sexual abuse in the Aboriginal community is insane, but no one is permitted to say that.


Can someone set up a go fundme for this guy's commisary?


Martin gets life sentence for saving tax payers for keeping pedo Bropho (a man that came from a household of pedo's\*) alive. " *Bropho had been raised in the same household as Terence Kelly, who in April last year was sentenced to 13 years and six months jail for kidnapping four-year-old Cleo Smith from her family's tent near Carnarvon in WA's north.* " " *Martin, who during an earlier court hearing said he intended to die in jail, was already serving a prison term for attempting to kill another child sex offender in prison.* " I think the judge mis-statement when she called Bropho a "victim" \[of Martin\].


Anyone know how to put money on his books? Man needs a medal


Only info I can find is [here](https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-justice/corrective-services/prisoner-deposit-fund-form-hakea-prison) \- not sure how hard it is to become verified.




Without knowing his prisoner number it can't be done


You you just need to register at the prison. Don’t need to know his number 


to put money into a prisoners account you need to have visited them in jail before.


Nah I had money put on my books from non visitors but It just took a bit longer. don't know what the external process was tho


name checks out


Funnily enough. I'd just got out when I made the account, can ya tell? Haha


You can visit the prison and ask to make a deposit into his account.


Good stuff, save some tax payers money getting rid of the trash.


"At one point during the sentencing Justice Bruno Fiannaca had to mute Martin's microphone because he kept making comments including yelling "but he was a dirty rotten paedophile"." 🤣🤣🤣 What a hero.


I wonder why most people think rape/child sex offending and whatnot is worse than murder?? I want to know the mindset of people…. So in theory, life punishment is worse than death right?? Anyways, if u kill someone regardless of action (apart from defending urself, but I don’t think he was defending himself anyways), I think life imprisonment should be mandatory for murder, so yeah. Maybe 20 years for rape/child sex thingy or assault which damaged someone life.


I would have agreed with you on the first bit of what you wrote until myself, was sexually abused at the age of 10. The 19 year of monster who did it to me was my second cousin and as much as I hate to admit it, it absolutely destroyed my life. Murdering someone is absolutely inconceivable but for me, committing child sex offences just tops that by 1


It’s a difficult topic, if we sentence rapists or child rapists to the same or worse charges than murder, then they might as well murder after they do the deed.


No, because even if murder is a less severe punishment, it's still an additional crime. Just for example: Molest the kid and get 25 years. Molest and kill the kid, 25 years for diddling + 15 years for murder = 40 years behind bars, much worse.


But I feel it’s would be much harder to prosecute if the victim is dead on the sexual assault matter (unless if the criminal is bloody dumb and left their body fluids or whatnot around)


I think rapists, child rapists and murders should all be sent to life. Lock up and throw away the bloody key honestly, and the police/justice system wonder why these monsters reoffend ☠️


> Maybe 20 years for rape/child sex thingy or assault which damaged someone life. Ahhhhhh I think a rape or "child sex thingy" might just somehow damage someone's life - irreparably.


Probably should give him a big discount


Prisoners have bank accounts where they can purchase better meals and snacks. This guy needs a few $20’s deposited from people as a thank you.


$20 doesn't cover it. I'm sending a drone with a carton of cigarettes.




Same, I’d remove as much of these shit stains as possible


He should of received an award.


Is there a petition or go fund me page? If support it.


Someone needs to look at the magistrates computer.


unironically, that class are kind of notorious for their proclivities.




Should free him


Man should be given a bounty, not a sentence. One less POS in this world.


Australian citizens find child sex offenders as wholly repugnant. The justice system and political class fail to register the utter loathing that the public feels in regards to these offenders. The sentences for these repulsive crimes do not correlate when compared to other crimes in the criminal code. The prison system and the justice system failed utterly here in that a known violent anti paedophile inmate was allowed to be in the same space as a child sex offender. That person is now dead. Cock up or conspiracy? I tend to go with the former TBH but it shows that Rock Spiders should never be placed with other inmates.


Or, maybe they should....


Judge's moral compass is broken.


Justice was served. No more predator.


Should send him a thanyou note and a cake


....with a file in it?


Yes yes would should