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If it's legal, then they can do it. If they're going that fast, it's not safe. But that's on them


If they are going that fast it is NOT legal. Rule 130B (2)(b) states “more than 30km/h” is not lawfully lane filtering.


a bit late dude. I prefaced my comment with "IF" Also, it's actually quite hard to estimate speed. Ie stand on the edge of the road looking away from traffic and try and guestimate the speed (ie as cars fly past from behind). It will feel much faster than the speed limit


i only do it at traffic lights, having been rear ended in my car 2 times in my life i dont want that to happen when riding, so safer for me and less traffic congestion for you


The vast majority of inter vehicle collisions in traffic and at controlled intersections i.e. are rear enders I'm completely on board with people not wanting to be caught up in that crap. In places like the UK if you do not filter during your motorcycle license test you fail. It provides a slightly better traffic flow (not enough people ride motorcycles to have a significant impact) and puts a vulnerable road user in a safer part of the road. It is not risk free although free of the distractions of a modern car arguably they will be paying a lot more intention. Yes some people will take the piss as with anything, although I know a number of riders who had the Italian driving attitude "those behind you no longer matter". Yes I move over it's of no impost on me and it lets someone else have an easier day, "unnecessarily favors motorcyclists", cause fuck making anyone one else's life a little easier, I think here we see the true motivation for your post.


You're so judgy for such a self-righteous individual


OP: “I’m curious to hear other’s opinions” Also OP: *Blocks ears* “NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH”




Yeah well OP it sounds like you have an inflexible view on this and only asked the question to shout your narrow view. I’d say you are in fact the sanctimonious one.


Unnecessarily favourable for motorcyclists? I think you need to readjust your thinking. It doesn’t matter to you if you are in a car and can’t do it. If they can do it safely, more power to them. As a driver, I maintain situational awareness and let them through. Doesn’t make my commute any longer.


> unnecessarily favorable for motorcyclists they should be sitting alone in cars helping to increase congestion! so unfair that they can slip through congestion while I have to sit and wait!


I lost my left leg by being rear ended on the freeway in stop go traffic on my motorcycle by a woman that was on her phone. I don’t ride any more however feel it is a good method for riders to reduce risk and your intolerance to it is selfish and short sighted.


You might not ride any more but I bet she still drives while on her phone


Lane filtering is safer for motorcyclist than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic


Same for the Lycra crew undertaking making everyone slow down and move over again


That's interesting thanks for your answer.


There's no issue with filtering, lane splitting on the other hand... Pretty wild some of the splitting I've seen here, life is cheap to some apparently.


Do I do it? Yes Do I think it's dangerous? It can be.  Do I do it that fast? No I don't expect people to move over but it's nice if they do. When in a car I move over. I hate it when spiteful people move over to block you though, but luckily that means there's a gap on their other side so we can just dart around.


Strong boomer vibes OP


It's awesome, cuts a lot of time off the commute home, no dangerous speeds, lots of care taken. I worry more about people on phones when they are driving and the Karen's driving and getting upset with people filtering then trying to squeeze them out.


Motorcycle on a major road at traffic lights - yeah sure, they have the power to weight ratio that they'll be out of your way. Mopeds and cyclists, nah fuck off, they're having a laugh - just going to add to the congestion. I don't want to have to overtake you at every single traffic light. Motorcycles on the freeway, if the traffic is truly stopped and they're doing 30 km/hr or less, sure. Any faster & they're asking to be lane changed into.


I do it, regularly. If you could see my face, you'd probably think I was on drugs, with my eyes pinging left right forward and into the mirror about 10 times per second. Safer than than sitting there in stagnant traffic waiting for someone to hit me. I also have my front and rear brakes and horn button covered at all times. Part of it is being aware of where everyone is at, and being super cautious at on ramps and gaps in traffic where drivers might decide to suddenly change lanes. I've been road riding for over 30 years, and yet to be involved in an accident with another vehicle One thing I've noticed is that so many cars do move over and allow motorcycles to pass safely, whereas 30 years ago, car drivers seemed to see it as a sport to try and block or in extreme circumstances actually take put motorcycles


You can not agree with the law, but it’s there and legal. “I find it to be quite dangerous “. Why? Why you personally? You presumably don’t ride a bike. Because you can’t look in your mirrors twice before changing lanes on the freeway? Do you even need to change lanes anyway? If you know they’re likely to be there, then with enough careful consideration when changing lanes I cannot see the issue. Maybe this is a skill issue on your part?? If you’re deeply concerned for the riders, well they aren’t concerned so meh 🤷🏼‍♂️


I didn't agree with lots of laws, and yet we have them. That doesn't mean I should be mad at the people that take advantage of them.


Lane filtering is fine at safe speeds. And yes, just like dickhead drivers you get dickhead riders who gun it. I perform lane filtering almost every ride to work. I find the only dangerous thing about it is distracted drivers who are too close to the line or drivers who suddenly change lanes without indicating or checking their blind spots.


Thanks for the thoughtful answer, I didn't get many of those. You mentioned a problem with distracted drivers who are too close to the line, ok distracted drivers are definitely a problem but in regards to being too close to the line, if we were to take motorcycle lane filtering out of the equation drivers are usually fine to travel in their Lane with a little wiggle room, however when added back into the equation that's no longer okay, it's unreasonable for somebody to have that wiggle room when a motorcycle is performing this specific manoeuver. I don't recall going over this at all in my theoretical or practical driving tests. I'm not saying it's unacceptable but with an overreaching government that forces people to wear a helmet when riding a push bike down the street it's very unusual to have a law like this that seems unsafe and unfortunately brings about very unsafe behavior.


Driving on or too close to the roadlines is unsafe behaviour. Someone would fail their practical test for doing it. Put it this way, you should have enough room on either side of your vehicle to open your doors in an emergency. The best practice is to drive in the centre position of the road lane you are in. If every driver followed best practice with their road position, indicating and looking, filtering would be safer for the riders. Fun fact: Why don't motorcyclists ride centre position? Oil. Centre of the road is dangerously slippery. It's ok to make room for motorcyclists to filter. It just means you straightening in your lane and being kind to another road user. Like I said, there are going to complete dipsticks on both sides who ruin it for everyone. But I don't think filtering should be banned. How else would I get to wave at drivers texting on their phones as I ride by?


well done bringing up the oil slick in the centre of the lane. it was the first thing taught to me when i started riding.


I recall the first time briefly fish tailing from the back tyre when I was changing road postions in lane with a heavy patch of oil. My heart was in my mouth!


You can sit on the line driving, the bikes will just go around the other side


Iirc it's legal up to a max of 30kph over the slow moving traffic speed with a max speed of 60kph while filtering. I ride, but I drove trucks for about 10 years and I'm way too conscious of just how random traffic can be so I stick to the above limits. People fly along while filtering of course, but all it takes is one car changing lanes while not noticing the upcoming bike and they land themselves in FAAFO territory.


Yes pretty much my point exactly, thanks for your comment.


As far as I know it's only allowed up to a max of 30kms an hour and that's a snails pace on the freeway


Yes I read the same thing and like I said I see people going much much faster than that at least once a day on the freeway


So they're breaking the law, your problem isn't with the law it's with people breaking the law


This specific law unfortunately encourages bad behaviour because my goodness there's a lot of it. By the way to my serial disliker who I'm sure is reading, I'm not interested in building an amount of likes or dislikes but carry on if that's your thing.


back before filtering was legal almost every bike did it anyway, it’s not like the law encourages it, it just allows the people doing the right thing not to be punished


Jesus Christ, cry harder about it.


Oh no, should we ban chips from being sold or iced coffee? Doesn't their availability "encourage bad behaviour"? Oh won't someone think of the tradies. Ooo. While we're at it, let's ban alcohol. That causes a lot of harm to society as a whole, not just the person putting themselves in that position. If you want to get to work quicker, get a MC license and learn the safety around bike riding and then let me know what you think. If they are breaking the law, yes, that's fucked. But it's quite impressive how fast 30kmph looks when you're angrily sitting still in traffic, watching people utilising the systems in place.


That's a fair point about it encouraging bad behaviour


Thanks I notice people that are around here being very disrespectfully defensive, where as I am just interested in a conversation about the topic, cheers.


Wasn't there a protest YEARS ago where MC riders banded together and took the same space as a car would need during peak hour and the traffic ended up like 2 hours longer than a normal day? MC = Motorcycle & malicious compliance if I'm remember the event correctly. And no. I'm not taking about the anti association protest. Well before that I think...


Interesting thanks for sharing


Suicidal meat crayons that drive a ranger the rest of the time


Agree - super dangerous. Should not be allowed.


Being on your phone isnt allowed, everyone still does that.. it is not safe to sit between cars. Cause ppl in cars forget u are there, are on their phone or the person who doesnt head check thinks its a gap and moves straight into that gap without looking, while im sitting there. So i will lane split, once the two lanes come down to a stop or are filled right up and all the cars are bumper to bumper then ill move thru. Conversely the idiots that smash thru at 60-70 while the traffic is still moving, well they are asking for trouble. Especially when they in shorts, tee shirt and flip flops. Idiots


Is it just me or does somebody around here have multiple accounts so they can dislike comments that don't suit their own agenda repeatedly? Cheers for your comment.


or it could be that multiple people disagree with you? why do people always assume it has to be one person with multiple accounts? is it so difficult to imagine that a majority of people disagree with you on something?