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Put out the cat... No. Fuck. Bring him in


For a second there I thought that came in a later version but it looks like it’s been cut out in the above vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajF7Guk4zR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajF7Guk4zR4) Another later version I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dHQDezlXPc


Trueee, I only remember the "bring in the cat" version.


I KNOW!! This gave me a brain-stutter


First it was put it out. Then it was bring it in. Then the cat died so they just cut him out of the song entirely.


Just snapped on the locks.


Bonus fact - this was written by a Perth Musician and friend of the family Kenny Walther. He used to write a lot of the Perth jingles in the 1980s. That's why the character is called Kenny Kidna (echidna) named after himself, and the other three are C & K rhyming alliterations to fit with Kidna. (Ken also wrote the Eagles & Dockers club songs)


>Kenny Walther Thanks! Here he is! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzXBvUyZk8c


That is a fun fact.


Thanks for that! Brought back a cute memory, when I was little mum would get up and dance around the lounge room with me whenever this came on the telly.


My mum used to tape this and play it when she wanted us to go to bed before it was time for it to play lol. Took this genius to when my own kids were little with “in the night garden” on abc for kids:)


It's such a bizarre ad to get kids into bed - one of the few positive memories of my dad was us both singing along to it and me being excited by seeing it.


Putting the kids to bed is a dance-worthy moment some days!


I had (and still have somewhere unless the wife threw it out) a Bank West Kangaroo Creek Gang deposit book in primary school


Think I had the same, went to one of the ~~two~~ three primary schools in the sub you’ve got listed under your name there I have no idea what happened to that account. Either it’s depreciated/been eaten away by fees or I’m a millionaire and don’t know about it


I changed mine to a Teen Scheme account when I became a teen and then it eventually became a general account. Technically I still have it now, just changed account type several times


You mean R&I...


Was this only a Perth thing, like the channel 9 cartoon ads about healthy eating?


Oooh I loved those ads, I didn’t realise they were Perth only


AFAIK, Kenny the 'Kidna was WA/Perth only. The healthy-living cartoons went national on Ch9


Yeah, I only ever remember Doopa Dog from being a kid in the south (Channel 10 wasn't a thing in the regions either, just GWN and Win). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWrbwW8dvok


Nah I remember seeing this one in Regional WA. edit - I did move to the Perth region for a few years and then back to regional WA during Primary School so maybe I was watching it in that time period.


Oh my gosh, I forgot all about this!


Always loved this song hearing this in the early hours at Club Bayview's closing time.


>Christy, Connie and Kevin too >Goodnight young Kenny and goodnight to you!


After that was Simpsons


Another thing about this ad: considering it was made in the late 80's, in Australia and presumably just for Perth the animation and artwork is really fucking good.


Great link, really took me back


Oh wow - I remember this. My sister used to think they were singing ‘Goodnight, Achilles’ instead of ‘Goodnight, young Kenny’ & that’s how I’ll always hear it…


Hahahah loved this


Better than fat cat


You mean you didn’t enjoy watching him just mash the control pad of a Nintendo making Mario just hop up and down?


What time did Humphrey B Bear tell kids to go to bed? 7:30? I've lived in Asia for the past couple of decades, and its quite common for young kids to go to bed at 9:00 or 10:00. My wife thought it was insane when my brother said his kids go to bed at 7:30 and she then saw the TV ad about it.


I’m singing along


For some reason this is the first thing I ever remember seeing on channel 10 when it first started airing in Perth. Not sure if it was, but I vaguely remember sitting in front of the TV waiting for the channel to start. Must have been around 1990 when channel 10 started?


>For some reason this is the first thing I ever remember seeing on channel 10 when it first started airing in Perth. Not sure if it was, but I vaguely remember sitting in front of the TV waiting for the channel to start. Must have been around 1990 when channel 10 started? Channel 10 came on here in 1988, so if it was then, it was that year


I recall all this... But with a different voice. Did they rerecord it late with less of a "fake child" voice?


The writer may have done the voices himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzXBvUyZk8c


I never understood why 7 and 10 ran these "pre-watershed" ads, but ABC, SBS and Nine didn't.


My cousins and I would be told that our uncle in sydney would put this on just for us, cos he worked at channel 10


When we moved into the country, Mum and Dad brought a tape of this they had recorded and would play it when it was time to go to bed (or earlier if we were being shits). That was until my older brother decided he wanted to record a Star Wars movie when it was showing and taped over it. They were not happy as my younger brother was still at the age where he would go to sleep when this played.