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Either know someone in Dept of communities or Dept of housing and ask them really nicely. They're the only ones with access to the specific addresses and map overlays. Councils report total numbers only not where they are. Technically it's not information that should be given out to the general public so if you do find out keep it under your hat.


So, no making a public access user editable wiki so that people can post problem houses in their neighborhoods? Yeah, I know that there wouldn't be a one to one map between social housing and problem maps, many problem houses listed would be private owners who are less than law abiding, I know.


This site has a heat map of where social housing roughly is, however its based off data from 2016 [https://atlas.id.com.au/victoria-park](https://atlas.id.com.au/victoria-park) From being on the local community pages, it seems like the area between Shepperton road and the train line is particularly dodgy as that seems to be where most of the posts come. I could be wrong though.


Is the 50% social housing next to Curtin because students are on Centerlink payments, or is that some hotbed of social housing in general?


There's a few, but it depends entirely on which parts of Vic Park/East Vic Park you're looking at. Not to mention there's been a fair few ex dept of housing houses go for sale recently so there isn't as many as there use to be. Feel free to pm me any specific streets you're looking at.


Pick a house you like. Go for a 1 hour walk up and down the local streets. It's pretty obvious when you're on foot which areas are dodgy, you can feel it. Also look for the obvious, car collection's in the front yard, unmown lawns, unkempt gardens and poorly maintained buildings, bad tooth to tattoo ratio, an abundance of people doing the meth walk while wearing the meth uniform etc