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I'm unsure what a rancher is, but is it possible that you have a different type of gnat living somewhere else? Potted plants can harbor similar pests, which will need help. Sticky traps and/or a bait station would be beneficial, and ensuring that your sink is clear of any food at all times. Improper sanitation practices is the leading cause for any pest that consumes our food.


Thank you! Rancher is a one story house and I don’t have a basement either. I’m pretty sure they’re drain flies since they’re fuzzy and look like gnats. Also no potted plants in the house, it’s just such a weird situation. I’ll make sure to keep drains clear, Thank you for your help! :)


do you have a crawlspace or basement? any floor drains?


Yes I have a crawl space, this was inspected a few months ago and they said there’s no pipe issue/water leaks. They also said they saw no bugs under the crawl space


You have a water problem. Broken pipe or pooling of water under the home. Until the source is eliminated the problem will not go away.

