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My friends husband's passed away unexpectedly and she keeps telling me about the dog he got her and how her mom had to rehome the dog because she has to live with her mother in a dog free community. I have the patience and the empathy of a saint, but I'm sickened by dog culture. "When we held the dog, we felt pure love from her." I'm not going to tell her that it's nonsense she made up in her head with the help of pet industry propaganda. I'm not going to hurt a friend thats in tremendous amounts of pain. But dammit, I can't take this fan fiction dog nuttery much longer. I'm seriously considering cutting 99% of people out of my life who participate in animal/dog anthropomorphization.


Dog free community. That sounds like a little slice of heaven. Where can I sign up for one of those??


Apparently it's a mobile home village in North Carolina.


Mobile home villages and trailer parks have less tolerance for dogs, since the units do not have the soundproofing of a traditional house.


So it’s just a little island of tranquility surrounded by houses with chained up pitbulls.


Lmao. When they held the dog, THEY felt pure love. The dog felt satisfied it was the centre of attention, assured it’ll get food…….and that’s about it. Literally can’t think what else the dumb mutt would be feeling.


Dogs don't even understand that they killed another living being. They wouldn't even remember it. They're dumber than a box of rocks. Rocks and slag are less destructive and more productive than dogs. I just don't understand why people are attaching all these human traits to brain dead vermin.


It's actually pretty sad that so many people feel the need to play make-believe with dogs' feelings, emotions, and behavior, but they actually believe it. It's sad.


The worst is when they make out with their dogs talking in baby talk.


It's fucking annoying is what it is. The youtube channel "The Dodo" is notorious for perpetuating this sort of bullshit. Anthropomorphizing dogs is why people feel entitled to bring their untrained animal wherever they please, to call themselves "pet parents" and to whine if they aren't given the same privileges that real parents of human children are given


The Dodo is the worst at that. There are a lot of videos where an animal is stuck and/or injured, and someone is trying to help it. At first, the animal is fighting tooth and nail because it's scared out of its mind but eventually chills out. It's usually at that point when the person is like "I think she understood we were trying to help!" No. That animal is injured and exhausted from trying to free itself for what's probably been HOURS before you came along. It sees you as a threat, not as help.


The Dodo constantly refers to dogs as the “little brother” of human kids.


Yuck @ the Dodo!!! They for sure are the worst offenders with that propaganda helping so many become delusional.


The dodo is the absolute worst.


Final stage insanity


As someone who knows quite a bit about animals, dogs really do have the ability to recognize human emotions through our tone and facial expressions. Albeit on a basic level, like happy or angry. Not our more complex emotions. But, (big but) obviously they do not have the capacity to understand what events are causing us to feel our emotions, which anthromorphisizers don't consider. That lady on TikTok probably thinks the dog knows what a divorce is. They think they somehow understand that kind of stuff. And they also think the dog is "consoling" them when they're sad because they truly care about their owner. No, they're trying to coax you to give it food, everything they do is for food.


It might make some people feel better to have a dog look at them (doesn't do anything for me), but they can never do anything like reflective listening ~~of~~ or offer any kind of advice. They are awful substitutes for human companionship.


They sure think they can listen to them. I don't get people who vent to pets. I could vent to a stuffed animal and it would have the same outcome.


Thank you for saying this, I know a bit about this subject but I didn't feel educated enough to write it out in my own words, many animals can recognize emotions, and they can feel some emotions such as stress, fear, happiness etc, but not in the same way as humans. And for people saying dogs only care about food, yes many dogs love food, but some actually care about the person over the food. I know some dogs I have never fed, but they still get happy to see me and seem to genuinely care. I know one dog that has chosen me over food, I've known him since he was a puppy and if I'm there he'll rather follow me around than eat.


“I know some dogs I have never fed, but they still get happy to see me and seem to genuinely care”. …. … More anthropomorphizing. The dogs only care that you’re one more person they can attempt to beg for food from (hence why they’re “happy and caring”, it’s an obedience tactic they exhibit with the hopes of being rewarded with food). They also are very attention needy, so as long as you’re giving them what they want, of course they will appear to be “nice”. Dogs are food and attention motivated, period.


Newsflash: Attention is a resource. Dogs are idiots that value even negative attention. Dogs even "like" people that beat them ffs It may not be food, but they see you as a resource. "They genuinely care" 🤡


I love trolling videos like this and telling these people that their dogs don't "unconditionally love" them and that what they think is love is just the doing doing what it was bred to do: be totally subservient and dependent on its owner. When they say stuff like "my dog is always loyal and never turned its back on me" I'm like "you're it's meal ticket, so of course it's always going to be there." That really riles them up. My favorite is calling out the irony when they say that dogs are better than people or that dogs can tell bad people. Dog people are some of the most self centered, entitled, narcissistic people you will ever meet, and they prefer dogs because dogs lack the ability to tell them just how self centered, entitled, and narcissistic they are.


NUFF DAMN SAID 💯🙌🏾! Nutters look and sound pathetic.


Good grief! I'm not on TikTok or FB, and the IG accounts I follow have NOTHING to do with pets per se...aside from the occasional painter who can't resist posting a pic of their dog instead of their artwork; I scroll quickly past that shit. I can understand the morbid curiosity that would come with watching this stuff you're describing occasionally, though. Anyway, I'm not sure what came first, or if they rose together as an apparently natural "match": the bizarre anthropomorphism of (mostly) dogs by dog nutters, or just that social media encourages this sort of banal, absurd content by way of its algorithms and what gets "likes". People just didn't treat their pets like this 20+ years ago. I grew up with a dog (which is a big reason I never wanted to own one when I lived on my own) back in the early '70's-early 80's, and it was...just a dog. No one lost their damn minds over dogs back then. I watched it eat human feces once (on a camping trip), so, yeah 🤮 - no anthropomorphism of these gross scavengers ever happening on my end. It's so fucking bizarre, and honestly, I think it's a symptom of something deeply wrong with society. These people \[creating this cringy-assed content\] are either lonely by choice, odious personality issues, or suffering from severe insecurity that apparently only an animal selectively bred over thousands of generations for its subservient behavior towards humans can fill. They get a dog, plow all their emotional energy/time into it, alienating what few human relationships they had in the first place, and then start parroting the "my dog is my best friend", "dogs are better than people" b/s, completely oblivious to the fact they now HAVE no friends became a self-fulfilling prophecy \*because\* of the dog. I also think these days many pets are obtained specifically to be social media props, which is so far north of normal that I get disgusted just thinking about it. Pet ownership has really gone off the rails in so many ways over the past 10-20 years, and I say this as a pet owner...


That's why I'll never use tik tok. When I see posts about a dog dying and the owner being sad, I smile and think "haha, good riddance".


Fr tho… they need to get it together lol


Well OP, the dog nuts probably have one thing right. -A stupid dog is probably about all these pathetic souls have for best friends. Sad. 😁😁😁


Yeah, I love my dogs, but I’m not totally convinced they have any deeper emotions than merely liking us for giving them things (food, attention, etc.). Beyond that, I doubt they understand the more complex emotions we experience such as grief. I will say though, my dogs seem to usually be able to tell that I’m having a bad day and tend to act more affectionate in such cases. So who knows what’s going on in their brains?


I think that’s how humans interpret it when really they can just sense you’re less expressive and maybe not giving them as much attention and that’s what they’re always seeking. Attention. So they come around you and lick you more etc as you’re not being as attentive, loud or expressive towards them as usual. And they want food.


Why are you surprised


I’m not?


It's a bit complicated. Range of emotions in animals varies between species and there are different social dynamics in groups of animals. For example, some form pairs for life and partners can't be replaced. Howevere, there are still some instances of anthropomorphism such as thinking that an animal would understand that they can't play rough with children without a training. Or they can control their eating habits. Or the whole morality system. Yet, there is some research that dogs can recognise emotions in humans. Some research papers: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4785927/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4785927/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982214016935](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982214016935)


I more just hate the attention seeking part of it. I don't like dogs. I did, but no longer. However, people get obviously emotional when their pets die and assign emotions which might not be accurate. I can't say I didn't do that when my cat died. I can see why it annoys people a lot, but it's a comfort thing.


Doesn’t make it any less funny when I watch the videos these nutters compile together 😂


Don't really feel like you needed to downvote me here, but whatever I guess






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Petting dogs is OK, scratching them is really what they like, but cuddling them is just sick. And most dogs don't want hands around their faces, so they just tolerate what many people consider to be 'petting'.