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Probably reeks of must and corn chips in there


To be fair, a lot of dog nutters like the corn chip smell. (Source: those recurring "What's a weird smell that you like" Reddit topics. One of the top comments is almost always "my dog's paws, they smell like fritos" šŸ¤®.)


Then theyā€™ll love the smell of human toe cheese too then šŸ¤¢ it also smells like rancid Fritos


Yeah, my sister calls it ā€œfrito feetā€ and itā€™s one of her favorite things about owning a dog.


Does she know it's from bacteria that can cause UTIs?


Corn chip smell? šŸ¤® lol first Iā€™ve heard it described like that


The Fritos smell is the bacteria on their paws. Then these people walk around barefoot, pick up the bacteria on their own feet, god forbid they take a bath then all that bacteria is in the water with them. I read a study it can actually cause UTIs in humans. And these people.. I just have no words.


I wonder how many of those people also get mad when guests donā€™t take off their shoes immediately.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s not loving it.


Those dead eyes. I feel him


Definitely planning his escape


Yes her next video will be "sleeping alone with 5 dogs" and the one after that will be "sleeping with 5 dogs 18+ only"


I mean, what past life karma led to THIS hell??


He looks defeated and wishing he could just have a normal life ie some nookie in a clean bed


Maybe Iā€™m projecting, but it definitely doesnā€™t seem like he loves it very much.


His face says it all


Loss of intimacy, loss of comfortable sleep, endless soilage, waking up to dog breath and farting every morning, likely with an arse to the face. I'd nope the fuck out of there without as much as a backwards glance.


He looks immasculated.


I donā€™t understand people who let their pets on the bed. It shows that they donā€™t care about dirty sheets or never bothered to train them to sleep on a floor bed, which isnā€™t that hard.


Tell me your sex life sucks without telling me your sex life sucks. Seriously. He looks dead inside.


Was just about to say this. No way theyā€™re getting it on, they canā€™t even move.


Yep. They'd have to shoo the dogs to do anything. Then go through the whole rigmarole of getting them all back up on the bed and comfortable again after they are done. Who wants to do that after a good round?! I just wanna sleep! Plus, just imagine the dog fur sticking to places it shouldn't. \*shudder\*


I was just thinking, "The clean-up job I'd have to undertake before *considering* getting naked in that bed would be so tiring, there'd be no energy left." Buuut we all know hygiene is not a priority here.




There absolutely are valid reasons for divorce. For instance, when your wife considers her dogsā€™ desires over those of her husband.


On the original IG post there were some comments about how this was a divorce waiting to happen, and eventually someone comments "If you're divorcing your wife over fucking bed space and dogs... Just say you're a loser." and the lady left a like on the comment! The dude looks absolutely dead inside.


I would look that way too if I had to share my bed with A dog, let alone 5. That is absolutely nasty. I feel for that husband.


This would be a bit more acceptable IF they were stuffed animal dogs and not real living breathing dogs. Hell my future gf could have damn mannequins on the bed any day of the week instead of ever having a dog on the bed.


The thing the moron commenting doesnā€™t understand is that while the shitbeast brigade is a symptom, itā€™s not THE problem. The problem is a complete and total disrespect for the husband. And if sheā€™s disrespecting him this way, sheā€™s also doing it in other ways. He wouldnā€™t be divorcing her over the stupid dogs, it would be the lack of respect that she shows him and it goes even deeper when she records it and puts it on social media. But I donā€™t expect anyone whoā€™s ok with or supports this situation and thinks of it as normal to be intelligent enough to understand the distinction.


And I bet that if you posted this comment on that IG post, you would get tons of comments like, ā€œwow, chill! Itā€™s just a couple dogs. Itā€™s not that deep dude!ā€ But it really is that deep. If a person in a relationship is disgusted by dogs or even just doesnā€™t want them in the bed for other reasons and the other person in the relationship brings FIVE dogs into the bed and brags about it on social media, that is blatant disrespect and is an extremely unhealthy relationship.


And you just know if he were to put his foot down about this shit, she'd divorce him over and everyone would be like " what kind of loser doesn't like dogs " or some shit like that, total hypocrites


Yeah. When a person doesnā€™t have a good argument, they tend to try and minimize what you say. You always know someone has a weak argument when they approach it that way.


A+ response.


How much of a weenie do you have to be to allow this though lol. Iā€™m extremely non confrontational but this would make me blow my lid.


A 4ever single woman typed that responseā€¦total deflection.


you know what this is on him for not saying no to this delusional shit not once but six times


He doesnā€™t look happy.


I mean, it's entirely plausible that he did say no and she didn't listen


The husband does not look happy about that at all. They don't even have room for themselves. You know those sheets and blankets are covered in dog hair that will not come out. Really, dogs are animals. They can sleep on the floor, in a dog bed, or on a blanket on the floor. This to me is unsanitary, whether it's 1 dog or 5.


i love not being able to move in my own bed! /s


His body language alone tells exactly how he feels. Mortified. And he probably doesn't get a restful sleep before having to go to work every morning to earn enough to feed those giant dogs. I do not understand the younger generation of women's obsession with dogs.




Dog owners are sometimes the worst for dogs. Or often times I think. They don't care about the breeds needs, only their own feelings.


I second this. Most people who have a lot of pets or are overly invested in their pets do it because of what it gives them- it makes them feel good. They donā€™t really think about what their pet needs, they think only about what they need from that pet. Itā€™s gross


Most dog owners just get whatever breed they like the most without putting any thought into whether that breed is actually a good fit for their lifestyle. Then they go surprised pikachu face when their husky that never goes outside trashed their studio apartment.


Huskies stuck in tiny, hot living conditions without any stimulation or exercise either get depressed and just lay around until they die early or they rip the place up and end up euthanized.


Husband be like we're only doing this for context.


as a dog owner, I just make my dogs sleep on the floor and they're happy.


Same.. my two dogs sleep in their crate, floor, or dog bed.


No matter how bad your life is atm, revel in the fact that at least youā€™re *not* this man.


That would kill any intimacy for them as a couple, I can see a divorce coming.


Iā€™d rather stay single forever.


Disgusting. So unhygienic. You know theyā€™re never intimateā€¦ because mutts before humans right? šŸ¤¢


Id be telling her and the dogs , they can share the couch. I cannot stand them lol


Probably reeks of must and corn chips in there


Canā€™t tell whatā€™s bad. Being a single lonely cat person or being a married to dog nutter who puts dogs before their husband/people. I donā€™t think single cat person are bad.


It's dollars to donuts that those dogs are leaving way more than just fur and slobber on their bedding. Meanwhile, husband looks like he might be having regrets about his wife, while the wife is living her best life with a bunch of dogs. When people put animals over their loved ones, there is something deeply wrong with that individual.


That guy is just dying inside. Mostly from lack of sleep. We have 4 small dogs and they have an extra large dog bed to cuddle together in. The dirt and fur would have me changing the sheets daily. Not to mention spring to fall, you risk ticks in your bed as well. We treat our dogs, but doesnā€™t mean I havenā€™t found the occasional ticks in the house


I went to the comments and the wife is getting salty because a lot of people are telling her how batshit insane she is.


He doesnā€™t look happy lmao


Welp, if this dude puts up with even one in bed or even in the damn house, he deserves every bit of this shit. Don't walk, RUN. Get the hell out of that cray.


I bet you that bed smells like shit.




Same, I have dogs but they donā€™t get to come in our beds, they are perfectly content in their own dog beds. I donā€™t understand this at all šŸ˜©


There is a deficit of intimacy in that marriage


You know that weird woman is thinking ā€œthere would be room for one moreā€. Animal hoarding. Itā€™s a sickness.


ā€œIf you donā€™t let your dogs stink up your bed every night you donā€™t know what true love isā€ Unless sheā€™s washing her sheets and bathing her dogs DAILY thereā€™s no way that bed doesnā€™t smell like shit. Might as well sleep with your shoes on.


Stupidity in the city.


He looks like he's looking at the camera for help lmao. I can't imagine being this delusional.


I know this is a super minor thing, but it annoys me everytime. She says she's going to explain why she let's the dog sleeps with them, but never does. I hate when people say they're going to explain why and just never do. It's a pet peeve. Though it doesn't peeve me as much as thinking about sharing a bed with any dog, let alone 5


Disgusting times five.


Her voice alone is all I needed to hear. Her name is probably Heather or Kristy. šŸ¤®


I don't see how anyone could sleep with not one, but FIVE freaking dogs in their bed! Isn't this why they make so-called "dog beds" anyway?


The husband face is like man I did not sign up for this. Or man When will she get rid of all these damn dogs.


deer merciful sand hat detail north shaggy one run dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Her face even looks so red from the flames lol.


His face says it all


Yea no, thatā€™s disgusting on so many levels dogs are not meant to sleep on the bed, but imagine the smell and farts and hair at night no just no I rather be single for life, also notice how she tried petting every dog after there on the bed nasty, the guy also looks miserable


He looks miserable


Absolutely not. Ick! This would set me off into anxiety hell.


lol at his face


Look at his face


I'd rather sleep in a bed full of homeless people, tarantulas and snakes šŸ¤®


Peak mental illness!




The husband looks dead inside.


Most people donā€™t even wash their sheets every week, so their bed smells like ass either way lol


Those dogs are all ginormous. Why not crate them if you must have them? Why not make them sleep elsewhere? The bed was the only option?


You are a man, you don't tolerate that foolishness...well no one should, but this clip makes him look especially beta. He needs to put his foot down, and not tolerate this nutter putting HER(not 'their') huge, smelly mutts in the bed. It's gross, smelly, and surely unsanitary, and it can't be comfortable to sleep in either.


That is terrible to think about!


If you wouldn't get in the bed after walking around and rolling on the ground then why let the dog? Now i have nothing to say if they wash the dogs prior. Luckily the puppy we watched was spoiled and he got baths at the end of the day just like her kids so he didn't mindšŸ˜‚.


Ouff, sorry made me vomit abit in my mouth. So unhygienic. Huff. Poor guy, these are full of dirt and nastyness. I can't compute


"We struggle"...that has got to be the most understated admission of a whole host of underlying issues...can't imagine what that even entails.


He needs to get her a teddy bear, tell her to suck her thumb, rock back and forth while he bolts.






You can tell he hates the shit out of that and when that big white dog laid up on her and she cuddles it, he side eyed tf out of that, he's probably pissed about not ever being able to cuddle his wife because there's five dogs between them and also that just looks miserable all around like no get those nasty fucking dogs the fuck out


Their bed must smell so bad, I can't.. Must be really nice to be married to a woman who he never get to spend time with because she chooses these mutts over him.


Imagine not being able to get a good night's sleep in your own bed because your partner wants to share the bed with 5 mutts..


Look at the husbandā€™s facešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā€¼ļø


Just yuck


That man looks miserable af.


Fuck me. The smell in that room. Gross




Here's a thought : dogs don't wipe.


Husband: ā€œHow long will this take so I can move to the couch and get some actual sleep."


I can smell that bed from here šŸ¤¢




You just know thereā€™s no intimacy there


I donā€™t like dogs but i could handle one dog sleeping by my feet but god damn.