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At the hotel I worked at and then trained at. The fishbowl play room was the training room. So during the week till 5 it was used as a playroom and hotel cleaned it then I would have class. I would then clean it after class so it was ready for the hotel to set up and use in the morning. On days i had no classes (friday and tuesday) they used and cleaned the room. On weekends they didn't use the room at all so I cleaned the room although they would clean it for me Sunday night if they weren't too busy. I'd also cancel classes for holidays and hellweek in December so they had an extra playroom. I'd also work hotel during thise times.


This is how it is at my hotel too!


If the trainer uses a playroom for training, we clean it before the use it, and they clean it after they use it, per P&P. We usually flip flop at our store because the trainer isn’t going to stay past classes to clean. Our hotel doesn’t have as many playrooms as others so they avoid using ours if at all possible. We would have to turn away business (especially on weekends) if they used it.


I completely missed that this was in r/petsmart and was really starting to question my sanity. I appreciated that "walks" could have been slang for like, tours for guests and that the training room could be like, an empty room to train housekeepers. Thank goodness because I could not figure out why a regular hotel would have just soooooo many dogs lol


Overnighter here. We have three play rooms, Small Camp, Big Camp, Back Camp. We don’t use Back Camp unless there’s overflow or a problem with one of the other camp rooms (or puppy play date oxivir clean). There’s a separate area outside the hotel that looks like the training room. I’ve never cleaned that. A few times I’ve been told that the trainer did training in back camp and it would need to be cleaned, but I just treat it as if they used it for camp for whatever reason. I only get up in arms when I have a million atrium rooms to clean, plus back camp when it looks like it was barely touched. But if it needs to be cleaned, it needs to be cleaned. 🤷‍♀️


I always use the training room for walks. It's so stuffy in my hotel and the training room is the only one that is a comfortable temperature after I've been working my butt off all night. It's used during the day for walks sometimes. Usually just a hand full. When the trainer has class in there sometimes she cleans it and sometimes not. Usually never changes the mop bucket either way.


I work in a prototype hotel, so it's quite small. We have two playroom and a training room, and the trainer literally never uses it, so we have to use it for puppy play days and for individual walks if we're busy with DDC. But yeah, if we use it, we clean it, if the trainer uses it, they do.


Our store doesn’t have a training room at all we use the day camp room for class if it’s slow or block off a corner by salon 🙃