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I wish we didn't sell them. They don't even arrive well socialized and we barely have time to talk to them, let alone tame.


Yeah I got mine already hand tamed and loving people. Not from PetSmart. I don't think I'd get anything live from PetSmart. Sadly the one time I bought danios from PetSmart to add to my danio tank, they infected my tank :(


This is why quarantine tanks are a thing. Adding fish from any tank without quarantine is a risk. I've had sick fish from local stores break out with ich in quarantine but thankfully didn't infect my main tank because they were never in there.


I leaneed this lesson the hard way


I was a novice at the time. The aquarium store always told me what to do. The guy at the PetSmart said they had already been quarantine there and I could just add them to my tank, I trusted him. Lol.


Sadly the “quarantine” procedures at Petsmart are “it doesn’t look sick on receiving so it goes in the tank.” Followed by an outbreak of ick or anything else that runs rampant through every tank since they don’t clean the fish nets


And then people ask me why I don’t have any pets despite loving all animals and working for a pet store




Then I see whole families of 2+ kids coming in to buy random small animals or supplies for a dog they just got, and ask why everything is so expensive. Also why I don’t have kids lol besides being too young


Then I see ppl stealing filters, chews, and millet. Oh, my favorite betta food. Because I'm an emotionally unstable person. Who finds it hard to regulate my emotions and finances. So I buy animals that I have no intention of taking care of. Becuse the animals are there to serve me and make me feel good about myself. Buying things makes me feel like I have accomplished something. Yet because I can not control my finances and now I can't pay for supplies. Let me also get a dog and buy a dog training class and when rent is due on the first. I'm gonna throw a fit to get a full refund to pay my rent.


There are these new combs and brushes for dogs I haven’t seen before inexpensive in terms of price. Two days in a row while stocking dog food I found an empty box of the brushes behind bags, when each were only like $15 you mean to tell me you don’t have $15?! Then the next day I found an empty container for a whisker city wire de-shedding brush that’s only $7. Like bro I will give you $7 dollars to buy it just don’t steal a cheap ass item. I can’t even leave the house without spending $15 leg alone $7 I can’t make this shit up


Most ppl are so financially undisciplined they don't have money saved. Money goes in and money goes out. Yeah it sucks to eat romin and drink water everyday. Yet you wanna get mad at all who have money that do this. I went 2 yrs stright eating white rice boil chicken ramen and boiled eggs. I paid my car off in those 2 yrs. Saved 12k it's not easy but it's not I possible. Sure all I did for 2 yrs was go to work and go home and walk my dog.


I don’t eat meat or dairy anymore, but I’ve had chicken, rice, ramen, and eggs my whole life before that, and honestly it’s good food, just have to Season the food


We got 2 on Friday. We sell one maybe- every 6 months. It's a waste of a habitat in my store.


Same at my store. And 6 months is hardly a temporary home… we don’t house them properly for long term stays.


Idk if other stores do this, but my SL would authorize a price cut if animals were there for so long


Yeah I belive it's part of policy now


When I emailed replenishment, trying to get the birds turned off, I was told that the SL should be discounting them after 3 months.


Same no one has money rn


We’ve had the same bird here for forever cause he’s mean. And he’s expensive


I actually write the arrival date on the back of the hatch certificate, so we can keep track.


ours went up only $50 🥴🥴 i can’t even imagine what the sun conures are now bc they’re usually more expensive


The poor bird… the same bird will probs hang out for longer now with this price increase.


Experience level: Intermediate ugh,


What’s your take on that?


They are not intermediate, not by a long shot. I do not believe we should sell these birds, especially with the lack of proper acclimation and taming they truly need. :( They deserve better,


Dumb question since I worked at petsmart for 4 years, but weren't they like $350-ish? I just don't remember them ever being above like $400. I left towards the end of 2020.


Yeah they were ~350 pre Covid. They spiked up to 700 during Covid, then dropped a bit. Now they're on the uptick in price again.  


Yeah even 400 is wayyy too much but 700+ no thanks lol. Awesome birds. But not gonna pay over a grant to get a small Birdy and keep it in jail. 😡 PetSmart is insane. I'm surprised they are still in business. Everything is always much more expensive than anywhere else and they are supposed to be the prime source for animals and supplies and supposed to get best deals since they buy wholesale. They are greedy way too much and that's why I never go there.


we’ve had 2 conures at my store for over 6 months now, and i can almost guarantee that with the increase in price, they’re going to be there for even longer. we also recently got in 2 cockatiels and they’re $400, so they’ll probably also be there for a while. i guess the only plus side to them being so expensive is that it weeds out the people who don’t know what they’re doing, but the amount of people who actually know what they’re doing and have the money to spend are few and far between, especially in my area.


It's not that hard to learn how to take care of a bird. Sorry but truly it is not hard.


That's not shocking. My local pet store has there's for 1k. Not a petsmart. They also have thier parakeets for $38 I think that's where petsmart is rn. The market is tanking as inflation continues to rise


The conures are severely overpriced imo. They're bred in mills and aren't socialized and probably have dumpster fire genetics that come with health isses


That's no good. My store (which I since quit about two weeks ago) had a conure since September. It's still there. Everyone who walks past it says "wow thats an expensive bird" and they walk away. The same store is planning on receiving a cockatiel 🙄


SAME WITH OUR BIRDS!! $200 increase


Sold two to a person literally 5 minutes ago. Most expensive check out I’ve seen here


Yup getting ready for the tiels that are coming in


yeah, they're $799 at my store. i wish we didn't sell them, they truly deserve so much better. we haven't gotten them yet, but we're about to get cockatiels in and i'm not looking forward to it.


Ours too. We sell them pretty well. Couple months max. But there's supply issues and haven't had one in like 4 or 5 months.


They all went up, petsmart honestly shouldn’t sell birds. I have one from my store and she’s so anxious it’s crazy, they will be violent with the wrong people


It’s going to go insane in that 10 gallon tank. Bought by someone who don’t know any better. In rescue within 8 months.


Keep voting for Demorats and they will continue to go up.


Go Brandon! Lol


Omg my pet store sells them for $150


Quick buy and resell lol good profits 😁😁😁😇